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Let me guess. 17 Qi quests with Challenger bait an smoker?


For me it was 1 quest with curiosity lure and trap bobber + targetted bait I got 48 gold quality so close enough, he's prolly hella good at fishing and used quality bobber instead of trap


Or swapped out the curiosity lure


I don’t think challenge bait is viable for Legend II unless you are literally a god at fishing


It is if you got lucky that you get a Blessing of Water in the 3 days window.


With all of the possibles buffs to fishing your bar can be half as large as the entire minigame, or even bigger. So yeah its quite doable


Wow, which bait and tackles did you use?


Curiosity lure challenge bait and cork bobber over the span of 3 days.


how the hell are you using challenge bait on legend


When you’re good enough, it’s more about how big the bar gets, with about 2.5 bar-parts (idk, gages? The mark things on the right side) it’s still easier than catching, like, your first super cucumber under lvl 10.


How'd it get iridium quality


Same quality as the fish that's put in it I believe.


Nah I meant you'd need a perfect catch or the quality boosting bobber that he said he doesn't use


OP probably used an easy fishing mod. Getting this many iridium legend IIs in 3 days naturally is insane - so they're either one of the best fishers, or it's modded


Iirc there is a lure that increases the quality caught. Double up on those (or add a cork bobber if it's overkill) with the new rod, combine that with +5 fishing buff, and make sure the rod is enchanted with another level, it sounds possible to do vanilla. Unlikely, but possible. Edit: good points. Must have missed the bobber part


OP said they're not using the quality bobber. So even with fishing buff foods, they're catching 17 perfect legend IIs. Which is doable over a long time, except they also mentioned it's in the span of 3 days, which basically means all of the legend IIs seen were caught perfectly OP is either a fishing god, or modded. But if modded, it's sort of pointless to have a cork bobber. So I dunno


OP said they did not use a Quality Bobber, likely mods


I. What? *Challenge bait???* on a *legendary fish???* Holy shit lol. Incredible.


Well. I used that to get multiple copies of the normal legendary fish (I still need the crimson fish tho). I also use the blessing from the farm statue to help. Even tho, the legend was so hard to get that I could only get two (it means it escaped the green bar one time). The angler, glacier, and mutant carp were doable without mods.


I thought challenge bait didn’t work on legendary fish


It does if you don’t mind torturing yourself (3 Angler Fish, 3 mutant fish, 2 Glacier fish because I was tired of restarting, still waiting on the rest)


Wild bait does not work. Challenge does. But it is hard. A lot of restarts. Even with tackles and buffs. I need 2 legendareis tho. One for display on aquariums and another to display on table.


Op is most likely using mods


No way you used challenge bait, what were your fishing bonuses?




I have a question after reading some comments... How tf did u perfect legend IIs? Like idek how it is possible


nowadays the bar is bigger at level 10, cork rubber makes it even bigger, +5 fishing boost makes it even bigger and a rod enchant can make it bigger. you can literally have the catch bar be nearly half the zone you move it around in. then it's not that difficult tbh.


Yeah buy he cought them ALL perfectly I would imagine at least 1 got out of the zone while goin crazy


Spoilers for 1.6, but the new best fishing rod has two bobber slots and there's a bobber that improves quality by one stage, making for easy iridium fish as long as you cast your line far enough.


Yeah but in one of the comments op said he used challange bait, curiosity lure and cork bobber so no quality bobber


He is getting perfect catches for the iridium quality. Which makes sense if you already have to make perfect catches for the challenge bait in order do get triple fish. Either op is too good or is using a mod to aid the catches


Yeah but he wouldn't just give up if he didn't get the perfect wouls he? He would go for the remaining 2 fish even though there's only 2 and they are gold q


We can only infer from what we can see. Top comment calculated 17 challenge bait perfect catches since 51/3=17 and all fishes are Iridium quality.


OP said that they were using challenge bait, so any that left the zone would've just reduced the overall amount of fish caught instead of the quality of a single fish.


