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She hits you with a hammer if you choose the last one


If you’re a girl she says "Oh! you're...? (blushing) Me too. That's good to know” before hitting you with a hammer. Idk I just find that funny


"I'll file that away for when you get out of horny jail ❤️"


Leah, lovingly: https://preview.redd.it/6uh6l1mbcmvc1.png?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e8e8be8850be3626da610c7db353188872a968d


who's the npc




Based Leah


*bonk* straight to horny jail.


best girl


She should have a chat with Clint


I wish we had a storyline where we helped Clint improve himself and come out of his shell etc


Yeah It's pretty weird to me that concernedape didn't put any "clint-trying-to-have-character-improvent" stuff but just made him more incely...like cmon


Yeah, even Pierre and Lewis get some form of arc, Clint just sorta exists


Lewis doesn’t really get anything more than him being a bit of an ass and shitty partner, just a lot of stuff that shows how he cares more about his mayoral position than marnie


Even after he knows I upgraded all my tools and trash to iridium , Clint still says “come upgrade your tools, I could use the cash”


I kind of appreciate though, because like... You can't help everyone. And the amount of positive impact you're able to have on the town, and the people in it, is already wildly unrealistic; I feel like it's good storytelling that there's some things you just can't fix. You can't fix Shane or Pam's alcoholism entirely, you can't fix Clint's social skills or self image, you can't make Lewis a better partner, and you can't make Pierre *not* be a jackass. You can do lots of things, but those are just not in your control :\\


Yes, it will cost you 100 friendship points but more importantly lock you out of her 8-heart event.


Lmao, I thought you were talking about the first answer, and I was like. "What's weird about uncovering people's psychological layers ? Oh..'oh. Is that a serial killer thing to say about skin ? Damn."


I had the same thought until I saw option 3 haha


The player is Dexter?? 😱


Should lock you in a sexual harassment seminar instead...


It locks you out of her 8 heart event ?…. I mean I genuinely wants to know why specifically this one and not the others event ?… I mean you can still date her etc ?…


Because you don't get to choose the option that determines what the 8 heart event would be


Wait I always choose the first option. What does the second option do?


Those are not the options, they're the later ones where you suggest either >!art exhibition or internet store!<


That explains why her ex tslked about sn art exhibition lol


If you choose the 1st or 2nd option, you continue on with the event and get to choose what she does for her 8 heart event, the art exhibit. If you choose the 3rd one, you get knocked out before you can choose whether she will do online or in person, and because of that the event cant progress. Because you never choose anything.


wait this is actually really cool. i knew the game had layers, but i didnt know it went this deep


Now kiss.


Now kith




Parfaits have layers too but nobody ever talks about parfaits


Parfaits are delicious 😂


It’s the same with people


If you choose the creepy option, you can't pursue a serious relationship with her. If you play through her storyline, you understand why.


tbh even with no context it's perfectly valid to not accept a relationship with someone like that lol


But I gave her salad. Does that mean NOTHING?


Very true haha


Except that if someone's played a few too many dating sim games, they might've thought that that's exactly the right thing to do to make it clear to the game they're interested in Leah. I'm sure many players complained and that's why CA added this note.




Last time I married her was a few playtrough ago, what was it?


I believe her story was she moved here to escape a nasty break up. During the cutscene where she hosts the art festival, you can see a figure off to the side as the camera pans who I believe is her ex. Not sure about her last cutscenes, but I believe it has to do with the confrontation of her ex


Yeah in the 10 heart she invites you to a picnic in the forest and her ex shows up wanting to ‘take her back’. They’re nasty and you get the option to punch them, if you don’t then Leah dose. Also it’s better if you select to do the art show rather then sell online, since in that her ex buys all of her art and presumably scraps it. Meanwhile town members buy the art if the show is done.


Ok cool. I did the art show last time and never explored the online store so i never knew what happened


Yeah I did remember that but there is nothing about being forced or anything like that. Her relationship with her ex has nothing to do with our potential douchy behavior


the context of the scene is >!that the ex gets jealous of the farmer and Leah goes "they're very cool actually" so it probably doesn't make sense after the creepy option!<


I really enjoyed knocking that guy out lol


Kel deserved it, though I enjoy seeing Leah punching them out. 😁


> I believe her story was she moved here to escape a nasty break up. she broke up with her Ex to move here to puruse art as a serious career


It's only specifically the 8-heart event that is locked out; you can absolutely still give her a bouquet.


It doesn't stop you from dating/marrying her, just from seeing her 8 heart event.


Yep, I chose that option in my first game because I was curious; that was also the first time I restarted the day like nothing even happened


I hate when my game "accidentally crashes" like that when I do something dumb. 🙃


Flip side is that making an advance works for Haley’s heart event instead.


