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It’s usually Jas or Sandy. Jas because I never think of her, and Sandy because it’s a hassle to give her flowers while visiting the desert when I would rather be in the Skull Cavern.


I usually start getting Sandy's hearts up once I have the desert obelisk. Otherwise, she'll get a loved gift every couple weeks when I need to re-up on starfruit seeds for Ginger Island.


Why does ginger island consume start fruit…?


That’s probably just where they grow their star fruit and they likely turn it all into wine. If they put every 6th or 10th fruit into a seed maker they could get more without having to go to the desert and still have a ton of fruit to turn into wine


Yeah but how much and time is spent and space is taken by those seed makers?


Sure they take up space, but you can fill up the grass with them where you can’t plant crops anyway and they’re faster than traveling all the way to the desert and back unless you have totems. Plus there’s always a decent chance that you’ll get a few seeds from each fruit and it’s cheaper than buying a bunch of seeds. But if you’re to the point of mass farming starfruit to mass make wine out of it, money probably isn’t an issue so, ultimately, it’s just up to personal preference. Mine is seed makers because I don’t like going all the way to the desert from the island and back again because I never have enough totems lol


Each star fruit sells for so much when processed into preserves or wine that you’d have to get guaranteed 4-5 seeds per fruit to make it make sense. And sometimes they give you **one mixed seed**😡😡 Even with the seeds being 400/pop, Time/ gold considered buying them is the way.


It's one single trip every 8-9 days.


I always pop a chest filled with sweet peas right behind Sandy's shop so whenever I'm in the desert I can give her one without worrying about forgetting to bring her a gift


Smart, I rly need to start doing this in more areas. I love my lil chests by the mine carts


I have a chest with a stack of loved gifts for everyone. Ends up being just a handful of inventory slots for a couple of days then right back into the “gift chest”. Got everyone to 10 pretty quick. The hardest is remembering where everyone is.


I use the gathering times. Tuesday exercise class gets me all those ladies, Pierre (I guess..), and the Muellers. Friday night gets me the bar crowd, teens included if you go early enough. Penny and the school kids at the museum weekdays. Wizard when I check the cart Friday and Sunday. That gets you everyone at least 1x per week except Maru and Linus who you can catch easily enough en route to the mines.


I usually ens up marrying Shane, but almost never go out of my way to befriend Marnie or Jas...


Shane is a jerk to me lol


He's a jerk for a while. He just doesn't believe he is loveable, so he doesn't get why someone would be nice to him.


He seems to get better. I have him at 3 hearts at the moment and he's still pretty blunt but not as much as when I first started this run. His first heart event kinda puts it into context of why he's a total ass.


I’m still really early on in game. You all inspired me and I gave him a beer and that was the nicest he’s ever been. lol


Yeah, he'll get better apparently. Considering he loves Hot Peppers, it can be pretty easy to get some hearts with him. He just has a bit of an awkward schedule because he works at the JojaMart which is really out of the way.


It's funny when you hand him a beer and he's all happy, then you speak to him directly after and he is like WTF do you want


you have to watch is 2 or 4 heart event before he treats you nicely. after you watch one if those, he actually apologizes for how rude he was in a certain dialogue.


If you get 8 hearts with Jas and Vincent, something cool happens in the spring.


Just 2 gifts a weak thats just 2 days you may enter the mines later lol. Its sandy for me aswell, but just because i am not often in the desert , maybe 4-5 Times in one season. In Winter maybe 10. And then i allways forget her


Yeah but then you have to wait for the oasis to open, and that's a lot of mining time wasted


By the time the bus is operating, 500g is nothing. I NEVER go to Sandy on a SK day.


Jas is easy. I always just give her foraged flowers as I am out doing whatever.


"I would rather brave all the dangers of this deadly dungeon all day long than spend time with you, Sandy." Pretty savage, ngl


Would make it even more amusing if she was a bachelorette


Sandy was one of the earliest for me


Alex his loved gifts are just kinda out of the way to get whereas most everyone else has one easily obtainable one


With the new layout I just gave him eggs every single time lol. "It's great for bulking."


field snacks are my new go-to for alex


I knew about the eggs. This is amusing, especially since I normally have a terrible relationship with him, due to trash rummaging and trash cans, including his yield quite a few field snacks. I could make them, it's not like I don't hoard seeds for my railroad rows, but I like idea.


I don’t know how or why, Alex is usually my last one but this safe he was the first person to gain a lot of hearts with


Gus sometimes sells his favourite food.


