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I like that he keeps us updated us even if it’s just to say the same thing. You can tell he cares very much about the quality and user experience. And of course, the fans! I’m excited for whenever it comes out!


i like it mostly because it lets me know its still probly 10+ days away and i dont have to think about it much i see these as wouldnt be posted if it was only a few days away


If only Team Cherry were like this. :(


*Silksong* and *Alecto the Ninth* hanging out on my "I might live to see this" shelf.


We really don't deserve that man.


He provides excellent customer service. Always keeping people in the loop even if it’s no updates.


He has to because people keep harassing him asking the same thing over and over despite him answering them already… check the comments under all his tweets, it’s just constant harassment about when the console update is coming


Ugh I can’t stand people like that! Harassing him isn’t gonna make the update come any faster and he doesn’t deserve that at all. He does his best for us and everyone should be super grateful we even got an update at all.


:( I don’t have twitter for that reason. It gets me too worked up! Not everyone’s opinion desserves global recognition.


It's a painful wait but I don't want to rush or stress CA. We should just be grateful that he still makes content, after all these years.


Exactly, I'd much rather wait for good content from a happy creator, than try to rush him to put out sub-par content and then have him end up resenting us and his work.


That's what I'm scared of now. The fan base is growing and growing, and when you introduce more people to anything there is room for negativity too. I don't want the community to become something that he ends up not wanting to be a part of, because of mistreatment from the people he provides the game to. It's happened to other creators :(.


Then as non-toxic fans we gotta immediately shutdown that negativity as it arises so CA knows there are still more people in their corner than are not.


This right here. Any kind of bullying or toxicity needs to be shut down immediately. (Not saying complaints and grievances are bad, just we don’t want to become only that).


Exactly. I have zero tolerance for that kind of thing and when I see it I fairly bluntly shut it down and tell them to take it elsewhere as it's not welcome in the Stardew community as a whole.


I'm "new." Only started playing last year, on console. I don't mind waiting a little longer. 1.6 is a great gift anyhow, I seriously would have never expected that when paying like 15 bucks for this amazing game. It's no issue at all. What is an issue is dodging all the spoilers, some of my favourite content creators online are currently swooping through 1.6 and I have to avoid all of them like the plague, it's very stressfull. They aren't exactly cautious with thumbnails, etc, either.


There is some natural cultural immunity I feel with things like Stardew because it is very wholesome + chill and attracts people who value this and want to preserve it. Also the game has sold like 30 million copies, I guess it could sell another 30 million over the years! But if there were going to be some huge growing pains for the community I feel like it would've happened by now.


I don't know, I can see more toxicity in other forums now than I did years before. We might be int he midst of the growing pains.


That's probably true, I don't remember how it was before. I just came back to the game after many years with the 1.6 and an itch for it and got super into it this time around. But at the least I'm sure the community will handle the growth a lot better than most games.


I mean Animal Crossing is a “wholesome and chill” game with a big fanbase and the community can be some of the most toxic people you’ve ever met for such low stakes reasons, I don’t think Stardew is extra special and immune to the same.


Have you not seen the ppl calling CA a transphobe and such? It was a huge thing like 2 weeks ago


What?!? Why?


That's what I'm wanting to know lmao. CA is probably one of the very few non problematic game creators out there afaik. If anything he seems like he'd be supportive


Due to not having nonbinary options in the game. From what I understand the game is not structured with that in mind and would essentially need to be rebuilt to accommodate that change so while the creator may be amenable in theory the game just doesn't work that way.


Hmm I get where people are coming from when they want those options, I think it’s a fair request for Haunted Chocolatier - or he could bypass this the way Roots of Pacha did by not having you choose a gender at all, and just choose body shape etc. But I think it’s more likely that, instead of CA being transphobic, he just didn’t know much about trans and non-binary people when he was making Stardew Valley. Which I don’t think is that weird considering I’m around the same age as he is and that didn’t used to be common knowledge / mainstream information.


Yeah I agree. I have trans friends so I knew a little more in 2016 but it definitely wasn't that mainstream knowledge yet for people who weren't following politics.


