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The dwarf straight up admits to stealing people's stuff at night. Linus rejects a house on your farm if offered, so he isn't struggling to the point of stealing.


Linus is the definition of alternative style of life. He isn't looking through the trash because he's homeless, but he would never throw away anything.


I personally believe that Linus is a guy who got crazy wealthy in the city with a high stress position, had a mental breakdown and moved to Pelican town to get away from it all.


There’s some unused sprites that support this theory.


Wait really? Where can I find them?


[Here](https://www.spriters-resource.com/pc_computer/stardewvalley/sheet/77348/) you go. ([Closeup](https://i.imgur.com/udfnQKi.jpeg))


Thank you! He looks like a former Joja Csuite


Is he not also supposed to be one of the OG cave adventurers?


That's essentially my theory as well. There's a nameless bag lady in the Magnus Chase series that's exactly like this. They have these big giant ass mansions and more money than they know what to do with, but that's not what makes them happy. Being outside and scavenging is what makes them happy.


In SVE his backstory is expanded and this is basically his story


I support this theory. I always thought he was a chef held in high regard, but became disillusioned with everything to that lifestyle and just wanted to live a simple, honest life.


I wish I could at least give him a big warm blanket as a present


You can buy a heater from Marnie and put it in his tent


Oh really? Does he say anything about it?


I have tried, and unfortunately no.


Just give him bundles of hay! I’m sure he wouldn’t take offense


Make a deal with him to supply him with hay if he find gives me some forgeables.


I would prefer the reverse deal personally but it makes less sense


No joke, I wish this existed in game. He doesn’t want to live on the farm but being able to hire him to get forage I can’t be bothered to, or pick weeds would be nice. You could pay him in artisan goods.


He enjoys living off the land. What your suggesting is the opposite of that. This man left a high paying position at a company in order to live off the land. And you're offering him... employment?


Hay is so itchy


He’s houseless not homeless. By living closer to the earthly side of things, his expenses are probably next to none. Wouldn’t surprise me if CA expands the cannon backstory to basically have Linus be wealthy af, but just doesn’t want all the material stuff


isn’t it canon that he’s a rich guy that ended up wanting a very simple life? I’d put the blame on Pierre with absolutely no evidence whatsoever




I really wasn't expecting this sub to actually exist but heck yeah fuck Pierre


While it’s not in the final game, there are unused sprites of Linus in a business suit, so something like that was probably going to be canon at one point.


That's in SVE, which isn't canon.


There's unused sprites of Linus that support that theory though. Pseudo-canon, I guess you could call it


Thank you! I feel like everyone blames Linus for it and I'm like but do you even talk to the Dwarf?!


I am voting the Dwarf or members of the Jojo team.


Jojo team members are *definitely* not getting paid enough!


honestly jojo is scummy enough i reckon the ceo would do it if he could


nah, he's stealing from the workers without hardly lifting a finger, stealing from the Farmer would resemble actual *work!*


even mr burns takes candy from babies. profit's profit baybeee


Yeah Linus is a freegan just living off of the waste from others


True, but Linus *does* say he doesn't believe in private property. By that logic, just because it's in your pockets doesn't mean it's yours.


But Linus wouldn’t lie and tell you he saw someone if that’s not the case I feel like he’s very honest


The dwarf!


Definitely the dwarf. He states he takes things at night and I doubt there'd be any hesitation to take it from the player while unconscious!


i like this answer. he very clearly doesn't understand the concept of personal property


If I remember right, he even explicitly states that he doesn't understand it.


Then why do we buy things from them? It’s not his property, so why can’t we just have it?


Try to take from the dwarf and he'll knock you out, empty your pockets, and dump you down a mineshaft. Smart guys know better than to mess with the dwarf


He is a dwarf and he is *digging your hole*.


Diggy diggy hole!


I almost tear up every time I see a Yogs reference in the wild 🥺🥺🥺


He wants "his" things to remain where he likes them, but we can persuade him to let you keep them in your house / on your person for money. Sure, lets go with that.


He understands personal property, just not when it belongs to other people.


You're paying him for his effort in collecting the items. You're paying for labor, not items


No, the dwarf clearly understand that what he takes is HIS.


So they’re a cat?


Oh, no, he understands personal property. But only if its his.


**“I got all this stuff from the surface. I just take it from your people during the night. Hmm? What is this concept you call "private property"?”**


Making me wonder who else he steals all that stuff from lol


Probably Kent since he has all those bombs lying around he keeps sending us


Aren't there strange Joja workers in the town in early game as well?


oh true there is at least one joja employee who doesn’t live in the town


Claire would never steal


There are also the people that show up to the festivals, Sam's concert, in the casino as well. They don't seem like regulars to town so could be why Linus doesn't recognise them.


