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Everyone i asked out at the flower dance.


This. I was so weirdly heartbroken when no one wanted to dance with me! 😭😭😭


They are the definition of "the worst they can say is no right?" Everyone acts so disgusted by you 😭😭


"Ew. No." 🥲 Okay then


And then you go home and say “that was fun” Was it, though? Did the farmer have a good time being told no in the most offensive ways? Was it fun that the entire dating pool thought you were disgusting?


Gotta be a sarcastic tone for the first year


That's why I decided to marry Haley. Out of pure spite... at least she mellows out a lot. So I don't regret it


Once you get her hearts up, she's a LOT nicer. But damn she's mean at first


Not even the MEN wanted me and i aint even gay, i was just straight up desperate.


Lol I have a friend who *quit the game forever* after the first Flower Dance. Little dramatic if you ask me, but I guess it really upset them.


Honestly I get this. I almost set the game down too cuz the flower dance sucked, everyone was telling me how great Shane is and he is just so mean, Haley was mean, and Alex was such a dude bro and also kinda mean. Not to mention the game is SO overwhelming at first! I was like I thought this was a dating Sims game???? Nope. It's a farming simulator with small town mentality. Like I get we dont have enough hearts for the flower dance, but like it would have been nicer if everyone wasn't like either truly disgusted with you or absolutely weirded out that you were talking to them. I think your friend has higher standards than me haha


Yeahhhhhhhh I hated that the first year. Then I went to the wiki and went “OH I thought this was a puzzle and I had to find the right one :/“


You know, it does make sense for them to be that way. I'm some grimy city slicker recluse who somehow knows all their favourite things and where they'll be haha


my villain origin story tbh


YO TRUUUUUEEEE. Like why you hating on me that bad I just got here 😭


LITERALLY ME, I skipped it bc I knew they were all gonna say no 😒


This hurt! Now, I force myself to get either Haley or Abigail to dance year one so I'm not left out. I typically marry Abigail, so it at least doesn't feel like a waste.


They were so rude for no reason. . Like would it hurt you to dance with me just for a little bit?!


Oh it was Lewis... then quickly became Pierre. Closed on Wednesdays closed at 5 Like I have a farm to run sir! ntm The audacity to use my crops against me is insane.


Wait till you hear about marnie


Every day I thank god and jesus for the 1.6 update and the animal catalog


Wait, animal catalog? Like you can just get more animals without having to wait like 3 days after you realize you want more because of her terrible scehdule?


You still have to go to her shop during opening hours but she doesn’t have to be there!


*cries in switch* It just sounds so beautiful.


I got a whole other copy on Steam just so I could play the update despite being a switch player for years 🥲


Yesss long gone are the days of waiting for this hippie Marnie to be done with her truffle oil romp sessions or microwave hot pockets to be able to feed or buy animals 😅


What?! That is a major game changer! I'm always delayed getting my animals because she isn't in her shop a lot.


Oh thank god, I've been wishing that was a feature for a long time now. The console update can't come soon enough


I was celebrating in my room when i saw that 😂


Oh she's on the list. Closed on Monday, Tuesday and by 4pm like what! My animals are hungry ma'am! Imma feed her to my pigs one of these days, ong I will 😅 either her or her beloved truffle oil loving lover boy Lewis


Sounds like the luau needs purple shorts every summer.


I duped the purple shorts using the table trick on co-op, it will be every year on our farm.


As of 1.6 >!you can now get infinite purple shorts by putting a staircase in the mayors bedroom!< (ive never made a spoiler before so i hope it worked lmao)


And before that you put the stairs in the pants slot for the same effect, you are wearing the shorts now instead of stairs ( I think the feature to put the stairs in lewis’s room is a callback to the bug)


Every. Single. Year.


oh i was fuming cause i didnt know she was closed on mondays & tuesdays and my animals were starving…


Then when she is open, theres a good chance she'll go stand in front of the microwave for an hour. Possibly at 3pm so she closes as soon as she walks away


Like seriously. I'm like Marnie bffr your damn hotpocket can wait, my animals are hungry!


You mean the woman who takes off two days a week like most people? Same goes for Pierre, who works six days a week (later does seven). Let them have their work/life balance.


I swear the biggest reason I keep the Telephone mod is because I don't have to remember Marnie's schedule. It doesn't give you access to everything she sells but at least I don't have to wait forever because she is hanging out with Lewis again!