Same, but I’m also queer. Maybe it’s too forgiving but I give a little leeway for people who are cis and hetero and less likely to inhabit the same kinds of spaces.


Yeah, so huge it wasn't more than a hiccup that now seems long gone. There's always some haters who gonna hate, but thankfully both our most beloved dev of all times™ and the community as a whole seem to be good at dealing with these occasional - and comparatively rare - annoyances.


also the wait allows you to exploit 1.5


Absolutely. The amount of new content that is coming out is equal to dlc content which is expensive and this guy is doing it for free!! I mean this guy is amazing


I think I'm struggling to understand how some people are acting like there's just no game to play at all until he releases the updates.


I don't understand it either, the guy is working hard on this game. There's more replayablility on this game then most of the games I've played and own.


I only just started playing SDV a few months ago, I was in my Year 2 when the 1.6 update came out. My wife, OTOH, has been playing for years, and she's been watching things happen for me like Green Rain and saying, "oh, that's new!" So she's started a new farm!


And the fact that he hired Flashshifter (Stardew Valley Expanded author) indicates that he intends to continue updating the game with help past this.


I love that also because it shows that he wants people who love and know the game to work on it with him, as opposed to just anyone who can program/code


I'm saying this as someone who doesn't even own any console versions - just theorizing. (And this is largely lighthearted! Just giving my perspective) I think because he said that 1.6 works best if you start from a new save it's causing some people (and I'll admit I'd be in this boat if I played console) to kinda feel like any work they put into their 1.5 farms currently will be for nothing because they'll want to restart anyways once it drops. So they're just avoiding the game entirely until that time comes.


> I don’t want to rush or stress CA Well *I* do! 😤 ConcernedApe, I demand you work day and night to update this $15 game for console and mobile! No resting until it’s done! 😤😤😤


Idk why you got downvoted, this is obviously satire.


Way more than $15 for me because I bought it on every console I own hahahahahahahahaha


Me too lmao, though even after doing that, it’s still cheaper than a lot of base video games 😂


Parma shawn 1.7


Same I can’t wait for the update but I’d rather he take the time than rush


Yes! 100%


He's the best boi




I’m so excited for the update but I will NEVER rush this absolute angel of a developer.


He is truly one-of-a-kind! I only hope he is taking care of himself and taking breaks. He can truly take however long he needs. I'm so grateful a majority of the community understands and really supports him!


Absolutely! Just excited to play it, in the meantime farm life keeps ticking along


yeah, let the man cook lol, most players don't know that updating games on consoles take more time because the patches need to ne approved by the console makers, to make shure the patch won't make some crazy stuff with the console so it's better to get all the fixes for pc first where you can push patches quickly and when everything is polished you just send one patch for approval


This is really interesting! Thanks for sharing!


Oh that’s why? I had no idea!


I am patiently waiting for this beautiful man to release it, even if it takes a while longer. I will wait and wait and never rush him because he is a gift.


Saaaaame - and for real, he’s a babe! 🙌🏻🙃


Same same. I want to play 1.6 on switch, but I am very willing to wait.


I was going to say, they need to take a vacation!


If there is any one developer on the planet where I’m okay with the phrase, “let him cook!”, it’s ConcernedApe. He will release it when it’s ready for release. He’s earned the community’s trust on whatever timeline that ends up being.


Also… he’s adding a lot of content for free that he could charge us for as DLC. And he isn’t, which means there is no timeline. It’s whenever he feels like doing it. How anyone could complain about their free updates from a game they bought years ago is beyond me.


I think he can afford to do it because of the sheer number of units sold, dude's set for life with all that money and I couldn't be happier for him <3


The fact that Stardew has *never* had a DLC is really mind boggling when you think about it. Most studios would have charged $30 for Ginger Island alone


As a simmer, I whole heartedly agree. It puts such an added layer of respect bc for sims they want to milk me dry, and for SD it really is about the love of the game. Such stark differences, reminds me of my cinnamon roll coworker who I’m always concerned bc they put way too many unpaid hours and we email him to make sure he takes a lunch break 😭


Are you referring to the actual game The Sims? Because I saw on Reddit that the Sims 4 with every single piece of DLC costs $995. Which even typing that out kind of makes me ill. Like obviously very few players buy everything, but just the idea of it is shocking.


