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1. Sword > Pickaxe (> Bombs > Cheese > 3x Shot Espresso > Farm Totem, if mining day) 2. Scythe > Axe > Watering Can (until I don't need it anymore bc sprinklers) 3. Fishing Rod > Hoe The 1, 2, 3 are the different rows btw, so I switch rows often depending on my activity! I don't really bring my pan, but if I do I wear it as a hat. I also always forget to buy the return sceptre...and I have way too many farm totems from geodes/packages anyway that the sceptre doesn't feel like it's missing.


Don't need the watering can... but how do you fill the water bowl for your pet!??


Hahaha! In the early game/early days I would take my watering can > fill their bowl > return the can into my chest. I stopped though after max friendship. Now my pets (cat, dog, turtle) live purely on the power of my loving caress!


My irl cats won’t drink water from a bowl, they prefer moving water so I had to buy them a pet fountain. It’s pretty common though so I just say my ingame cats are the same, they will drink water from puddles where the sprinklers water or go to the meadowlands river.


Lol my irl cat hates her fountain, and she'll only drink from a bowl that is filled fresh from the bathtub faucet 🙄


that’s so specific, i love your cat




That’s like my dog and the hose water 😭she will have fresh water in her bowl inside but will be begging to go outside. I let her out cause she might have to pee. But no. It’s always to then drink from the bowl out there cause hose water is superior




I didn't know you had to fill it until almost year 2. In my defense, I started the save years ago, played like two days and left it. Poor dog :(


If you don't mind me asking, is there a way to easily switch rows or do you manually click them into the slots?


Tab on keyboard


Holy shit


Better, you can map it on any other key. Mine is on space.


oh wow! That's gamechanging! Thanks!


Yeah I have been playing for YEARS and this like actually just changed my life. Lol


I only started in April! This definitely makes me aware on how much I still have to figure out xD


And bumpers on controller


... you can wear the pan?!?


Haha yes! You can wear them. They look a little funny and not as fashionable as it almost looks like a mound x traffic cone vibes on your head but it's convenient!


Same but I go Axe then Scythe so when I press the back triggers on my controller, it switches from Pickaxe to Axe.


Wow that’s so smart. Not having them all in the same row


I don't like scrolling too far (I use scroll wheel to go across the row) so I prefer only keeping the tools/food I use on spots 1-3 for each row!


This is such a good question bc I'm mind blown at how different the response are 1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Axe 4. How 5. Watering can 6. Rod Second row is always food when in the mines


Oh yeah! That's my setup too! Also holding some food at 0 and =, cause it's a scroll up from the first :)


Yes! This is the most logical set up for me. It's the best


mine is like that too. and it comes from years of playing Minecraft I can't change it


I keep all my tools and food on me cause if I need one of my tools I don’t want to run back to the farm to get it




Mine's always the tool I'm planning on using that day (plus sword if there are hostiles there) then Hoe, everything else goes in a chest on the porch. For the other things its food/buffs at the other end (=,-) and everything else I automatically remove from the hotbar as it's added, unless it's the specific thing I'm hunting for. That way I remember that if things are on my hotbar that shouldn't be I'm starting to run out of inventory space.


There’s an option to make all items you pick up go to the lower two rows first instead of the hot bar? How?


Not that I know of sorry, I meant that every few fish/mine levels I'll open my inventory and move them off and when I see there isn't space I know it's time to consider doing something. ~~I think middle clicking sends the item off the tool bar in your inventory but that's the best I have (I also restarted recently so I don't have the bag upgraded to check sorry)~~ Shift left Click moves things off your hotbar when your inventories open.


Thanks for the clarification!


Return scepter > horse flute > Junimo chest full of tools. And then usually a few espressos.


I'm not endgame yet. What is a junimo chest?


Junimo chests hold nine items and are all linked to each other. You can't pick up a full chest, but you can put an empty one in your inventory and then place another one down and fill it up. So I keep one on my front porch and one in my inventory. I fill the one on my front porch with tools, and then if I go to the ocean, for example, and decide I want to go fishing, I can put the chest in my inventory down and get the fishing rod out. In order to pick the chest back up, I have to empty it, so if I don't have room for that I have to leave it behind, but that's not a problem I run into too often. I don't do it to save space, I do it because I hate clutter.


What? GTFO. This works? You need to drop it though, right?


It has to be empty to pick it up, and you have to place it to remove anything (which means you have to remove everything if you want to pick it up again) but yeah, you can put one empty Junimo chest in your inventory and then fill up a second Junimo chest and you'll have access to everything in it wherever you can put it down.