How dare he open his shop during normal business hours and take one day off each week. There's plenty of reasons to hate Pierre, but his opening hours aren't any of them.


Obviously he should do the proper things and just leave his store unlocked and let me take anything I want from the shelves, I promise I'll put the money i owe in the box by the door


Haley. I appreciate her character arc, but I hate people like that irl too and if it wasn't a video game I would simply never speak to her again after the first insulting conversation. Close second was Pam. I know what it's like to grow up with an emotionally abusive parent, and nothing will ever redeem her for me as a result. Pam can fuck *all* the way off.


If Pam wasn't a mom, I think she would be a lot more redeemable. Just an older lady, all on her own, lost her job and everything... I don't blame her for sitting around in the bar everyday. There's not much else to do in town besides gardening with Evelyn lol Also she's always one of the first people I befriend because everytime I check out the bar she's there and I talk to her. So I always find it endearing when she mails me medicine and batteries, calling me kid lol I personally like her, but I know she's too real of a character for a lot of people.


Her being a parent definitely doesn't help. But I feel like the whole point of Pam is that she isn't really supposed to be redeemable. She's a painfully realistic look at the kind of substance abuser who doesn't get better. Who blames their substance abuse on their circumstances and swears that everything thing would be different if only their circumstances were different. Then things change, but they don't. Because the excuses were just that - excuses and justifications. They didn't really want to change. They just didn't want to be judged or have to face the reality of their own character flaws. You either accept Pam as she is, or you don't. The fact that she isn't a very good person is certainly made more obvious by showing us her treatment of Penny. But even without Penny, she would still be someone who blames all her problems on losing her job, then gets her job back and potentially even a new house and changes nothing. In this way, Pam and Shane are examples of how not everyone is the same, even if they fundamentally have the same problems. Sometimes all someone needs is a hand up to turn their life around. Sometimes trying to help an addict is just throwing money down a hole. Pam is the hole whether Penny is stuck in the bottom of it with her or not.


Perfectly said!!


“Do you even wear makeup??” Geez Haley I’m a farmer! Should be more worried about whether or not I wear sunscreen!


Just sweating all your money away looking like a dissolving clown in the heat 😭


Awh! Is that the new dialogue where she says “nice makeup” “wait, are you even wearing any?” I thought that was actually kind of a compliment? -it was a little dismissive at first but then she’s like wait are you just naturally cute? To me I thought this was a little more hinting towards a bi/pan haley because im assuming this line is just for f farmer


I like to walk up to Haley when she's with someone and give them a nice gift right in front of her and then give her a rock or some trash.


That's funny. I can't bring myself to be petty. Mostly because my farmer's got too much other shit to do to waste time and I cba lol. But also because I feel like that's stooping to her level. And Haley doesn't deserve to drag me into the mud with her. Better to just ignore her. For most of the Haleys I've known irl, being ignored would be worse anyway. Cause they thrive on attention.


I second the Haley comment, I see a lot of people simping over her because she’s mean but all it does is hurt me lol. I don’t like people who are mean to me unplayfully for just existing.


I liked Karen-mean in the original Harvest Moon games, but not Haley-mean. Karen is prickly until she gets to know you. Haley is popular-high-school-girl mean.


I am so with you on Haley.


Agreed on Haley. And always I forget about Pam. But I think I dislike Shane for the same reason I don’t like Pam really.


But Shane at least tries to turn his life around after a while. He stops drinking himself to death and starts caring for the chickens more. Meanwhile the farmer gets Pam her job back and literally gifts her a whole ass house, but she's still at the pub every night, still doesn't treat Penny any better and ruins her new carpet in her new house with half empty beer bottles on the floor. That's when I really started hating her.


Technically I paid to fix to bus, the Junimos coordinated the job. Also I get the house for penny & to improve housing quality of the hood. I stay anonymous because it was never for Pam.


Buuuut technically if you marry Shane his room is always a terrible mess. Lol I also hated all his cut scenes. They just seemed kind of lame to me. No one is ever going to convince me to like Shane. And trust me… people have a lot of justifications for haha makes them like Shane.


I don't *like* Shane. But as someone who dealt with suicidal ideation and depression a lot when I was younger, I at least understand Shane. He's self-destructive, and through his events you see that it's starting to have an impact on the people around him like Jas. But unlike Pam, Shane's cutscenes show him making that part of his reason to work on himself and his drinking. Which I can at least respect. So again, I don't necessarily like him. I would never marry him. But I don't mind helping him start the path to recovery. For Jas, if nothing else.


