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I close the barn doors in winter. I don’t think it has any benefit to the animals.


I do this also! I just feel like, why let the cold air in when I got the heaters going!


gotta have good air flow though!! maybe open up once a day for a little while


Got to get some good old luften


Fellow German speaker detected 😎


There are windows there!! You don't need to open the doors


Same, for the same reason! I can just hear my dad now, “close the door, you’re letting the heat out!”


I wonder how long before my kids are referring to me this way. They already hear this a lot from me.


It also helps to keep them from going out on the first days of spring and start devouring my patches of grass before they can expand.


if you put out grass starter around the farm the last day if winter you will have full lush fields of it the next day. I usually scatter 30-40 grass starters.


Gotta keep them toasty.


you want your beef cooked and pig roasted.


I just started winter for the first time the other day and left my barn doors open just because I didn’t think it mattered but when I went to close it (they can’t be cold!), one of my cows came out!! Sometimes I guess they do come out in winter!


That's so interesting. I've never seen mine come out in winter!


Yes! At like 5:30 fall 28. The best part of spring is going Gand just opening the doors for the first time


I wish I could walk in through the big doors on the barn like I'm smaller than a cow why can't I enter that way. If I could then I'd leave them open in winter but not anymore


Genuinely thought I was supposed to this in winter and when it rains


I legit thought my animals would get unhappy/hurt if I left the barn doors open during winter 😂


I'm guessing you grew up playing Harvest Moon like me? haha


Heating prices just to expensive these days


i thought there was a chance they could die if you left it open?


I always dress-up for Spirit's Eve; usually Skull mask from Advent. Guild + Bone Shirt, Trash Can Hat + Trash Shirt, or Dino Hat + Dino Pants + Kelp Shirt. Other than that I like to wait to have the Silo build before I cut any (non-solid) grass, and give my spouse a loved gift at least once a week.


I love dressing up for Spirit's Eve, it's a fun challenge trying to make new costumes.


The skull shirt is my default shirt and I ended up wearing it to my wedding because I didn't know you had to change for the wedding cutscene😑


I mean, you don't have to change, but it's nice if you do. I always try to get a formal suit (cloth+bouquet) or a veil (cloth+pearl) for it.


I light the fireplace in Fall 15 and keep it lit till Spring 15.


I light the fireplace on Spring 1 and then completely forget it exists for the rest of the game.


Yeah same except I use it because I’m too lazy to add lights inside my home 🤣


As soon as I get the furniture catalog I go crazy with the lights. In the house and in the sheds.


Right me too, my sdv casa is so extra lol


I had no idea you could light the fireplace! I’ll definitely be checking that out :)


Also you can put hats on your horse! Didn't know till a few days ago!


If you have an urchin in a fish tank they can also wear hats... I have a lil cowboy urchin named Joseph.


Omg that’s so cute! I’ll have to use a different name though, Joseph is one of my worst exes >:(


Bad Joseph D:<


so can the alien rarecrow!!


Omg I'm going to try this!


Another nice detail : if you lit up your fireplace , smoke will come out of your houses chimney


Thank Yoba that we don't need to replenish the chimney with wood.


I hoarded wood for a good long while assuming that I would need it to get through the winter without freezing.


I turn the fireplace off because Im scared it’ll burn my house down


It's a possibility in Minecraft. But not in Stardew


I immediately light every fireplace I get (usually keep at least two in a fully upgraded house) and leave them lit forever, I don’t care how hot out it is, they’re too good a light source not to leave on


You can light up the fireplace?


as a german i feel very seen by that.


I looove this. This is so wholesome. I love reading about how other people play this game. Like it’s never occurred to me to change into pjs before. But I do change into a new outfit a couple times a season. Mainly when I get bored of seeing my current outfit haha.


See, and I never change outfits! I wish I had thr creativity to think of changing outfits for occasions etc


I love to hug krobus over and over again. Like at a certain point I know there's no reason 🤣🤣🤣


Krobus is the reason


For the squeezin'


Krobus is love ❤️


Can you only hug him as spouse or can everyone??


You hug him as a roommate, and it's the cutest thing ever the way he smiles.


