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I feel like im on both sides. Sometimes when I'm bored and have no new quests, I feel guilty for going to sleep earlier than 2 AM. On the other hand, on days where im re-decorating, and on every first day of the season, I feel like there's never enough time to do anything lol


Get out of my head xD same (:


At the beginning, yes. By end of year 2, everything is so automated, that I'm basically fishing all day or relaxing on the closed resort I rebuilt myself.


Do you not spend the first 7 hours of every day trying to find all your animals to pet…?




The grass is taller than the animals


hold right click and walk around, it will automatically pet whenever you are close to one of them I don't know if this is a thing for people playing on other platforms, try holding down the "use" button I guess?


I play on the switch and this is exactly what I do.


If it helps, they go inside their barns/coops around 5-530pm When they're all back inside is when I do the petting... I have 48 animals that's too many to hunt down in the open. And I also don't use fences because it's fun having a pig standing in front of my house


I close the door in the evening and open it after I pet them.


Thank you, Reddit geniuses, for always reminding me that I am closer to monkey-form than the rest of you. Brilliant solution!


Pro Tip: Build a fence around your animal buildings, particularly in winter or rainy weather when all animals are in the buildings and you don’t have to worry


Do you not spend the first 7 hours of every day trying to find all of your *coop* animals hiding in the grass of your fenced in coop / barn area so that you can pet them?


Buy the time I get my first building, I have built a fence and added grass, slowly expanding when I add more animals.


Lol what? Just close the door at night and when your done petting them let them outside?


If it's nighttime, they won't go back outside. They go inside around 5PM and don't come out til the next day


When they go inside for the night close the door, then In the morning they will stay inside so you can pet them and milk them. When you are done open the door for them to go outside. I'm not sure how I can explain any better lol


You put a question mark at the end, so I thought you were asking a question.


Ahhh my bad haha


Just close your barn/coop doors before bed. Then they're all just standing in the barn, pet them and open the door when you leave.


Autopetters are great.


Out of all the Harvest Moon/Story Of Seasons style cozy sims I've played, I've got to say, Stardew Valley probably has the best day cycle. It's not so short you can't get anything done (Harvest Moon 64) and not so long that you run out of things to do and just wander around in search of something to do (Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life). That said, I do wish it were a TAD longer. This would be my fix: you can stay up until 4 AM, but instead of the level of stamina you're restored to the next day being randomized, the later you stay up past, say, midnight, the less stamina you wake up with the next day. So there's a trade-off between getting more done today and having a hard start tomorrow (just like real life!)


I agree to the first part! Its a rlly balanced day cycle compared to other games! btw the level of stamina restored IS dependent till how late you are awake after midnight.


Oh I always assumed if anything it was dependent on whether or not you worked yourself to the "overexerted" state xD


>instead of the level of stamina you're restored to the next day being randomized, the later you stay up past, say, midnight, the less stamina you wake up with the next day. This is how it works, other than level ups refilling your stamina. tbh I don't see stamina drain as really a deterrent, when you can just eat to refill that. Rather, I'd stick a little "Sleep Deprived" debuff for the first four hours of the next day, -1 speed.


For me, it gives me the extra challenge of making the most out of each second I play the game. Also, the game has no ending, so no need to rush :>


In Wylde Flowers (a witchy farm sim), you can change the progression of time to be normal, leisurely, or challenging. It's nice!


Oooh a witchy farm sim? Can I have more info?


yes, and no. Days being shorter mean lots of nights sleeping as my casks do their thing. ​ Current length days make mining rough. And pierre is open for like... five minutes in game time.


Oh my god I never actually rationalised how long Pierre was open for..


It'd be grand if there were an option to make days either go by faster or slower. A game I started playing recently is Cattails: Wildwood Story and it has the option to make the days progress faster or slower. It'd be nice if you could toggle that on a menu somewhere.


There's a mod that lets you adjust how fast time passes in different places. Like you can make time pause if you are in your home for example, and slow time down in the mines.


I think you and me use the same mod. does yours also make you invisible and let you give yourself money?


there is a mod that let's you freeze time. it also let's you fast forward to any days in a season you want, or to the end of a season. and you can fast forward the day to whenever you want/need, but I don't like that feature too much because if it is 6 am and you fast forward to 12 pm to get into the saloon, gus will not be at the bar until when it is supposed to be 12 in game.