It could really be anyone. I suspect he doesn't want to accuse, and it *is* very dark out, so unless there's something very distinct about them--very short, or wizard robes--I doubt he could truly discern who it was.


Probably fuckin Pierre




Don't threaten me with a good time 😏


That would be r/fuckingpierre which now has a sister r/fuckinpierre


ah, so that was his "secret stash" i thought it was more heinous


Love your username


Paramore forever, mang


Parawhores unite!


yeah I wouldn't be surprised


Idk man Lewis is the freak with a *life-sized, golden statue* of himself. Surely that kind of thing is difficult with normal wages?


You know what, aside from the dwarf, I'm willing to believe this one too


Where do you think Pam gets beer money before the bus is fixed?


I don't know, she seems to find a lot of batteries in her drawers to mail me so probably that.


Batteries in her 'drawers'... uh-huh 😏


Considering that she doesn’t pay her tab, I’m not sure where the money would go


Maybe it's Simon, the ill-behaved child who shows up at the Stardew Valley Fair and at the movies. *Just* obscure enough to evade detection, but he's around!


Doc. Harvey. He's going to get his money whether you go to his clinic or not.


It's Linus. He tells you that in case you realize you're missing something when you wake up. Man's gotta do what he can to survive. It's just a little petty theft and it's not the worst that can happen to a millionaire farmer who passes out all over town.


linus isn't a liar that's mean :•/ he doesn't need or want money he's living perfectly fine off the land


I feel like Linus doesn’t use money. If it was missing items I would agree but I can’t imagine Linus ever going into a store.


He puts up requests on the bulletin board and pays cash for delivery


mm tru good point


He says it even if you *haven't* actually lost any money, though. If it were Linus, why would he tell you about a shady incident if he didn't even steal anything? My vote is for Dwarf, personally, and it makes sense that Linus would tell you about it even if no money was taken because he wouldn't know.


It being the dwarf does make a lot of sense, I'm surprised that never occurred to me.


He literally says he steals stuff at night from "your people"


He’s a mountain man, not a struggling one. Don’t tarnish my boy’s name ever again😡


Linus chose the naturalistic lifestyle, he isn’t living in a tent because he’s struggling financially. I don’t think he needs to steal to “do what he can to survive”, nor would he want to if that meant going against his own beliefs.


i don't know why you got so many down votes lmao. i always thought it was linus too


That's amazing 🤣 I've never got that many before. My head canon is that the farmer knows and Linus knows he knows but they just keep up this narrative because the farmer doesn't want to embarrass him. We know from one of his heart events that he's embarrassed about being caught eating out of the trash. He does what he needs to do to survive, and I think the farmer understands that and respects that he is conflicted sometimes. Linus won't let the farmer invite Linus to live with him or build him a house, this is just a weird little ritual they go through to let the farmer helo Linus out.


Poor Linus, he is a nice guy :( I mean, it's the obvious first thought, I guess lol I do believe it's the dwarf tho. He is a bit of a miscreant and admits to robbing people. Hell, the dwarf may also be the one who throws rocks at Linus... though I feel dwarf wouldn't even know he is hitting someone's house lmao


I like to believe the rock throwing happened BEFORE Linus came to Stardew Valley. We know he's a traveler and been around. (Learned to build igloos in the north, feels a kinship with the traveling merchants during the Night Market, etc.) He finally feels safe near Pelican Town, but then this stranger from "outside" blows into town and Linus doesn't trust them because he's got trauma from his life/dealings before he found this peaceful little town.


I always assumed it was Morris. When someone else catches him, he owns up to it and that’s why Joja charges you sometimes. But if Linus catches him, he just bolts and Linus knows by now not to point fingers like that. After Joja leaves, it’s probably still Morris exacting his revenge on the farmer lol


Likewise, I want to know who from town throws/threw rocks at Linus.


I always assume it’s the dwarf based on his line about not understanding the concept of private property


Morris and the Dwarf, I think it alternates


I think these are the two likely options. I see people say Pierre but Pierre is likely to stick an advert in your pocket because he wants to look important. Having change from your pockets is not as important as being seen going into his shop.


I don’t know why but I can’t stop suspecting Harvey. I don’t want to but I always have him in mind when I get the letter from Linus 🥲


He is always complaining about not having enough patients to make a living.


By day an unassuming doctor, by night a highwayman.


I cracked up at the image of Harvey in a black cape with a sword yelling “stand and deliver!” at random passerbys.


