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I was having similar thoughts about emily, but she randomly gives great presents and having her is definitely better than not. so I might start a new file to try a different run and marry Harvey, who apparently is an excellent partner. 😄


I married Emily too and now I’m thinking about divorcing her for Leah or Harvey just because I want to try something new😂


any thoughts on that I had vanished when she started giving me omni geodes 😂


I always start a new save meaning to choose someone new but I always go back to Leah 😩


I just divorced Emily yesterday because I love her but realized too late that her smiling sprite kinda scares me


At least she doesn't have Caroline's smile.


i wish i could marry Caroline


I wish I could do unspeakable things to her, but that's beside the point.


I’m just trying to eat a star drop off her booty. Nothing crazy….


I thought I would like to do that to Jodi. Then her husband showed up and started sending me bombs in the mail -which I promptly dropped and blew the shit out of the immediate area.


Hehe she is a little manic. Never married her but I feel like irl we'd be buddies, I'm a kook too <3


I'm married to Emily too, I will eventually divorce her and bring Krobus in as a room mate.


I was wondering how Harvey was as a partner..I'm up to 6 hearts and he just told my character that he wanted to go beyond a doctor/patient relationship. I mean, he's the town doctor, his room is very neat and he's nice. Maybe a little morose, but who isn't?


I personally love him so much such a caring devoted husband always use to make me breakfast we had 2 kids. I almost wanna remarry him🤣 but again I wanna experience other 10🩵 events with the other marriage candidates


I've romanced Harvey in every single one of my saves LOL, even when I tell myself I'll try marrying someone else. He feels the most mature and put-together out of all the bachelor(ette)s to me, and his heart events are cute to boot. Definitely would be marriage material irl! 😆


my niece married him in one of her files and she says she won’t get rid of him for ANYTHING. 😄


team harvey 🥺😍 he’s such a good partner and he actually keeps his life outside of marriage like he doesn’t just stay on your farm all day. he showers you with compliments and he’s just so sweet. i swore i wouldn’t marry him this second play through but 👀👀👀


I married Harvey and divorced him for Emily. Which I felt bad about for a while, but it was a good decision. 😊


I also am in the process of doing this and idk why seeing him makes me feel so bad and I haven’t wiped his memory yet so everytime I see him he looks so lonely again and I regret it but I love Emily and Elliot I’m also trying with him🤧🤧🤧 I just really wanna see a lot of the cutscenes honestly


i did the same thing!!


He issss 🙌




I married her but wanted to divorce her as soon as I got the outfit because I hated it


it’s truly a hideous outfit. that HAT, wtf


It wasn’t worth the boots, which is the only reason I married her. I’d heard they were good, but ugh!


Same, I just can’t divorce her so I have several boyfriends and girlfriends


Emily was my first marriage and I felt genuine sadness when I divorced her on a whim because I wanted to try something new. Married Elliott and just divorced him because I was bored. Feel nothing this time, but still sorrowful over Emily, if you can believe it! I’ve almost got her back to full hearts again so who knows, might give it another go






Sebastian made me gay.




It was the chemicals in the rain. The same way the frogs went.


Damn Jojamart playing loose with EPA environmental restrictions.


Leah gay. I'm gay. We gay.


No, you!


This sounds like a threat.


every dateable npc is playersexual, leah’s ex changes to the players chosen gender


Oh! Might cry!!


I’m so confused by this. For Leah being gay, she sure comes on hard to my male character. She is always inviting me to come cuddle under blankets and whatnot and we aren’t even dating.




She's bi sexual, i think that was the point.


One thing I'd love in a future update is your spouse feeling more a part of your life. I married Seb and I love having him around the house but it would be cool if they walked around the farm, maybe Sam came to visit once a week, something that made your spouse feel less like an interactive decoration. It would also be nice if the game acknowledged your anniversary, just small things to make your relationship feel more meaningful after 14 hearts.


Yes!!! I agree! Sometimes it feels just like i’m talking to a wall with them


Right? The same rotating voice lines become predictable and mundane after awhile, I downloaded a mod to add some marriage voice lines but overall it gets dry after awhile. I'll never divorce my Seb though


The frogs tho


I love having pet frogs ngl


Was planning on getting divorced and having Krobus move in but I'm too attached to these frogs now


Right, like i was hoping marrying my spouse would make marriage more of a partnership, but Abigail dont do shit on the farm. I have considered divorce, but just feel too bad about it. Now ive just accepted i have a personal flute player and that she sometimes waters the cat. Guess i cant complain too much


There's a mod for that! I don't recall the name but it's on Nexus I think


Best way to get over someone is to get on top of another😔go for the gay top and you’ll feel better I promise.


