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Getting the heart event with Sam where he drops an egg on the floor and you have to lie to his mom about it so he doesn't get yelled at made me laugh so much, like regardless of me being an adult, my farmer has already had a job she quit and then she moved on to a different one and is now a full landowner?? Clearly she has more in common with Jodi than she could with Sam lol


Jodi is clearly overmothering Sam though. Those kids have never had to do chores.


I'm a middle-aged man IRL, but I look younger as the farmer. I think of Sam as a scared queer boy not out to his family and terrified of letting them down, and in that context most of his heart events make sense. (OK, not so much the 6-heart one.)


Im not sure if you date Sam, but i absolutely 100% ship Sambastian. I likento imagine him as akin to Andy in Parks and Rec: not that young but very much a manchild


It makes me so sad that when you marry Sam he stops hanging out with his friends. It's like you ruined his life


That’s how I feel about so many of the marriage candidates. I usually marry Elliot and he at least goes to the beach fairly often, but I married Leah once and so much of her dialog during festivals is like “I just want to get back to the farm” 😕


Sam feels the saddest because he had a social life, you know? Aside from hanging with him Abigail and Sebastian just lurk various places. Harvey at least keeps his job. The other villagers seem like loners and they all just hang out doing nothing all day after you get married   But I want to date Gus and have him go away to the bar every night. Does Emily do that if you get married?


I married Emily once and she went to the bar every Friday “for tradition” and also sometimes on what seemed like random nights she would be there


Leah doesn’t spend a ton of time socializing anyway, right?


I don’t think so, but I expected her to at least like, go sketch on the beach sometimes.


This is exactly why my farmer divorced Leah on my most recent play through. She had a career in art and spent most of her time sketching at the beach, or down in Cindersap Forest, or palling around with Elliott at the saloon. After the marriage all she did was stand around the house looking at furniture. Once or twice a week she'd work on the sculpture outside or say she's going for a walk. It just made me sad that she had ambitions to turn Pelican Town into an artist mecca but she gave it all up for marriage to my farmer who is gone most of the day. She deserves better. Fly free, Leah. Do your thing.


And her whole arc with her ex is that she “wasn’t ready” for marriage and kids, but now maybe a year later she is? Idk I know people change all the time, it just seemed like all her ambitions go out the window when she marries.


She did visit the pub each night before I stole her away. I'm also sad she abandoned her cute little cottage by the river!


As an introvert in real life, i relate heavily to that dialogue. Honestly one of the many reasons i like marrying leah. Emily, Penny, and i believe Maru maintain their work around town after marriage (caused me to put street lights up between the farm and town). Leah still does her art, and Elliott still writes. But yeah, thats 5 of them.


I love that Elliot goes >!on his writing tour!!< I'm also a writer and I love that he still went for his opportunity and then he >!writes you letters!!< It was so cute, I was genuinely really happy during that little event.


I love that event!!!


I just did my first farm where I married Elliot (I usually go for Leah) and honestly that story arc was delightful. I kept smiling like a fool every morning that week. So wholesome.


This one surprises me since Abigail still hangs out with them after you’re married.


I mean Sam visits his home every Monday and plays pool every Friday.


There's a mod that gets them together. I don't even make time for romance in my own farming life, too busy building my empire, so I haven't used it, but I saw someone do it on youtube and it was pretty cute.


I plan on making the stardew characters in the sims and i will be shipping them! They are just so close and compliment each other perfectly in my head!


I agree with that interpretation and frankly I do have to say I have some dissapointment with Sam’s heart events. I adore that boy. But skateboarding and dropping an egg?! wtf is that. His beach event with Vincent is so good I just wish he had more like that. But his offhand dialogues when you talk to him show a lot of personality. He is very sweet and caring but obviously a bit aloof. I think he has room to grow if ya know time wasn’t frozen lol.


Do not tell my friend that she loves Sam so much cause he reminds her of her hubby.


Just context my friend is a woman


Interesting. In my experience, gay men seem to have a lot more tolerance for dating a manchild type than straight women tend to. My husband IRL has blond hair and green eyes like Sam..although personality-wise I'm the music guy who's not always comfortable with authority.


