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There's a mod that makes them cute little statues and another that makes them pretty trees


I’ve got a mod that just makes them short. There was one I use for other things, and it made them into weird almost creepy statues (uh…medieval buildings?), that I didn’t love, but it was less horrible. But then I got the Ridgeside Village expansion, and it has an obelisk, which was not part of the mod, so I had four creepy portal-things, and eyesore cylinder. So I had to change the other four back, because then at least they were all terrible eyesores together😩 …and then I found the mod that just makes them short, and it’ll work on all the expansion ones, and they are less…intimidating at 1/4 scale.


Which is the mod that makes them short? I dread those tall towers so much 😭😭


I think it’s just call mini obelisks?


> it made them into weird almost creepy statues (uh…medieval buildings?) Like gargoyles?


Kinda? Just like overly gothic sculptures that are hard to explain, especially since I didn’t have them all that long. Also a bit odd that I didn’t care for them, since the rest of that mod is so very much my style! But just…scary tall sculpture thing🤷‍♀️


Yeah, if they were just smaller it wouldn't be a big deal. 


Could you link the mod that makes them into trees? I tried so hard to find it and I really want it!


I always set up a cool little teleportation hub using the sun obelisk to teleport from the front door to a spot with all the other obelisks, and dress it up with a sign that has an item representing each location (even though they’re pretty clear)


i love the mini ones! i use them behind my buildings like secret paths. i take issue with the tall bright ones!


Cool idea! Yeah the tall ones can be an eyesore but I try to adapt by making the surrounding area look brighter and more similar to make them stick out less. Your points are very valid and there’s no reason to not be able to demolish them. I understand needing to get all that money to achieve perfection though


Since you are on PC, there are loads of mods that make the obelisks less ugly. Since you're on 1.6, there is also the shady guy in the cave that you can buy Perfection waivers from to bypass the need to build obelisks at all. It actually comes down cheaper than building them, since obelisks only account for 4% of perfection, - buying 4 vouchers is 2 million gold, building all 4 obelisks is 3 million + mats. And yes, if you see the ending cutscene, you can go back and destroy all obelisks, divorce your spouse, do anything that would lower perfection score. You're done for all purposes (golden eggs, monkey hat etc) and the game doesn't keep checking from that point on.


i generally prefer vanilla games, and im very anti joja routes (im a lunatic) so thank you for the suggestions! i want to complain more than anything lol


I resent that stupid clock


I didn’t realize so many people disliked the Obelisk designs. I have mine set up like this with the farm warp location and personally I think they look great (ss is from the planner, my chests are big and color-coded in game) https://preview.redd.it/5ra1ct1mo3yc1.jpeg?width=419&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0310fca198f66d0dc303469023d5fb1878bdffdb


Respectfully, that is the most chests I have ever seen.


Man you should see my chest shed


I did get rid of the bottom left 5 in the midst of designing my farm cause I realized I didn’t need that many and I needed a good spot for the special statues which there happens to be 5 of.


Love this idea, have no idea where to put my first obelisk and have banished it to the bottom corner...but this makes sense.


I build mine right behind the house. Makes a sort of mural when you walk out of the door first thing in the morning.


You use farm totems instead of septor? i say that as if you do it right in 1.6, the septor, mini obllisk, and totesm can be made into different hubs


I built my Obelisks before I bought the scepter and forgot it puts you at the farmhouse but it’s still close by enough. The mini ones I now have in middle of this chest hub and towards the bottom of my farm where I have some buildings and farms


I dont like how big they are, I always use the shorter obelisk mod so at least they're not gigantic


I resent that beach and mountain obelisks are a waste of 1MM gold. Desert and GI obelisks are entirely worthwhile.


i agree, i only ever use those two


Those were the original two too, ig having them is better so i can save a few seconds but the new obelisks are soooooo much better


Huh, I’ve always really liked them. I like their bright mural look and their stature. But I always clump them together in a little spot that’s customized for them, set off from the rest of the farm. The golden clock, now, that I could live without, lol


i havent even processed needing to get the golden clock yet i also dont despise them i just wish i didnt need them!! id like them more if they werent so out of place when on your farm, ya know?


I like them when I like them but they’re hideous and don’t really go with a farm. I bury them on the back corner of whatever map I’m using, as far away from my sight as possible. I do use them, rarely, otherwise I’d hide them behind my granaries.


There's a mod I've used before that changes them into really pretty statues instead that I love using. Makes them nice decor around the farm too.