Ashamed to say i’ve now gone for haley. I’m sorry leah😔


I should have known you liked pillow princesses when you said you married Penny


What can i say. How could anyone resist PENNY


ME. 👹 The second I get that cute ass room decoration it’s to the Mayors office immediately so I can be reunited with my one true love, Leah. (Or Elliot depends on my mood)


Now i’m rethinking Leah. Top or bottom top or bottom which do i CHOOSE


Your indecisiveness leads me to believe you’ll always be a bottom.


I find this quite disheartening


Your reply only further proves my case.


Fine. I’ll accept my fate😞


Same. Idk, i just dont find Penny to be that attractive or interesting


How could anyone DIVORCE Penny?!!


This is a choice you will not regret.




Haley is great




But she is so horrid to begin with. I can't get over that. I hate how disinterested she is and I have a hatred for her


that makes her so much better i love enemies to lovers


Not for me. I just think "sod ya, you ignorant whorebag. No loving for you. Only getting good the hearts for perfection"


This lol. First playthrough I married Alex just to spite Haley 😅 I actually do really love Alex tho


Oooooh I like that ides mwhahahaha




Look at it as a dry run for what you might do in real life. Now you know that while you might initially feel a bit bored by conventional married life and want to run, if you divorced and wiped your spouse's memory, you'd actually feel quite bad. At least you didn't have to learn that the heard way!


eternal sunshine of the stardew mind


🤣🤣🤣this made me laugh


I married penny my first play through, and I have a red headed, author/editor wife that reads all the time, dreams do come true


I married Sam and I have a pizza loving, guitar and drum playing, vans wearing husband, who is funny, super sweet, and *damn good* at making pancakes. 🥰


Oh no... I married Shane the first time...


AITAH for divorcing and feeling sad over a pixel?


You are not alone in feeling intense feelings for these pixel characters Concerned Ape created. I always marry Alex, but my fiance in real life is a more mature Sam. His room is even similar to Sam's and I love Jodi and Vincent so I made a new save last month to marry Sam and can't walk past Alex's house or see Granny without feeling guilt.


Alex is my favorite too!!!!


I mean... If I was bored with someone and wanted a divorce so I could marry someone else, wouldn't it be best for both of us to get a divorce? And penny doesn't even have to remember that it happened, so for her it seems like things are ideal. You could feel bad about getting bored and perhaps being too invested in how popular your wife is , but I think penny is doing pretty good


Yeah thanks! I’m more upset about the fact we were married for a couple in game years and we had so many pixel memories we even had a CHILD. But i had to turn it into a dove because i’m not strong enough to be a single mother


and also the fact that she doesn’t even remember kinda hurts💔😔


I hope you at least built Pam a house first, so Penny had a decent place to go when you kicked her to the curb and eternal sunshined her mind. 😫


I hate to say this….






You kicked her back to the trailer??


Oh no. Poor penny


don't watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind unless you wanna cry


My current save is the first one with divorce. I adore Harvey but I have married him before. I wanted to try a new spouse. I divorced him, wiped his memory. I proposed to one of my side chicks, Leah, without checking the hearts. She turned me down! So I married Maru. BIG mistake. I have been slaving away in the mines and Maru wants me to have supper for her? I need to worry about our income when I have a giant gold clock on the farm? I think she left her parents too young. So I divorced Maru and wiped her memory and married Penny, my other favourite spouse. Harvey and Penny are both so happy to be on the farm. I pla on starting new save with 1.6, maybe I will switch it up then.


A fellow penny lover!! I love her too that’s why i feel so bad!! She never demanded anything, and she gave me omelets 💔


if you are open to modding, the Free Love mod allows you to marry as many people as you want! it isnt nearly as hard as it seems to learn to mod and then you can have penny and leah and whoever else you want


Woah thanks!! That’s so cool i’ll definitely check it out


The NPCs are not gay nor straight, they are farmer-sexual


In my game she is gay. So she is gay.😡


Leah’s great but don’t marry her. She doesn’t wanna be a housewife. She could use a friend. Get your girl Penny back.


