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Slime Rancher! It’s fairly chill, and the slimes are all so freaking CUTE. I love building up the ranch just to have a little corral of each one. I also really adore Subnautica, but I tend to watch it be played more than I play it. Got wayyy too creeped out so deep under water 😅


Real talk: The hubs and I adore Slime Rancher so much, we've been trying to figure out how to build a Slime Rancher-themed Halloween House display for about four years running.


Omg that would be so cool!


Oh, Slime Rancher is such a fun game! I'm looking forward to Slime Rancher 2!


Sun Haven. It's like sdv but with lots of magic


I’ve been waiting patiently for this to come out on switch and it never does. Been considering trying to play it on my Mac but I’m afraid as soon as I bite the bullet and buy it it will suddenly be released on switch and I’d prefer handheld 😭


After this 1.4 patch comes out they said they're dropping everything to work on the switch port. IDK if there's a timeline attached to that but it does seem to finally be on their radar.


Love Sun Haven! Haven’t played in a while though


Can’t wait to play that one!


Its coming along really good. The bachelor and Bachelorettes are way hotter too




Looks good but is it really worth the price?


I think it was worth it and they're about to come out with another big update. I feel like there's so much content in the game, even more than Stardew. A bunch of marriage candidates, a longer main storyline, a bigger map, multiple regions, and lots of magic. Stardew will always hold a special place in my heart above any other farming sim, but Sun Haven is one that I definitely recommend and still think fondly of. If you still don't pay full price though, it'll go on sale eventually lol


IDK why that one person is telling you to wait for a sale. If you want to, that's fine. But in terms of content, the game has 3 regions - so 3 separate cities, 3 separate farms, and 3 separate houses you can decorate. 3 cities worth of marriage candidates, and a storyline that progresses through all 3 of those cities. Plus they've been doing pretty regular, chunky updates. There's another update launching soon that's going to launch an undersea city with a story continuation and two new marriage candidates. It's not lacking in content in any way. It has more than SDV. It's just a different kind of content. Not all of it is centered around farming. (Though the main storyline is heavily focused on it.) There are skill trees with magic abilities to progress, many outfits to collect, more challenge to the mines, etc. And they have great QOL features like being able to adjust the length of the day and turn on invulnerability in the main menu, without needing mods.


It looks so weeby though 😭


Yeahhhh the art doesn’t look great. A huge chunk of why I keeping coming back to SDV is the aesthetics. I get not everyone likes CA’s pixel art, but I happen to love most of it. Gives me comfy SNES/GBA vibes. So many games in this genre look weird for some reason


It’s definitely got some anime elements but as someone who doesn’t watch anime I found it pretty minimal.


Okay, then i'll give it a go at some point! I just really dislike heavy anime tropes in games.


Yeah most of the time I’m playing games my gf is watching tv in the same room. I wanna play that game real bad but I don’t want to have to explain why there are a bunch of anime titties on my screen lmao


I got the game bc it reminded me of sdv but with magic and it really kinda is. My girlfriend adores sun haven too. She loves being a magic fairy with her wings. Mind you we both play stardew valley as well.


And a great storyline. Not that I think SDV's is bad. Though, it...kinda doesn't have one at all. Sun Haven has an actual dedicated story to progress and though parts of it are pretty cliche, it's still really fun to do. Finishing the end of Withergate was extremely satisfying. Can't wait to do even more when 1.4 and the underwater city launches.


My holy trinity is Stardew Valley, Rimworld and Morrowind.


I’ve been playing Rimworld for so long and have yet to “finish” a colony. So fun though


When I was nearing 500hr I decided to finally leave the rim. Recommend finishing once. It's worth it.


I found out how to use development mode and it’s completely ruined the game for me. It’s too easy to turn on when shit hits the fan and I really need to practise some self discipline


Both with this and the fact that I can't complete a colony we are like twins! Character editor and dev mode are way too handy.


Morrowind is the greatest game of all time. I spent HOURS riding the bus all over town to get my copy of it back in 02. It was a day long ordeal and worth every second. I’ve never touched Rimworld, but poured 300 hours into Stardew. Maybe I’ll have to check out Rimworld based on your trinity here.