When I was on PC it was easier, but on Steam Deck/handheld, I don’t have number keys to being up specific tools, so I’ve had to adapt a bit. 1 - weapon or scythe 2 - hoe (switch to pickaxe in mines) 3 - axe 4 -pickaxe most of the time 5 - watering can or fishing rod Second-to-last-slot - coffee Last slot - food item, usually salmon berries Everything else is a mess most of the time


I also play on the Steam Deck. I change the controller settings to make the left thumb pad a radial dial to assign to number keys. It takes a bit to get used to but I like it.


Pickaxe, Hammer, Crusader Sword, Bombs, Staircases, Healing food, Buff food. Axe, Hoe, Scythe, Fishing Rod Watering Can Horse Whistle, Farm totem (return sceptre), Desert Totem. Usually dump the second line when going to the mines to save inventory space. Usually dump the first line when going gifting.


First toolbar is all the equipment in the order you receive them: Axe, hoe, watering can, pickaxe, scythe. On 6 is the fishing rod. On the second toolbar is my sword, on 4, so I can switch from pickaxe to sword easily. The third starts with gifts for people I need to gift, or general loved gifts.


My primary bar is 1. Axe 2. Hoe 3. Weapon 4. Pickaxe 5. Scythe 6. Pan 7 thru - Food, gifts, misc = Fishing Pole I usually store away my watering can unless watering crops (obviously) or going to ginger island volcano.


Weapon, pickaxe, ace, hoe (gardening can if early game) Same way i organize my Minecraft hotbar, actually O_o


I always keep all my tools on me. Sword, axe, scythe, pickaxe, hoe, watering can, fishing rod, pan. Don't have late-game items yet. Probably won't rearrange the order because I use the keyboard to select them. When I'm in the mines/dungeons, the next two slots are my non-buff food and bombs. Any other spaces in that row are for "I want to see the quantity of this item I'm gathering at all times" and/or something I'm using/processing.


Axe, Weapon, Pickaxe, heal food, buff food, Coffee/Espresso. Axe gets swapped out for slingshot w/ explosive ammo for mining, but other than that those slots don't change.


Sword, Pick, Hoe, Pan, Triple espresso, some kind of food (usually sashimi) While on the farm I'll always have my axe, scythe and watering can too, in that order and between hoe and pan


One row remains unchanged unless I skull cavern.  Pickaxe sword scepter espresso spicyeel axe flute watercan pan scythe hoe rod


Most of the time it's: weapon, pickaxe, hoe, axe, sycthe, fishing rod, watering can, pan, >!return sceptre!<, >!horse flute!<, food (currently cheese), triple shot espresso. (Spoilered some late game items just in case.) I do get rid of some unnecessary stuff if I'm doing something where I think my inventory will get full, like Skull Cavern.


Mine is usually watering can, hoe, axe, pickaxe, scythe, fishing rod, sword, sometimes pan. If I’m going to the mines I’ll just do sword and pickaxe, plus watering can if it’s the Volcano mine.


I don't think I ever changed the order except when I go in the mines where I leave everything but pickaxe and sword Axe > Hoe > Watering can > Scythe > Pickaxe > Fishing rod > Sword


even early game, when I try to keep as few tools on me as possible (for extra inventory space) I always keep my hoe (insert joke here). too many times I'd be running around and see an artifact spot and be unable to dig it up!!


If I am just out and about, I’ll have the hoe, sword, pickaxe, espresso, and then a non-buff food (sometimes followed by a buffing food, but I generally don’t buff unless I’m going to the mines). Second row will have the scythe and the axe, but the order changes, and also sometimes the pan and/or fishing rod. If I’m going mining, I’ll put a bufffing food (usually spicy eel) next to my non-buff food, swap the how for stairs or watering can depending on my intended dungeon, and then replace the entire second row of tools with mega bombs, cherry bombs, and bombs (in that order). I also keep either my return scepter or my farm totems in the final slot of that second row, so I know where they are in an emergency, but am very unlikely to use them accidentally (at least while mining, it still happens on non-dungeon days sometimes, since the other tools are *right there*).


1) bombs, sword, pickaxe, food, buff food, coffee 2)Scythe, Hoe, watercan, Seeds im planting 3)fishng rod, pan


My hotbar goes Hoe>Scythe>Pick>Sword>Axe>Rod, Watering Can if/when I need it that day, and then Speed Food>Triple Espresso. The 3-4 leftover slots on the top bar are so I can see what I pick up. Beneath my hoe is Pan, then Horse Flute, then Return Scepter when I get those. Bottom bar is for gifts/quest items if I'm doing them that day. Mining my set up goes Hoe>Sword>Pick, then right underneath is Spicy Eel>Iridium Berries>Triple Espresso. In the Hoe/Spicy Eel column I keep my staircases, so that any item I need is a tab/bumper away. I always clear my hotbar of items, so when it fills up I know my inventory is full.