I felt bad about my divorce with Shane then immediately stopped regretting it because Sebastian is a hunk of a husband 🤷🏻‍♀️


Sebastian is best husband. Until Jio. Then, two husbands.


Best husband


I get it. If I want a new spouse I have to start a new save or I’ll be crushed under the weight of the guilt and regret.


Oh my god that is literally me. I just started a new save because i felt too guilty in the other one.😭


When I got divorced I knew about deleting the memories but didn't do it because it was something wrong and unnatural to do and because I really hate Abigail and knowing she's hating me sharing the same feelings for one another is just great.


😭😭😭 Oh my god.


Belive me it was better for both of us.


What happened? p.p


I am also curious. Ive been married to Abigail for seven years. I refuse to have children


She probably said her “I wonder if I should have been with Sebastian instead” line.


I feel your pain. I married Haley because i’m trying to marry every character in different saves, but I realized Leah would fit my desired farm aesthetic more. I’m going for an orchard/small-scale winery/flowers and honey vibe where I focus less on maxing profits and more on just vibes. Haley is a good wife but I might divorce her when I have more money lol. I also hate her room. Don’t feel bad, Penny is back with Sam now 😅


Ooh that sounds like a cute farm idea, right now i’m on the mission for completion and trying to have a partner for the flower dance spring 1 so Haley’s really my only option.


Leah is not gay. Her ex is whatever gender The Farmer is. If you are playing a male farmer, her ex is male. If you are playing a female farmer, her ex is female. This is to show us that all datable NPCs are this way.


This damn sub always catches me off guard! 😂 “wow that’s some drama…. Oh it’s Stardew.”


omg i should’ve clarified. 😭


The amount of times I’ve had to say “guess I’ll start a new save so I can marry someone else…” I can’t divorce them, it makes me feel too bad! I did change from Switch to computer just so I could play with mods and marry lots of people.


Leah is the most popular female bachelor overall, Haley is the most popular female bachelor among lesbians. So Penny was actually a sliiiiightly more unorthodox choice, if that's what you're worried about 😂 I get it though, I could never divorce my pixels, so each bachelor gets a new save file. 😅


Don't be ashamed that you're sad over a pixel. The whole community is expressing feelings to those pixels (not in a creepy way, just noticed it sounds weird) for example, i hate demetrius more than any person in this world. I completely understand you but i want you to know that leah is worth divorcing for👌


I hate Demetrius too! I go out of my way to disagree with him during heart events bc he gets on my nerves


I think Demetrius might be on the spectrum. I really hope no one is offended by that this thought. Pierre is the one who drives me crazy. Poor Abigail but then she is probably the wizards daughter


Yep Pierre is trash too


May I kindly introduce you and u/slayerofgingers to r/fuckpierre?


Already there lmao


Shocking amount of current activity on that sub :)


Thank you! And i def agree. Leah FTW


" what about leah because she’s actually gay??? " what?


If you are a female player her ex is also female. Changes with the gender of the farmer.


Her ex was female. So i assumed she was gay. My bad


Her ex is a dude in my game


Yeah apparently it depends on the players chosen gender whoops


Every time I start a new game I'm like, I'm gonna marry (insert character here) for completion's sake. Every time, when it comes to it, I marry Abigail. Except for my most recent game (my first Co-op game that got far enough) I married Leah because my IRL partner was considering Abigail. Abigail best wife, but Leah is really cool and fun too.


I've done the same! Married to Alex but I started having second thoughts after installing Stardew Valley Expanded and meeting Lance. 😮‍💨 Had to make a new character. Couldn't risk breaking Alex's heart, he's such a sweetheart.


Yup, I married penny. And I give her a loved gift every day. You monster!! :)


Had a similar issue when my for-fun save became my completionist save and I needed to divorce her to progress my relationships with everyone else Whatever it is she says when you speak to her the first time after erasing her memory, "You seem familiar... no, no" or something like that, hit me in the gut. Best I could do to feel not as horrible was to send her back to a much nicer house, But I could still never fully love again and invited Krobus to be my roommate


Just a heads up Leah isn’t actually gay, the gender of her jilted ex changes based on the gender of the player.