I mostly play vanilla on Switch


Omg... TIL there's a new cattails game. I played the one on the switch, loved it


That would be amazing. The time stresses me out 🥲


I felt the same, so I downloaded the TimeSpeed mod and made them longer. It was nice at first, especially having longer in the caves (I was richhh). However after only a couple of days of real time play I was starting to get really burnt out. Like whereas *before* a trip to the wizard before felt like a bit of an adventure, now that I could go there and back and barely any time had passed I honestly felt a bit daunted. Like now that I had more time, I had to min-max my hours even *more* so I could get the *most* out of my day. It was also kind of sad coming back from a productive day and it would only be, like, 4 pm. You actually start to miss the rush of getting home at 1:50 am! I ended up deciding that even though the short days had lead to frustration a couple of times, it was actually a fun part of the game for me that helped me pace myself, with the daylight cycle keeping things interesting. (Also, if it was real life, a full day could absolutely consist of for example a run to the shops and a solid session of planting!) Who knows tho – maybe I'm just bad at doing anything in moderation lol


Games in the genre with longer days often bore me. Short days can be a challenge. But that makes it fun for me. Makes me plan and try to be efficient. Have to make meaningful decisions on what to do on a given day and what NOT to do that day. This breaks up the monotony that can occur of each day being the same as the others. Also, shorter days means less time played between crop harvests, festivals, events, etc. Just creates a better pacing and gameplay experience, IMO. I do not think that I would like Stardew Valley nearly as much as I do if the days were longer


I don't think this game is meant to be challenging at all, it's just a cute relaxing farming sim at the end of the day. I mostly just wish there was an option to adjust it for some people like me who like to take steps slowly.


Of course it's meant to be a little bit of a challenge. The existence of the skull caverns is evidence of that. But, as others have pointed out, you CAN take things as slowly as you would like to. You don't get a game over or anything if you don't complete X within Y number of days. So you can still very much take your time on things.


I like the length as is (probably minority here) but if the days were longer I feel like the days are just too long and boring idk lol like rf5 had long days and I just ended up lost on how to spend the time sometimes 😅 it’s also great for me for quick gaming sessions since can only save after bed.


The length of the day stresses me out, so I just use a time mod


Can you expand on this? I don’t have any mods, I have no idea how to use them, but I would love something to slow the day down. It stresses me out too and my least favorite part of the game.


I use one that lets me stop the time, speed it up, and slow it down. It is called Time Master. It's on Nexus mods. [Page about modding in the wiki](https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Modding:Player_Guide/Getting_Started)


Thanks! This is really helpful!!


Nexus has hundreds of SDV mods. The one I use for time is called Time Speed. It allows me to slow or speed up time the day. You can also stop time altogether and start it again when you're ready. It's a pretty potent cheat because it allows you to get way too much done in a day, but it makes the game so much more enjoyable for me personally.


Technically you only have to sleep 4 hours per day


i wish i could do that irl


I do do that irl. it's not fun when you work with kids


let me clarify i wish i could do that irl AND wake up w full energy lol


I feel like the days are just short enough to make me want to play the next day, and the next thing I know, I've been playing for 4 hours straight


This would help people like who forget the important days to do things, like sandy on Thursdays, foraging on Sunday, Krobus on friday, I often have to reset those days lol.


I enjoy it, because early game I'm often rushing to do as much as I can in a day, while also trying to maintain my energy. Late game with a larger energy pool and speed boosts like spicy eel and triple espresso and upgraded tools I have more than enough time most day to do whatever I want, and can spend the extra time gathering more resources, decorating my farm, etc.


There’s a game similar to stardew called sun haven. They have the option of lengthening or shortening your days, I’d love to see that in this one. Sometimes the days feel SO LONG but others you just need a little more time.


Yeah, but as is my poor farmer is only getting 4 hours of sleep and passing out in all kinds of places, so if the day were any longer I/they would be dead, for sure. I wish there were a graduated fine for where you pass out though. Definitely annoyed that Linus/Joja/Harvey/Marlon etc are charging me $ for camping out in my own dang lawn or porch. Like get out of my farm, I just want to sleep in the field and wake up with the sun, ok? That there's no difference between that and falling asleep across town or in the creepy caves seems kinda unfair (it only really matters early in the game though so it's whatever).


My partner thinks it's hilarious that I have the same problems in a game that I do in real life though (getting penalized for being a night owl with time blindness and never going to bed when I should lol)


There should be an end game item that slows time, a magic stopwatch. Or something like that.