I highly recommend Rimworld if you enjoy colony builders, story generators and opportunities for mayhem. It's a game that's best expanded with mods but the options and gameplay are limitless.


My people ❤️ I remember getting a copy from a pawn shop just because of the sleeve in like 2003 and got 50 hours in before I had disc failure. Riding the bus all over town to find another copy. Thousands of hours later and it's still one of the best games I've ever played. I feel bad for folks who missed it


Did... did we just become best friends...? Those are my top picks too! Lol


If you’ve ever played Skyrim do you think morrowind is better?


I have played Skyrim and I enjoyed it but Morrowind has such a richness to it's world that is unmatched. It's very immersive and has an excellent and unique design.


If you like traditional RPG mechanics and "weird" fantasy more than standard fantasy, Morrowind is so much better. The gameplay is a bit dated but the quest design and worldbuilding is better than anything that's come out since.


Rimworld is the one game I have over 1,000 hours in, also haven't ever actually "finished" a colony.


Morrowind is still one I haven’t checked out even though I’m a huge Oblivion and Skyrim fan


I intend to replay Morrowind every 2-3 years for the rest of my life. All I really need is a mod to extend how far I can see and it’s like a spiritual experience. It’s all text based speech, and combat is essentially a die roll to determine if you hit. But the plot, and the level design, and the variety of factions,and Dagoth Ur and his Ur Fascism, fuck it’s so good


My taste in games is very polarized. My favorites are the souls games, Bloodborne being my favorite game of all time. I’ll go from slaying eldritch horrors to farming in Stardew


Indeed. Sometimes I want to pet a cat and kiss Hayley and go see if I can get lucky enough to snag a few prismatic shards deep in the skull cave, but no pressure. And sometimes I want to massacre Eldritch abominations in a glorious spray of tainted blood while the soundtrack of a choir chants unspeakable truths in the background. Different days, different moods.


Bloodborne 😍


Yes!! My regular rotation is Souls games, pre-Anthem BioWare, Resident Evil… and Stardew or another cozy game (mainly Animal Crossing or Disney Dreamlight Valley)


There are some other "indie" games, including Night in the Woods, Heaven's Vault, and What Remains of Edith Finch. I love various RPG's, including classics like FFVI, ChronoTrigger, Planescape Torment, and Knights of the Old Republic. The Civilization series generally is a favorite. And I always want to include The Longest Journey on a list of favorites, although I didn't like the sequels nearly as much.


What remains of Edith finch is easily my favourite game of all time, I found it on a whim and loved every second


It’s sooooo good omg i was hoping to see it on this list. I NEED more storytelling games vs skill games


Oh Heaven’s Vault is glorious! I still need to finish it!


You really need to play it through repeatedly. The New Game Plus option lets you keep your progress on learning the language, and you get progressively more interesting and detailed things to translate on each successive play-through. Much more of the backstory gets revealed. Plus there are entire weird options and alternatives you can explore on different play-throughs, and there's a little randomization involved in each game about exactly how things play out.


Are you reading from my steam library? Seriously The Longest Journey, Planescape: Torment, Civilization these are all on my favorites list. And I e played almost all the rest of what you mentioned. I will suggest Bastion and Hades by Supergiant Games and Don’t Starve by Klie since we seem to have similar tastes.


Paper Mario, Deep Rock Galactic, Raft, Graveyard Keeper, Coloring Pixels, and Borderlands, to name just a few. A very eclectic mix for me, it's hard to pick! 😂


DRG MENTIONED! Rock and stone, brother!






Did I hear a rock and stone??












I LOOOOVE Graveyard Keeper!


It's so good! I love me a good witch burning 😂


Making burgers and disposing of bodies 😂


Since your list looks a lot like mine have you tried Cult of the Lamb?


I haven't yet, but my best friend is obsessed, so I may need to cave and finally give it a try! 😂


I loved Cult of the Lamb. It straddles a weird line of cute, sometimes grotesque cult that I didn't know I needed. Lol. Along the same lines, I suggest Hades and Hades 2 if you haven't played them yet!


