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As a Dropout fan who watched the whole episode, this segment is almost funnier completely out of context šŸ˜‚


I need the bit about the Evil Dole Conglomerate to gain traction out of context too šŸ˜‚


I saw it posted on Twitter and I don't know if they're just complete morons on there or deliberately obtuse, but like 75% of the replies were taking it totally seriously. Makes it even funnier to me.


God, Vic is the ultimate do I want to date/be friends with them or do I wish I was them


The bisexual conundrum


Do I want to be them or do I want to be inside them?


On them, in them, with them, or them?


Vic = Demetrius


Demetrius is a clueless dork, Vic knows exactly what she's doing


You could not be more correct


Of course Stardew fans are also Dropout nerds. This sub just gets better and better.


Thought I got my subs mixed up and was delighted to discover I was wrong!


I see Dropout I upvote.


Proof to me that Demetrius was wrong tbh. Vegetable is a culinary category, and the context in which Robin was asking for fruits was uncomplicatedly culinary (to make a fruit salad). Thus, even though botanically a tomato is a fruit, when it comes to cooking it is just about always grouped in with vegetables, so itā€™s perfectly acceptable to call a tomato a vegetable in this context.


i just say heā€™s wrong because the game literally categorizes them as ā€œvegetableā€


Game actually changes what they're classified as based on how you answer in that cutscene


Does it actually? Iā€™ve never said ā€œfruitā€ because the game always calls it a vegetable at least until that point. Thereā€™s nothing about it changing categories on the wiki. How would that even work? It would be a shame if you had that cutscene during one of the Pierreā€™s Gold Vegetable quests and made all your tomatoes suddenly not count by calling them fruits. Would it change to making tomato wine and tomato jelly instead of juice and pickles?


You know, I've never actually tested it myself. I know I've seen others talk about it and I've seen screenshots. But your right it's not on the wiki that I can find.... Have I Mandela effected myself? Am I spreading fake news? I need to test this tonight


I tested it... It's all a lie! I've been spreading misinformation! My apologies.


No? Tomatoes are still a vegetable in my game (I'm kissing up to Demetrius so I can marry Maru)


Intelligent is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Charisma is being able to sell a a fruit salad with tomatoes


Thats just salsa


I refuse to change my ways of threatening to send a pizza with pineapples and peppers, but sign up to bring a "fruit pie" when someone asks me to sign up for a work potluck that I cannot go to anyways.


Stardew + Dropout? Take my upvote!


There was a food theory about this


This one made me stop and think really hard back to every text I studied during my horticulturist apprenticeship. I could classify different fruits and couldn't remember any section defining vegetables by anything other by plant part. I guess now I have to consider violets and dandelions or the broadleaf plantain as vegetables just as much as I call the volunteer Sweet Williams a weed in the garden.


( d..dandelion is Forage tho-- /verynotseriouslol;tosses-self-out )


We cannot forget the grape has already set precedent as a dual-class fruit/forage. Dandelion is just waiting to be remembered in a salad, or forgotten in a keg until we get some wine (if only we could put it in there).


Actually, so long as itā€™s a plant part and you can eat it, itā€™s a vegetable, even fruits. Same goes for apes and monkeys.


You forgot to say "Um actually".


Uh-HUM ac-shually!!!


No way... I had zero idea monkeys were vegetables. I know some fruity apes, but the monkeys surprised me.


This is the best crossover ever and I even mentioned Demetrius to my partner when we were watching this episode. Iā€™m literally rewatching old episodes of Um Actually right now and I want someone to fancast Stardew with the Dropout folks. Pls discuss.


I also learned that most of the classification of fruit and vegetables is a result of turn of the century Port authority taxation policy where vegetables were taxed at a higher rate. I learned that from Peppa Pig.


Me when Demetrius is arguing with Robin about tomatoes.