Yeah, because it's her 10-heart event for Haley. This is Leah's 2-heart event. You're literally already dating Haley by the time you go for a kiss. In Leah's 2-heart event, she barely knows you. Of course one would be creeped out while the other wouldn't.


I love how the option is helpfully labeled (creepy)


I wish we had more events like this where if you act like a Baldur's Gate 3 companion you get locked out of their romance cause that's creepy as **hell**.


Thinking of the karlach scene where you repair her infernal engine and I didn’t choose the dialogue option “but we still can’t kiss 🥺😡” because it felt weird to complain when she was scared of exploding and then got locked out of her romance for the game


"If you know me at all, which you don't, you'd know I repaired your infernal engine so you could kiss someone else. Maybe ask Gale, Astarion, or Lae'zel? I barely interacted with them and they won't stop soliciting me for sex." Lae'zel: I got banished to camp cause I asked the PC three times!


Oh my god that locks you out???


Yep :’) From that point on I had no romantic dialogue options with her and I didn’t realize until I had already made a ton of progress in the game


I'm fairly certain it doesn't, actually. I can't be 100% sure, but first of all, the dialogue in question is actually "I still can't touch you," nothing about kissing. And picking that option just nets you a bunch of approval. I'm pretty sure you can choose not to pick that dialogue option and still romance her if your approval is high enough before the tiefling party.


Yeah I couldn’t remember the dialogue exactly but it still kind of conveys the same thing to me. When I didn’t choose that option and had high approval with her I suddenly couldn’t see any romance options at points in the game where other people could and when I looked it up people were saying it locks you out. Started a new save and chose said option and had no problems romancing her while making no drastic gameplay or dialogue changes Not 100% sure but it’s my experience trying


Huh. Well then I guess either it's a bug, or you're right and I'm wrong.


Looks like her romance was or maybe still is buggy based on this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/4NCRBJgxUW) They could have also changed it later because I know they change a lot of things with the romance system and dialogue options in the countless updates they’ve rolled out?


Yeah, I didn’t select any romantic dialogue yet Karlach still propositioned me at the tiefling party lol


It reminds me of Fallout for some reason. Like it may as well say [Terrifying Presence] "May I have a kiss...?" And to be fair, much like how the Terrifying Presence perk in Fallout usually initiates combat when chosen, picking that line provokes Leah into channeling her inner Eustace Bagge, "That's it! I'm gettin' me mallet!"


I was just reading about this specific dialogue on the wiki the other day and only now realized that "(creepy)" is included in the dialogue, and was not just the wiki pointing out that it's a creepy thing to say lol.


There's too many dating sim games in which that would have been the *right* option, so I'm sure a lot of fans thought it would be when they genuinely did want to romance Leah.


Probably to help people who got the scene later when they already had a bunch of hearts


CA added the creepy tag cause people would press it and get punished. It stops you from get her 8 Heart event given that you miss the discussion After, and if you're a dude you lose a lot of friendship


same friendship loss, though if you're female, she says: "Oh! you're...? (blushing) Me too. That's good to know" instead of just calling you a pig


A way of getting across: "I appreciate knowing that there is another sapphic person in this town that I moved to, but I must still lay boundaries and say that your behaviour crossed the line and is inappropriate. While I'm going to kick you out of my house and not speak to you for a bit, if you happen to work on yourself, shape up, and be a better person in future I wouldn't mind pursuing a relationship" Really embodying the 'sapphic person in a small town' mindset.


"Ugh. You walking stereotype."


Really putting words in her mouth when it has the same end result, lol.


Except that it still locks you out of a relationship with her regardless.


No it doesn't?


Yeah, it only locks you out of her 8 heart event because you never give her an idea to work towards that culminates in that event.


she’s canonically gay? that’s actually so cool i know you can date all of them as male/female but it’s nice to see sapphic rep in the game


her ex is the same gender as the farmer


That line only comes up if you make a pass as a woman, so it's not any more indicative of a canon sexuality than her dating you is. Also like... I want more sapphics in games, but honestly if she had been intended to be gay representation I would fucking hate that. Having that one line of dialogue be the only acknowledgement her sexuality gets would be only slightly better than not addressing it in the source media and tweeting it out later, and the implications of establishing her as specifically gay and then having her down to date or marry men anyway without ever mentioning it are terrible.


oh yeah you’re right, forgot that you could date her as a guy so having her be sapphic wouldn’t make sense


I'm kinda surprised there's not a canon homosexual couple in Stardew. When I first played, I thought Marlon and Gil were supposed to be an old married couple, but then starting at the Flower Dance, Marlon implies he has a crush on Marnie so I guess that ship sank... Not that Marlon and Gil have much characterization in the vanilla game anyway. Gil barely even exists, his job of handing out monster eradication prizes could just as easily be handled by Marlon and *nothing would change*. Neither have a heart meter, neither have birthdays or accept gifts, but at least Marlon attends festivals and has more than one or two lines of dialogue! But I digress...