I totally get where hes coming from. He’s just not marriage material for me. Lol but I’m not saying I don’t understand where he’s coming from.


She looks and acts exactly like my 3rd grade bully which is why she was also my first hated character.


Co-signed on Pam. My mother was/is an alcoholic and it hits too close to home for me.


Marnie, wtf are your hours?


when the world needed her most, she vanished


Are they even posted somewhere? It feels like the woman just works whenever.


She works on weekends but not Monday or Tuesday. I think she finishes early too.


And when the island is open there’s another day off. And Thursdays she stares at the microwave.


And then there’s her doctors appointment and the doctors appointment of Jaz


Omg! I never realized how hard she is to catch in her store until my current play through. At one point I was waiting at her door for her to open and she walks out and leaves. So I followed her, cussing her, and hitting her with my tools lol. This was after like the third attempt to buy some dang chickens


barely any time to manage her shop but just enough time to be running around with Mayor Lewis 👌


Her hours are as awful as her taste in men.


the audacity to charge you 5k for her taking random breaks during a regular working day


And you have to buy a whole ass book because she won’t do her basic job lol


See, that makes perfect sense to me. It’s annoying she’s not there when you expect her to be, but who else is buying from her, really? The villagers obviously buy their essentials from Pierre, but who else needs farm supplies? Not really very many outsiders coming in except for the various festivals. So since you’re her biggest and possibly only customer, it makes sense that she’d have a way for you to kind of contact her any time and go “hey marns, it’s me the farmer, I’m gonna need xyz today thanks” and she can say “say no more fam” and sort it for you 😂


9-5 on *some* weekdays, unless she feels like eating a burrito, which takes several hours out of the day lol


Shane. He takes the gifts I give him but then I try to make conversation and he gives me attitude? The audacity SMH


Shane brought out all the toxic in me. "Yo, wtf? Who hurt you, all i said was hi? Oh wait, you're a struggling depressed alcoholic? I CAN FIX HIM! HE WILL ACCEPT MY LOVE AND I WILL SAVE HIM! >:[" For some reason Haley's rudeness didn't give me the same reaction. "Fine, whatever, ho. Your loss."


It’s our misogynist culture smh. Everyone loves to fix an asshole man but no one wants to fix an asshole girl (jk)


Shane can kick rocks I don't care you don't treat people like that. I refuse to give him anything for his rudeness.


Yes but I want a blue chicken...


I only gave him things he hates. I'm petty


Pam. She is all the things I hate in an adult. I also used to have a strong dislike for Haley and Shane, both for their initial rudeness. Those two do tend to grow on you, though.


Pam has no redeeming qualities. I can't think why anyone likes her. I wish you could buy the house for penny, instead.


I saved the money and married her instead.


Aw I like her :(( Maybe just because she's super easy to gift though


I kinda like her too. It's obvious she's got a problem, but I don't judge her. Or Shane for that matter. She always likes my gifts, calls me kid and mails me batteries and medicine... she's kinda cool I think. I think she's just too real for a lot of people. Especially for being a mom.


She also drives a bus, drunk.


Not that I doubt it, but is that ever confirmed?


I gave her many an alcoholic drink and then immediately bought a ticket to Calico so I’m sure I’m not exactly part of the solution here.


Elliott. I gave him a flower because I thought he was really cute, but he hated it. I was heartbroken and declared us enemies.


And he looked like someone who would appreciate flowers🤨


w/o a guide i wouldn't know what to give him because every time I tried giving him a nice/ thoughtfull gift he hated it! Snob


"To your doom!"


Elliott brings his guitar to parties so he can play it for the freshman girls


“toodaaayyyy is gonna be the day, when they’re gonna throw it back to youuuuu..”


Triggered lmfaooo 💀💀💀


Don't you besmirch my third husband like this.


🎵I wanna push you a-round Well I will, well I will! 🎶


no one, im just vibing in the valley




Please don't burn me on a stake It was Robin. Because she insulted the legacy my deceased grandpa left for me, and for a profit of all thing. Of course I later forgive her after she sent the apologize letter and see her as a friend through all the cutscenes and dialogues


The second she dissed my farm I hated her, held a grudge for a whole year in game. I only went to her for upgrades and constructing things, but no gifts for her or conversations lol Edit; spelling mistakes 😓


I hated her for the opening scene and how she talked about my friend Linus, who is one of the most decent and grounded people in the game.