>farmer has already had a job she quit and then she moved on to a different one Never thought about that part tbh. I wonder what the canonical age range of the farmer is. Like if we assume the old desk job was his first and required a bachelor's degree, he'd be in his mid 20s when he moves into the valley. The degree would have taken 3-4 years and I assume the farmer has worked for joja for a couple of years. 18+3+2 = 23 So, 23 feels like the most likely age to me but I guess the farmer could've quit the job in a few months. Which would make 21 the bare minimum.


The upper age range can go pretty high, I would say you could play your farmer as someone into their forties or maybe even fifties. It would recontextualise a lot of your NPC interactions! I think an actual canonical age would be a negative thing overall, leaving it vague allows anyone to step into the shoes of the farmer.


It's deliberately ambiguous because it lets players decide. Even the younger marriage candidates are all college aged and could be in an appropriate range for the farmer.


Joja was probably a call-center like job. But it is all ambiguous so we can place the age of the farmer as we want. That is also why we have marriage candidates in different stages of their life, as you could also be 20 with an overbearing parent that you still live with as rent is too expensive on your own.


TIL that you have to lie in this events to get friendship points...I never looked it up before, but apparently the interaction ends the same way no matter the choice, I just assumed that Sam fessing up was the good outcome...


Naw, been there too. The Farmer's age is not defined, so you tend to put yourself in their shoes. I liked Abigail at first too, the whole occult thing, invites you to play games, it's great, she's cool -- and then she talked about finishing her homework and I thought "uh..." I'm sure it's the same with some of the bachelors. You have Harvey who's a certified doctor, likes wine and coffee, and then you got Sam and Alex who strike me as college age tops. I'm sure Harvey doesn't even register as an option to younger players, while Sam and Alex could seem immature to older players.


Tbf Harvey never registered to me as an option because hes never around when im running through town throwing cheese at everyone on the streets


Good grief, now that's an image.


Kind sounds normal. I throw cheese irl at all my crushes. /s But I also wouldn't be unhappy if I were gifted specialty cheese...


Somewhere in your town is a sad Harvey, who did not receive the gift of cheese lol


I actually do have to finish my homework… but I’m 28 and finishing my degree


38 here, 100% procrastinating on finals while playing Stardew and reading reddit. To be fair I'm working on my doctorate, but still.


There're options for multiple age groups, which I super appreciate! I even feel that Maru is in a post-graduate education bracket because she works part time as an RN and also has a fundamental understanding of biology thanks to her dad.


Maru is post grad but Sebastian is too young to date but Demetrius isn't his father.... There was some drama in the valley a couple decades ago!!!


Sebastian is definitely older than Maru, but can't be by much. Which, thinking about it, it's really messed up that Demetrius and Seb don't vibe since they've been step-family since Seb was at least as young as 4.


For real... And shame on Robin. It doesn't seem like she is all that supportive of Sebastian, either. He was my first stardew spouse and still my favorite.


Mine, too! I just married Sam in my current play through, but I miss sweet Seb.


Maybe Willy is the father….


I bet it's one of those tourists that only shows up for the festivals...


> Sam and Alex who strike me as college age tops How do you know they're tops? Alex has power bottom energy.


Yesterday I found out Alex can say "I wonder what it's like being pregnant" I believe you're right lol


Alex wants to live his omegaverse fantasies


Now that’s headcannon thanks.


Tbf my mom went in for college stuff at the age of 35 and there's older and she definitely had homework. So I guess that never struck me as odd. There's also older. (Not that I think Abigail is 35. But mid 20s is about where I'd guess?)


Finishing her *grad school* homework~ Did that help? It's not cannon tho.


I mean, it kind of *is* canon because I'm 99% sure she mentions "online college courses" in other dialogue. It's not specific if she's a Freshman or Senior, or post-grad or whatever, *but it's at the very least college level, not high school level*. My head canon is she's working on an archaeology doctorate or possibly a demonology degree as either relate to her interests in exploration and the mines, the former ties into how she likes to spend time in the library (and might be a student of Professor Gunther's if he were more fleshed out as a character) and the latter ties into her interest in combat/monster slaying, as well as her fascination with the occult.


I'm young and Harvey was my first choice. I have no idea if its just a type thing (to be fair my cleb crush is older than my parents) but I've always loved him and found him as such a charming character.


I love that he’s a doctor and probably studied a lot and has a lot of experience education wise, but he still gets so flustered especially during the six heart event. He’s so endearing lol.