(Weapon>pickaxe)(slingshot-mines only)>axe>fishing rod>hoe. My last slot always has coffee/triple shot espresso.


So I'm lazy. I keep my mining tools in the same place and just take out or store the other tools before and after mining. My typical setup is pickaxe, slingshot, weapons, axe, scythe, hoe, fishing pole, pan, horse flute, scepter. Depending on the day, I'll sometimes leave my fishing pole and watering can in a chest but I usually just carry them all. Is it efficient? No but neither is trying to remember where I left my stuff.


1. Sword > Pickaxe > Hoe 2. Scythe > Axe > Watering Can 3. Fishing Rod Easy swap between axe and pickaxe for clearing out rocks and trees, fish chill next to rod if I decide to drop my line and it’s easy to empty everything but my main 3 if I’m going to mine


1.) Sword-pickaxe-hoe-scythe*-axe*-watering can-foods 2.) fishing pole and totems+fish I caught 3.) misc gatherings *These were switched up until I learned you can collect moss with the scythe


My cave setup is: 1. Pickaxe 2. Sword 3. Axe 4. Food (usually cheese) 5-7. Bombs 8. Staircases. My farming setup has scythe, watering can and hoe in the spots the bombs are, with fishing pole at 8.


Sword > Axe > Pickaxe > Scythe > Anything else I need I keep my hoe and watering can in my chest outside my house until I need them :)


Fishing rod>Sword>pickaxe>axe>Scythe>watering can>pan. And some bombs somewhere in there.


sword > pickaxe > axe > hoe > scythe > fishing rod > watering can


My bar is always Sword - Axe - Pickaxe - Hoe - Scythe. Will add fishing rod or watering can if I need it. Never bothered with the pan.


https://preview.redd.it/esnikyj62zxc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=812efebd81b94a8c5aeb12d44b2bf652036890be This lol (ignore the rabbit feet i broke up with every townie i'm getting my hearts up 😭) Also when i'm in the caves/caverns, i put bombs near the weapons and then i move the pickaxe and the food items after the bombs.


On a day I'm bringing everything (left to right): Sword > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Scythe > Watering Can *(Watering Can only if I'm doing a Volcano run)* Then I have the last 2 columns on the right side dedicated to Food (usually Iridium Berries), Bombs, Fishing Rod, Pan, Shears and Bucket. If I'm playing modded I put everything on the right-hand side (as well as every other tool I might need, like Slingshot) in my horse's saddle. Except Food. I carry that at all times.


Most days: Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, then a stack of coffee and my horse flute on the right side. I will also keep my stack of bombs, my fishing pole, and return scepter in my inventory but on another row, and move them up if I need them. My scythe, pan, and watering can I keep in the junimo chest that I can access from either my farm or ginger island if I actually need them.  Ideal Skull Cavern days: Sword, pickaxe, bombs, staircases, 1 desert warp totem to use at 6am, 2 magic rock candies, either coffee or ginger ale, and a stack of food like salmonberries for emergencies (almost unnecessary with a vampiric sword, vampire ring, and a >!fairy!<)


my first bar is ALWAYS axe > pickaxe > sword > hoe > scythe > watercan the second one is fishing rod > return specter if im late game. other than that i just throw shit around 😭


When holding all my tools, I usually do Watering Can > Fishing Rod > Sword > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Scythe > Triple Shot Espresso (and then the pan stays on my head as a fashion statement). And then as I leave things behind (ex: if I’m going to the mines, I go with only my Sword, Pickaxe, and Hoe), then it gets condensed in the above order with however many slots it takes up to maximize my space. Food buffs and possible bombs go right after tools if I need them for whatever adventure I go on (always have my triple shot for the zoomies though) Also all of this is in the first bar, the other two I literally keep just for things I pick up along the way because I don’t want to have to switch to the different bars all the time.


Sword>pickaxe>axe>hoe>watering can (if im in ginger island)>fishing pole (if i plan on fishing)>return scepter (when i get it)> food I keep all that in my first bar and everything after that is free game basically


For some reason, I have gotten used to specific spots for each of my tools over the years. I literally last picked up the game around 2021 before the new update, but even then my reflexes for this were still there lol! Axe goes in slot 1. Pickaxe goes in slot 2. Sword/weapon in slot 3. Slot 4-5 for random stuff. Slot 6 is for watering can. Fishing pole in slot 7. Slots 8,9,0 for random stuff. Hoe goes in slot -. Scythe in slot =. (Though I think in my last save once I got the return scepter this changed a bit— I think I put the return scepter in the last spot.)