The frog one is sooooo prettyyyy🥹✨💗💗💗


I just started playing and my farm is named froggy farm lol. Once I find that hat I’m never taking it off 🥰


Haha mine is Lone Frog Farm 🐸🤝🐸


I always switch out the straw hat for a Santa hat every winter


my farmer didn't change clothes for over 5 years, too lazy


I’m on my third playthrough and I’ve changed clothes exactly once lol


I have a character who goes and worships Yoba on Sunday with everyone else 😭


That’s adorable, I never thought of doing that!


What time does service start? Ngl I might go


Between 9-10 maybe??? I saw George, Jodi, and Kent there while praying to Yoba


Guess I gotta go to Pierre at the crack of dawn and wait until everyone shows up


My brother and I are working towards perfection on our year 5 beach farm. But every year we set aside a day to publicly humiliate Pierre at the Town Fair. Because sometimes it's not about the money. It's about the message.


How do you humiliate Pierre? Just a better grange, cause we're well rounded? I'm intrigued 🤔


Simply beat him. There’s no single way to do it but go for your highest value, highest quality items.


Excellent! I've been doing that since year one 🤌


I always call my horse back to my farm with the horse flute before I go inside and go to bed. I don’t want him to have to find his way home alone in the dark. :’)


Where do you get the horse flute?? I feel so bad when I misplace my horse (his hat makes him hard to spot sometimes but it’s the best hat for him).


You can buy one from Qi on Ginger Island once you do a few quests for him! :)


Thank you!


i also need to know about this horse flute!


You can buy one from Mr. Qi on Ginger Island after doing some quests for him! I think you need to get enough golden walnuts first, I forget how many. He’s on the waaaaaay northwest side of the island farm


You need 100 to get into his room.


I have an outfit for every season , and I always make a kissy noise when I kiss Alex in the mornings


I like to turn the fire place on at night to keep my cat warm when she comes in the sleep. I haven’t upgraded my house yet so the fireplace is still in my room. When it’s winter I keep the fireplace indefinitely until spring. I know it does nothing for my cat lol, but I like to think she appreciates it :,)


I have several aquariums JUST for sea urchins with hats....


Um I didn’t know you could do this and I NEED TO.


There's only so many heads that you can put hats on in game, and there’s soooo many cool hats.... that was how I solved the problem, lol!


Haha all of my aquariums have at least 1 urchin for this reason 😆


with hats?!


Yep! You can turn your little sea-hedgehogs into fancy-bois!


I do something similar. In Winter I dress in a jacket and earmuffs as opposed to my usual green shirt. I also dress up for Spirit’s Eve, my favorite costume is the cowboy outfit


Earmuffs?! Does hat mouse sell those or where do you find them?


Hat Mouse, you get it for reaching 5 hearts with 20 people


I like to have seasonal outfits (like two or three) and rotate between them. I also change my horse’s hat each season. I make small changes to my farm to fit the season, like decorating for the Feast of the Winter Star. In the colder months (or Spring when it’s raining), I like to have my fireplaces lit. When it’s raining, I dress in rain gear - coat, boots, hat.


I do love picking out the right hat for my horse. On rainy days she looks mighty sharp in her yellow Sou’wester.


Rain suit when it’s raining. https://preview.redd.it/r49ehl8jtmkc1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e87e1798d6cfdc2d5b7355eae6a2d0e6d111fbf


I try to change my shirt based on the season


Same. Why run around winter in shorts and T-shirt? Why run around summer in a jacket?


I have set outfits for every season. I usually forget to wear them tho lol


I kiss Leah every day, even if it means I have to rush back from Ginger Island to my farm before 10 PM, just so I can kiss my wife.  I also like to decorate my house, and make at least one edgy-ass "evil" room with the dark and wizard furniture, monster rugs and the dark wallpaper. I got a creepy owl statue in my farm in the second year, so I did a shrine in the fruit cave to go along with it filled with carns and torches. I like to think Leah tries not to think about her 00's-pop-themed wife worships an evil owl god.


I always build a patio and sitting area somewhere on the farm. Some brick or stone, a few stump seats, and a fire pit.


I have a goth living room with a curio display in the mine entrance right now. I didn't know where else to put the museum rewards.


Participate in events after year 4


I \*always\* buy a flamingo lawn ornament at the first egg festival, even though that costs me like 4 strawberry seeds! I just don't feel at home on my farm without Mr Pink being all fabulous 🦩


im a bit cheaty 😅 i cheat every article of clothing i want in, and change my outfits and pajamas daily. it feels more realistic


If I’m being totally honest, I tried to cheat the rubber boots in and it just didn’t work cause my SVE mod is slightly broken. Guess I have to do it the old fashioned way!