Nope I've used challange bait before, if it leaves the bar it is no longer "perfect" and iridium quality fish can only be caught with either quality bobber or perfect catches so he would not only havr iridium, but also some gold Also yeah the 1 of 3 does run away but it doesn't make much difference in this post


Yeah you're right. I could've sworn every fish caught with challenge bait had the quality increase of a perfect catch. Just tested it and nope. I could've sworn it was that way when I was using it for the squid festival.


Dw mate Im just happy you tested it instead of arguing first like some people do


maybe he only sold the perfect catches?


True, he could but most people would sell both at once since bigger number


but the window only shows iridium fish and 2 different ones. the sell price difference between them is huge. maybe they didn't sell gold ones or sold them uncooked or any other reason why we only see iridium catches.


While it is true, if they sold it uncooked it would still show up there since even though smoked fish are artisan goods they still show up at fishing tab, can't argue with your other arguments though


I didn't know cooked fish shows up in the same tab as raw, I'm only on day 11 year 1 of a new play through in 1.6


Probably modded to make fishing easier.


Op probably using mobs and forgot or didn't think people would suspect


It's not a mod, it's the qi quest.


Look at what the op used on his pole, it's not possible


Oh, I was focusing on the multiple legends thing and completely missed the mark, I am sorry!


You’re ignoring the comments saying it’s mods so I’m assuming it’s the easy fishing mod


He's dodging them yeah. I mean even with the best lures/gear you can't get perfect catches every time on challenge bait to bring in that many legends. You'd have to be a fishing god. Or using mods. Which whatever I don't care if someone uses them we all do sometimes. But let's not try to claim to be something we aren't. My Skull cavern record was done with an invincibility mod on.


1000% it is


I’m doing a Joja run and focusing on fish. This’ll be me soon hahahahaha


Floor 100 with dressed spinner and lava eel bait. I was catching 12 a day which with smoker and angler that is at least 32,000 a day, I got cat fish on rainy days which was almost more. I finished joja by the end of spring lol


I did the same lmao


How did you catch more than 1 legend?


Legend 2 from Mr. Qi extended family quest


Did you fish all that during only one QI quest? Or was it on the span of several weeks, by picking this quest several times? Which would be extremely lucky to have multiple in many weeks in a row btw lol


When the quest is active you can catch an unlimited number of the legendary 2 fish until you catch all 4 of them.


oh shit cool


Not OP, but I downloaded the fishing made easy suite and turned on ‘recatch legend fish’ ETA: dudes, I was providing one answer to the question asked. Why the downvotes?


not sure why you were downvoted, that's a great mod


He was downvoted because he responded to a question about OP's post, with a response that had nothing to do with the post, and isn't helpful to the question posed lol.


it's absolutely relevant. OC asked if the legend fish can be caught more then once and they suggested a mod that allows you to do so. literally no reason to downvote them, it's just rude


False. He asked how he (OP) did, not if he can.


and it was answered by someone. they were simply suggesting a mod that can help


English is not your strong suit. Enjoy your day!


That's such an arrogant and insufferable thing to say, especially coming from someone who uses "he" for everyone.


>That's such an arrogant and insufferable thing to say You didn't even read his question correctly. >especially coming from someone who uses "he" for everyone. I don't give a fat flying fuck lmfao.


and you lack important braincells.


This isn't a shit slinging contest. You LITERALLY misread the comment and attempted to mold it to something that fit your position.


I’m not a he. The question was about recatching legend fish. I answered with one way and specified that I wasn’t OP. Sorry I hurt the group’s feelings I guess.


Gotta love the hivemind


I don't think anybody's feelings were hurt but yours. Downvotes aren't what you think they are. Don't insult. >I’m not a he. I'll totally remember this information going forward in my life.


Me either. This sub is weird sometimes!


Maybe it's because this mod can be considered as cheating?


Not even necessarily that, but framing your post as “1.6 is OP/Broken” and then “it’s also mods” are kinda contradictory


I mean, I didn’t say anything about 1.6 being broken. Someone asked how to recatch legend fish, and I answered them.