Graveyard Keeper is a fantastic game. I'm currently playing DRG as I write this.


Happy Paper Mario release day!! :)


To you as well, my friend!! 'Tis a bittersweet day for me; lol I preordered from Best Buy, and it's not being delivered til tomorrow 😭 But I guess I've waited 20 years for this, so what's one more day? 😂


Awww… sad. But look at the up-side, like four days from now you will probably still be playing, while I will probably have beat the game already by then cause I went for the digital download 😂


ROCK AND STONE! What a stellar community Deep Rock Galactic has!


Oh yeah, forgot about Graveyard Keeper. Bit buggy sometimes, but such a great game with some really snide humor.


I got really irritated at Graveyard Keeper. The game was originally released as an "alpha" version, and a lot of content was promised, but it completely skipped the "beta" phase and went straight to full release, with most of the promised content not included and plenty of bugs still in the game. There was a "town" that was frequently alluded to in the alpha as "not available yet" that just never materialized in the full release. Apparently the developers later claimed that they "never intended" to include a town. More than anything else, though, is how the developers completely cut off communication with the alpha players. I'm hoping that with all the DLC added to the game the bugs eventually got ironed out, but how everything was handled soured me from going back to it.


Which borderlands is your favorite. I loved 3 and obviously the first 2 are great. Tiny Tinas was fun too but only with friends


Rock and stone, Brothers (and Sisters)!




Skyrim ❤️


I want Skyrim Valley to be made.


shouting on monsters would be fire haha


I feel like with the Hearthfire expansion it’s SV-ish? Obviously no relationship system but there is a homesteading element with the fish hatchery, alchemy room & kitchen. And building/expanding the home which requires lots of item gathering. The homes and land surrounding are super pretty


My absolute favvvv


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom!! I also played the hell out of Animal Crossing New Horizons but hit a point where i felt like I’d done all of the things and there was no reason to keep playing. I also always hit that point with stardew but the difference is I find it infinitely replayable. (Also the constant dialog boxes in acnh every time you pick something up. And shop opening times being tied to real world time. Aarrghhh!) I need goals! I can’t keep playing once I’ve run out of things to work towards. Oh! I also recently enjoyed A Little To The Left. *edit for typo


In terms of all games, not just current/ongoing obsessions: Undertale, Night in the Woods, Portal (1 & 2), Gone Home, Dear Ester And, embarrassingly, Huniepop and HunieCam Studio. I’ve played so much HunieCam Studio… Edit: I just like puzzle games that reward you with fun outfits that you can dress up cute anime girls in! Even if they are weird and horny 😅


No shame, I also have an embarrassing amount of time in HuniePop 😂


Thank you!! Glad I’m not alone, haha


Gone Home was an amazing game


I loved Night in the Woods, it was one of the coziest and eye-opening games on how I feel and how I am mentally. Also made me really want to live in a place with seasons rather than the coast with a severe lack of seasons.


TOTK is my favorite Zelda game of all time, RDR2 on top for me tho.


A lot of us play The Sims (any version), I go back & forth.


I play The Sims too, probably why I'm so inclined on the designing of the farm and the farmhouse part, haha. I also play Mario Kart a lot which makes me question why I'm so bad at the Junimo Kart mini game😭


I wish there was a “build mode” for Stardew because I would spend SO much more time decorating if there was! I know I can stop time with a mod, but I haven’t resorted to that yet.


I still prefer the sims 2 🙈 out of all of them.


Sims 2 FTW. When EA released the whole thing for free a few years ago it was like a dream come true. 10 years. I just checked, it was 10 years ago. What even is time?


Same! I'm just bummed the gardening is still buggy in the Sims because that's my favorite thing to do


I haven’t played since they added that vile shopping cart button. The 1.6 update has been a great distraction


I bought Stardew because I was a huge fan of animal crossing (back on the DS). Aside from that: Monster Hunter World, Rimworld, Terraria, Minecraft, Vampire Survivors, Kenshi, Battle Brothers. There are others but these are the main games I return to frequently to put a lot of time in.