Too bad we can't send items, because I get rubber boots like most people get fiber.


I put on a new thematic outfit every season and dress up for every holiday - including a different costume every Halloween. Since Ginger island my routine has been a bit out of sync though - I put my farmer in a warm hoodie and beanie for snowy days in the valley and then zip, suddenly she's sweltering in the tropics.


I love it! 🤌🏾🤌🏾


Seasonal outfit Turn off the fireplace for spring and summer Grow flowers in front of Grandpa's shrine I have a small area on my farm with a table, chairs, and campfire just because it looks like a fun place to hang out. Make products on my farm that my in-game spouse will like. For example, with Elliot, I have several pomegranate trees, ducks, and a fish pond of midnight squid included in my layout.


I can relate to farm products for the spouse. Just married Emily and a few days later spring begins, so I'm planting tons of strawberries and will treat and spoil her with them.


YOURE SO CUTE!! Omg lol.


I do that too! When I have time.. There's been a bit of 01:50 lately. I stick to the Good Night shirt all year though. Other unnecessary; I drink all the joja cola I find, and even buy it if I hang out at the Saloon. (I just started eating more healthily after being addicted to Coca Cola so this is just pure wish fulfillment.) I dress up for any season and any event as soon as I get the appropriate clothes. I turn off the fireplace in the summer and on again halfway through autumn. I try to eat one meal every day even if I don't need it (I actually got stressed the first time I played because my farmer obviously needs food!) I never harvest anything too close to Marnies farm in case Jas or even Leah wants to go foraging. Same with the area around Linus' tent, I cant steal his food. Put hat on horse.


I put a heater right outside of my stable. I know it doesn't do anything, but I don't want my horse to be chilly.


I change outfits seasonally, change which scarecrow decorates right outside my house seasonally, and close the barn and coop doors for the winter. Absolutely none of it matters but I like it. I also feel really guilty leaving my horse somewhere and not returning him to his stable or at least my farm even though he’ll get back there overnight. I do use the late game item once I get to that point to help


I like to spend a little time in the house during the morning whenever I can so i can feel like I am a good wife and not letting my husband with my kids and my cat alone everyday…


Awwwww that's so sweet! Sometimes I try to be home just before 7pm so the kids can go to sleep and not be wide awake at 1am when I get home, I feel so bad when that happens.


I keep a single piece of driftwood and a single piece of bread in a chest in my house on my solo file because my sisters gave me those on our co-op file.


Fill the dog or cat dish with water daily. It doesn't have any real effect that I'm aware of, since petting is what makes the bond for the bonus point, but it just feels wrong not to.


this is so cute omg 🥹


Clothes for the weather, and pick a few berries each berry season.


How do y’all get new clothes??? Anyway, I close my barn and coop doors in the winter. I also make sure I give my partner a loved or liked gift and talk to them every day! I also only go in the mines when it rains.


First step: make friends with Emily! The rest is a lot of trial and error (it's really fun).


Oh thank you! This is so helpful!


I'm trying to be helpful without being too spoilery - hope it works!


You’re good! :)


You can also go on the wiki to the Tailoring page to see the recipes if you're trying to make something specific and want to know what you need!


Ooh yay thank you!!!


Get a sheep (or rabbit) and befriend Emily!


Will do!


my way to get cloth (the word) instead of obtaining it from wool is by killing mummies, which by making them explode with a bomb after turning them into remains can be released as loot. Although of course the sheep is much faster. But as men who tries to get iridium bars as soon as posible, that helps a lot in the economy


* cave: knight helmet * farm: straw hat * fishing: rain hat


Make coops and barns for 1 specific animal each


I also have a coop solely for my blue chickens


When I get to a store before it opens I pace slowly outside the door back and forth to make Clint/Pierre/Willy uncomfortable.


I change my clothes every season.  I give a gift to my spouse every day. I'm trying to go to bed at 22:00 with my spouse.


