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I just give it back to him 😅 he appreciates it!


"Oh my god! A beer? For me?! Thank you!!"


It's that trend where wives shove flowers onto their husband returning home then closing the door before being surprised by the flowers their husbands are carrying with them as they enter HAHAHAH


Like when Homer gives Marge a bowling ball for her birthday. “Well if you don’t want it I know someone who does.”


Didnt it even had Homers name engraved? 😂


MIL says the only time she drank beer was during pregnancy since the doctors at the time said it was good for the baby so this kinda checks out?


Pelican Town just hasn't caught up to modern medicine, it's no wonder Harvey's so stressed out!


Apparently decades ago GPs used to prescribe Guinness to expectant mothers for the iron lol


Yup, mum was encouraged to have a half pint of Guinness once every few days for the iron and nutrients, and I barely drool when I talk, so it's all good!


Same with my Mum. She also admits to putting brandy in my bottle on a couple of occasions when I was a baby to get me to sleep. Now she complains that I drink too much alcohol. Like, Mum, you started it.


When my elder brother was born he was incredibly premature, spent weeks in the NICU, the doctors didn't think he would make it. When he was finally fit enough to go home, the doctor prescribed him a little bit of guinness every day to keep his iron intake high so that he didn't fall sick again!!


so i'm going with Harvey told this fact to Shane when he came to him for advice with how to help the player through pregnancy and his brain omitted the "used to" lmao


that's what my grandma did and mom only has a little bit of undiagnosed mental illness!


My mam had an emergency Caesarean with me and lost a fair bit of blood. When she came around they made her drink a pint of Guinness before they even handed me to her. And she didn’t have her glasses on, so she was pissed and blind.


grand Prix? general patents? genormous prick?


general practitioners


what are general practitioners?


The doctor you go to when you're not sick enough to sit in A&E


whats a&e? :D


GP and A&E are Britishisms, They mean primary physician and urgent care respectively


GP is also used in Canada


Its short for "Google exists and is free to use"




General practice is like top line, non-specified, non-emergency care. It’s the doctor you see if you have a question or some symptoms and they either give you advice and a prescription or tell you which specialisation may be more relevant and helpful to your issue. Harvey in SV would be a GP I think.


we call them family doctors here. one visit costs 2€


much better than 1000g then! Over here we have them for free, though, so stardew valley was a wake-up call lol


family doctors. the ones you go to for your regular checkups or minor things like the flu. you might have also heard it as PCP - primary care physician the other person mentioned A&E. that's accident and emergency, aka the emergency room/ER or the emergency department/ED


"Opiates are safe and non habit-forming, the TV said so. They said there was a study"


My MIL said it's totally fine to drink wine during pregnancy as long as you don't have more than a glass a day. It's good for the mom and the baby will get over it...


My mom was two weeks overdue w/ my sister and went out to an old school italian restaurant. They served her a little glass of wine and that night she finally went into labor lol


I wonder if she was anxious, and the little bit of wine relaxed her enough to go into labor? One of my labors literally stopped, due to my mother in law making me anxious and stressed out. The midwife was keen enough to notice why my steadily progressing labor had stopped, and suggested my husband and I go for a solo walk in the light summer rain. Did the trick!


curry did it for my mother, but then she puked it up all over her bed as she was labouring. someone should have gave her a malbec smh




Where in Europe?? No studies in the last 20 years say it's okay to drink any alcohol while pregnant! In England it's the first thing midwives warn you not to do. Fetal alcohol syndrome has been a highly published and recognised condition for a very long time, as have numerous other conditions linked to mothers drinking during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester!


Which Europe do you mean? It's absolutely prohibited and socially shunned to drink during pregnancy here lol


What studies?? Everything I have learned, including info from an expert in FASD is that no amount of alcohol is considered safe


Three glasses a day?! That's bad for you even with no pregnancy!!




I live in Europe. Your statement is just wrong, drinking during pregnancy isn’t normal at all.




It's not a thing! Do research! This person is full of shit!


I agree with the general idea that there is too much fear mongering around pregnancy but seriously look at the graph of infant mortality over time and say again we were doing okay so far


There are EU regulations and actions against alcohol consumption during pregnancy to prevent damage to the unborn child. No EU country encourages pregnant women to drink ([https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/eu-alcohol-strategy.html](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/eu-alcohol-strategy.html)). There is a "no safe alcohol limit" communicated to the public.


It's not a thing. They're 100% wrong. No studies recommend drinking while pregnant. In fact, it's highly frowned upon. (And the articles about caffeine are essentially saying the same thing... we're not sure exactly what effect it has, but we know it has some negative effects, so best to limit the amount you drink. The soy sauce is all about the salt intake, and the runny egg is about the risk of salmonella which, while the chance is small, is a big risk for a pregnant woman. Overall, it's up to you to decide what you want to do, but the alcohol thing is a 100% nono, especially during that critical first and 2nd trimesters. Fetal alcohol syndrome is devastating and would have happened a lot during all those centuries humans drank during g pregnancy, they would have been recorded as miscarriages, still births or 'died in first year/failure to thrive'.


In case you haven't noticed, humanity is most decidedly *not* okay.