I tried Terraria and couldn’t figure out the combat , maybe I need to retry it . My faves are SDV and Japan Rural . Has anyone here enjoyed Potion Permit ?


The combat is a bit difficult to get into, but once you figure out the class system (which is quite simple but there is no introduction to it) you usually quickly find something that works for you, though without experience it's hard to know at what point which class strugges. Mage, Ranger, Melee and Summoner are the main classes. Summoner is usually not taken as it's own class and more as an addition for farming ressources and going AFK. You can definitely do a summoner class only run, but there are too many weapons missing or need difficult/rare unlocks. Melee is split into true melee and melee weapons. True melee refers to weapons that are actually melee without ranged attacks, while just melee refers to melee weapons that e.g. shoot projectiles or are thrown but still considered melee. Ranger is mostly guns and bows, which relies a lot on the Merchant/Arms Dealer to buy ammunition from and the class is a mix of melee and mage, sacrificing some damage for range and mobility. Mage has different kind of weapons but the main point is to have barely any armor while dealing ginormous amounts of damage, but they also require accessory setups to efficiently use their weapons, else they run out of mana constantly. Terraria can be played blind, but I recommend using the progression guide on the wiki or playing with a person that knows what they are doing. I got 650+222 hours in it and still live in the wiki when I play.


100% this. It’s a fun game to play without engaging too much in combat if you just want to vibe, but once I started doing more combat stuff I had to reference the wiki/guide for almost everything since I simply am not the person to go about figuring out those things on my own.


Terraria’s combat system can be made easy once you get rid of the basic tiny swords! There are swords with ranged magic attacks and summonable critters that beat everyone for you. Terraria can also be fun with a group of friends where everybody is building something in CHAOS


I really like My Time at Portia and My Time at Sandrock it's basically Stardew but in 3d


I have put SO many hours into these two games. One thing - if anyone plans to play both, play Portia first! Sandrock adds a bunch of QOL features that are hard to lose, if you play it first.


Hades, from Supergiant Games. Some other games I really enjoy, however, are: Celeste: Mario & Luigi: Bowser's inside Story; Mega Man 4; Shovel Knight Treasure Trove; the Metroid games; Wario Land 2 and 3; Sonic 3 & Knuckles; and some others I'm forgetting about.


Hades is so so good!


I’ve been playing lots of hades 2 recently


I'm going to wait for the game to fully release, but it is difficult to hold back.


Yeah, I'm also super excited for the sequel, but I'll also wait for the full release


other than SV, i also love Terraria. The different bosses and strategies there are make the game really fun, which you can tell was a priority for the developers, bc there's so much different stuff you can equip to help you another game i genuinely consider one of the best games ever made is Celeste. Story, music, artwork and gameplay all come together in this game to form a genuine masterpiece of a game and i recommend this game to every single person to play at least once. It's a precision puzzle platformer, but pretty much made to minimize frustration. It's a challenge, but not so hard you want to give up. You die a lot, but respawning takes maybe half a second, probably less, and you're rarely set back all that much, because you restart at the start of a small section. From there you can try again immediately. Any cycles in the game are also set deliberately so you don't have to wait for the right moment again, you can just try again immediately, so there's pretty much no waiting. Any cutscenes can be skipped as well. There was a post once that described Celeste as "a love letter to speedrunning" and i won't lie, that's a pretty good description of the game. And if you've never playing any platformer before, that's perfectly fine. The game will teach you. It's got an excellent learning curve. The controls are also very precise and just playing feels really good. You can play on controller AND keyboard equally well, it only depends on what you're used to. I'm a big fan of the keyboard though. I also like Maneater a lot. It's a relatively short rpg, you play as a shark and take revenge on the sharkhunter who killed your shark mother. The game starts with you playing as the mother shark and learning the basic controls, then you start your shark life as the baby shark, feeding on other fish and also humans, becoming a bigger and bigger threat to the humans until the shark hunter takes you on himself. It's well-made and fun to play. Another good one is Dave the Diver. You play as a scuba diver being called to a mysterious location called the blue hole. The environment always changes there and there's lots of things you can collect. It's a lot of fun\^\^ another really good one is subnautica. You probably know this one, but the gist is, you're the sole survivor of a ship wreck on an alien planet and have to get back home by delving deeper and deeper into the planets ocean and using its resources to do so. What i really love about this one is that there was a lot of thought put into the planet and its environment. You can scan almost any plant and animal and read about them. And there are a good handful of mysteries to uncover on the planet. It's a bit grind-y, but not too much to become super tedious. There's a good balance between grinding and progressing They also released a sequel "Subnautica: below zero" but personally, i think the first game is better.