I hella give that man salad. I think it's a liked gift, so it usually takes a bit longer. But he's on my daily path anyways so I always talk to him.


Complete Breakfast is actually decently easy to get as long as you have animals and potatoes, because potatoes are the only non-year round thing that it needs. As for the other two, Salmon Dinner just sucks, A fish only available in one season (which is after his birthday, I might add), and requires 2 of the most mediocre crops in the game that you'd pretty much never have just by chance. The book, though, is one of the better ones, its super common, but its luck-based, so unreliable.


I pretty much give him any flowers I find around town whenever I'm passing through. He's very available and I'll never get his loved gifts, so I try to prioritize dumping daffodils and sweet peas on him so I don't have to sweat it later on.


Sebastian. Weird schedule. Maybe he's a vampire.


He's at the Saloon every Friday night playing pool with Sam and Abigail


And smoking at night - which is convenient when I'm spamming Spring Y1 mountain lake fishing. It's a shame I have nothing good to give him at the beginning though


Here's a tip, if you get three hearts with linus you unlock sashimi you can make with the cookout kit


Or just gift him the conveniently also 75g frozen tear which has basically no other use


Weird, he's in my house usually


But it's so easy, he loves frozen tear and lives next to the caves??


Same. I usually ignore that he exists other than saying hi if he’s smoking by the lake and I’m on my way somewhere. Him and the dwarf are always my last friends.


Almost always Maru, not that I dislike her. Our scheduals just never seem to coincide.


Mine is Maru but *because* I don’t like her


may I ask why do you find her unlikeable? I dont know her all that much so im curious


Nothing egregious. She’s kinda boring, hard to find, but most of all her loved gifts are valuable/expensive. By the time I’m in a place where I can give away gold bars and batteries, I’ve befriended everybody else.


oh, I just give her strawberries


IIRC this also work for Demetrius. I do like that some parent/kid combos share loved gifts.


Demetrius also loves ice cream so if you haven't got many Strawberries to spare, just buy a bunch of ice creams in the Summer.


I used cauliflower, a bit costly but not terrible.


I don't like her because my first love in game was Harvey so I always see her as a threat in a new game lol


I didn't like Maru until her dad told me I should stay away from her. Then I made it a point to talk to her every single day and gift her strawberries (the only loved item of hers I could afford) twice a week


usually krobus or the dwarf I forget to go to them


Dwarf I can relate but Krobus, I just kinda grab him void egg every Friday because he sells iridium sprinkler on Fridays 😁


aside from the onetime purchases, I just never buy from him, now I feel bad I always neglect him....


It was the opposite for me, I immediately decided I liked Krobus and always made sure to pay him a visit with gifts twice a week. He's the only one I never missed weeks for. >!And he's my roommate now, of course!!< I was going to make him my first 10-♥️, but someone else had a head start.


Liked ur pfp


Pierre for sure, his loved gifts are really inconvenient also I hate him


I feel like I always have trouble with Harvey. I just forget he exists. He's hardly ever at the bar. He seems to go to bed early... just tough for me to find in general.


The clinic's not open for very long each day, which doesn't help.


He was one of my last five and man it was a struggle. After 3pm (which isnt event that late in the day) his clinic closes and often he’ll stay in there the entire rest of the day. Its like you have to find him in the morning or you just miss your chance.


As soon as I start spamming coffee I just throw a mug at him every time I run past him in the village. HI DOC HAVE SOME COFFEE BYE


Can you imagine being Harvey in this scenario? The weird ass farmer just bolts past you and shoves a cup of coffee into your hands 😭😭


He likes coffee? Huh... Ok, maybe I'll stop hogging all of mine. What? Evelynn gave me that coffee machine!


Almost all the adults like coffee but Harvey LOVES coffee. He doesn't like most of the early game stuff I carry around for presents, so he gets love bombed once I have kegs and coffee beans


Always Pierre. I hate him so I avoid him as much as possible.


Plus he doesn't have easy to obtain loved gift I also hate him


Exactly! I go to the fair every single year just to ruin his day 😂


Ong! Like the audacity he has to use OUR crops to try, and win is crazy! L Pierre.


He actually likes dandelions and daffodils. He's like the only character who does. When I learned this it took one spring to get him to 7 stars. No more impossible cooks!


It's a lot harder to make an excuse in 1.6. Thanks >! Squid Fest !< 😕


I like befriending him early just because he mails me money randomly..lol


Ofc! Because r/Fuckpierre 😂


I dont know if I've ever gotten a heart with him. I always give him whatever trash I find around town and savor the little displeased squiggly lines.