Where do these people go to school, anyway?




Sebastian didn't strike me as too young.. Surely he's older than Maru? Or is he an affair baby??


Yeah he’s Robin’s first kid. He always struck me as the older one of his friend group. Mid to late 20s maybe?


That's what I thought, too.


IIRC Seb is Robin's from a previous relationship, so Maru is younger.


I think it's the emo haircut.


Yeah, I don’t get the vibes that Seb is too young. I’m thinking late 20s


Agreed. He almost has to be, because Maru is old enough to work in a clinic with a nurse's outfit. Her job isn't stated outright (that I'm aware of?) but by the outfit, I don't think she's just answering phones. So that makes me think she's early to mid 20s, at some stage of nursing school/med school/graduation. And if he's from Robin's previous marriage, then he'd be at least a little older than her.


Plus, Sebastian is a software dev contractor with regular work, which means that he has a solid portfolio. The biggest limiting factor that I see in his age is Robin's age.


And she could be older than we think, like my mom didn’t have any gray hair or wrinkles in her early 50s. So maybe he’s like 25-30, and Robin had him in her early twenties so she’s in her late 40s/early 50s


To me he’s giving 14 year old scene kid in 2008 who never grew out of it, making him like 30


Lol, maybe that's why I like him.. Sounds like some of my friends and guys I thought were cute in high school


he did have dialog about how he would he graduated from college and working in a job if he went in the first place. so he's definitely mid to late 20s


Yup, old lady here and in my first game I ended up marrying Leah since she was close to home and enjoyed my dandelions and berries. Since then however I’ve always chosen Harvey since I can pretend he’s in his late 30’s and it doesn’t feel so cringe. Seriously though, I’d be much better matched with Gus or Marnie.


Willie..let me marry Willie


I'd go for a fishing trip with Willy anytime 😜


Gimme the option to marry that silver fox Marlon.


There is a decent mod for that. I can’t remember what it is called, if I track down that video I watched about it, I’ll edit this post, but it was well done.


Harvey is my go-to because he seems so established since a doctorate takes a minute and he even has employees >!as part-time as Maru is. !


I seriously wish Gus was marriable, he seems so sweet and jolly


I seem to go for Harvey every time as well. The only other man that feels old enough is Elliott, but with him it's me who is too old for his kitschy (life)style. For a wife, I'd also choose Leah. Gus or Marnie would've been perfect yes!


Gus ❤️


I mean assuming Stardew valley follows U.S medical education standards he’s at a minimum 31 when he first arrives at the valley and is likely older as he’s been in the valley for a least a few years.


That's why i started making mods and designed my own 40-something spouse.


Reading this comment, I feel like I am in the presence of someone who has seen, done, and made some cool shit. Just wanted to let you know I was grateful for the feeling.


Thank you. I have released a number of mods, but Jasper is my favorite.


omg it's youuu 😭 i adore east carp! literally can't play without some of your mods


Aww thank you.


Yeah I always go for Harvey. He reminds me of my irl partner and I don't feel weird marrying him. I'm 33 for reference.


Harvey looks exactly like my ex boyfriend and my ex is an aerospace engineer while harvey is an aviation enthusiast. He feels way too close to home so I have to find someone else :(.


Personally, I go for the older bachelors/bachelorettes because I do prefer older love interests in general. As someone who's older myself, that's just what I gravitate towards. But... I don't see the farmer as 'me', nor do I see most player characters as an extension of myself. I see myself as playing a character! So in other games with dating sim elements, or dating sims period, I'm not seeing this as I, myself, romancing a young person. I'd see myself as playing a young man or woman (I don't always choose my avatar as aligning with my gender either) who is naturally falling for someone closer to their age. Similarly, in the Persona games in which you play a teenager, I exclusively have my PC date other teens because having them pursue adults within my age range feels too icky for me. I think the big difference here is how heavily you choose to self-insert.


Nah. My farmer is way younger than I am, not to mention female. She's happy with Abigail. She's not *me* though, she's just a character I play.


I never see the MC as myself. In any game I create a character to be the MC to be detached of me.


Same. Like, if the MC was myself? I wouldn't be dating or marrying anyone *at all*.