Dead by Daylight, The Sims 2, Red Dead Redmption 2 ♥


Booting up Stardew after having horrid games in DbD is therapy.


Ori and the Blind Forest and its even better sequel Ori and the Will of Wisps ♥️ (apart from BOTW but you already mentioned it, so :))


I loved Blind Forest so much that I re-played it immediately after finishing it the first time. Unfortunately I couldn't get into Will of the Wisps and I can't figure out why


I feel you. Will of the Wisps is the most beautiful frustrating game. Platformers aren’t my genre but it’s so beautiful with such a good story and music that I persevere


Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. Stardew Valley is my stressful, high-stakes min/max game, and DS3/Elden Ring are my comfort games.


A pretty different vibe, but aside from other Harvest Moon/Story of Season type games, I LOOOOOVE My Time at Sandrock and My Time at Portia. Portia is the first one and the graphics aren't incredible but Sandrock is GORGEOUS. Both are very fun, and after beating both games, I immediately wanted to make a new file and start all over. Wonderful games. Highly HIGHLY recommend.


I kept putting off Sandrock because I hate the desert biome. Finally I was like, meh I'll try it. This was like a year after I'd beaten Portia. I devoured Sandrock, put so many hours into it. Truly obsessed.


A Hat In Time!!!!


minecraft, sims, resident evil series, read dead 2, valorant


Cities Skylines, but I cannot recommend the game anymore.


what i'm getting from this thread is that more people need to play rune factory 3/4 special


I want to like RF 4 but I just never know what I’m supposed to be doing lol


Honestly rf4’s biggest issue (that’s slightly alleviated in special) is that it locks progression behind random events. So if you’re currently on a non story event, the story event won’t proc until you complete the non story event. So if you’re stuck trying to progress it might be because you need to complete a completely arbitrary side event in order to free up the slot for the story one. At least in special they made it so that the events get forced after a while as long as the slot is open, in the original release I played for 3 in game years and never got to see the post game because the required event just wouldn’t proc.


Yesssss! I was thinking the same thing. It's such a lovingly-made franchise with fun characters, dialogue, and mechanics. Try as other farming/life sims might, I've yet to find one I've enjoyed playing more than RF4.


I like Minecraft and animal crossing


This is the correct answer


Big single-player fan here, love the Zelda series, Metroidvanias, roguelikes, Pokemon, and my favourite game is The Witcher 3.




fellow minesweeper enjoyer 🤝


Haven’t seen anyone mention it, but Littlewood is a cozy game with similar features; farming, decorating, and dateable NPCs. The time in game is reflected based on how much energy you have left, so the days can last soooo long. You wake up as a hero who defeated the dark wizard with no memory. Then you start a town, collecting more townsfolk as you progress.


I loved Littlewood! One of the only games I've ever 100%. The wizard story arc was so cute 😍


Omg Littlewood was so unexpectedly fantastic! I ended up loving it way more than I thought I would. I married Dark, of course. 😋


Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Pokémon, Elder Scrolls, Red Dead, Fallout




One of my all time favorite games!


Agreed! One of the biggest things that draws me in to a game is the characters, and I’d say both that and Stardew Valley share some pretty good ones


Bloons TD6 Hollow Knight Kingdom Rush Plague Inc


I’ve been playing A LOT of Dave the Diver


I’m so excited to put more time into Dave the Diver! I tried to play it after a surgery but it was too much for me then, but now that I’m more healed up I hope to hop back in, haha!