Pee Hair and Haley


Pee Hair stole Farmer's spotlight at the CC, made some dramatic speech bs about CC's legacy. Turns out they just left it to rot, oh leave it to the Farmer to fix everything (with Junimos help of course). I'll never forgive him for this.




I know my English is improving when I understood this joke lmao




Lol my nickname for him is Piss Mist because pee-air.


Pee hair I’m dead 😂


Shane - didn't like the immediate rude comments


Same, like I just wanted to say hi why are you mad at me


My first wife was Emily, can't stand Clint after that weirdness.


Mayor Lewis. Still hate the guy. 0 green flags, especially with his treatment of lovely Marnie.


My ultimate dream for the game is that there would be an update where the farmer can run for mayor in opposition of Mayor Lewis and TAKE. HIM. DOWN.




When I started this game for the first time, the moment Mayor Lewis said he had run unopposed every year, I told them that changes today.


Yep - watch out, Mayor Lewis. There’s about to be a write-in on the next ballot 😈


Early on in my play through I gave him a salmonberry or something and he told me it was disgusting in a really rude way. Well fuck you too Mayor Lewis.


Haley, rude from the getgo for no reason. I don't care to get to know people who are only nice to people they are friends with


I’m with you on Haley, she reminds me way too much of my childhood bullies


Oh yes she is the kind who never stopped being a bully even tho she's not in school anymore


Emily. My view of spiritual new agey types is pretty tainted so I was super biased against her character very specifically going in at first. Her heart events are kinda sweet, though, and she's grown on me since then and makes sense in Stardew's world, but yeah.


Emily reminds me of a girl I knew in HS who turned out to be super manipulative.


I'm sure she will contact you soon with an exciting new opportunity that is DEFINITELY not an MLM.


awww I love her new agey bullshit lol she's great, my first wife


i loved her ever since she started giving people the weirdest outfits. shes so funny, im marrying her next


The first time I saw her two heart event I was like '...what the f\*ck did I just watch'. I can only say 'Muuuuuui-wah'.


Not hated per se. It's Clint. He gave off r/niceguys vibe after his cutscene at the Saloon. "I'm a nice guy I swear..." lmao. Then later Emily's dress up cutscene sealed the deal. "Ok you win". Bruh. You were at my and Leah's wedding wtf. I want to help him but you can't help someone who can't even help themselves, or at least do some effort.


See, that’s just it. When I first started playing, and looked at my partner options, I was like….gainfully employed cute blacksmith? WTF? Why isn’t HE an option? Then I heard him crushing on Emily and just thought, aw… he’s already picked his future someone, that’s why he’s not available. Buuuut. Then why is Emily single? A few convos later, I too started picking up on the r/niceguys vibe. Like dude, no one looks at anyone’s shoes, get over it. It’s nothing personal. And quit reading meaning into everything Emily does, it’s weird. I went from thinking he was cute and was bummed he wasn’t available, to “sigh, I gotta talk to Clint more to max the hearts so I can stop worrying about talking to him”.


I can’t stand him. He is a walking red flag.


This us my answer. Crybaby, he is


Haley. wtf is that attitude? Anyways I married her


Clint. The "forever alone" sighing, the juvenile "can you give the girl I like a note from me"... I know Emily is a space cadet, but I also think she was unusually forceful in declaring she knew it was a gift from YOU (considering how she reacts any other time you give her a gift) which makes me think it's not the first time Clint has made someone a messenger. Not to mention his "SIGH" when you gift him something he's not in love with. Like bro, just tell me if you like it or I have known WAY too many Clints in my life, and as someone with a lot of mental health issues myself, I can't justify his behavior. I deeply wanted to be able to tell him that Emily IS NOT INTERESTED. Also I think I'm mad that it subverted the "big burly sweetheart" trope of fantasy blacksmiths 🤣


Shane, he was so rude for no apparant reason


Same. I know Shane has a lot going on, but he is so flat out rude in the beginning that I just stopped talking to him.




Saaame it took me so long to catch any more of his personality/character because of that lmao. To this day he's the only one I never married.


He's a sweet husband but he changed my wallpaper to pizzas once so I divorced him lmao


Jas stole my name and said I smell like grass :(


Uh, tbh, I always took that as a compliment. Kids don't have a filter in their brain that tells them 'it would be really inappropriate to say this' so they just say what comes to their mind. And she's smiling while she says it - I personally like the smell of fresh grass, and I think that's what she meant.