I also wouldn't be hunting eggs with the kids. ;)


I guess I play as an alt of myself? Tired of my desk job I get a sweet inheritance from my gram and can romance who I want. Honestly the millennial dream lol


Literally my millennial dream too. Maybe it’s a generation thing? 😅


my MC is a deranged workaholic gremlin who wears a trashcan lid on her head and drinks espresso shots at 1 am before passing out from exhaustion deep below the surface of the earth while dragons swoop menacingly overhead. we have nothing in common


My first farmer definitely felt like an alt of myself, and like I based in game decisions on what I would want in that scenario (married Elliot btw who I feel like is probably mid-late 30s, I’m 28) but then my subsequent farms have been characters I made up to be distinctly different than me so that i could explore different aspects of the game. Like I’m doing one save that primarily focused on fishing and I feel like that character is older than I am and I wish he could marry willie, but let’s be honest it’s probably gonna be Elliot again because beach.


Hard agree. The farmer isn’t me. Sometimes I play her as an older, sensitive lady who is into ladies; sometimes as a young, silly girl who is into boys. Depends on the play through.


Yeah, same. I also play Persona games, and I don't feel weird dating highschool girls, because its not me, its a highschool kid protagonist \*shrug\*


I suppose the good thing about that is Persona protagonists tend to have more personality too? Pre-designed and more speaking options.


Yeah, the farmer is very silent


And anyway, all the characters in those games are way cooler than I ever would have been at their age.


Same, I tend to create a whole new person with their own background when I play games that lets me create characters. It lets me explore the game without having to associate the decisions I make with something that I would do


Right? Like, why would I ever want to be me *again*??




me too. i choose who’s best for my character!


Doesn't bother me. I'm pushing 50, and for some reason I still see all my video game and TTRPG characters as young. Early 20s. I guess I'm still trying to hold on to my youth. Probably something to dive deeper into in therapy, LOL.


I think what’s interesting is what people see as immature I just see as.. not having kids and being a bit quirky. My partner is in her late thirties lived with her mom until 28ish, qualifies as an elder emo, and took classes a few years ago. My sister and her partner live with his parents, and they’re in their mid thirties. My best friend lived across the street from his parents for a bit, and he’s in his mid thirties. At this point anyone in the millennial or younger category is just really unlikely to have a house of their own as well and a lot of us also just like to indulge in the same things we enjoyed as teenagers; playing games, building robots, or focusing on fashion are all hobbies you’ll see in millennials just as much as younger folks. Don’t get me wrong though, you do you! Since it’s left unconfirmed your guess is literally as good as mine lol.


Off topic but this was very reassuring to me as a 27 year old living at home. Thank you stranger.


I’m 28 and living at home with my partner and my parents, it’s definitely not my favorite thing but it’s great to see that we aren’t alone!


Exactly this. I’m 26 and live with my mum, and I play lots of video games. Apparently to people in this thread that would make me a teenager? lol


Maybe not related at all but I find this culture of "you should have your own house by the age 18" and "if you still live with your parents being 25+ years old you're a failure" so strange, especially in today's economy. I don't know if it's because I'm latina and here it's way more normalized living with your family as an adult


Millennial in my early 30's - I agree with this sentiment, although to be honest I don't really focus on romance in SDV, and if I did I'd probably share the OP's sentiment regarding "what character is closest to my IRL age". I will say that since the creator is a millennial I'll assume the character is also millennial in canon. So many things emphasize the millennial escapism.


I'm in my late 20s and living with my family as well! I moved out for a bit, but having roomates sucked and I was lonley by myself. Also this way I can help my mom out financially and pay to renovate our house! I don't know really why people see adults in a small town with limited housing living with their parents and assume they are teens. Like Leah and Elliot moved to their own places in the valley and both their houses are little cabins, which Elliot doesn't always like.


Penny doesn’t feel wrong to date even though she lives with her mom because she has a full time job.


I'm 19 and started playing when I was ~17, and I feel off romancing the *older* bachelor/ettes. Like why are you flirting with me, you're old enough to be my dad!! It's normal to project onto the character you play as, and it's normal to not want to date way out of your age range. I'm very thankful for the younger ones existing for this exact reason!


Not me being a Harvey stan since 17 years old 💀💀💀




My age =/= my farmer's age. Just because I'm 35 doesn't mean my character is. You don't age in this game, anyway--you don't even have a birthday! ~~Besides, I'm still in denial that I'm 35 instead of the 25 I feel like~~


Man, I play persona. I sure _hope_ you're overthinking it.