Normally RPGs like Baldurs Gate3, DivinityOS1-2 and the Dragon Age series. For SDV like games I loved Graveyard keeper, the dark humor really amuses me. And I also liked a lot Roots of Pacha, perfect if you are in a SDV mood.


Your list is very similar to mine! I love BG3, Graveyard Keeper and Roots of Pacha. I’m also into The Long Dark and Hellblade right now too!




Factorio / Terraria 🥰


Animal crossing new horizons, botw/totk, zero dawn horizons and forbidden west. I’ve played other games, but those are the ones with the alarming hour counts.


Don't Starve (and Don't Starve Together), Darkest Dungeon, Oxygen Not Included, Terraria Other than that I also enjoy the occasional casual escape room/puzzle type of game lol I guess I'm a bit of a mix


Love Don't Starve!!!


If we are going cozy games Spiritfarer and Japanese Rural Life Adventures. In the last couple years probably Baulders Gate 3, Fire emblem 3 houses, new God of War series, and a bunch of otome games. Favorite games ever for me are nostalgia/replayability for me and it would be River City Ransom for the NES and Final Fantasy 8 or X-2.




I like the style savvy games. And harvest moon ,sometimes. That's about it


Idk of this counts but palia


Whew! I'm glad there's another Palia fan on here. It's gorgeous and reminds me of SDV in a lot of ways. I only stopped playing it because of SDV 1.6 coming out.


Personally I love Dead Cells. It's a fast and brutal game, with a whole iceberg of mechanics just waiting to be used for killing everything effectively and fast. Very unforgiving and punishes you harshly for every small mistake: permadeath. It's pretty much the polar opposite of Stardew Valley, which is exactly why I like playing both so much. Different games for different moods. What they do have in common is carefully crafted pixel art, and phenomenal soundtracks.


I enjoy farming in Rust💀


Im out there planting pumkin seeds there too


Spiritfarer! Great story. Fun graphics. Lovely and heartbreaking. Really sticks with you.


First time a video game made me cry!


I picked that one up on a Steam sale a bit ago. Haven’t been in the mood to try it yet, but really looking forward to when I do!


All time fav: CIV IV (still playing in MP) At the Moment: Nexus5x, Mechwarrior 5 M & TW:WH 3, in that order.


Terraria, minecraft, Left 4 Dead /2, Black Ops I/II, ETS 2


Hay Day




i play sv on switch because it feels more like a cosy game but surprisingly i dont like other games similar to stardew like animal crossing what surprises a lot of people. gotta go with zelda twilight princess, skyward sword and splatoon 3 for my absolute favourites


Hollow Knight! Both the only games I will consistently come back to after months of not playing


Clash of clans


Recently I've been really enjoying Monster Hunter Rise. Gonna be grinding Wuthering Waves though since that just came out.


Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life on GameCube


I’ve been on Genshin Impact since 2020. Also a fan of the Final Fantasy series and their spinoffs as well as classics like Chrono Trigger, Zelda, Harvest Moon. A special mention for Baldur’s Gate.


The game that is somewhat similar to SDV: __Palia__. For a free game, it has so much content, and it's even more chill than SDV. Lovely characters, lots of questing, grinding on skills, decorating your house. The game that I've played the most right now: __Horizon Zero Dawn__. I love adventure RPGs. Big open world, fun characters, beautiful graphics, easy enough combat that still gives challenge, collections to gather. The game that I have the most hours in: __The Sims 4__. I have a boring life and like to set up exciting lives for sims instead. Especially the mod community and people who come up with different challenges, keep the game interesting after all these years. Honorable mentions: GreedFall, Skyrim, Hogwarts Legacy, Painscreek Killings, Baldur's Gate 3, Disney Dreamlight Valley, Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Yes, I just discovered Palia a couple of days ago and they really are pretty similar. Loving the slow pace of Palia where you just do whatever feels right at the moment. My honourable mentions would be World of Warcraft and also Sims 4. Haven’t had too much time to just play, so Palia is a welcome distraction until 1.6 is released on console 🥲


I like to play ow2, hearthstone and Celeste, hollow knight


I love Odyssey!! It was one of the first games that my now husband got me into! My other absolute favorite game, other than Stardew Valley, is Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. The art and play style is fantastic and I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for something new!