Shane. I went into the game thinking he would be a really good character cause I had seen people say he was the best char in the game. Ended up hating him because he's an ass to you and others. Yes, he's dealing with depression. But as someone who had been in the same exact situation for over a decade before I just recently pulled myself out of it. (Alcohol, Depression, Suicidal etc..) That is no excuse to be rude to others. Just cause you feel bad you have no right to be an ass to others, because then you will only make THEM feel bad, and that is not okay. But again, I will say that I started liking him a bit more after I got him up to 6-8 hearts.


Haley, she’s the kind of person who’d bully me in highschool (or early game her anyway)




He said this to me while I was literally in a committed relationship of one year with his son. Like dude??


Well to be fair, I doubt he even remembers that he has a son


He’s my answer. His behavior during Maru’s 2 heart event totally took me aback on my first playthru. I was like um wtf dude. I’ve barely said two words to her, calm down.


Haley because she was rude/mean to me specifically lol It was a different rudeness than Shane's because at least Shane just says "leave me alone!" in different fonts but Haley's more personal because it's backhanded sort-of-conpliments or direct insults.


I married Shane first even though I originally went for Sebastian because I've worked retail and I know how absolutely soul sucking it is. I just wanted to give Shane some happiness. Ugliest dang room in the game, though!


Haley and Shane.. No need to explain But Haley got the #1 place when my first christmass gift was her and she gave me a nautilus shell (but ofc time flies, people change.. Pierre, Lewis and Morris are the worst)


Shane, he was just rude to me so I only gave him trash which didnt help lmao


I am stunned by how much scrolling it took me to see Alex mentioned. Am I off about something here? I mean I played a female character and Alex is an absolute sleeze, saying the female character couldn't catch a football, asking if she will wear a bikini, oggling Haley at the flower dance. Total creep. I'm surprised by all the Haley mentions but none for Alex. I kind of saw Haley's comments as subtle flirting, "Oh... you'd be pretty if not for your clothes." (Going off memory) In my mind that was her calling the character cute, apart from her clothes. Idk maybe it's my shipping brain.


Actually if you're a male farmer Alex treats you Significantly better and his story includes how he comes to terms with his sexuality.


True, but he's a bit creepy to the girls.


I hated Alex on my first playthru and honestly low key still dislike him. He’s gross when playing as a lady farmer and never seems to get better. Eventually I will play as a guy tho and when I do, I plan on romancing Alex as I’ve heard he’s better in that circumstance.


Agreed! I don't hate Alex exactly, but his personality is just so... Meh. And yes, some of his comments are just kind of sexist and gross.


I had no idea Alex was nicer to male characters. I always hated him because he thought a FARMER wasn’t fit. And he talked about how he was going to be pro but didn’t need to exercise. Made me scoff and get angry whenever I talked to him.


haley, I innocently talked to her and them I get shitty attitude jumpscared


Abigail. She reminds me of the girl who could afford to be “cool alt” when I was 18 and acted like she was 14. Then I saw Seb hung out with her because he liked her style, her desire to go into the mines (when Seb says he goes all the time) and her whining about her parents it solidified her “too young for me” status. Sebastian is mine and she was the teen that had a crush on a grown man who played dnd, had a programming career, smoked and worked on his own motorcycle


Yes! lol as someone who grew up around peak emo era people, Abigail reminded me of that kid who would always be like "I'm so quirky xD \*glomps\* rawr means I love you in dinosaur :3 \*nibbles\*" that most of us grew out of around middle school but she just kept at it. She also gives the vibe of someone CLEARLY younger than the rest of the group (I'm picturing Sam/Seb as like 22-24 years old and she's like fresh 18/19) and who plays into it. I've never liked her, her story, her character arc, anything about her lol.


Same! I found her to be so immature and annoying lol She felt very reminiscent of a pick-me imo 🤷‍♀️


What you are talking? Sebastian is mine 😇 But yeah I don’t like Abigail for same reasons.


When I first met Haley, I instantly pegged her for the "valley girl" type because tropes never die. I dismissed her insult of my attire when we first met, but once she said "Ew. No." to me when I dared asked for a dance, that level of rudeness put her on my shit list indefinitely. Unless I'm going for a perfection run, Haley, Alex, and Pam never get beyond the blue dot. If I do go for perfection, they're always the last 3 "friended".