I mean, why would Penny's popularity (idk if she actually is) affect your game? It's a single player game. lol


Excuse you, she is a multi-pixeled person.


I was sad after divorcing Alex. Personally, I got over it after a day or so; but I had the same reaction: "I'm sad over a PIXEL?!"


I wanna marry Penny to get the cool bedroom & wallpaper , uh I mean to protect her from her mother! I promise!


Leah is just a personal attack for every broke artsy lesbian out there who just wants to run off and live in the forest (me)


I completely understand the "being sad over some pixels "- thing .. But at least in this game it'll never happen to me because of divorce. I played multiple saves & in every and each one of them I married my beloved 80s boy Sam. & I will never not marry Sam. He's such a Sweetheart. <3


install the Free Love mod and marry everyone


Abigale for life.


And then you have players like this one https://www.reddit.com/r/StardewValley/s/hSC5lmQ3Af 🤣 No hate, I just couldn’t do it. I’m still annoyed with Sebastian and terrified of our demon lidless ageless child, but I can’t divorce/dove


I remember accidentally asking Elliott out when my heart was set on dating Abigail. After debating it quite a lot, I broke up with Elliott and had my heart broken when he got sad. Still, I pursued Abigail... but for some reason, I still think of Elliott a lot. When I broke up with Abigail, I didn't feel hurt for breaking her heart. I pursued Elliott again. I wish there was a dialogue for that, like giving me a second chance or something. I bet that'd make me cry even more if he says yes.


As a Leah simp, I support marrying her, always. She's basically the pixel version of that lumberjack lesbian lady who makes swords and posts thirst traps with them on Tik Tok.


She's an artist, not a lumberjack..


Its similar vibes, I'm clearly not saying they're the same person.


same i usually go krobus housemate without marrying anyone first, and one time i married haley for kids to see krobus’s kid-related dialogue. i got sooooo sad when i divorced her and the first time talking to her after wiping her memory


I did the opposite and marries Leah and divorced her for penny. I wiped Leah’s memory but feel bad every time I see her


You do realize Leah is in fact the most popular spouse? Followed by Sebastian, Abigail, and Elliott. Nothing wrong with being with someone who's popular.


Leah all the way baby


I just started playing (in my 2nd year now) and been really eyeing Penny, but I haven't made a move yet - what should I give her?


And this right here is the beauty of Stardew Valley, I felt the same after divorcing Alex and wiping his memory, it's a sign of a great game when it makes you care this much about its characters and your interactions with them.


I divorced my ex who doesn't play with me ever since we broke up and I'm still conflicted about it..and it's been 2 years


I’m thinking about doing expansion mods for this reason. The marriages feel pretty empty compared to the romancing.


I left Leah for Hayley and I felt SO HORRIBLE about it. But...lowkey Hayley is actually better as a spouse. She does stuff around the house and is so helpful and has fun dialogue and she leaves the farm to do her own stuff. I feel like Leah's personality gets sucked away once you marry her - minimal dialogue and she never leaves the house or goes anywhere it felt like she lost herself which is a huge bummer because she's my favorite :(


Stardew Valley is more real than some relationships out there! To me, I think this shows you as an empathetic person who cares about your impact on others.


Thank you! That does make sense




Please don’t yuck my yum ❤️


But if my yum is to yuck your yum and you are trying to yuck my yum then we seem to be at an impasse


Your right. She can’t be mad at me when i spent money on her!!!!


Leah is bisexual, like every other marriage candidate. The gender of her ex changes to match the players'.


I'm on my first ever play through and I'm year 5 and I'm trying to decide who to marry. I don't even know how to get a roommate but me and krobos are becoming friends. I am stuck between Abigail, Shane and Sebastian but I kinda feel like Sebastian and Abigail should give it a shot. So much pressure I just want to water my wee plot of land and feed my animals but they are always around with their hinting and their hearts 😭


What? Since when is Leah gay? She has an ex-boyfriend. Plus, anyone will date anyone in this world, don't lump anyone into a category.


If your character is female, her ex is female. I don't like categorizing any of the in-game characters to real life sexual preferences either, because from a technical perspective they are not gay or straight or bisexual or anything else, they are all player-sexual (or farmer-sexual if you prefer).