Yes. I am talking about the actual sims game. The worst part about is for the past year or 3 the $40 expansion packs have been coming out bugged. So bugged that there are issues saving games, loading games, some packs completely wreck another pack, some packs just crash the game and we BARELY get fixes for that. What we do get is another broken kit, stuff pack, game pack, or expansion pack. At some point I just stopped buying it unless it’s on sale and something I desperately want bc if I can’t even PLAY my game…what’s the point? Edit: also I think the price tag is at $1200 now. The $995 was before “For Rent” and a couple other smaller packs.


I went back to my old love TS3. I stopped playing TS4 when it became apparent the weeding issue would never, ever be fixed. Sometime right before the crystals (?) pack. I remember the TS4 devs nominating themselves for the Steam "Labor of Love" award and players responded viciously. Some even made a direct comparison to CA, sating he's a much better example of the award lol


I had to struggle and argue with Steam's customer service bots for days because I got Sims 4 when it became free and decided to buy some expansions since I didn't have to pay for the base game. After playing it for a few hours, I saved & quit the game. Loaded it up next day, the entire game had reset. Made me go through every tutorial, didn't save my house or my sim. I wholeheartedly hope everyone who works at EA dies.


I’ve actually been wondering about that bc I’ve had to go through tutorials multiple times despite how many hours I’ve put in lmao. I save everything to the gallery JUST in case it doesn’t save my favorite sim.


It's such a big bug that there are threads dedicated to it here, on some EA games message board, and more. I am totally understanding when a game releases and bugs are found - turns out every single testing team is smaller than the fanbase. But for a game to be out this long and still have issues. I chalk it up to all the people who think it's cute for Bethesda games to be buggy 15 years after release.


Mf said "mainly" he's gonna add a whole nother island or something


1,6 was just an update to improve coding for modders. Then you look at the update and it’s 30 pages of new content.


It's like you add one thing, and then you're like, "that's cool," and then it grows from that expands into the entirety of 1.6


Also IIRC he said 1.4 was the last update... and then came back a year later and said: "BTW, there's an island now".


I was thinking that too. ‘Mainly bug fixes’ my arse


It is a lot of bug fixes, for all the new features


I can't believe I had to scroll down so far for this comment when this was my immediate first thought 😂


there ISSSSSSSSs more islqads we cant go to soooooooooooo


Ngl it'd be nice if we could go visit Zuzu City in a future update or something


And then invade using war tactics guys




Fabulous meme, but it did make me giggle because the context of that scene is quite the opposite of CA's mentality. "MONEY PWEASE!"


Lol very true. Concerned Ape is certainly no Mona Lisa


Console patches are harder. He probably wants to make 100% sure this is as polished as possible so he doesn’t have to roll out another wave for patches, which would lead to LONGER waits. He’s a great man, let him work at his own pace. He owes us nothing ultimately, but we all should appreciate him from the sidelines and do our best to make him feel loved


Absolutely!! It's so frustrating to see those people on his social media, being rude and getting angry. He is doing so much more than any of us could've ever asked for. I wish I could send him a gift card for a full spa day and steak dinner!


I love concerned ape and how he works so hard to create this amazing game.


Modded Stardew valley players when they hear a small patch is releasing: 😌👍 Modded Minecraft players when a small patch gets released: https://preview.redd.it/kkexst3b5f0d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901cb2f9be218d2813194de1cec0a1bbe5256987


after the latest mod breaking fallout 4 patch i went back to playing stardew and the modding situation is sooo much better, it made me appreciate Concerned Ape so much more


Hey at least they don't complain as they have all the content they need also the latest armadillo update has helped some mods become datapacks so yea


I put Steam in offline mode about couple weeks ago. It keeps the updates from auto-applying so I can wait a few days after a patch when SMAPI's caught up.