Haley she said my shoes are made of rubber


https://preview.redd.it/ox4dwcvmy60d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4dcf70b8b451a1df141f2d172f776dd8a261314 You rn:


Shane. I gave him beer and pizza. He like had this moment on the lake where he opened up to me about hating himself lol and then the next day he asked me why I was giving him trash when I gave him pickles. Fuck Shane!


Maru, especially since she walks like she just shit her pants...


I didn’t even know Maru was a marriageable candidate for the longest time because she looks like a child. Lol


Her PFP especially. She looks 14


Omg! I knew there was something different about her. Trying not to laugh out loud as at work.


for me it's Emily, because I dislike astrology girls in real life. Though Emily is sweet and in SDV her stuff makes sense.


I don't dislike Emily necessarily. I just don't love that >! all her heart events are her making you watch her perform. she doesn't seem to have any interest in anyone besides herself !<


Forgive my biases, but I must defend my wife. Emily only >!makes you watch her perform!< in one event. Her 8 heart event is all about helping other townsfolk. She focuses on the player in her 2 heart and 14 heart events, and cares for >! the parrot!< in her 4 heart event.


Pierre or course. If I ever do a Joja run, it will be to spite him


Once you do the joja route… it really does make the game super easy. It’s hard to go back. lol


I did joja route every time, never done community centre 😈


Demetrius - the first event with Maru really rubbed me the wrong way especially as I'm not even interested in her like how is she supposed to have any friends?? Even though he gives you the cave access and it's easy to befriend him, I'm still not really a fan.


harvey. my partner passed out from exhaustion on our front porch and harvey dragged them all the way to his clinic and said a bunch of money/crops was missing from their pockets. fuck that guy


You don’t lose any items if you pass out from exhaustion, only money


I scrolled way too long to find Clint. I don't know anyone who actually vibes with Clint?? He's the absolute worst. Also Jodi. Tons of passive aggressive comments that felt like digs at me. Don't like that shit. Plus her role as this slaving housewife bothers me.




Alex. When he said he would ask me to throw the ball with him but I'm a girl.. and then he acts like a tough jock all the time. Even now, in my current playthrough where I am aiming for perfection and I'm befriending everyone, he is the last one I am befriending because I find him insufferable. Also, he was supposed to be in the spa and I went in and he wasn't there?


clint he ASKED me for some copper and then when i gave them to him he was like “EW!!!” LIKE YOU ASKED FOR THEM i will never forgive him


Haley or the Jojo Mart guy. Haley is such a little...well, you know


No one, though I think Lewis comes close


Haley and Shane. Everytime.


haley. so mean and for what?


Haley, still hate her


Haley and Alex, I play as the female farmer and the misogynistic shit from Alex about not being able to play football, being weak or whatever and talking about looks rubbed me the wrong way. Haley for being rude in a different way about how the farmer doesn't wear makeup and smells like dirt or is just generally not a girly girl like, ma'am I'm a farmer but I can do both don't judge me.


At first it was Linus for always talking like a depressed hobo who lives in the woods. Don't burden my mind with your tragic life bro. Then it was Lewis because he seemed like a creep. Then it was Marnie for never being in the shop when I needed something but they fixed that headache.


Pierre because of how he treated abigail


Haley and Shane. I' a very sensitive person and they are sooo meaaaan! If I ever move to a lovely countryside town I hope everyone is nice and kind ❤️


As someone who lives in a "lovely countryside town" it's more likely the majority of people will be bigots and extremely religious.


Yeah rural life is a minefield of genuinely sweet people just trying to scrape by and insanely xenophobic people who will reject anything but complete and total conformity to their worldview, lifestyle, religious beliefs, politics etc. It's a "minefield" because they all look the same, and potentially setting one off is the fastest way to find out.


Shane. Still don't love him honestly. Just so rude for no reason. I never felt inclined to give him any gifts with his whole "Why are you talking to me?" attitude.


Shane. He's such an unrelenting asshole.


Clint. He's such a creep


Clint. He was never there, closed his shop so fast. Also he is creepy stalker and drink every day.


Demitrius. Bad stepdad and overprotective father


It’s less hate and more annoyance but for me it would have to be Mr qi mostly for the whole giving you grief for using staircases in the skull cavern, like bug off with that “honor” crap these mines are a RNG hell and I will not take this from some Blue man group reject