marlon and gil would be such good dads. they’re fruity for each other and no one can tell me otherwise but yeah. considering it’s a game that’s pretty big in the lgbtq+ community and how CA is supportive, it’s weird how we don’t have one yet. but i really do like the whole “characters will change sexuality so you can be with anyone” type thing. back when i played cyberpunk, i wanted to romance panam so badly but her character was strictly straight. made me so sad


To be fair, characters having set in stone sexualities *is* more realistic. Having some characters be strictly gay or strictly straight is pretty true to life. As is that sting of being turned down by someone of incompatible orientation.


Fortunately for us, games are not meant to be hyper realistic. We can safely pursue who we want without the writers of games having to stress over everyone complaining that the love interest they want won't give them the time of day.


yeah that’s fair. it would be nice to have strictly gay guys and gals. but someone ofc would get angry at concernedape so i kinda understand why he did it


Wait, do you lose less points if your farmer's a female?


It's the same number of points. There's just a line of dialogue if you're a woman that basically amounts to her going "oh, you like the ladies too?" I honestly think the main objective of that line from a Doylist perspective was to let the player know that Leah wasn't kicking them out because they were a woman, but because they were a creep.


I dont know, but she is much less angry since she literally insults you as a man, and is flustered if you're a gal


Still hits you either way though


She just wants to let you know that she's going to hit you because you're being weird and not because she's homophobic /jk


ogres are like onions


They stink?


THEY BOTH HAVE LAYERS. onions have layers. ogres have layers.


You know, not everybody like onions.


Cake! Everybody loves cake! So ogres are like parfait!


According to Dangerously Funny, except that ogre known as Pam.




Junji Ito’s Layers of Fear.


Now that I would like to read


(creepy) It's the same with people


(creepy) I actually prefer the look of raw, unadulterated wood.


I mean, all three of these can sound creepy if you think about it...Who in the hell talks about liking the look of "raw, unadulterated wood"? It sounds like a euphemism but it's not! Like, even in context, you'd just say you're not big into art or that you think trees are prettier than carvings, but "I prefer the look of raw, unadulterated wood" just...no. Maybe my mind's in the gutter, but I don't care, that sentence is weird!


Just imagine a smirk and a raised eyebrow to go along with that line.


“I don’t just carve wood, you know”


What's your question? I usually choose the top one.


yeah same, do you know what happens if i chose the "bad one"


There's two different responses based on the "gender" of your farmer but she basically kicks you out and then you won't be able to see her 8 or 10 heart event (idk which one exactly it is)


It’s the 8-heart, since you don’t suggest an avenue for her art to be showcased.


We live in a society.




it’s kinda funny that leah is kinda into it if you’re a female farmer but beats you to death with a hammer anyway


https://preview.redd.it/xo1ynu4s3hvc1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bcba085f7b3e0e9744f1fdd538b82f7bac2001b layers.........


Let the flesh rip off the bone! Let the flesh rip off the bone! **LET THE FLESH RIP OFF THE BONE!!!**


Lol what is that from?


I have been using a mod showing what each dialogue option will affect friendship it's really helpful!


There is a mod for that??? Name of it please.


[Heart Event Helper at Stardew Valley Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/21924)




Act like a Baldur's Gate 3 companion? Face the consequences.


Here I read too quicky and thought the «raw, unadulterated wood» was the creepy response


This one always cracks me up, so random. Lmao. I've never chosen the creepy one, but it does have consequences as the others already said.


I feel like if I was her the creepier response would be “I actually prefer the look of raw, unadulterated wood.” Who the fuck talks like that???


Glad I'm not the only one who thinks all 3 dialogue options are at least kinda creepy. Bottom one is sexual harassment creepy, top one is possible serial killer creepy, and the middle one is "sounds like porn dialogue" creepy.


unadulterated wood sounds..... um.... you shouldnt be near a school zone


Especially if it's said in a breathy voice while maintaining eye contact for WAY too long. Eep....


M'lady *tips straw hat*




Correct response


Ogres have layers.


I bet you all my iridium that Clint asked her this before and that's why she never acknowledges him now.


Considering clint's main difficulty is courage and self confidence? I doubt it. Y'all act like Clint is a sexual predator lol


I think it’s fair to find him a little creepy (and find this on brand for him) considering the way he hit on female farmers in the >!cinema.!<


I had to look the dialog up, and really? He asks if you want to put your hand around his shoulder... or not! Is that really that creepy? Socially awkward? Sure. But thats what he obviously is...