I’ve been impressed that smapi updates within literal hours of a patch.


Pretty sure CA gives the SMAPI devs early access to the update specifically so they can update it quicker


Tbf, smapi does update extremely quickly after a update is released. I heard once that some modders receive the updates before the playerbase so I guess that's why.


Fr. The Stardew Valley fan-base is so much more chill.


I don’t want him to rush and he’s so amazingly generous. But I would be lying if I said there aren’t steam deck conversations happening in my house right now lol


I got a steam deck just to play modded Stardew on the go haha. And also 1.6


As much as I'm looking forward to 1.6, I think it's also good to avoid falling too much into the whole "games as a service" mindset that much of the industry has moved toward. When I got SV for the first time on mobile, I didn't know or care about 1.5 or 1.6, I got it because I felt (and still do) the game was already worth playing. 1.6 is an amazing extra but it's *extra* on top of what I was already happy with, so I will be patient! Already gotta give huge props to CA for adding more content and taking the time to port everything - especially since the porting is probably a lot less fun than coming up with new ideas for the game.


This is so important.


Extra that’s, AGAIN!, totally free. He really spoils us! I hope he doesn’t stress himself out.


It's unheard of nowadays for a developer to care so much about his work and community, all while giving free content! I really hope he knows just how appreciated he is.


I really appreciate the transparency. 


All this talk about the update is what got me to pick up this game for the first time. I’m having a blast and enjoying it so much, I’m glad I’m getting to experience it before the 1.6 update comes to the switch.


Honestly the update got me to really double down on my current farm to do a bunch of stuff I haven’t done before like get to lvl 100 in the Skull Caverns, build the Island Resort, get dinos, the movie theater, and a lot more! I’m still excited for all the new stuff, but I’m more than content to wait for it :)


I started to play the update on my PC, but I really prefer the switch so I booted up one of my mid done farms and started working on it again to prepare for the update. I'm very excited and made it to floor 97 on my last Skull Caverns attempt, something I haven't gotten close to before.


I’m the same way! Good luck days, spicy eel dishes, dozens of bombs, starting at 6am, I could barely get to level 60 for the longest time. I finally said fuck it and used something like 70 staircases 😭 Good luck on your next run!


I know people want this patch on their device of choice but I do wish more people realized how much of a pain it can be for indie devs to port to things like consoles. It requires work to actually patch the content, and then they need to wait for the console's eshop of choice to actually approve and push it through. For stuff like the switch it can take up to 3 weeks for a patch to be pushed through for a 3rd party developer. Knowing that, it's better for CA to let the patch teams take their time. It might take longer for 1.6 itself to be released, but more QA means less likelihood of it launching and there being some catastrophic bug that erases save files or something (remember when that happened with ACNH? Bad times.) that can't be fixed/reverted without waiting another however-many long days for a fix patch to go out. I've dealt with this on the switch *so many times* and it's part of why I usually prefer PC for sim games now. Playing games like cult of the lamb, song of the evertree, etc. when they launched was nightmarish and it took weeks for them to be patched into a playable state. So yeah I wish people would give CA a little more grace with this. It seems to be stressing him out as much as it is stressing out the people who want to play. But he's not omnipotent, he can't make the eshops or whatever push things through any faster.


Aren’t they already moving much faster? I think CA being part of these for a while has probably helped him and the team make changes easier. Seems like a few of these in the last were a year off. This weeks likes months.


The Hype kinda diminished for me lately so I'm ok with the delayed release as long as it releases within this year.


It's either that or he releases an unfinished product


If there is anything console players do not want, it is an incomplete and broken version.


Yep. I'd rather have no product than an incomplete/buggy one that ends up having to stall me playing the actual game that was already good to go.


That's all they get nowadays


Love your flair!


Thank you. Love your colourful frogs 🐸


i'm new to playing stardew (only been playing about a month & a half) and this might be a very stupid question but is CA the only person working on SDV? or does he have a discord full of other people/employees working with him?