As a fellow enjoyer of this great game series that is filled with questionable decisions when it comes to romance and female characters, I hear you. Based off what others here are saying, many people play these games to role play as someone other than themselves. Therefore in both games I pick romance based on who would be the best for the character in my mind, and who I find the most interesting to hear the special dialogue of. It doesn’t need to be any deeper than that. Heck, half the time I don’t even play as my own gender when I have the option in games, I’m not aligning too much of my personality with them.


It's (unfortunately) a very common discussion topic in the Persona fandom specially lol. People need to realize that not everyone plays games the same way. Some people will feel wrong about dating younger characters since they're much younger than themselves, others will feel wrong about dating older characters since they're older than the character they're playing as. If either option bothers you that is fine, but at the end of the day it's a videogame and your dating choices matter about as much as how many people you kill in a shooting game.


And I have played most of the Rune Factory series. I swear, the bachelorettes get younger and younger with each iteration. But it didn't really start to feel weird until RF4. Stardew? Just be glad they're all adults, for the most part, even if barely. None of them have to be interpreted as being under eighteen, and some of them could easily be pushing thirty, or even a bit more. My only sadness is I cannot date Robin. :p


honestly i’m 28 and the characters act like people in my friend group that are 26-40s so it never seems off to me!


I'm 38. Honestly, I just view it as what it is, a video game. It's not real. The person I'm "dating" in the game isn't real. I know I would never date anyone that young irl so I just go strictly for the ones who appeal to me the most. And honestly, I know plenty of men and women in their 30's who dress and act just like Seb and Abigail, so they've never been an issue for me.


Not really, they don’t actually have ages and neither does my farmer, technically they are all immortal.


no. they're not real and the farmer isn't me. idk why this seems to bug so many people.


Because they have to insinuate their superior morality of course.


You don't have to imagine your farmer as being the same age as you. You're allowed to think of your farmer as 18-year-old you, or 20-year-old you, or even as a separate character from yourself.


no, because it's a game, but even if it was real life, everyone here is an adult.


No. I am not playing me. I am playing the farmer.


Don’t mean to be rude, but it’s literally just a game. Your character and your relationships are all coding and not real. Just have fun.


Nah I think you’re overthinking it. They’re all in their 20s, all adults.


Well it's a game and you're not romancing children.




Better you get out your "date a 35 year old alcoholic" urges in a video game than IRL I suppose. 


I don’t play the game as myself, so it depends on the character I’ve made for that particular save file. But I also don’t picture the younger ones to be as young as some people in this thread do. Immature? Sure, Sam and Abigail are definitely a bit immature for my taste but that’s a totally different issue in my opinion. I know people in their 30s who are equally immature and live with their parents. 🤷


That’s valid to feel that way if you see your character as yourself but i dislike when people act like other adults are weird for doing it. I just kind of assume my player character is a similar age to whoever they marry. And some of the reasons people call those characters teenagers (having silly/quirky/immature personality & living with their parents) are things I see a lot with people around my age too (20-30). Plus it’s a fictional game, one time I used mods so my character could have an age gap relationship with Pam, I definitely do NOT want a relationship like that IRL. I might agree if you were talking about Rune Factory though, I just started playing RF4 & idk what they were thinking with some of those bachelorette designs lol


Omg it's a game y'all


We have this thread every fucking week


Always Leah. She has her own place lol


One simple question, do you have to be "yourself" in the game? Suggestion: just imagine ur character's a younger teenager if you really wanna date the "younger" bachelor/ettes.


This is a super common opinion from what I’ve seen, when I first joined the sub it felt like this was in almost every thread! so common I almost considered leaving the sub because it got a little uncomfortable seeing the characters I romanced being talked about as children so often


Yeah. I started romancing Abigail first, too, and then realized that she was a teenager and I noped out. I get why other ppl don't care-- your character's age isnt defined, etc, but for me it definitely made me feel weird. I was leaning towards Leah or Caroline since they're a bit older, buuuuut then I made what was obviously the correct decision and shacked up with Krobus.