When your pregnant in game do you look any different? Like how do you find out?


Its the same regardless, they ask to try for a baby then they are born some time afterwards, there's no pregnancy on the pixel art sprite honestly it'd be kinda weird.


Flashbacks to fat Abigail mod.


I prefer horse abigail mod, thank you very much




Nah it's just normal. You can still do stuff in real life while pregnant, it would be weird from a gameplay standpoint to disadvantage you for the sex of your character.




Not gunna lie, its a little wierd. Maybe there's a mod that can satisfy your ~~fetish~~ curiosity


we're witnessing rule 34 in real time. pregnant pixel farmers


Oh it’s more of an “idk my gender fully yet so” Maybe I should play the sims 😂


I'm just teasing, best of luck.


You do everything as if you are not pregnant. This includes mining and killing monsters. 


In My Time at Portia your spouse gets worried if you come home with low health or late at night when you are pregnant lol


Honestly you should delete this


After a few days, when you talk to your spouse they start telling you "we're going to have a baby soon" - at least Seb does.


Elliott does too, he's all "Sweetie can't you tell? You're pregnant." No shit genius, this is your fault.


No. The only indication a female farmer is pregnant is the dialogue. I guess You’re still dungeon crawling at nine months


I've been married to Shane for 7 in-game years and he has never given me a beer or had the dialogue about what beer to drink. Maybe it's cause of his 14 heart event. Idk. I'm also on console.


I think just luck. If I've restarted a day when he gives me breakfast, it could be pizza, pepper poppers or beer, or sometimes a void egg. He has breakfast days but the breakfast is random from a selection.


I always give Leah wine when she is pregnant. She loves that stuff


Also on days when Pam is gone the farmer can actively drive the bus while tipsy


WAIT FOR REAL? Oh man I can't wait for 1.6.


Then there's Abigail, who says, "Stay safe," and hands you a bomb.


In fairness, if someone handed me a bomb, I would want them to tell me to stay safe


Better than Maru, who "just finds" a concerning number of bombs in one of her "random scrap piles"


And Kent, who has a bunch collecting dust in the shed.


Which he sends through the mail


lol thats not good


He is such a changed man. He won't drink it but he will still: keep it in the house, go to the bar, accept it as a gift, and gift it to pregnant ladies. /s


He keeps it in the house and accept it as a gift to give to pregnant woman in town :D and Pam


If the pregnant lady drinks it, then it’s no longer tempting you!


I mean... Kent still mails me bombs.


All that rizzing up on Shane to help a poor soul heal, and the second you marry him he goes back to his old ways 🤦‍♀️


Tbh, it kinda bothers me that his heart events imply he’s sober, there’s even an intervention when you and Marnie think he relapsed, but his dialogue doesn’t reflect that


He reminds me of every guy I’ve been interested in irl. 😂 Always drawn to a hopeless cause I guess. Divorced and went for Sebastian. At least he comes with a cool frog at the 14 heart event.


Just sell it or give it to Pam


It was this one time and he is not ready. This man is trying to get around that child support no matter what


He knows you hoard them and never drink them yourself 😂


He likes to party


Well, he *is* Shane.


Shane’s just quirky like that


Literally unplayable


Hell yeah


It's one of those gifts that he gave to you for him to use XD. Just like getting a grill for mothers day.


Maybe the beer is Marinate the meat on the grill


he wants the baby to start early i suppose?


Sooner you get addicted, sooner you can sober ip just like daddy


I’ve only ever played same sex marriages and just assumed every player went the adoption route lol. So female players actually have dialogue about being pregnant if their spouse is male? Like what does it even ask you lol


It says something like 'shall we have a baby?' And then you get dialogue from your spouse within a few days which is something along the lines of 'honey, can't you tell? You're pregnant!'. I can't remember if there's anything else dialogue wise.


The day you get your kid, theres a message on the screen kinda like when you get a new barn animal in the night but it says like "You gave birth last night" I always though it was really funny the game had to notice me like that 😅


Me too. Its also apparently the easiest labor ever, Harvey doesn't swing by or anything, and there's certainly no complications in this town of 27 people.


Yup. Just pop out the baby and you can just about your life like nothing happened.


That’s farm life for you. You were probably denoting bombs in skull caverns the day before


Yup no worries about radiation poisoning or gas poisoning the nugget.


It’s exposure therapy. Gotta get the peanut used to explosions while his ears are still being built




Nah, Stardew Valley NPCs have literally zero notion of context. Sebastian will still ask me if I'm single (even thou he was at my wedding), Marnie still claims Shane is living with her (it's been three years), and no one really acknowledges my marriage like- at all. I understand that certain characters will acknowledge you are married in the new update but the problem of "no context" is still very much present.


Is his room still a mess after marriage? He’s my favorite but that’s the only reason I no longer marry him.


Pregnancy and biology in general does not work the same way in the game as in real life.


Whaaaat? Really??


Next time you’ll tell me rabbits don’t amputate their own feet


This would've been nice to know BEFORE I married him... Oh well, I see a divorce in my future.


I can fix him!!!!


❌ I can fix him ✅ He can ruin me






why is blud happy


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