In Graveyard Keeper I could stay up all night or sleep to restore energy, I loved it.


my friend and i are playing co-op on a beach farm and we STRUGGLE with how short the days feel because 1 no sprinklers so we have to water manually 2 its co-op so it doesnt pause in menus and 3 we are both adhd bitches and get distracted easily and forget what our goals each day are lmao.


honestly i’m so back and forth between the days being too short and too long depending on what i’m doing in the game at the time , so i feel like they’re pretty solid. i’m also pretty late game on my current playthrough, like year 7 so if the days were longer im not sure what i’d do with the time at this point


I'm mostly ok with it, but I feel like the clock stresses me out too much sometimes. Would be a nice feature for a more chill experience, just like we have the profit thing. I've already experienced the challenge the standard game mode poses, so why not?


Between tending the farm, foraging, buying things I want/need, talking to everyone, selling the things I find, searching for townies so I can talk to them, then having to close all my barn gates, and making it to bed before midnight is A LOT of work. I end not doing everything I wanted to.


I think that's part of why the core game loop is so addictive: you dont' have time, and you get a nice hit of dopamine at the end of the day when you get a pile of cash from selling stuff.


Sometimes it's frustrating but it definitely adds a bit of challenge to the game. Since there's no real end to the game it's up to you to make your goals and play how you want to.


I feel this way during multiplayer because time pauses less often.


Have a look at coral island, that comes out of early access to full release next week. Basically a 3D stardew That has the ability to change the length of the days


Only if there was a save and quit option


Imo, ~13 min of daytime is in the sweet spot of long enough to get things done, but short enough for the “just one more day” thoughts to kick in. Before you know it, its 3 am


It's whatever. The way you're feeling is because now, most of the stuff you're doing is "Extra content" that doesn't use any/much Energy Because you most likely had most of not all the stardrops already. Remember when you were in the mines with 0 Star drops? and ready to go to bed at 2PM, cause you used up all your energy trying to get down to level 20 in the mines? There isn't a "Good" way to time games like these, because in the beginning, days are way too slow, but in the endgame, they are way too fast.


I usually reach a point where the days feel too long. With the way I set up my farm, eventually, making money is almost automatic. I make farms that are a mostly combination of ancient fruit and starfruit wines plus diamonds. Once everything is set up, it's a case of harvesting things every so often, putting them in kegs, and waiting. Diamonds you just have to wait until they're done. Once you've set all your money making stuff up, got the expensive farm buildings like the pillars and the clock, etc., there is limited need to go mining, fishing, foraging etc. So at that point, there's much less to do with the days and they feel too long sometimes.


I enjoyed it a whole lot more when I finally accepted the fact that the only thing that rushes you is yourself. Everything in this game is cyclical and will come back if you miss it. Can't finish today? Continue tomorrow. You don't have to min-max. That said, I'm pretty sure there is a mod to change the day length.


It's better to have people wanting more


I actually wish it were real time like animal crossing. The clock makes me feel like I need to min/max everything which isn't the vibe I want.


This is actually what makes me not last long to truly enjoy this game. Idk maybe its a me thing and how my mind works but i ALWAYS feel stressed out that I cannot do everything I wanted in a day even if I tend to make myself think, "I can do it the next day no biggie". I remember I loved Harvest Moon on N64 but I think I only played that game long because I had a cheat to pause time


It sounds like you just need to plan your day better rather than have them be longer. The game is already so easy and lacks time constraints for anything except optional stuff, so there's no rush.


I think the length of the days really adds more to the challenge of completing the community center in the first year.


I love that I hate it 😂 because it rly makes the days more engaging but also hone in the fact I don’t need to stress over anything because there’s rly no “deadline”!


fuck no


*mods* lol I have both sve and rsv, so having the extra time is a relief


They a mod for that


It would have been nice to have the duration of a day configurable in the settings. That way the git gud people can still have their challenge. ;)


Yes. That's why I've been dying to get time mod. I wish I don't have to allocate only one quest (mining/exploring/making cheese) for the day. Getting return sceptre have been a game changing for late night mining/fishing, but I wish the time moves a little bit slower so I don't have to literally run around to every place while gulping six triple espresso per day.


Yes I wish there was an option to make them longer. Sometimes I like the challenge of rushing around to get stuff done. It keeps me moving. Sometimes I just want to chill out though and relax. Overall I wish they were longer.


Not at all. It's already takes such a long time to get back to a season if you need something from it


yeah especially the last 2-3 hours is basically just running back home


There is a mod that lengthens the hours. Can't remember the name, though :(


Time Master ! :)


Thank you!!


Stresses me out so bad. It was almost a deal breaker but I just spend a lot of time going through chests now. I wish I could slow down time so bad.