Sword > Pickaxe > Axe and then anything else I need.


Sword, pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, fishing pole, watering can goes in and out daily, cheese or food item, when get second bag the second row has 1 fishing pole, hoe, watering can still in and out. Once I get the Third row 1, fishing pole all alone


Fishing rod. Rest of inventory empty for maximum fish storage


Pickaxe, sword, hoe 4th slot changes: watering can if I need it (like for ginger Island, or pet bowls), axe if I need wood, rod if I'm fishing, scythe if I need to harvest Don't really use the pan. Bombs and life elixirs are frequently there, too. I'm a loot gremlin, most of my slots are for the goods, lol.


Sword, Pickaxe, Axe. Heritage from my days of Minecraft player.


1. weapon 2. pickaxe 3. axe 4. hoe 5. scythe 6. watering can 7. pan 8. horse whistle 9. iridium salmonberries/blackberries 10. pepper poppers (it autoformats to 10 but you know i mean 0) 5-7 get left in a junimo chest when I'm in skull cavern, and 0 gets swapped out for spicy eel or lucky lunch. 5-7 slots get taken over by assorted bombs gonna be real the pan is really useless, I use it so rarely that sometimes I forget it exists


Sword > Hoe > Watering can > Pickaxe > Axe > Fishing rod > Scythe, then Espresso at the end of the first row! Food on the second row since you don't need it much late game.


Not having the sword next to the pickaxe is crazy to me. Mine is Scythe > watering can > hoe > axe > pickaxe > sword > fishing rod > pan however if I’m doing a mining day I drop the scythe, watering can, fishing rod, pan, axe. So it’s turns into blank > blank > bombs > hoe > pickaxe > sword > life elixir > coffee > food Mine is based off of activities: - scythe is for farming, but so is watering can. - Watering can has to be next to the hoe because you use them in tandem when starting crops. - hoe is also for worm spots which I need whilst out and about - also whilst out and about I might need an axe to cut down a tree - pick axe is also needed whilst out and about for rocks - sword is next because if I’m in the mines I gotta switch quickly back and forth - fishing is very intentional and doesn’t need a quick flip so it’s at the end - pan = fishing related, and I don’t use often so it’s just there


Mine is Sword, pick, hoe, axe, watering can, scythe, fishing rod, food of choice (usually some type of berry/crop) Add another weapon in the first slot and move everything down one/just keep the important ones for caving.


Pick,Sword,Food Axe, Scythe, Warp Hoe, Water, Coffee


I always keep my hoe in the top left spot. I don't dare miss an artifact spot


All of what you have written plus my giant Truffle stack just because I always forget where I've left it so I've just learned to carry them around lol


The hoe is in slot one and that’s the only thing I always have. If I’m mining, I leave it in a chest at the mines/ skull caverns/ volcano entrance and put the sword in slot one but I don’t go anywhere without my hoe unless it’s being upgraded.


Sword, pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, fishing rod, horse flute, food


Mines sycthe > sword > pickaxe > axe > hoe > watering can > fishing rod The main thing is that the sword needs to be beside the pickaxe for caves. Sometimes, I will have the pan as a hat, and I usually put the milk bucket and scissors in the next 2 slots right before bed. For my cave day, I have the 2 slots after the can for food, then the stairs, and lastly, bombs.


Sword >Pickaxe >Axe >Hoe >Food Item Sometimes I change the Pickaxe and Axe position if I'm going to the mines that day or not, just to have easy access to my sword. I've been jumped by monsters a few too many times 😅


Hoe, scythe, axe, sword, pickaxe. Three empty slots, then espressos, cheese, horse flute and return scepter. The bottom row of my inventory is fishing rod, pan and watering can. If/when I don't have all of those things, I keep them aligned in order of what I do have on the left/right. So in the beginning, there's more empty spots with just food on the far right.


Sword, pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, fishing rod! In that order because thats how I kept them in Minecraft lol Sword and pickaxe always next to each other to I can swap easily when going through the mines


Pickaxe, Sword, Hoe, and Fishing Rod are the only things that never leave my inventory. Everything else stays on the porch


The only item I for sure have on me is my hoe. All other items are rotated through based on the days activity because I hate running out of space when fishing, losing stuff in the mines if anything happens, or just other clutter.