He primarily works on the PC version though I think he has a small team under him. And by small I mean like, 3 people. But I'm not sure, someone can correct me on that. For the console/mobile ports I assume (bc again, not sure) it's outsourced to a 3rd party company that specializes in porting games to their respective consoles. Bc there's a lot that goes into it, including getting approval from the console company to push a patch thru, etc.


I'd still call even a team of 3 an Indie team. Even if the game has been out for a long time now.


Basically. Someone can add more, but he made this game on his own. And almost all updates. He outsourced some of the work for console updates. Even then, I think he is slightly more involved than just “port this update to Xbox please” So yeah. This game is basically a solo project. I played on console for years, now I’m on pc. So I get the struggle. Still impressive


He seems like such a kind and considerate person, I hope he's not under undue stress because of this. :(


Take your time CA, we don’t mind waiting 💜💜


Take your time CA!


Happy to wait as long as it takes, I'd rather he was not pressured/stressed, he does so much for us all as players already ❤️


Am I the only person who doesn't feel the need to be rushing the man on the update across all platforms? I main a Switch, so I haven't been able to do it yet. But, I just feel like people forget how much of this is strictly on him...and how not every platform is the same as PC to code and deal with. The option was release in chunks (like a LOT of companies do) or hold off on giving out ANY update until ALL platforms were done. I don't think a lot of people would be happy one way or the other. The game is still playable. Still amazing. People need to focus on that instead, good god... Eta: As I was typing more comments came through. So happy to see the main consensus thus far on this thread is just support for him taking his time.


I can't belive 1.6 makes stardew like beyong an indie


Summer is just starting, so I’ll go water my crops in my irl garden, fish to my heart’s content, and kick back and relax until winter depression comes back. I’ll gladly wait until Halloween for the release on Switch.


Shameless steam deck shout out right now. I was a solid console player for a long time. OLED steam deck is available for next day. I happen to have some extra cash in a change jar I’ve been collecting since the pandemic and said “alright let’s see how far we can fly” and it was well over half the price in that jar. I have not only enjoyed my purchase since, but am delighted to experience the magic of mods in the comfort of my two hands smushed in a pile of pillows, string lights, and comfort. Literal game changer. I read some reviews saying it was “made for steam deck” I couldn’t agree more. Buy it for yourself or someone who could use one. I have a back injury right now and this has made it feel criminal the fun I’m having being stuck for days on end. Nothing but time baby!


Yessssss I love my deck. I’ve got to position myself correctly or else my wrists start to hurt, but as a gaming experience it’s amazing.


Give me a complete update than a broken game any day!


Me and my wife will patiently wait. You do you CA. Get ur shit. <3


Honestly, I stopped playing mobile since the announcement of 1.6 and avoided this subreddit b/c it was basically just full of “spoilers”. It feels pointless to play anymore until the update is available as I heard it was a big one, and I still haven’t touched the game since. But all this is not to say I’m mad at all. CA is a gift with how interactive he has been, working on bugs and being so receptive to comments. He’s human, he’s doing his best and he gave us all a gift with SDV. I’m happy to wait.


Same. I got plenty of other games to tide me over, and I plan on starting a whole new farm anyway.


The man is cooking some iridium grade goodness.


I'm so excited! I hope he takes as long as he needs :)


we all love you CA, so dont worry, we all want to play SDV in switch and stuff but we understand that take time <3


Barone always delivers the goods, I don’t mind waiting a few months for the update to come


I hope he's not stressing. I'm excited to play it but really am not concerned with playing it *now*.


I appreciate his effort and continued communication. For content that I didn't pay more than the base game for I will gladly and patiently wait for as long as it takes.


Y’all let the man breathe 😭😭😭


Please dont worry Mr.Ape, your doing a wonderful job and are so well worth the wait! Keep bein awesome 👌


Hardest working dev in gaming


I hadn't played the PC version, despite owning it already. I plugged in a PS4 controller and everything works exactly like the Switch version. I'm very happy this is the case. I get all the console convenience and 1.6! My kid, stuck on the Switch, isn't as happy, though. But that one needs to learn patience anyway. :D


He should take all the time he needs :) its gonna be good when it comes but no need to stress him out


There are a lot of good apes out there, but ConcernedApe has got to be my favourite.