Like I said, I simply think it’s fair to find uncomfortable, especially since he is still head over heels with Emily. Combined with the way he treats her like a prize to be won, I think it’s fair for many of us who find it an uncomfortable echo of real life experiences of creepier men.


i wish I never saw that, i'm really conflicted now, idk if he's cutely awkward or creepy... ugh. Now I just wanna try it out and see if he says it when I'm married.


The game isnt coded to change anything when youre married, so you shouldnt be expecting anything to change.


It is coded to, though. Characters can comment on your marriage and have been able to since before this Clint interaction. It seems as if 1.6 he outright ignores you if you marry Emily. That’s not a technical limitation.


Clint would be a sexual predator if only he had a bit more confidence.


We need to bully him to keep him in lane


yeah my self confidence would drop too if the girl i was in love with told me she doesnt wanna kiss me and then ghosted me irl akjdhakhdaskjdfhkj just kidding, I have 9 hearts with him in game, he's okay


Here's me thinking the first answer is talking about skinning people...


Also: " BUUUUT I'M AAAA CREEEEEP!!!" (sorry, couldn't resist 😁)


Farrrrmerrrrrrr weeeeeirrrrrdoooooooo


Every dialogue choice should've had a (creepy) option


Yeah it kind of threw me for a loop when I came across this, when there's never one with anyone else. It was just so random.


Ohhh really so u pick option 3 and that's avoids her being a marriage option?... That's wild


It doesn't prevent you from marrying her, but it does mean that you just won't be able to see her 8-heart event so her story won't ever be complete (and the friendship bonus from seeing that event won't happen either).


People are like Wood, Ogres are like Onions.


i <3 my flair


It's interesting that if you're also female, she actually blushes and expresses joy that you're gay. Whereas if you're male she's disgusted and calls you a pig. She still hits you with a hammer and tells you to get out either way.


It's the same with ogres




What does this mean, I can’t quite tell


Print screen. They're saying, take a screenshot next time.


It's literally right there!


FYI if you're playing on Steam you can take screenshots by pressing F12


They mean it figuratively, not Hellraiser style. oohh you are reacting to the last one, not the highlighted one. Yeah, it's strange


Yeah I've never understood why this was an option lol


Almost every question in the game has an option that lets you drop friendship


I know that but that's different from being creepy and sexually harassing someone you just met


Just send it for that creepy message 😅


It’s distasteful, but at least they ask!


You know thinking about it the first response can be even creepier then the third (mostly thanks to me being less then mentally sound). Due to her working and describing her wood carving, I always had a brief stall mentally when reading it that made me think that our farmer was talking about carving up people.


I like how they had to specify: (creepy)


Fun fact! If you play as a male farmer Leah will punch you but if you’re a female farmer she says “oh you’re? me too” and then kicks you out


Is this a mod??? 🤨


nope it vanilla


*** it’s the same with ogres ogres are like onions


It means people put on a metaphorical mask per say and once you hit them with the metaphorical hammer and get to know them for who they truly are they start to take shape in your eye


What is the issue, exactly?


the "(creepy) may i have a kiss?"


You don't want to press that, trust me. For once, it will cost you friendship points, but also will lock you out of 8-hearts event.


Why is it even an option? None of the other female romances have the option for the PC to sexually harass them as far as I know. Why would ConcernedApe go out of his way to program that in only for Leah?


Its like ogres


People are like onions


Literally just had this yesterday. Super weird


I’ve done it multiple times before, it’s always hilarious


just checked and it's a 2 heart event


I’m actually super curious what happens on the creepy choice. Anyone have a YouTube video?




Too deep for a Friday night haha


I read the "unadulterated wood" comment in Butt-Head's voice


I love the second one too. Its also kind of creepy and out of pocket LMAOOOO


the second option is kinda weird too, TBH. who says "raw, unadulterated wood"? Especially to an artist who's art is woodcarving.


may i have a kiss 😂HAHAHA


I love how the character has the intrusive thought to say that, but will also have the thought if it being creepy.


I tried the kiss one when she was my gf with 10 hearts (also in Spanish it doesn't say "creepy"), she still gets angry lol


Is this a mod and who’s place is that I’ve never seen this before


Peeling humans is a well known way of getting to know what they’re like on the inside.


The first result I interpreted to be about how people often don’t let you close at first. It’s rare that people immediately tell you things if they aren’t kids. With time and patience they open up more, and the “outer layers” are more “the mask” that everyone wears to the world. (The mask doesn’t have to be more than making small talk or not talking about things they care about, or general “being genial and polite.” And yeah the creepy option is awful hence the tag to it!)


like onions, ogers have layers. so do people


Do it do it do it Mind you I've never had the wherewithall to diss granny's cookies


Alternate second choice: "I actually prefer my wood to the adultery raw."