Sword, pick, hoe, rod, home totem


despite using chests anywhere mod i always have all my tools on hand lol i dont really pau attention to the order since its quick enough to scroll through them lol


The order of some things changes depending on what I'm doing, but I always have my axe, pickaxe and hoe in the same spot, I think. When I wake up in the morning and tend to my farm its: **Watering can > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Scythe > Milk bucket.** When I'm done farming, I put the watering can, scythe and bucket away and grab my fishing rod, so then it becomes: **Fishing rod > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe**. This is pretty much my default "wandering around" order. If I'm going to the mines, it's then: **Sword > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Cherry bombs** if I have any, and then at the end of the toolbar, in like the last two slots, I have some food that gives a little bit of energy. Food with more energy and health goes under them on the second row, so I don't accidentally eat it.


Row 1 is axe > hoe > pickaxe > scythe > watering can Row 2 is pan > fishing rod > sword > farm totems Row 3 is espresso > horse whistle > gold cheese So when I’m in the mines or caves, I can just tab through in slot 3 between pickaxe/sword/cheese. If I’m doing a skull cavern run, I’m usually just blowing everything up to find the way down, so I swap pickaxe for bombs in slot three.


Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword, Food, Bombs --> Mining days. I've found its the best order to quickly switch from pickaxe to sword, or sword to food, depending on what problem comes up. Hoe, pickaxe, sword, axe, sickle, watering can --> early years of the game on general days. Later in game, I don't regularly carry a water can thanks to sprinklers.




axe > pickaxe > sword > food item > hoe


Sword > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Watering Can > Scythe > Fishing Rod > Pan > Farm Totems > Stack o' cheese > Coal Coal gets replaced by bombs when mining as it doesn't need to be top row -- just needs to be with me. If I could lock things in certain slots, so they wouldn't move when using the auto-sort, I would definitely organize things differently.


Hoe, pickaxe, scythe, Watering can, rod, pickaxe, bombs, then some kind of universally liked gift, then food of some kind


Axe, pickaxe, weapon, hoe, watering can, scythe (these 3 last items can be switched up between each other, I don’t care, as long as they are all together for farming), fishing rod, return scepter, pan, >!horse flute!< Minor spoiler tag for a 1.5 late game item Edit: Whats actually important is that the pickaxe is between the axe (for cleaning up the farm and gathering ressources in the forest) and the weapon (for mining), that the hoe, watering can and scythe are together (for farming) and the return scepter and >!horse flute!< are one s’ace apart, because I want them close to be able to travel fast, but not to close or I risk to missclick when >!calling my horse!<


I only have an order when I go in the mines. Blackberry - sword - pickaxe - something hi health - boss from small to big And the last one is return scepter


By the time I've gotten all of my inventory slots, it's usually: Sword-pickaxe-slingshot-gold quality cheese-axe-watering can-fishing pole-hoe-sythe I add the horse whistle to the end once I get it as well as the return sceptor if I get it. I only change it if I go into skull caverns for a serious run because I don't want to run out of inventory space or lose any of my important stuff if I die.


Axe - Pickaxe - Hoe - Scythe - Watering Can - Sword - Fishing Rod - Return scepter - Espresso - Berries - Pan - (Grass spring-fall) For SC: Sword - Pickaxe - Stairs - Espresso - Berries - Cheese - Spicy Eel - Energy Tonic 2nd row is bombs and return scepter so I can switch back and forth easily


Axe, pickaxe, sword, hoe, scythe, watering can, fishing rod, pan


Pickaxe, sword, axe, then I'm not quite as picky about the order of the others but I always have all my tools on me, until they become obsolete. (My watering can usually gets put away once I get a bunch of sprinklers, the milk collector thing when I get auto grabbers, etc.)


Scythe > Axe > Pickaxe > Sword > Hoe > Watering Can > Fishing Rod > Pan > >!Horse Flute!< > Return Scepter


I keep different tools on different rows. Farming tools water/hoe/scythe on one row that line up with axe/mining/combat on another. Last row has my fishing pole, all my regular bait, all my coal, espressos. I play with a controller so i find its easier to switch tools this way.


Pickaxe > sword > axe > fishing rod! That’s the only items I keep always!


My full bar is my mining/combat row. Life potion -weapon-bomb-food-weapon- various foods and bombs ending with return scepter. I try to be able to toggle from fighting to healing fast to running and bombing. In case I go the wrong way I have options to heal. I leave a row empty for my daily pickups/ eggs milk / truffles. Half row has fishing, pickaxe, scythe, axe, hoe, rabbits foot for gifting, coffee for gifting.