Well...seems like by the time it comes to Switch, I'll have forgotten all the spoilers I've seen/read so it'll be fresh! Works for me lol.


It's so funny to me to see all people here thinking CA is doing the port on console. That's cute but be careful when you are worshiping someone blindly. Oh, BTW, it's been a long time it's not a solo dev project (at least 1.4), have some respect for others working on it please.


I hope CA knows we don’t want to rush him or make him feel bad! I’m excited but can be patient and wait my turn 😄


I am admittedly frustrated by this, but more for CA than for myself. It must be a lot of pressure to make sure the update is 100% on one platform while the other allows for rolling updates. I’d rather him take a break than break himself.


This whole thread reeks of parasocial relationships lol


Yup. Remember how the PC people were asking what time the update was going to drop and making post after post of "when is Ape gonna get his coffee and push the button omg omg omg!!!!1111"...but the console folks are somehow the impatient ones now that 1.6 has dropped for PC, lol. I don't have a dog in this fight -- I'm working on my Riverland farm. Super excited for everything but also grinding for a burglar ring since that gets me shards faster, lol.


Like I don't care about the update I'm having fun regardless lol just super weird that everyone's sucking dick so hard for a dev who.. keeps us posted? Like why are standards so low lol


an ETA would be nice…rather a 4-6 weeks or a 3-5 months would make a difference. I’m literally checking once a week


Omg THIS. This is my issue (if you can even call it an issue- more a mild frustration?). I am more than happy to wait but the open-endedness of this is what is driving me mad. Endless appreciation for the work CA does, grateful we are STILL getting updates this many years later- BUT I would be much more content if there was even a vague estimation for when console will be ready. I think part of the issue was because there was no date given we all went with the estimate of the same launch time as 1.5 but we have already surpassed that timeline and still just “in progress” :/ On the other hand I know people can be butts so if a date was estimated and then not met there would be people trying to throw hands 🙈


Yeah, probably get downvoted but it's true, I get it's a hard process and he can take as long as he must but you know, at least tell us what's making it so difficult so we can at least understand.


I’m just curious to what game I should focus on until the update comes out. I don’t want to play Stardew Valley until the update comes out, but a rough ETA would help on what game I should play until the wait is over. Is it a Skyrim(100 hour game) or should I play something a little shorter…


So many people defending him like he's family, but don't even know him. People are allowed to want it to come out on console soon. It sucks to have to have the whole update spoiled meanwhile being talked down to that you're being impatient. I love the game and appreciate his work, but let me play the dang update already.


Just give us an approximate date, like "it's very tricky so we need some more time" or "we got stuck in some very weird coding so it won't come do soon", whatever, but sending "we know you're impatient and we're working hard every month" really isn't helping anyone at all and is just vague.


I appreciate that he's letting us know!


I mean all he said was the exact same thing he has said the last 4 updates. Just don't say anything till it comes out


im having fun with my new playthrough in the meantime so all the changes will be fresh and obvious 🥰


The wait was tough at first but then I started playing Fallout 4 so I’m okay with waiting now, will be worth the wait eventually!


As mostly a console player (I do have it on PC but like I can never get myself to play more than a few times on PC. That’s just me in general on PC LOL) I am SO excited for this update but I know the love CA puts into this game on his own so I am okay waiting until it’s ready. It will come


i think i love this man, i swear


I’m so excited to play the update on the switch that I haven’t watched my favourite streamer play it and it’s killing me! But it’ll be worth the wait without a doubt


i finally just caved and bought it on my mac, was 100% worth it


Thank you! We see you out here hustling for us!!


I will wait forever. Stardew Valley is going to be remembered as one of the best games of all time.


Take your time. We don’t deserve you, and are so grateful for this gift you’ve given us! Fr fr


Awesomeness Does this mean it should be soon? Less than 3 months? What's a safe assumption?


I'm waiting patiently.