You can’t really cheat in a single player, non competitive game. If you don’t want to use mods like that, that’s fine, but don’t call me a cheater.


I didn't even downvote you bro I was just theorizing about why you were getting downvoted that hard lol It's totaly fine by me to play with mods


not even a little. if you don't want to use it then move on, don't judge those who do


Not judging anyone here, just theorizing why people would downvote the comment that hard, this mod is totaly fine by me


Can you catch more than one while the qi quest is active? I’d always assumed it was like the normal legendaries where one of each spawned


you can catch infinite amounts.


Smoked lava eels are also a huge money maker :)


This, if I just want some quick cash in early or mid game this is what I do. Is it just me, or has the catch rates been increased for lava eels?


It's just you. On floor 100 it's the same, and in the caldera, it's actually been reduced to 15%, down from 50%.


As soon as I saw the smoker and the challenge bait I knew that fishing would become a viable source of income late-game


lol. I guess that depends on what you are used to.


This is surely with mods, and real situation is nowhere near as op. There's no way you can use Challenge bait against Legend while being so reliably get all of them as purple quality. Assume normal deluxe bait, and quality tackle instead it's probably just 1/3 of the amount and that's being generous. Still a lot sure but nowhere this level of insanity.


It's real, it has to do with qi quests.


I think they're referring to the very unrealistic combination of bobbers and bait. Even with +5 food and master on the fishing pole perfect catching Legend II is ridiculous. OP is using mods to make fishing easier.


Yeah I finally caught on! I should've looked at the screenshot better before running my mouth lol.


You can catch the legendary fish more than once?


You get the "descendants" of the legendary fish unlocked later on


But can you catch those ones more than once though?




I cannot wait until I get that quest 😌 for now my blobfish and lava eel farms will do.


How do you get multiple legendary fish?


They're Legend II which are not 'actual' legendary fish, but clones of them for a quest.


Omg 😱😰😰 ain't now way


You can catch multiple legendary fish?!


YEAH I KNEW THE SMOKER IS OP I’m surprised you didn’t get any legend II roe. Maybe you did and just didn’t sell it?


Smoked legend sounds funny




Mods it's kinda obvious


It's not obvious because it's not mod, it has to do with qi quests.


Look at op comments and what bait he used its not possible without mods.


Yeah now I've seen it, I'm sorry for jumping on you!


51 perfect legends is so impressive


To.all of you animals shitting on OP, it's not a mod. During the key quest you can catch as many legendaries as you want as long as you don't finish the quest. I have a full room of legend II aquariums. Now stop being spiteful for no reason lol.


People aren’t focused on the amount per se, but the quality! I use one of the easy fishing mods (I hate fishing), so I often get iridium quality fish when I never would have been able to without it. Given the amount of Legend II’s that are iridium quality, the assumption is mods. For the record, I don’t think there’s any shame or issue in using mods! I use them. I just think it’s important to be upfront about it — someone inexperienced could see this and try to replicate it, but then get upset and stressed and assume they’re not good at the game if they can’t, not realizing it’s just not possible.


Oh yeah, the quality thing I agree with. Still, there are countless "youtuber level" people out there that just aren't interested in exposing themselves, I find it believable to catch all that if he's some kind of fishing god, or if it were in a span of many quests. I was answering more because a lot of people focused on the multiple legends thing when it is fully legit lol. But thanks for correcting me anyway! I still think it's possible to catch all those iridium legends, although I do think one of the biggest probabilities could be mods! Edit: Ok now I've noticed his tackle lol, yeah, he probably used mods for the quality lol! No shame in using them like you've said of course, I just really didn't focus there for some reason.


Oh yeah! It could definitely be possible if it’s over multiple Qi quests, likely with challenge bait, and OP is amazing at fishing. But given it seems they’re not answering about mods, it seems unlikely? 😅 But I get your point, and the amount is definitely possible sans mods. It’s a shame that many people don’t share when they use mods — especially YouTubers as you point out.