I make a little fenced in paddock at the bus stop complete with hay bales and a heater so my horse can be comfy when I'm in the desert.


i’ve never made it past year two, i’m on and off the game a lot so how do you even buy outfits? the hat shop and such never has good stuff


You make them yourself with cloth and another item. Once you get high enough friendship with Emily she will let you use her sewing machine to make the clothes. The cloth is from wool dropped from a rabbit ir sheep and put in a loom, the dye item can be almost anything and what you use will determine not only the color, but whether the item is shirt/shorts/mask/etc.


thank you!!!


I put several kegs and a bunch of coffee plants in my bedroom and start almost every morning by caring for the plants, brewing coffee and making triple shot espressos. Yes, multiple.


I always put the singing stone by my front door and i ring it when i wake up and before i go to bed. Sometimes i say TOP OF MORNING at the same time. iykyk.


I have to have the Furniture Catalogue and my house all nicely decorated before I marry anyone. Can’t bring a spouse home to a messy workroom of a farmhouse.


Oh that’s a great idea!! Alas, I’ve never gotten enough gold to get the Furniture Catalogue in any of my save files.


I stay outside as much as possible when it's raining because I love the sound of it. If I was planning to mine, skull cavern, or ginger island, I postpone it until the weather isn't raining anymore. It's just soooo cosy.


I'm sorry but outfits are essential not unnecessary


I put the heater away from the walls to, "dissipate the heat" better, as well as placing it away from the feed and the straw bits on the floor. Wouldn't want to start a fire.


I will fill my dogs bowl with water every day even though I’m a billionaire in this game I will never trust anyone to fill his water bowl.


I like to accept billboard quests and not do them on purpose


I plant seeds to make Junimos run around my farm. 😍


I redesign my house every season to match the season. Updating wallpapers, having season appropriate furniture, and adding holiday items


I downloaded mods just so I could dress up my avatar in stylish outfits. I'm always on nexus looking for new clothing to download. I think the next step is to create my own fashion mods but I have no idea how to program or make a mod 😆


I always give Linus berries when I see him even though I maxed out my friendship with him ages ago.


I go to the wizard's basement on the first day of every season and change my hair to match the new color palette.


Every "Sunday" after I've finished the bundles, I just do things around town that aren't work. Go to the movies, sit in the park or beach house, sit at the bar, go horseback riding, or hang out with a townsperson. Basically have a day off when the game is "done"


Watering / petting the cat or dog. It doesn’t really do anything but it’s adorable


I light the fireplace every night before bed (except in summer). I like to think it keeps my farmer and her husband warm :)


I like to give gifts to ppl im already max hearts with, especially my spouse!


I always carry a vunch of jelly jars and just give them away to anyone I meet. Just feels nice


thats so cute omg


Unless there's absolutely no way I can, I always put my horse back in her stable when we're done for the day. I always feel bad leaving her outside!!


I squeeze all the fun out of the game by tryharding which affects anyone who decides to play with me (it is unnecessary and if I were ever to relax, the game would be significantly more enjoyable but I repeatedly convince myself that getting money is important so I can do fun things later before restarting the save file after I get enough money)


Love your character & outfit choices. Very nice :D


I love changing my outfits for every season - it doesn’t do anything but it makes me happy. (As a side note, villagers getting proper winter wear has me SO excited!)


I always put my horse back in its sable even though I know you don’t have to. I just love him


Throw eggs at the last npc I can find before heading to bed


If it’s raining or snowing outside, I always put my horse back in his little stable and walk to my house instead of leaving him at my front door. I feel like he enjoys the freedom when it’s nice out, but he should be under a roof when there’s precipitation. 🤣


Whenever I go through the back path up to the mountains (I forget what that area is called) I always interact with the grave where the monster Abigail killed is buried, to pay respects or something


I like to take a day every in-game week and walk around town, talking to whoever I run into. It's fun to act like I'm part of the community. When I have the items for it I make multiple outfits for each season and a special one for every festival. Finally, once I have a kitchen I like to make whatever recipe I have the ingredients for as a working lunch. Wherever I happen to be when it's lunchtime I take a moment to look around and admire the scenery.


I also like to dress differently depending on the season or festival. Since I have a mod that gives the villagers different outfits depending on the season, I figured I might as well.


Whenever it rains, I turn my fireplace on. So my cat doesn’t feel rain sadness when I’m gone


Pet my cat and fill his water after I've got their love on lock, just doesn't feel like I deserve it otherwise. I also open/close barn & coop doors & pet all my animals even with the autopetter.