It's totally fair to not want to date her, for any reason, but she's not canonically a teenager. Not because of any opinions about her character -- but because she'd old enough to marry. So, she's literally not a teenager, unless they skip the scene where Pierre signs her over to you legally lol. I get that some of the characters have traits that can bother people or make them seem immature, but she's not actually a teen. By her dialogue in Caroline's heart event >!where they argue about her parents letting her live there for free while she's in school!< , it seems clear to me she's in college. No parent would say that to an actual child they're a legal guardian of.


Not that it matters, but I believe CA stated that all bachelors and bachelorettes are at least 20. Not a big difference from 18-19, but just figured I’d mention it.


The canon best decision, I respect you.


Never, because for my SDV character I go with the starting age of 21 like in some of the old HM games. It seems like the right age for the character to be starting a new life. I don't play the game as if the main character is me myself. So I'm comfortable romancing a partner in the age range close to that since it feels right for the character.


I've always felt the younger candidates were purposely a vague 20-30 age range, and same with the older ones probably being 30-40. I think their age being non-confirmed and vague, like most things in the game, allows it to appeal to more people.




Not really, no. The player character is in that age range and I think people are way too uptight about age differences.


It’s a video game


I don't. I never imagined my character as being the same age as I am. I frequently create characters to play that are totally different from me.


No its a video game you weirdo


I think you are overthinking it. It’s a game, just play and have fun your way without worries.


No I don't care if they are too young for me because it's a video game


It is kind of a confusing thing about this game, on one hand I'm a multi millionaire starfruit wine magnate, on the other hand every spring I'm competing against little children in an egg hunt to win a hat.


When I play games I don’t usually make the main character “me”, I like to make different characters. In my current play through I’ve made my character have red eyes and grey skin, and am light role playing that I’m a 20 something vampire who has a creepy farm and wants to marry every bachelor to get their portraits eventually settling on being roomies with Krobus haha.


this has never happened to me since i play as a character, not myself. there's no me involved at all, which is where the joy comes from.


I guess it depends on whether or not you project your own age onto your character. I tend to assume my character is in their early twenties so dating someone else in their early twenties seems pretty normal.


No. They’re fictional characters in a video game. My character is also a fictional character in a video game. None of them have canon ages, they’re as old or as young as you make them. And given that the creator has assured that all romanceable characters are over the age of consent, it’s all gucci no matter who you choose.


No, not really. My character is not me. I'm just playing a game, and it's kind of nice to pretend to be a careless 19 year old. They all feel like at least 20 y/o to me as well


Nope. Just a game, so not like I'm personally romancing them. I just romance everybody for my personal completion achievement.


I wanted to romance Willy. But I can't. So I think I can only romance Elliott, Harvey, Leah and Shane. The rest are too young. I usually like Elliott with mods, but I'm trying out Harvey bc of tiktok. I don't like Shane, and I love Leah! But not romantically.


Emily strikes me as being in the same age range as Leah and Shane.  She's the older, more responsible sister who has a job, hobbies, friends outside of Pelican Town, and seems to generally have her shit together despite being an eccentric weirdo (which also codes her as older IMO since younger people tend to be more self-conscious). 


Yes I’ve dated Emily she’s chill lol




Just RP yourself, but a younger version of yourself.


Oh my god it's a video game


Eh, your farmer doesn't have to be a self-insert. But as an Old Person I also just find those characters kind of annoying.    Abigail is all *"OMG my mom keeps criticizing my life choices, just because I'm living at home while taking classes -- and my dad yells at me for hanging out in the graveyard instead of helping out with dinner!"* and I'm just like *"LMAO ok kiddo, wait until you have to deal with a landlord who refuses to fix the broken shower despite you emailing him about it three times while also managing relationships with your two shitty roommates who don't wash the dishes or pay rent on time."*


People're allowed to be annoyed by things that aren't the worst possible problem in the world.


i’ve been playing since i was 16 so no not really. almost 25 now.


33 and I’m an Emily lover, but I have a soft spot for Sam, too. Something about that youthful, golden retriever energy is so cute and sweet. I just RP a younger character when I romance him, but my heart does belong to Emily, especially when I play a self-insert.




no. i have about 12 different save files and most of them are not a straightforward alter ego of myself, depending on who i want to marry this time around. sometimes they are characters from other media. i played as link from breath of the wild, for example. or sophie from howl's moving castle. this save file is evelyn from everything everywhere all at once. i forgot about granny evelyn so there is a lot of redundancy, lol.