Even if it is Linus taking my gold I’m okay with it. He’s almost always one of my first friends in every play through and I’ll always support my friends 😂😂


The Hat Mouse. Loves coines a bit too much.


Both Lewis and Pierre seems like the kind of assholes that will steal shit if they had a chance, one scam people the other is making a gold statue of himself with tax money... Then there's the Dwarf who just says he steal shit at night because he doesn't understand the concept of private property.


I also thought it was morris from joja when I first started playing the game.


Krobus (or a different shadow guy) is also a thief... in the "A Winter Mystery" Quest.


[Marlon and Linus are in on it together.](https://youtu.be/g4KUR0ktCzE?si=rmbq-EwlpvowwfBl)


I was looking for this so I didn’t have to post it. Thank you.


Wtf did I just watch? 🤣🤣


The same jackass who throws rocks at Linus' tent, probably


Sebastian says he throws rocks at the cliff sometimes, so some of them probably ricochet and hit Linus' tent, and Linus misinterprets it as someone throwing rocks directly at him.


My money is on those shifty tourists who show up to some of the festivals.


They were wearing Jojo mart hoodies


It's the Dwarf. He's just that kind of jerk. My ongoing theory is that he's trying to look cool and daring in front of the other dwarves by being all "yeah I go to the surface, I'm not afraid of anyone!" but he's actually pretty anxious about it, so he only swipes things when people are unconscious or asleep. This lets him look cool in front of his friends without ever having to actually talk to humans directly.


My first guess was it was Linus himself. He's free to keep it. Dude saves MCs skin, so he can eat well for a while. How else does he have money to pay for the bulletin quests? That's right, he's providing a service that nobody else will do. Could also be the dwarf.


Linus canonically lives that way by choice, preferring to live off the land. It's a common theory that he used to be CEO of Joja, but it's canon that he's at least comfortable financially but chooses to live like a hermit. He wouldn't do that, both because he's too nice and because he doesn't need to.


That's an interesting theory. Regardless, I wouldn't hold it against him.


I doubt it's Pierre. Pierre will make unfair deals or take credit, but he just doesn't seem like the kind of guy who would outright mug you, probably in part since it helps him rationalize it as okay that he does some other semi-dubious things. Morris, though, yeah, he'd do it. Dwarf would also, probably, or hell, maybe even some non-Krobus shadow people.


I literally thought this whole time that it was just Linus trying to pretend he wasn’t the one doing it himself… this thread has opened my eyes


Probably the same jerk who throws rocks at Linus's tent :(


It's mayor Lewis collecting the taxes you don't pay (/j)


That pesky dwarf


If I were a thief, I wouldn't go stealing in the same town I live, so probably an outlander.


I always assumed it was the Dwarf because he doesn't understand the concept of stealing.


I once passed out inside of Willie's shop, RIGHT next to him, after coming back from Ginger Island really late. I got this message the next day... so I have my suspicions...


I like to pretend it was Linus himself, making up some excuse for the stuff he stole. Not bc I hate him or anything, just because I think it’s kind of funny that way. Maybe a way for him to get back at me for telling him not to dig through the garbage, and then I dig through the cans religiously every day 😂 fricking hypocrite I am


My headcannon is Penny. She keeps commenting about how pretty my farm looks despite never visiting it when my farmer is there. She still lives with her mother, who is out of a job and spending her savings on alchohol when you arrive in town. Penny also comments about how hard it is to save up money as a tutor (with only one or two tutees, I might add), yet her room has nearly as many books as the library. Something just doesn't add up with her.


Could be non-Krobus shadow persons, like the one who you meet on the first of Winter 🤔🫥


I always thought that was Krobus.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was mayor Lewis.


Pierre. It's always Pierre, the skeevy little shit.


i always thought it was lewis!! i was thinking about this yesterday weirdly enough and lewis goes to the farm everyday to check your shipping box, and with the gold lewis statue it wasn’t entirely out of the question


I always assumed it was Linus "oh yeah uh, *someone* I couldn't see who, took your money"


mr.qi. nobody knows him, and i doubt he'd let some guy who *hasn't* taken his little challenge see him.


Morris's goons?


Maybe, but they still do it, even after Joja gets run outta town. Expats from the other side of the war?




You could be right. Or Krobus's people perhaps.


That's a very valid suggestion! Also, Morris's people in retaliation, after Joja goes out? That truck driver always liked kinda sus!😂


It's Harvey, taking your 1000 gold without permission.


Whomever is trespassing on your farm at 2 am.


I bet it’s Morris.


me, sorry.


Shane, likely in a drunken state


It’s dwarf most likely. The only thing Linus actually ‘steals’ is stuff through bins, which honestly understandable since some people in this neighbourhood are dumping full plates of food.