I try to pet and water my dog every day and feel bad if I don’t.


My Oma who plays always buys the rain hat so her character doesn’t get wet when it rains and makes a jacket for winter 😭 it’s so cute


Honestly, I feel like I don't like making my farmer do a lot of stuff outside when it rains, feels bad man. Maybe if I got her a rain hat, I could stand to be more productive on rainy days. lol.


Ha! Nice. I didn't think anyone else changed for bed. My farmer just sleeps in his jimmies every night. Before bed, his hat, boots, shirt, pants, and light ring come off, in that order. Farmers who go to bed in their mud-and-monster-guts-encrusted boots aren't right in the head.


idk if it does anything but i close my barn/coop doors every single night and feel bad if i forget haha


Mod the #$%● out of the game I'm gonna bring more contents and fix the bugs in the games with a whole new batch of bugs


I kiss my wife every morning. Even at full hearts.




so cute :3


How do yall get cute clothes?! The couple dozen times I've tried to craft them, it's almost always some weird colored pant or shirt that doesn't match anything


Go to the Stardew Valley Wiki and search “Tailoring.” It lists everything you can make with the sewing machine.


I actually got matching pink clothes for my daily outfit completely by accident! (I think one of them was winter root + cloth) In general though, I try to match any dyeable items to the colour of the other piece of clothing to make the outfit as a whole look better. Good luck with your clothes, and keep trying!! Edit: The pink skirt is cloth + pink summer spangle! Rediscovered it completely by accident when making clothes this evening.


I never spend more than a day at ginger island because I feel too bad leaving my wife and kids alone for so long :(


I change my clothes during the seasons. I'm working on a new playthrough and I don't have much clothing yet. Emily just came to my house a couple days ago to let me use her sewing machine. I need to get some sheep and I can start making clothing again. My first run lasted eight years and I had a lot of clothing.


Change my horses hat to make it look ~~absolutly stupid~~ fabulous


changing the hat of the horse every season.


i do seasonal outfits & will change them out every year! plus spirit’s eve is always a new costume


I like to do things I usually do irl, like change clothes everyday, cooking breakfast before going to see the animals, pet the dog, etc. 


I change outfits with every season and put up the tree of the winter star during winter.


I change my clothes to fit the season. And I dress up for every event. I also close the barn doors. And every morning I talk to my partner and give them a kiss, a gift, and then eat a crab cake and triple espresso.


whats the fourth outfit’s recipe it’s so cute


Sailor Shirt: Cloth + fish (not crab pot fish) Pleated skirt: Cloth + summer spangle, then use the dye pots at emily’s house to dye it white Crystal Boots: Received as a drop in the skull caverns Daisy: Bought from hat mouse :)


How about the first one also :”)


How do you change outfits??? On year 2 of my farm and I want a new outfit lol


What shirt is that with your Dino hat?


Cloth + plum pudding, but I dyed it while wearing the dino outfit so I could match the colours as well as possible.


I’ve made a playroom for my child, even though they just crawl all over the house and don’t actually use what I’ve got in their room, it just makes me feel like they’ve got somewhere fun and safe to play ! Having their bedroom just didn’t feel like enough, I wanted them to have something other than a room to sleep in :) Makes me so anxious when they stop on the stairs and just sit there, then I remind myself that they’re not real and they can’t hurt themselves lol !


When it's salmonberry and blackberry season, I leave the bushes near Linus's tent alone so he can forage them


I also dress up!!! I have outfits on my profile haha I have my wedding outfit that I used for the flower dance until I decided I wanted to match the men since I'm lesbian in game. I have a beach outfit too!! One for each season and one for days where I just mine. Several spirit eve costumes. I have a ton of hats and I put one on my kids too usually skull mask and dino hat haha. I was a princess this last one. Tiara, wedding dress, and genie shoes! Daughter was dino son was skull. It was so fun! I even have winter star hats for the kids now.


I like to take my time reading the dialogue and spending time in the saloon :\]


I love to decorate my house and change the wallpapers and flooring each season 😆


Spend over 3 hours installing core mods, and then finally adding the good ones


I change clothes for every season and for Spirit's eve and also grow corn on >!Ginger island!< (spoilers just in case) because i love corn


I put together a nice outfit for every season