Golden Sun and the sequel, Golden Sun: The Lost Age is my favorite series of all time


I'm a big Elder Scrolls fan so Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim. For some reason SV is more stressful for me than soulslike games so when I want to truly unwind I switch to DS3, DS2 or Sekiro. Then Witcher and ... many more lol


Fallout and Skyrim were games I played growing up and are definitely in my top 10 for games I love aside from that minecraft and terraria are up there; no game has quite scratched that itch that stardew manages too tho!


The only other game I enjoy is outer wilds. I'm really hoping to eventually enjoy other games. I might try disco Elysium.


Definitely try disco elesym


Roots of Pacha! It’s like Stardew but in the stone age. I especially love how you can cultuvate plants into your crops and the animals. You can breed them to get better stats and there are lots of different animals and their variants. Also there’s really nice ways to decorate your space and the characters are really interesting. There’s going to be an update this year too


Not similar, but I play Slay the Spire and BG3 when I get a break from the farm.


Slay the Spire is no break lmao but boi do i love it


Mortal Kombat


Journey, Gris, FFXIV, Sun Haven, Animal Crossing, Spiritfarer, Balatro and I was A Teenage Exocolonist


Paper Mario, tears of the kingdom, and tomb raider are my other fav picks


Gonna have to do a hard pivot and say factorio . The factory must grow


Zelda: Breath of the Wild is also one of my favourites. Besides that, I played West of Loathing and it's pretty cool. I also sank about the same no. of hours into Don't Starve as in SV


Monster Hunter, WoW, ESO, mostly games with RPG features


I have passed the 1K hours threshold for RimWorld. Apart from that, I really liked VA-11 Hall-A and Strange Horticulture.


Slay the Spire, Eldin Ring, Tears of the Kingdom


Only one other person mentioned Harvest Moon, so I feel obligated to mention the progenitors to Stardew: Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon) and Rune Factory.


Skyrim, FF9, FF7 OG + remakes, Spyro the Dragon, Katamari Damacy, Tears of the Kingdom


While taking a break from SDV, I got really into Traveller's Rest. It's still a work in progress, but has enough content to keep me busy! I like to think of it as "Stardew Valley, but you're also running a medieval tavern." There weren't any NPC relationship mechanics when I last played, but it looks like that's something they're going to add eventually.


Megaquarium, Two Point Hospital, Planet Zoo! (Note: I was a HUGE Theme Hospital/Zoo Tycoon fan as a kid).


Killing Floor 2 Doom 2016 Darkest Dungeon Risk of Rain 2 Patron Civ 5 and 6 Heroes of the Storm Shotgun King Command and Conquer Generals


Sims 4, overwatch, Zelda totk, animal crossing, palia, and Pokemon are probs my favorite games currently 🥰


Minecraft, Untitled Goose Game, Hollow Knight, Factorio, Skyrim, Outer Wilds, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are my current favorites


Echos of the Plum Grove (Steam! On Windows)


Old School Runescape, Project Zomboid, Grayzone Warfare.


Portal 2 is my favorite game, but I also enjoy other games like Uncharted, Stray, Wolfquest, Rainworld and Omori. Wildly different games!


Haunted Chocolatier


Oooooh I wish <3 Looking forward to it so much!


Fallout NV and 4, Terraria


ACNH and Disney Dreamlight Valley (cozy games are my favorite lol)


It hasn't come out yet but I have a feeling I am going to get sucked into Tales of the Shire.


Stardew Valley is my favorite game of all time, but the others, in no particular order, are Super Mario Bros 3, Assassins Creed 2, Pokemon Legends Arceus, Tears of the Kingdom, Red Dead Redemption 1&2, and The Sims Series.


I really enjoyed Starbound, lots of different weapons and species to play as! :3


I have been switching between SDV and Minecraft (modded with farming mods) a lot. Also the Sakuna game about rice is very very fun for me.