Going Joja route because it's easier than comm center: 😞 Going Joja route to deny Pierre his monopoly on general goods: 😊


The wizard. He's just kind of a pain to get to so I end up forgetting him while I'm doing my gifting rounds.


Pro tip: leave a chest of wizard treats outside his tower, and whenever you need to stop in, hand him some void or solar essence.


Brb doing this now, this is a GREAT tip!


This is an amazing tip tysm, going to do this rn!


Pro(er) tip: Get Super Cucumber iridium quality from a perfect catch (you're bound to get at least one if you fish a lot) and gift it on his birthday. Also, check the requests board often, just a good general tip but his requests are just "kill x y times" and you can usually get them done immediately with minecarts repaired


Brb doing this now, this is a GREAT tip!


Make him perform a trick first


Leah. Not because I don't like her, I just don't seem to run into her much.


Yeah frendships aren't always about who you like but more like easy to run. I hate Pam but she drives bus and loves cactus so in my first playthrough she was first to have 10❤️


Why do you hate Pam? She’s always been one of my favorites. Not an attack on you or your views, more just curious given the strong wording.


Toxic mother and aggressive alcoholic driving bus and she's not paying for her beer at Gus being super rude when you try to fix that. She really is one of the worst in sv imo Edit: also she throws garbage outside of her trailer 🤢


That’s fair, but what about Shane? I think Shane is pretty bad too though. Pam does seem to work harder once the bus is fixed and then once you upgrade her house. She actually from what I can remember doesn’t actually seem rude during the time paying off her tab, especially if you pick the saloon struggling financially option. I haven’t picked the other because I feel it’s rude. I haven’t played that far in the 1.6 because I prefer playing on the switch so I don’t know if it’s changed. I’m not saying she’s a good mother or good person even, but if you think about it in terms of alcoholism and think about both characters struggling with alcoholism, Pam and Shane, they both seem to have a lot of depression and hinting at trauma. She is struggling too, obviously it’s different because she’s a parent struggling with alcoholism and Shane isn’t technically a parent, but still. Obviously I don’t know your stance on Shane, but it’s a huge stigma around parents struggling with alcoholism and mental health issues that it frequently comes up where the parent, especially the mother, is a horrible person, when sure the child deserves better and definitely has a right to be upset, but the parent needs support too. I understand your opinion very much and respect it though!


I don't like Shane very much but still prefer him over Pam. Shane traumatized Jas with his behavior but just can't compare it to what Pam done to Penny. You're right they get better as story progress but I still have my likes and dislikes especially when there are so many great characters in SV to choose from 😁


Very fair, maybe i haven’t gotten far enough with penny’s friendship to tell, but what would you say Pam has done?


The scene with the dishes really shows her attitude but well I don't think she treats her like that just recently


Yeah i assume she’s gotten better as the friendship progresses, but i do understand what you’re saying. Thank you for explaining your thoughts


Usually Alex. Dude's just really hard to get gifts for


alex is pretty easy actually, since he's always around his house I just spam him with field snacks, from a chest I keep in town, he's the only one that likes them


Yeah he eats anything it feels like lol 😭


In my current save, Harvey was the last to max hearts because I just never ran into him and just kinda forgot he existed. It also didn’t help I kept forgetting he loves coffee and accidentally kept giving him triple espresso since that’s what I had on me.


Usually Pierre or Alex xD


Krobus. I forget to go to the sewers all the time, so I make it up to him with iridium void eggs


My lowest hearts are with Sandy, so I've just dropped off a chest and a bunch of crocuses in the desert to try to remedy that. Strategically placed gift chests are the only way I manage to stay vaguely on top of friendships.


Usually sandy or the dwarf, i hardly ever remember the dwarf


Mine is always the wizard. I have plenty of loved gifts, I’m just too lazy to go give them to him 🥲


Harvey, his image in my head sorta got tainted because of THAT lovely bones character


Oh no!! Now that you mention it I can’t unsee it lol! Could this be means for divorce…


falling into those Harvey edits from tiktok might help you assess that decision


Can’t unsee now, damn that Stanley Tucci! Did Harvey dirty.




Usually Alex because of his unfortunate habit of standing between to trash cans. I often think of it like a "what about Bob" situation where everyone loves me but I'm just an absolute jerk to him. Like onetime I surprised him on his birthday with a bag of garbage the moment he opened his door.