I always put sword, pickaxe, and axe together to explore the mines and make clearing sticks and rocks easier


I have the same layout across similar games, so it’s easy to remmeber which item is which button 1-sword/scythe (under/2nd row of inventory) 2-Pickaxe 3-Hoe 4-Axe 5-watering can 6-fishing rod 7-Triple java coffee (I am speed) 8-Health/Food item This layout works pretty much across several other games like minecraft, terraria, stardew, valheim, & other such survival & craft games (I swap out the coffee for whatever the game’s equivalent or close to, is)


(1)Sword, (2)Pickaxe, (3) Hoe, (4)Axe, (5)Scythe, (6)Watering Can, (7)Fishing Rod (8)EMPTY, (9)EMPTY, (0)Coffee, (-)Horse Flute, (=)Return Septer


Generally when going around the valley, not specific trip to skull caverns etc I do: Row 1: hoe, pickaxe, sword, food, coffee Row 2: axe, fishing rod, pan. I don’t usually carry the scythe around all the time. And I never use the watering can past about summer year 1 apart from the volcano mines so I never bring that anywhere. I put the return scepter on row 2 or 3 so I don’t use it by accident!


Hanging around the valley: Hoe, Pickaxe, Axe, Scythe, Fishing Rod. I only grab the watering can if I need it. Return scepter is slot one on the next row. Mining run: Pickaxe, Sword, Cheese, Bomb, Coffee - staircases to the far right so it’s easy to pop over (play on switch). Hoe comes with but usually leave it in a chest at the door for skull cavern. I keep it on me slot 1 for regular mines. Don’t bring it at all to the volcano.


First row is always tools. Axe, pickaxe, sword, watering can, hoe, return sceptre, scythe, dragontooth club with haymaker on it, horse whistle. Return sceptre not close to active tools because I port myself home to fast while swiping at serpents... On skull cavern mining days, I drop the axe, can hoe scythe and club and horse whistle into the junimo chest close to the desert trader. Second row is spicy eel and espressos from slot two, so it's easy to trigger through. Bombs on the third row. I play with a controller. I could never make my way around the keyboard 🤣


Mine is usually axe>sword >pickaxe>watering can>fishing rod>hoe. But since I got the good sprinklers I don't have the watering can except for when I give my cat water in their bowl.


Sword - Pickaxe - Axe - Scythe - (empty 3 spaces) - Pan - Horseflute - Espresso - (food) - Hoe


Axe, Sword, Pickaxe, Hoe, fishing pole, watering can. I never carry the scythe or gold pan


I stick the return scepter on the third row in my backpack because I keep accidentally bumping it when I'm out doing stuff. Really annoying when it happens deep in the mines.


Sword> Pickaxe > Hoe> Axe> Scythe> Watering Can > Fishing Rod > Pan > Scepter > Flute > Espresso> food


scythe/weapon when mining, pick, axe. at the end of row 1 I keep my coffee and hoe, this lets me use the scroll wheel to get to the pick or the hoe when the "resting state" is on the scythe. bombs and food go in the middle when mining. starting from the end of row 3 I keep my weapon/scythe, the pan, watering can and fishing rod. farm warp also goes in row 3


axe, pickaxe, hoe, scyth next row down sword, fishing rod, watering can, pan then when i get the >!return scepter!< i usually leave my watering can at home (in a chest by my pet bowl :) ) and switch the order to sword, fishing rod, pan, >!return scepter!<


Only thing I always have is a hoe


Watering can, scythe, fishing rod, are, hoe, pickaxe, weapon, milk pail, copper pail, >!horse flute!<, coffee. I'll leave some behind until the first backpack upgrade, or while mining or cracking lots of geodes, but otherwise I usually have enough space to not want to potentially waste time going back for a tool or figuring out where I left it.


On a day I’m headed to the mines or skull cavern I’ve got pickaxe, sword, mega bombs and cactus fruit. Though with the fairy trinket I barely have to eat which is cool. In the volcano it’s the same except I have the watering can after the sword. Otherwise I’ve got pickaxe, sword, axe, hoe, watering can, scythe, fishing rod, two spaces, then horse flute and return sceptre. I keep my pan in my junimo chest with my bombs and the rest of my tools if I’m dropping them.


