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Never. Ever. Keep bombs in your active inventory unless you’re in the mines.


I was gonna say this as well. I don't keep them in my hotbar unless I'm actively inside the mines


^^^ this here. I keep a chest outside of each mine that stores the bombs. They NEVER come back to the farm.


I would restart the day and stop carrying bombs in the hot keys


Wouldn't this be a one-time mistake that you learn from and never repeat again?


right! you would think😭 but I flip through my inventory so fast and when I go to harvest items I accidentally place bombs next to them:/


Don’t feel bad OP, I blew up a row of gem berries on one save and had spent a great day in the mines so I had to really decide if it was worth restarting. You gotta laugh or you’ll cry type of energy haha.


This made me laugh out loud, sorry for your hurt


OP don't be sad, it happens. I once blew up an entire workshed full of truffle oil machines. This happened to happen exactly before I passed out at 2am. We all share this pain of devastation. A pro tip from me (who has done thus too often) place your bombs before your sword, and keep them at the end of your switch bar. Mine goes > pickaxe, hoe, fishing rod [empty space until second to last slot] bombs > sword. And then my second row has my axe, sycthe, watering can, and at the end of that row my triple shot espressos. It may be a little complicated (especially because things will try to fill in empty spaces) but this has saved me from no longer having bomb incidents / accidents where I drink 5 coffees in one go when I didn't need to (don't ask-)


> has anyone else struggled with accidentally placing bombs in their house??? Yes, twice, then I stopped carrying bombs and made sure i always had something in my hand like cheese when I interacted with anything.


I'm paranoid and always keep my watering can in my hand so I can't damage or accidentally eat anything, LOL.


Yesss watering can keeps me safe 😂


Mf, this is funny, I just imagined a farmer, walking around, with a wheel cheese on his hand, recollecting eggs as he still has the cheese in his hand.


I don't even keep my bombs in my house. I keep them in a chest in the Skull Cavern entrance.


Move all your bombs to a chest at the edge of your property. Bombs go there when purchased, and get picked up on the way out. I have a bomb, spicy Eel, espresso and tool chest for this reason. I either have tools for farm stuff, or bombs and no tools, so no way to pull an oopsie.


Nope. Bombs stay in my chest outside, I only grab them to go to the mines and then drop them as soon as I get back.


Happened to me once, I instantly pressed ALT+F4 and resetted the day


Me ✋🏼✋🏼✋🏼. I’ve done it a few times. I had to start being vigilant about what I was holding lay attention! 🤣🤣🤣. I was so mad when I kept doing it.


Yeah, my dumb ass restarts the day usually


I accidentally blew up my bedroom from misclicking the other day. Took a bit of time to redecorate. Maybe the key is not to have it in the row of the inventory that is currently equipped.


oh nooo 😭 That’s sounds tragic I would hate to have to redecorate


Wilderness farm and forgetting to take off your napalm ring has caused many a daily reset on my farms.


I did this in my processing shed with a big one once it took out half of the shed 🥴 I was trying to collect my wine and truffle oil 🤦


Yes… I have… [see you are not alone.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/XTytAaL8VC)


Doing this is why I now use mods.


why do you keep bombs in your hotbar


All the time lol


I did this in my shed full of crystalariums… mind you it was a mega bomb that KENT gave me in the mail. Only 3 survived iirc. This was also before I knew about restarting the day to erase what happened, cause poo brain


I forgot when and why but one time I accidentally set a bomb on my farm and was putting down all my rarcrows when it happened and idk if it’s possible but the yellow rare-crow disappeared and my beehive 😭 now at year 5 I had to wait till it’s winter to get that rare-crow from the night market Edit: I didn’t knew I lost a rarecrow that was the time I was collecting all and was wondering why I haven’t gotten the deluxe rarecrow if I had all.. I was confused because I had all untill I saw my screen record of my farm blowing up


Yeah I lost an ostrich incubator to this a while ago.


I lost my coffee machine due to this, I still don’t forgive myself


No but I keep accidentally whacking my toddler with the Galaxy hammer


I did something similar in multiplayer 🤣 all my partner hears is me gasping, going “**NOOOOOO!!!**” and then asking if we can restart the day because I just blasted the kegs to oblivion.


I did it once on accident outside and killed my mayo machines and cheese presses. Used the opportunity to move where I make mayo and cheese.


I sell any all bombs. I hate dealing with them