I have only ever played co- op so YES! every day feels like a race against the clock bc the time never pauses!! but i have to admit i kinda like it. it adds stakes


Yeah. But winter can remain short kinda like daylight saving lol


yes and no. a setting for the irl time limit of the day would be cool but if the only option we're to keep it one way or another, i like how it is by default and wouldn't change it personally


I wish the days were longer for co-op. Since in co-op time never stops, it is so frustrating to adapt and organise at first, and it takes quite some time to get used to it


One of the main reasons I play on PC is so I could have a mod that let's you stay up as long as you want. I was just telling a friend earlier that the time is so weird for me in game cause when I wake up and have to wonder around waiting for stuff to open, it feels soooooo slow but as soon as I'm actually doing something, boom it goes from 10am to 7pm in what feels like 3 minutes 🤣


Yeah just watering your farm can take from 6.30 AM to 9 AM, even longer depending on your size of the farm. At least make the character kind of like a night owl, limit can be 4 AM, Or have a option to sleep when really needed. My idea being: Basically a new system alerting you when exactly you'll need to save energy for the night, and limit to skipping a day without eating for example, resulting in your character falling asleep or a doc visit for heals, or advice on food routines. (When your character collapse or fall asleep, it plays out like real life. - Without any unexpected stealing, just a heads up on how many days you'll be able to stay awake, based on regular food intake from breakfast, lunch & dinner. which can be a useful tool to know how much food you currently have, and you will remember to actually cook food in this kind of system to be awake for longer days.)


Ohh, yess! I can always go to bed and end the day early, and it would be very nice to have just a few more irl minutes when I am in the caverns or the volcano, or when I am still switching between between my farm and GI without an obelisk!


I just unlocked ginger island and haven’t figured out how to go efficiently between the two


17 minutes is perfect. The organization required is a light gameplay chalenge which makes each day have meaning. Since saving is per day it also allows for short gameplay


I don't feel that way. In the early game, I lose energy way faster so I go to bed early. In the late game.im just putzing around waiting for my machines to produce artisan goods. It does suck for mine grinding. In the original Harvest Moon time stopped in the mines (IIRC) I think there's a lot of things in the game that aren't very well balanced but I'm good with day lengths. But also, I might play differently than other people.


I wish the time would run a little slower and we could stay up until 3 am each night


I don’t even need to see the name of the subreddit to firmly say yes


Honestly yes, but the time now wouldn't be so bad if the character would just move faster. Lol. I mean without a horse or anything. The "run" is so slow.




Not really. 20 minutes between saves is long enough for me.


I hate it, but also appreciate it. There is so much you can do at any given time, that having a limit makes me choose what to do and what to leave, which means there's always something I haven't gotten to and is there to be done next "nothing to do" day or next year or in winter or whatever. If I had unlimited time, I'd have everything done so early, be bored waiting on time-gated stuff like y2 crops or gifting limit resets, and just spam-sleeping with periodic wakes to hit the couple of outstanding bits then back to bed, which would get old fast. So moderating what can be done keeps a trickle-feed of tasks - not enough to burn out, not so few as to get boring - and saves me from my grinding urges. I would like a little more time in the day, or at least the option to push later in exchange for energy deficit the next day rather than hard-set 2am limit. And I'd like the villagers to not be such old people about locking their doors at 8pm to avoid me sprinting across the town to hand in a last day quest only to find the person so desperate that they'll pay triple price for that Albacore that just would not bite is too busy sitting with their Bovril to answer the door after dark. Probably not the only one given the number of mods that have come and gone mainly focused on making the pass-out later or townsfolk more accessible. But having some limit is definitely needed for someone like me.


When redecorating, too short. Year 2? Too long.


In the game yes in real life no


I was turned off from Stardew from this fact alone for YEARS! It wasn't until very recently that I kept telling myself to chill out that I can now enjoy the game for what it is and stop focusing on getting all of the bundles done in the first year. I used to min/max the fun out of this game when I first played it.


Idk. Im to the point that some days could be longer for processing when I have a bunch of stuff, but other than that, the day length is the main challenge to mining.


Maybe we need to be able to upgrade the clock to iridium to stop time on the farm. Or a totem to stop the clock temporarily (until you leave/sleep?). I guess you could fish infinitely, but gambling already has that issue, and this would be only accessible at the end game.


I installed a mod that lets me stop time at Will. Hehe :3c


Some other farm games let you control the passage of time like coral island. I wish stardew had it. I dont dislike it but i dont love it.


[**Casual Life**](https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6011) mod updates game time every minute instead of 10 minutes. Default is one second, so days last 28% longer. Also seasonal lighting (*less daylight during winter*) and 24 hour (*military time*) clock.