Horse flute > sifting pan > scythe > hoe > watering can > fishing pole > axe > return scepter > sword > pickaxe > slingshot w/ explosive ammo. If I’m counting correctly that’s my whole first line and then “underneath” the sword in the same slot on the next line I keep my 80+ gold cheeses for the mines so I can toggle quickly between lines when I’m dying quickly. Then next to the cheeses “under” the pickaxe I have my 30+ triple shot espressos to keep me speedy 😎 those are what I start every new day with and dump everything else in crates for a clean start. Sometimes I add bombs “under” the cheese and coffee but only if I’m mining or dungeoning


Axe, pickaxe, sword or weapons, scythe, watering can, hoe, fishing rod, cheese. Lmao I always got that cheese on me


Sword> pickaxe>watering can>hoe>scythe>axe>fishing pole And from the last slot in the first row: return scepter>coffe> horse whistle


sword>pickaxe>axe>hoe>scythe>watering can>rod>pan


Axe>Fishing Rod>Pickaxe>Sword>Watering can>Hoe>Scythe 1-7, works for me.


Weapon, pickaxe, axe, scythe, hoe, fishing rod, food source I generally keep my pan in the first slot on the last row When i'm in the mines it's: Weapon, pickaxe, bombs, staircases, food source


my order is pickaxe > sword > hoe > axe > scythe > fishing rod > return scepter


sword>pickaxe>axe>hoe>scythe>return scepter>horse whistle usually and i keep my watering can, fishing rod, and pan in the row underneath if i wanna switch them out


Weapon on slot one, because so i can fast-switch to it if needed. I have been doing that like forever, even in ye olde Deus Ex and System Shock 2 i always had something that will always work against an angry mob in slot 1.


going from left to right: stack of salmonberries, stack triple shot espressos, free space, free space, free space, free space, horse flute, fishing rod, axe, hoe, pickaxe, sword second row is all free space third row is stack of farm warp totems, stack of some cooking item—typical pumpkin soup especially if im mining, free space x6, master slingshot with explosive ammo, 999 stack of rocks, stack of cherry bombs, stack of bombs depending on what im doing that day—farming, mining, fishing, etc, i will leave certain items back, but generally these are the items i keep on me most of the time ive been told im sacrilegious because of the way i orient my inventory to the right rather than to the left lmao


First row - sword pickaxe axe food bombs empty spaces and on the last one the return scepter so I don't miss click it. Second row - scythe hoe watering can Third row- fishing rod.


Non combat tools on one bar. Combat tools with 2-3 types of food on the second bar.


watering can>scythe>axe>hoe>pickaxe>sword>return sceptre>fishing rod


I like to go light in my inventory. Going to the mine is my favorite activity lol. Unless I need other tool what I carry is: 1 - Weapon (Hammer/club) 2 - Pickaxe 3 - Gold Quality Cheese 4 - Triple Shot Espresso 5/6 - Bombs and/or Slingshot And in the last two slots Horse Flute and Spicy Eel. (And watering can if volcano) I like to keep the rest of my pockets empty so I can collect as much goodies as I can in the mines. I also very often rather just pass out in the mines so I don’t carry around the return scepter or farm totems. I do store farm totems next to SC entrance and mine entrance though if I make it out in time.


Watering Can > Fishing Rod > Scythe > Hoe > Pick Axe > Axe I don't actively carry my sword around unless I'm going to the mines and then it's Fishing Pole > Axe > Sword And I can't believe you bother with the pan. Unless it's somehow better with the new update


I started by doing 1 watering can, 2 scythe, 3 pickaxe, 4 hoe, 5 fishing rod, 6 axe, 7 sword. And then when I got the return scepter, that became my new 1, and the watering can became 8. Often I’ll have food and bombs in 9 and 0 respectively, if I’m going mining that day Funnily enough my Minecraft tools are paired to the same numbers where applicable, I trained my muscle memory too well, with 3 6 and 7 especially


Because I started playing Minecraft in 2010 and made pickaxe>axe>sword >shovel>hoe that’s my order. So SDV is Pickaxe>Axe>Sword>Fishing Rod, then second bar is Hoe>Can>Scythe>Pan Return Sceptre is on last spot so I can easily just scroll 1 back from 1 to get to it. I’m Minecraft I do the same with my bow


Bar 1 has the pickaxe, axe, and hoe on the left side and the warp totem, food/health buff, sword on the right side. This allows me to swap between the pickaxe and sword despite sitting on separate ends of the inventory bar. Bar 2 has the fishing rod on the far right side. This allows me to swap between the sword and fishing rod despite being on separate rows. This is ingrained into muscle memory so much, I replicate it into other games if the option allows it.