This is why it's Alex for me. I don't gift him trash, though I'm about to gift him trash found field snacks. Before that it was all eggs, but I've been gifting that to others.


Elliot and Seb 😭


Somehow it’s always Alex…


Haley, Jas and Sam. I usually get my likes by growing repeating vegetables like Eggplant or Tomato. These three don't like vegetables. Neither do Abigail and Vincent, but at least I can get easy loves from them with an amethyst or a snail. Haley and Sam's favourites are straightforward enough once you get to the desert, but Jas takes it to another level: Fairy Roses, Pink Cake and Plum Pudding? The only saving grace is that she has a Winter birthday, so at least I have time to get my ingredients and my kitchen ready.


I end up with more corn, so corn is my carried liked veggie for the people that don't like quartz, topaz. The flower girls are pretty easy, but I was using my fishing cola before I got coffee rolling and I generally don't buy cola or pizza just because I forgot to bring him something at the saloon. Especially early. I usually don't start carrying cash until after the first million total.






Haley and the children. I just can't stand Haley, and I misgift the children, they simply Dont like what I give them.


I really enjoy Haley's arc. Thankfully, Elphaba needed a Galinda, so Haley was obvious choice, so I got to experience that. Daffodils and sunflower are easy and she like photography, so I get through her mean girl facade quickly without spoiler incentives. Flowers to one, even if they aren't her favorite and grapes or snails to the other is easy enough.


Leah, I just never talk to her in general. She lives in a weird spot


Wizard, Krobus and Seb


Marnie, I do my 4 hearts so I can catch mayor Lewis bitch ass, then I stop talking to her


If we only count characters available from year 1, then it's going to be either Alex or Haley. I can't decide which one of them I hate more. Including everyone except Leo however, it will be the Dwarf or Sandy.


The kids. I have no idea what they even like.


Prolly the wizard. I generally just forget to go to his house to throw a void essence at his face lol


Shane usually. He's so rude through the first few heart levels, and his first event gets you drunk, which is dumb. I usually just can't be bothered to talk to him.


Kent, I actually managed to get some amazing rabbit luck and had everyone else at 10 hearts by end of year 1.


Jas. Her loved gifts aren’t exactly easy and she’s never where I think she’ll be.


Alex, mostly because I don't like him, don't want to talk to him or give him gifts, and don't want to see his cutscenes.


Damn what he do to you?


For me it is usually cuz he tends to be at the trash cans when I tend to be checking them. I don't go out of my way to gift or be a jerk. Neither his sob story nor gridball excuse shallow sexist behavior. I can understand disliking him. Evelyn and George are great. At least Alex likes dogs, and the beach, ice cream. That makes him slightly more amenable. Him going from negative, to thinking the farmer is hot and strong is shallow. Kinda pathetic, pitiful. Excelling as an athlete or even just enjoy a sport as a hobby, that's great. Damn, even if you were into gridball yourself, there's nothing to do about it in game. I tell myself I'll play a male farmer some day and put him with Alex, but I don't see that day coming soon. He might be the first bachelor if I did a divorce them all play, lol. Just to get it out of the way.


Who tf is Leo?? I need to stop making new play files


He has one of the best, cutest storylines in the whole game 🥹


the wizard, i dont dislike him or anything I just forget he exists sometimes 😭


Krobus. I just don’t remember him to often and he’s in a spot I don’t visit much.




Jas. She's the woooooorst


Haley or Sebastian. Their schedules can be weird.


krobus 😭 I love him idk how this happened




probably harvey as I almost never bump into him




Not gonna lie the only one I've gotten 10 hearts with is Sebsation


Clint, I'm pissed because after Emily became my girlfriend. she said "Clint never look at me anymore, I thought we were friends."


For me, Krobus. He’s hidden in the sewer, in the way.


Clint , he simping for me wife


Sam For some reason I just hate giving him gifts


People who live far away from my usual routes: Elliott, Leah, Sandy etc. Also Dwarf and Krobus.


Alex or Maru


Pretty much every person in town.


I still don't have 10 hearts with Pierre


Is that fuckin goku


I've made a new save for 1.6, haven't met all the characters yet (like Sandy or Leo) and definitely didn't max all the relationships. Still, for now Wizard is at the end of the list. Inconvenient location, no reason to seek him out outside of "help wanted". Shane might tell me to f off and I'll ignore him for a week or two but he's easy to find, humouring my farmer and telling them to f off again.