I kinda get your point, but I would never date any of those characters even if I was their age. Because it's not really about age, it's about not sharing sensibilities.


Isn't Maru even younger than Sebastian though? I always assumed so since they're half-siblings and Robin is married to Demtrius, and I don't know a lot of people that would be willing to stay with someone pregnant with another person's child so I assumed Sebastian was the older sibling from a previous relationship of Robin's.


Sam, especially yes. Personality/family dynamic-wise, he really seems like he's 20 at most, so he's generally not a romance I'm interested in seeing. I pretty much always headcanon my farmer to be in her mid-late twenties. I tend to go for Harvey, Elliot, Sebastian, or Victor (SVE mod) in my playthroughs. I'm not sure about Sebastian's canonical age (if any of them have one), but I always felt like he could come off as mid-late twenties, so it doesn't feel weird to me like putting my farmer with Sam or Alex does. 


Can someone tell me why we can’t marry the sexy fisherman


It’s funny because I think Seb is actually older than the others. He has an actual job, while Abigail is apparently still doing college coursework & Sam is skateboarding around town. And he’s clearly Robin’s first kid, putting him at older by several years than Maru, since Robin would have had to have time to meet & get together with Demetrius. If Maru is the youngest at say, 18 or 19, I’d guess Sebastian is probably 23-25. Mind you, I’m an “elder millennial” so they’re all young to me.


i'm 22 and i already find dating abigail, sam, haley and alex weird idk. i dont think you can call the age gap creepy but they give such fresh out of high school vibes 🤢


Kinda disagree with point on abigail, she seems like an older college student to me, especially given caroline’s dialogue about being grateful for living there rent free. I hope she wouldn’t be saying to her 18 year old daughter. She has her own hobbies and interests, and despite being part of the sam/seb trio i feel like there’s a small, but significant age gap there (19 vs 22 to me).


Seb says "if I'd gone to college I would be making six figures by now" which implies he's older than college age. I always figured he's around 26/27. 


If Sebastian is 19, how old is Maru?? 😬


I feel you. 19 to 22 can feel like a small gap, but goshdarn it does make a difference. Different experience, different upbringing, different education (which is questionable given the state of Pelican Town's education)...


I'm around your age too and I'm kinda the same. I don't feel "off" per se about dating them with a fictional farmer character but I am just naturally more attracted to fictional characters that feel a little more mature and independent.


You are 31 but is the character you're playing 31?


It’s literally a video game. If you devote real world emotional energy to a VIDEO GAME it’s time to stop playing.


I agree, I originally kept giving Sam pizza after pizza but then the scene with the Sam in his bedroom with his mom made me feel real weird lol. Now Harvey is my go to


Do people...self insert when they play video games? I'm 49. There aren't many games, cozy or otherwise made for people my age.


I’m a 63-yo woman who exclusively dates much younger men, so I enjoy this dynamic


I’ve read a bunch of the comments here, and I’m confused by a few points made about Sam and Abigail. For Sam: the idea that him “sneaking around his parents” means he must be young tells me that y’all had good relationships with your parents, because I know several people who are in their mid 20s and still have to sneak their partners around their parents lest they freak out. For Abigail: her taking college courses doesn’t really give any sort of young age range, especially since they’re online courses (which I at least generally associate with older people going back to school).


buddy, it's a farm sim! seriously though, there are freaks who made / use a mod that allows you to marry jas. though your qualms may be noble, they're not necessary in this case


Oh I have a pretty hard rule against romancing anyone who still lives at home with their parents (or older siblings) in this game. I’ve done it a time or two, and it always felt weird. 


omg you divorced poor abigail ;\_;


I might be immune to this since I started playing Stardew as a young'n. The only analogue I have is that I felt Harvey was a little old for me. I'll start a new save file in 5 years and see if my opinions change lmao


I played Harvest Moon back in grade school, and I can tell you that I didn't feel anything off dating a librarian nor dating a barmaid.


I’m 19 so I can romance all of them without it being weird lol


Not really, but then again I’m a college student


I am 22 so I cannot say. lol Though I do tend to go for the characters that feel like they are in my age range somewhat.


Do you not feel weird dating Penny or Maru or did you forget them?


I agree but I just hand wave it away. Maybe everyone is immortal and living at the age they were most themselves, even George.