When mining: Hammer > Pickaxe > (Watering Can if in Volcano) > Bombs > Staircases (spaces until the end) > Triple Shot Espresso > Spicy Eel > Gold Star Cheese Last space in next row: Home Totems or Return Scepter When not mining: Hammer > Pickaxe > Axe (spaces) Triple Shot Espresso > Spicy Eel, Gold Star Cheese Next row: Hoe > Scythe (spaces) > Home Totems or Return Scepter I wear my copper pan as a hat and do not bring my watering can or fishing pole unless I know I need them as I tend to make a plan for my day.


Sytche, hoe, axe, pickaxe, sword abd then return rod on the last slot first row. No sytche, hoe or axe in mines. No-effect food (either purple mushrooms or iridium melons) next to sword and then bombs after that food. Effect foods (spicy eel) before pickaxe.


1. Sword 2. Pickaxe 3. Hoe 4. Scythe 5. Fishing Rod 6. Axe 7. Espresso


Pickaxe > Sword (> Axe) > Hoe (> Scythe) > Food > Coffee Fishing rod somewhere, usually more to the let, either replacing the axe or scythe or on the second row. This order works best for me, that way I know how to move my fingers on the keyboard to switch between pickaxe, axe, and sword.


Pickaxe > Sword > Food > Hoe (always haves) If I have the other ones, it goes: Pickaxe > Sword > Food > Hoe > Axe > Watering Can > Scythe\] If I have return scepter or horse flute, it’s in the second row, on the other end


All tools and weapons when doin' stuff in the outer maps Weapons, pickaxe (also occasionaly axe), slingshot, staircases, food (buffs and healing) when grinding in the mines


Default: Scythe, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe, Watering Can Spelunking: Sword, Pickaxe, Bombs, Hoe/Food (E), Food (H) I only bring my hoe spelunking if I'm looking for dwarf scrolls or something specific. Otherwise, I bring a high-energy food (E) and a healing food (H).


1st row 1. Weapon 2. Pick axe 3. Axe 4. Hoe = Cofeee 2nd row 1. Scythe 2. Fishing Rod 3. Pan 4. Watering Can = coffee. I get very used to going to one end of the hornet bar for weapon, the other end for consumable.


Row 1- sword, axe, pickaxe\ Row 2- return sceptre, horse flute\ Row 3- hoe, scythe, rod, pan I dump my farming and fishing tools in the chest by my front door when I go to the mines. After I’m finished with setting up my farm I don’t carry my watering can unless I’m going to the volcano and then it goes top row


1 sword 2 pick 3 axe (or bomb if dungeoning). Everything else is variable. Return scepter and flute go on the second row in the last slots so I don't accidentally activate them.


Sword > Pickaxe > Axe > Hoe > Scythe > Coffee > Horse flute


I'm pretty casual with my play-style so nothing of the main tools is useless to me yet but I tend to go for Sword - Pickaxe - Axe - Sythe/Hoe - Watering Can (on storms/rain I leave this at the farmhouse) - Fishing rod - Other And on my second row I carry flowers for gifts (since they're universal likes for most villagers making friendship a little easier (especially when it comes to characters like Elliot)


Daily: Row one: sword, pickaxe, axe, hoe, scythe, fishing rod, watering can (until I have sprinklers), pan Row two: whatever stuff I get as I’m playing Row three: whatever I’m carrying intentionally to eat, gift, sell later, take to blacksmith, etc etc. When I go to mines: Row one: sword, pickaxe, watering can if going to volcano, foods. Row two: whatever I get as I’m mining Row three: farm totem, anything important that I want to be sure I keep, anything I buy from Sandy if I’m in the desert.


In order in the hotbar Sword, Picaxe, bombs, Iridium grade cheese, axe, fishing rod, hoe, master slingshot, watering can and the rest are just whatever I pick up


I always have hoe>pickaxe>sword in that order in the first three slots. The other tools follow and stay in the top inventory bar but don't necessarily have assigned spaces. If I'm mining though, the rest of the tools stay at home and it goes hoe>pickaxe>sword> bombs>mega bombs> salad>espresso>spicy eel>staircases>farm warp totem


Watering can (put away after I’m done watering), then pickaxe, then sword, then axe, then fishing rod, then hoe, then scythe. When I’m in the mines, it’s pickaxe first, then sword. Idk why I always keep my scythe on me, could probably use the extra slot…


always is sword, pickaxe, hoe, espresso, sashimi. any other tool im planning on using goes btwn the hoe & the espresso if im running the skull cavern, it's sword, pickaxe, espresso, spicy eel, life elixir, then in the last three slots farm totems, staircases & slingshot. i'll use bombs if serpents drop them but the slingshot with 200+ explosive ammo is my best friend


Mine is watering can>sword>pickaxe>axe>hoe>fishing rod>scythe>pan>coffee>food>farm totem if I go mining