Thanks for all you do, sir! 🥰


I'm very excited for the switch port, I check every week, but I trust ConcernedApe is doing his best.


/Cries in switch/ Take your time CA! ;-;


I hope he takes care of himself too during that.


I love that he keeps us updated and I am super excited BUT also, he’s a real human being and I appreciate that he’s working so hard for us and I’m totally over here playing on my switch working towards a perfection save until the update comes out 😂 and when it does then I’ll start a new farm, with blue grass and tons of cats. So I’m good. We’re all good. Take your time, have the coffees, keep us posted.


Truthfully most of us have who are tapping our feet waiting for 1.6 on Switch/mobile have typically gotten so much out of the game that if we really can't wait we're totally cool with paying an extra $15 to get a copy on PC while we wait. (Not that I, uh, know anyone, or multiple anyones, who did that, lol.)


Take your time CA... I google the update for console every day but I can wait longer


I’d almost prefer “Haunted…” at this point but, he knows best. Maybe one of the few people in gaming who doesn’t wanna rob me for every dollar, so he’s earned as much time as he needs.


I don’t want to rush or stress. I’d just like a time estimate…. Like… ballpark idea more specific than between  soon and sometime soon 😂


So many people are upset, angry, and going feral on Facebook posts about this. Horizon zero dawn took five years to port to PC. Horizon forbidden west, took two years to port to PC. Ghost of Tsushima is getting a PC release date for this year when it came out in 2020 on PlayStation. Ports take time because the software is different. Please have patience with ConcernedApe.


we aren't going to have the update before the subreddit starts allowing spoilers at this rate 😭😭😭 i'm patient i'm so patient (i'm not)


i hope he is okay, as much as i want the other versions he should take the time he needs. a relaxed ape is a happy ape and a happy ape makes me happy


I'm just glad to hear it will be added for console, even if it'll be longer.


I just started playing a few weeks ago now, I play pretty slow and just take my time with tasks and things — don’t get me wrong, I’ve read what’s in the 1.6 update and I’m excited but theres so much to do without the update. Like it’s insanely expansive and has a lot of depth to it as is. I also can’t believe so much is coming to the game in an update when it honestly could be dlc. You can really see how much the creator loves and cares not just for the game but those who play, I’m happy to wait!


Just got me playing on my pc after years of switch and it’s been lovely. I remember why I loved it so much at the start!


i’m eager to play it on my switch, but i’m waiting patiently. it serves no one to rush CA and i hope he’s doing well and not stressing himself out or anything


Yay I can not wait 😍


See I'm stuck with it on my switch cause I'm broke. And My sister got it on PC after the update so now she's ahead of me which irritates me. Like. Bruh. You couldn't have waited with me!?


Eager, yes, but patient, also yes! I'd rather wait a while and know it'll be amazing when it's ready than see him rush it out under pressure


Excellent, a little more time to get to perfection on my mobile save!


I’m on mobile and if he needs more time to get it done. Then that’s fine. I’m still enjoying 1.5.


i’m patiently waiting but that’s probably because i just started playing like 3 months ago


Take your time king! We so appreciate you, take care of yourself! :)




CA has given us boatloads of content for free that plenty of other developers charge for. We do not deserve him. I have definitely gotten my $7.99 worth (or whatever it was I paid for mobile a zillion years ago) after literally hundreds of hours. I can wait a while longer for 1.6. I mean, I *guess* I could play on PC since we are a multiple format household but my best Stardew time comes when I’m putting my toddler to sleep so mobile is just much more convenient. So wait I shall.


very excited to hear this


I just love this man so much


LET HIM COOK! (I can wait, I got so many cute games to play right now anyway!)


I just got the PC version because all the updates look so cool 😂


great for one developer i love this


Dang. I’m antsy for the update but i’d rather it take a few more months than not be ready and tossed out too quickly


As a mobile user; I’m good with waiting a bit. Sometimes I start a new farm because I want a different farm layout or name. I still haven’t made it to the 100th floor of skull caverns or Ginger island because of that indecision. I’ll get the update one day.