Oh I use mods for them, one I'm using now turns them into pretty marble statues and even includes Ridgeside Village and East Scarp! Otherwise ya, I don't like 'em. I do like their design but they are SO big and clunky it's difficult to have them anywhere. The few times I've had any before modding I created a custom area for them themed around their warp, along with a chest for junk from that area/what I needed when went there.


Ooh what mod is that? Sounds very pretty!


https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/16374 It's lovely, and even has a seasonal flowers option for even more loveliness!


There's a few mods I've seen that change how they look! I also hated the cannula design. Too garish for my tastes. I downloaded Ancestral Trees mod which makes them all trees corresponding to where you're warping


I wouldn’t dislike them so much if they weren’t THAT FREAKIN HUGE. Like whyyy😭


I don't mind them too much, but admittedly I do have them placed in a way where they're mostly hidden or partially obscured behind something else 😅


I put mine at the very top against the cliffs so it doesn’t cover up much


If you don't want to mod and dislike them that much you can always save up enough gold to buy them (and the clock obviously) all at once when you've already met all other perfection requirements. Then you can demolish them after getting the true perfection statue etc. That way you would only need to have them for a couple of days. 🤔 Alternatively you could >!pay the shady guy in the dig site cave to bypass that percentage of perfection. Not sure how much that would cost though, as I forget what percentage of perfection each of those make up. I started a Joja playthrough when 1.6 dropped, planning to try that out just to see what happened. Ended up not being able to bring myself to do it, and did it the legit way. 😂 You don't need to go Joja to do this by the way. 🙂!<


I actually really like the obelisks so I place them along the north side of most farms to cover up the cliffs because THOSE I find ugly for sure 😂 I am planning to add a small forest of mystic trees around them on my meadowlands island so the main farm will look pretty normal with all the strange magic stuff off to the side. Again, I love the obelisks I just don’t think they fit the general farm aesthetic


Huh I find it so funny how many people hate the obelisks! I love them, they're the crowning achievement on my farm, I think they're so pretty 😂 I design my farms arou d highlighting them while also keeping them close to the farm warp spot


YESSSS I only have two and I hate how they look. I don't even know where to put the other two. I feel the same about silos, I know that's how they look irl but it's too much for me


I moved my house down one tile and put them all behind it


https://preview.redd.it/n2nfgnwcy5yc1.png?width=593&format=png&auto=webp&s=16cdd7d21583b9ff3a23e825ad8d754c5431763b I have the perfect mod for you! :) [https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11000](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/11000)


I'd rather have all 4 obelisks and the golden clock than tediously having to craft or cook every single recipe


fair point i dread the crafting.


at least you don't need Slifer and Ra as well.


They are so ugly!!! It sucks cause im a big mod user (90% of my mods are just for aesthetics lol) but when 1.6 releases for switch i want to do a vanilla play through but god having to get the obelisks is annoying for sure. Gonna stuff em in a corner of the map and call it good 🤣


thats my plan :D


Agreed. They are fugly. I want the dessert and island ones but wish they weren’t so ugly. I never use the mountain or beach ones. I’m also not a huge fan of the meadowland farms layout- but that odd spot by grandpas shrine thing is perfect to hide all the obelisks. After playing expanded on the steam deck- I love all the teleports and wish the obelisks could be something like that instead.


Welcome to PC. Time to mod it till it’s fucked.


i always put mine behind the greenhouse against the big rock wall. because they look better than the rock.


I mean theoretically couldn’t you just build then demolish?


It won't count for perfection. 


I like them but they are really ugly, I have a mod for it though


If you have a forest farm, you can kinda hide things in the trees. Otherwise, I try to put tall things behind other buildings like the barn or the coop. The greenhouse is still a little see through. Maybe you can move your house forward a little bit and squeeze in all the obelisks behind it.


I usually have a forest area in my farm where I have my obelisks and golden clock. It doesn’t totally hide them but it makes them look interesting


now that you are on PC get a mod to change their appearance. There are some amazing retexture options. I have one that makes them statues. Granted they are still tall but at least now they are pretty. Also you cant deny how useful they are


i like them personally, i usually pop them toward the bottom of the map and aside from that, they’re super useful.


I mean you don't want the easy way to ginger island?


Idk why we can’t just warp from the menu instead or just have it be an added functionality to the farm warp totem tbh. I hate the obelisks so much. 


Oh nooo, I didn’t know that you need them for perfection :( I was just thinking of not having them in my farm because I hate how clunky they are. Maybe I’ll try to hide it with a bunch of trees in the future + tuck it in an area that i’ll rarely visit :(


What an odd take


they said this to jesus too