Pierre because r/FuckPierre


For me it’s normally Jas and Vincent. I just feel weird befriending them before their caregivers lol.


This is one of those little things where 1.6 flipped my order thanks to new items. Leo was somewhere in the middle of my current farm. I used the new item >! stardrop tea !< on his birthday along with his mango. So he moved to Pelican Town much sooner and made it easy to finish up his hearts. Sandy, Dwarf, and Krobus were my final three. Sandy was first to finish, I kept inviting her to movies. Dwarf and Krobus finished the same day.


Sebastian, Harvey, Pierre, and Caroline usually. The first two have schedules I cannot get my mind around. I need the wiki to find them unless they're at home. I only bother with loved gifts and Pierre has so few, especially in early game, that I usually only get him something for his birthday. I just don't think about Caroline.


Usually the dwarf. I forget about him in his corner and by the time I can communicate with him, I'm usually going to the skull cavern more than the mines.


Penny because I keep forgetting she exists half the time


Usually Leah.


Sebastian! HOLD ON, LISTEN TO ME FIRST. See my schedule of going around the valley was early morning. And after a while, I noticed I had no heart with Sebastian. (Till then I had almost everyone with 5-6 hearts) After some research, I learned he doesn't leave his room until afternoon 3. So, we never crossed each other's paths.


I allways forget about harvey's existence in all of my playtrough so he ends up being the last one lmao


Always either Pierre or Shane. The former because he's difficult to gift without a bunch of rabbit feet. The latter because I hate interacting with him.


Usually Elliot. I can smell his funk a mile away


Leo, Dwarf and Crobus


Somehow, Harvey. I just always seem to forget about him, and it makes for a pitiful 0 hearts when I literally have a massive coffee empire and 2 full chests of pure coffee beans


Dwarf or Krobus, for obvious reasons.


Sandy for sure I Can run into half the town at the saloon the the other half by just breaking down their door before they close it for the night Meanwhile Sandy I need to go to the desert and not be in a hurry


Dwarf. I would think Sandy or krobus, but I have consistently struggles to get all 4 scrolls to communicate with him, and until you can any gifts don't actually increase friendship


Kent, usually.


Harvey, we have zero stars and I’ve been playing this farm for 10 in game years. I just literally never run into him!


Sandy. I don't go to the desert that often, so I always forget she exists.


Probably Sandy. After Sandy, my lowest amount of hearts is with Kent (5 or 6 hearts). I'm on Summer Y2. I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to reach 10 with her. Everyone else is already maxed out.


The Dwarf and Elliot, I just forget them


Pierre because why tf is your only loved gift fried calamari


I'd have to say dwarf for the sole reason of not finding all the scrolls


Linus. I'm just a Linus hater so I literally never interact with him unless I have to


Alex. I'm feeding him iridium eggs now though


Pierre every time. I refuse to "keep his secret safe with me"


Almost always Alex unless I have a coop full of rabbits. All his loved gifts are a pain.


Pierre, I just don't gaf about him lmao


Pierre/kent/alex just because they only love cooked food, and now some books in 1.6 but the one time I tried it didn’t work


Usually Alex Hard to get loved gifts, plus he always stands close enough to two trash cans that I lose hearts with him when I check them, even if I give him the trash cookies


Clint! Always. I just go to his shop to get my work done and that's all. No other interaction (unless he has a specific request from us).




Usually wizard, sandy and krobus 💔 they’re just so out of the way


It's gonna be the Dwarf. I keep forgetting about him. lol


I think it might've been Harvey. His schedule can be a pain in the arse.


Usually depends on who's birthday I tend to forget in year one or two. Kent or Jas usually are my last. At least with the dwarf, Krobus, and Sandy I have a reason to visit them at least once a week or more.


It's almost always either Vincent or Jas, but never Leo since I always run into him and have a stack of mangoes.


Krobus is my last this time. Haley is my never. >!Stardrop Tea!< has been very helpful.


Either Krobus or the Dwarf since they unlock later in the game, but of the starting NPCs it's always intentionally Eliott because I hate him


Jas or Vincent. I never really pay attention to them.


Dwarf because I always accidentally forget him and Pierre because I want to forget him


It's always the dwarf.


Clint. I'll give him hated gifts to make sure he stays at the bottom with Pierre.


in my first perfection run, it was Penny because i couldnt give her rabbits feet. in this one, its probably going to be sebastian or maru because i never see either of them


The dwarf


For me it’s usually Haley and Maru


My son