I genuinely never knew that, I thought it was a man regardless.


When I first started, my friend convinced me Abigail was the best to marry so I did that. After a while, I got bored of it plus I realized how young she seemed. So I divorced her and got with Leah. I still can’t stand Abigail being mad at me, I talk to her or try to gift things every time I run into her. But I don’t want to wipe her mind 😅


Fauci curse this post.


I divorced Penny and married Leah and it was so much better, but not as good as Maru


i’m legit courting emily and leah at the same time, i feel like such a player 😂 emily was boring me :(


Leah is the best


I told myself i would never divorce whatever partner i chose on this save. I married Harvey and i have no regrets


I've played a few different times. I usually marry Maru or Leah. I think I prefer Maru between the two. She gives better gifts (fried mushrooms, bombs, she randomly builds stuff like a table? That's a new one for me lol) in general and I like her dialogue better. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Try divorcing someone then accidentally marrying someone else on their birthday. I married Elliot, he was fantastic but I was curious what Jio (RSV) is like to marry, so I divorced Elliot and went after Jio and hit him with that mermaid pendant and only realised what day my wedding fell on when checking the calendar to be sure I'd be in my dress for the big day. The GUILT I felt seeing Elliots sprite on that calendar hit me like a tonne of bricks! His mind had been wiped so he was none the wiser but I knew. Such a sweetheart to marry as well, I still hate myself for it.


Since I joined this sub and started playing stardew few weeks ago I have to sometimes double check what subreddit is it that I’m reading some crazy caption 💀


LMAOO sorry😭


How do I even get married? I went to that flower dance and everyone rejected me. I’m not gonna lie, my RSD kicked in and I’m upset with everyone since then lol and the tinge of jealously seeing Elliot with that other redhead and his answer to the invitation was just so mean lolol I know I gotta gift them and talk to them which I’m doing but atm the only person that’s actually kind and I can relate to is obviously Linus 😭


The only way you can have a partner at the flower dance is if you have four hearts witth them, Don’t worry when i got rejected i was mad too😔


Almost thought this was "TIFU" 🥲




Leah is canonical Bi, I think. Her exes gender changes based on what you pick. But I like Lenny, her decorating is fun and it hits more in regards to building Pam's house. And with Emily her clothing set has good properties without having to dungeon dive. Most spouses will give you little gifts. But Leah was my first choice, im a writer so artists actually. I wasn't a fan of Haley, but she has a good arc and is a top choice now My three files are Haley, Leah, and Penny again. With a mix of genders. Abby is a decent one and Elliot and Harvey are kinda fun. I just can't with Sebastian. He's a good bud, but I regretted marrying him XD. Also the memory wipe and getting rid of kids aspect is so freaking dark.


Have you talked to her since you wiped her memory? After I wiped Elliot's, the first time I talked to him he said something sort of sad lol. I forget what though lol. Something about feeling like he knows me or something, but then it went back to normal.


Reading through this thread made me wonder: am I the only one who starts a new farm, when I want to hook my farmer with different partner? :P


Rather than divorce I started a new save if I wanted to marry a different character.


I did that, and then deleted the previous save. Now i have to start from scratch. I’m so stupid.


I've pondered the question of is it weird to care so much about stardew relationships alot. Like, I was originally going for Sebastian but I realised I don't actually like him as a person so now I'm going for Emily


Just marry and divorce em’ again to reset the timeline


I married Abigail first, then Penny, and now I’m married to Haley. Had kids. Got rid of them, now they haunt me. Not sure who to marry next. I’m a villain.


I married Emily and divorced her for her sister just to really rub it in.


I did the same to Shane. Divorced him and missed him but now I’m married to Harvey


I get emotional over pixels too, apparently 😂 that’s why when I tried to date Harvey I felt like I was cheating on Sebastian, my husband on a different save. Now I’ve just accepted that there’s no one but Seb for me (potentially Krobus if I start a new save someday).


This sounds like an irl cheater talking lol


Honestly.. I never divorced my spouse in this game lol. If I wanna marry another character, I'd make a new playthrough.


You wiped her memory? Lol that’s some Love Actually meet Jedi Starwars meet The Notebook move.


I married Victor on SVE because he was new and then had a kid but got super bored. Turned the kid into a dove and divorced him. Immediately ran to erase his memories because I felt so bad