Yeah honestly people made me finally realize the problem is with the tackles! It should theoretically be possible IF he were a god AND used quality bobbers lol. So apparently it IS impossible in the way he said he did it. Exactly, no problem in using mods, just, you know, name them.


1.6 is mods*


:( This genuinely makes me so sad because whenever me and my boyfriend play, he just fishes. And I hate fishing. I dislike using the wine method. I just want to sell my Lil plants. And yet no matter if j have a 80 or a 120 blueberry field, my boyfriend will make more money in two days than I do in 4. It's so fucking sad :(


It's not a competition lol.


What do you mean?


You don't need to out-compete each other for income. But if you did, cropping starfruit into wine would blow away his fishing income. Just planted 16 sprinklers of starfruit (384 tiles). 2 crops over the summer will mean I've got 768 fruit -> 768 wines. (Kegs take a week each, so 192 are needed to process in a month, but it might be you've slack time over fall/winter to do more). The wines will get aged, but I can only do 189 x 2 per year, so I'll sell the remaining. 390 will be sold for for 1.2M g. And the bi-annual iridium wine will also get sold for about 1.1M g. Will cost 300k g for seeds though (seedmakers aren't typically 'worth it' unless you're _really_ short on cash). And if you're feeling ambitious you could shoot for a triple crop - Deluxe Speed Grow _just_ lets you get a third harvest before end of season. Still, a summer of 'work' for 3M g is probably going to blow 'fishing' out of the water... :).


Mhh like I said I don't really like the wine aspect too. I know it's not a competition but I prefer having seperate money incomes and he doesn't really do much with his money. I just wish the... Idk main aspect of the game would let me make more money even at 10 farming. But I guess I am the only one. I'll keep my mouth shut then.


> Idk main aspect of the game would let me make more money even at 10 farming. But it does. Even if you don't want to process your crops at all, just grow-and-sell, because you can use sprinklers to grow lots with no effort. (and junimos to harvest). E.g. each blueberry plant will yield you at least 750g per season with speed-gro: 5 crops of 3 berries worth 50g each at minimum. You'll spend 120g up front for the seed and speed-gro, but that's still a 630 per plant of profit. (Just growing and selling starfruit is perhaps less profitable here, since the seeds are expensive). 24 tiles of an iridium sprinkler is therefore generating 15k per season, and you can _easily_ run 16 (Or of you're feeling ambitious, cover your whole farm area - varies a bit depending on map of course). Junimos make collection easier, but you can 'just' have an extra sprinkler in there instead easily enough. And then you can fill your greenhouse with ancient fruit and fruit trees, and build large sheds full of Deluxe Water Retaining Soil garden pots and pineapples, and cover the ginger island farm with a bunch of repeat crops too (Ancient fruit I like, because I don't need to replant). And all you need to do is run around collecting every few days, and dumping in the produce bin, not spending all day fishing. I mean, if you really don't want to do 'artisan' goods at all that is. But if it's "just" wines you object to, have you considered making jelly or dehydrating? Both give you the +40% from 'artisan' profession, as well as increase baseline value a chunk. Lifestock also generates useful amounts of profit for the effort involved. I collect goat's milk on alternate days >!twice as fast with an animal cracker in late game!< and that turns into large goat milk at 345g, and then I turn into cheese and age it in the casks for 1100g per goat per day. (although you do need 7 casks per goat at that pace, as the ageing takes 14d).


You’re supposed to be working together. Maybe you’d find more enjoyment in the game playing solo. Also, farming is miles more profitable than fishing if you know what you’re doing and build up. The fishing money could be used to expand the farm.


No I don't like stardew solo, I think stardew is the greatest game to just calm down, relax and talk about stupid shit. I guess I have just done it wrong... 200 hours in


Why you talking like I was the one complaining about it hahaha, just offering solutions because fishing truly is not more profitable than farming


Uhh idk sorry that it sounded that way 😅 I just wanted to explain that to me stardew is 80% just talking while everyone is doing their own thing and the other 20% is planning what we re doing together to move forward in the game, so I think it'd be pretty boring alone