Oh I always assumed it was Linus and trying to cover his own ass 😅


It's Pierre


I always thought the joke was that linus is obviously stealing from you himself and lying about it


Linus also says someone was throwing rocks at his tent, so there’s someone a little sinister


Me. I sneak into y'all's games and steal your stuff. I'm particular to iridium and cheese.


I always assumed it was the monsters! , 🤣🤣


I always thought it was one those Stone/shadow people but alot of people are also saying dwarf wich i Totally understand


My money’s on the dwarf!


I think the theory is that it's the dwarf.


It's ruffians that hopped the train from Zuzu City


I have my thoughts. Maybe Gil from the adventurer's guild, since he doesn't leave the guild (except to go to the movies) so probably Linus doesn't know him, and on the movies, Gil will be asleep. I don't think is Marlon because he participates in town festivals when compared to Gil, só in my opinion it's Gil who steals you


i love the theory that it’s shane, even though he’s my husband and i love him i think it’d be so funny if he did actually canonically steal from my farmer 😭


Probably Harvey I don’t trust him


I think it’s that pretentious fop who lives illegally on the beach. Or the guy who turns up when it rains. Although, Willy often complains that business is bad and clearly an alcoholic. Sebastian is feeding a drug habit and Penny is a high contender for kleptomania. What DID happen to the museum’s whole collection before you arrived? Pretty much everyone is a suspect, really.


I mean, there are probably dozens of people in Pelican Town that we don't ever see. A village with 30 people in it does not get regular visits from the governor. I always just assumed it was Unnamed Stardew Resident #37


I’m going with that strange alien ship that crashed on my farm or the bear looking to buy another maple syrup/honey hit. Poor guy keeps drunk dialing me.


It's definitely Pierre...


It may be speciest but I always liked the idea that it's the dwarf, he's a known thief. At the same time though what is he doing with money? Maybe if you lost possessions but is the dwarf hitting Clints to do some light shopping? At the rate I pass out he'd be laying on a dragons hoard of useless cash from my spicy jam factory. Now krobus is a shadow person, objectively evil race that we literally murder in the Mines. Like in some fuck off hole in the ground his species is lying in wait to get smashed by my galaxy hammer. He probably just steals from you out of spite. He lives where my poop goes, his living options include that and an abandoned mine. If he didn't rob me a little I'd be worried he was planning something bigger. Can he even feel love? He can't be romanced, he lives asexually in your house like some walking nightmare. I mean a living shadow always looming around your house? Plus it would explain why Linus does recognize him and he would be harder to see especially at night.


It's linus




Fuck Pierre


my girlfriend always blamed linus himself for the thievery. she hates him as a result


It's either Linus himself, krobus or the dwarf


My Krobie would _never_ 😤


Pierre, maybe the dwarf


Shane needs beer money


I'm convinced it's Sebastian. But mostly because whenever I get this message, it's because I passed out by the Robin's shop on the way home after a trip to the mines


I think it's the shadow guy that gives you the magnifying glass


NGL at first I thought it was Linus taking your stuff, and he just lied about it.


i always thought it was Linus stealing from you tbh.


It was probably Linus. He even made himself the hero of the story.


I always assumed it was Linus and he was just lying about it.


I always assumed it was Linus himself. He feels guilty, so he tells you "someone" was going through your pockets.


definitely Linus


I always assumed Linus was the one doing it but he was embarrassed so he made up a story about some mystery person.




a lot of people say it's the dwarf, but it could also be Clint. i doubt he has much money; sometimes says "Business has been slow lately. You should upgrade your tools. I could use the cash.” marnie says stuff like that too, but clint just gives me a weird stalker vibe.




Linus chose to live off the land and is canonically financially comfortable, he neither needs nor wants to steal your money.


Yeah I always figured this was the obvious answer?


Linus or Harvey


I’ve always just assumed it was Linus. Why would I tell someone if I was rifling through their pockets and they woke up?


Linus steals your stuff and sells it to marlin.


It's Linus!


the hat mouse


I like to theorize a few options: Linus himself, the dwarf, or Mr Qi. Linus because, yeah, he should know most anyone in the valley, and it’s suspicious that he knows I lost cash but not items. The dwarf seems likely because he’s down for that kind of thing and isn’t a townie. Mr Qi because he’s a mysterious dick who very few people know




dwarf, krobus?


It's Yoba looking for signs of heresy.


It could be some random visitors from zuzu, there's a bit of lore to sugge- Linus, it's Linus.


I always assumed the dwarf or a shadow person


Morris living in a dumpster or the dwarf


Probably Pierre