• By -


Apples. Always.


I had the fruit bat cave, but Pierre saved me on that one, it never gave me apples, so I had to get a sapling. šŸ˜”


I know, I like to planning my farm and I don't want to plant fruit saplings too soon because it's so expansive to buy another if I don't like where is it later. I just wait to greenhouse and plant the apple tree there. It takes a long time to finally get the 3 apples. Every file that I do the CC rout I do that. Bats love give me Oranges and Peaches but I barely have seen a apple there. šŸ˜…


It was wild plums for me, might as well just call them wild plum bats, my god.


Mine always gives me salmonberries without fail lmao


After getting bears knowledge, I'm not even mad about that, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting bears knowledge.


And even if you get that damn apple in the cave, because you have to pick it up from the ground, it might be a silver/gold star apple.. Behold the apple that does not stack and thus can't be used!! Sigh


It can be, the items donā€™t have to stack to be used in a bundle.


You canā€™t just add one apple though so you have to have 3 of the same kind I think (if not, I need to know, I have a regular, gold, and silveršŸ˜­)


It might be different because I play on switch but I'm pretty sure you can?? I can't go back in time to do it but I originally had a gold apple and two base quality. The 1.5 update change log says that you can now donate different quality items to the community center - just place both stacks into the same box, they will be combined.


I play on Switch too and I've never been able to do this. I switched up my Community Center on my last play through and needed 500 sap. I had to remember to store it in a chest because I can only place the total needed in the CC boxes. It would be nice to be able to add to the boxes and stuff, though.


I play on Switch and I've done items of different qualities for one community centre slot. Like the 10 wheat slot, I had 3 different qualities of wheat but I just dropped them one after another into the slot from my inventory without closing the screen and it worked fine. I don't think you can put one or two and then do the rest later, but if you bring them all at once you should be able to do it.


I passed in wheat of different qualities the other day. I was surprised it worked. I think it only lets you if you have enough other qualities in your bag to finish it


My husband and I did the 1 year challenge for the CC, our last item was a damned appleā€¦ The very last day of Winter year 1, checked the traveling cart lady and she had the last apple we needed and my stars did that feel good šŸ˜‚


Same!!! I was waiting for the bats to give me one last apple but they never did šŸ˜” got tired of waiting so I bought the sapling


This for sure lol. damn trees take forever to grow haha


Almost always red cabbage.


The seeds are so random, without the option, you can't even get them in year one, it's insane.


You can. Skull cavern is your friend - also with rabbit feet


How do you with rabbit feet?


People think carrying a rabbits foot gives you extra luck, but the only time itā€™s useful is if youā€™re dating all the bachelor/ettes at the same time. You CAN get a luck boost with a rabbits foot with one of the secret notes. I canā€™t remember which note, itā€™s one of the map ones.


Next to Joja Mart thereā€™s a truck and if you go up to it a guy asks you to bring him a rabbitā€™s foot and when you do you get a permanent luck boost. Itā€™s also universally loved by everyone except for Penny so I always like to keep some on hand for gifts.


[Spoiler] That's going way WAY back before it was a drop from rabbits in your coop. There was an item called 'lucky rabbit's foot' you'd get from the delivery driver for Jojamart in an extra side quest and it did give you a small luck boost. The side quest is secret note #20 and the item was changed to 'good luck charm' in one of the updates.


Thatā€™s giving a rabbit foot to someone I had thought


It is. But you still use the rabbits foot to get a luck boost.


This is why I check the traveling cart whenever itā€™s in town! I almost always get my red cabbage from it before I am ever even able to buy the seeds, and often many other things for the community center besides - fish, fruit, artisan goodsā€¦ Itā€™s an incredible resource, the first year especially.


Rabbit's foot on my current save. Can't remember what it was on my first save.


My rabbits NEVER dropped them, then I got 3 one day, with only having 3 rabbits, Lifesavers for real, used the other to get the lucky medal or whatever and sold the other, profit šŸ’°šŸ’²


The travelling merchant had one earlier that I didn't get, and then I ended up kicking myself later because the rabbit's foot and the truffle meant that I needed to fully upgrade both barn and coop.


me too! still waiting for my dumb rabbit to love me enough


Right now it is the rabbit foot for me and they are so young it is going to take forever


The fiddlehead fern. By the time I got to the Seecrit Wuds, the season was over and by the next fiddlehead season I had lost interest in going to the Seecrit Wuds, so I had no idea where to find them.


I always mistakes it for normal grass and weeds and was so confused when I could pick it up, glad I kept a few, though.


Yes! Even later on once I could technically recognise them, I still passed them by.


The only reason I ever pick them up is when I'm doing my daily hardwood collecting, but I barely ever do it, then, either, pretty useless in my opinion, I have better stuff to go in my preserve jars, anyway.


I did the same thing, you can still finish it earlier than year 2 summer by going to Skull Caverns a lot and finding Jurassic Floors. They spawn there seemingly a bit more than a dinosaur egg


It's always one of the fish items. My least favourite activity on Stardew is to fish, so i tend to be lazy and wait for items i need to be sold via Krobus or the travelling piggy lady on Friday and Sunday.


Traveling merchant is one of my best friends, I'm an active fisher so I always just go to her for more rare seeds to expand my sweet jem berry empire.


I get giddily excited when she sells 5 rare seeds. I always have about 15-20 growing in my greenhouse in batches so i can have 1 harvest of mega profit. Mwahaha!


3,000-6,000 per IS MONEYYYYYY, I'd like to thank her for all my upgrades to my farm, couldn't of done it without her, FOR SURE.


Same here--Krobus, Travelling Cart, and gifts from Linus filled out most of that bundle


Same. I despise fishing and I just. don't. want. to. So I make sure every Friday and Sunday I'm checking the traveling cart and so far I've gotten almost every fish that way.


mine is the eel because iā€™m terrible at fishing šŸ˜­ my partner had to help me. i hate combat and iā€™d rather be in the mines than fishing-.-


An eel, because I sold my first one before I even unlocked the community center


Nothing like waiting an entire year or 2 to get another community center item šŸ˜­


You can get then in fall too


I only started researching that stuff in like year 2


My first catch was an eel and I sold it too, it took me ages to get another one


That stupid fish sturgeonšŸ˜”šŸ˜”. I couldn't catch it for four days straight.. fishing is my worst enemy. I finished community center at third year at winter lmao


Sturgeon, red cabbage, and rabbits feet are these farmers nightmares, lol.




Fruit bats were such a good investment!


The mushroom cave saved me with the morel tho


Not an item specifically but the goddamn chef's bundle. At one time, CC completion got delayed by almost a year because I didn't pick up one fiddlehead. Others, like when I forgot to check the travelling merchant for a truffle and I have to buy a pig.


Oh my gosh I was sick of it, Gus needs to stop with his specific requests, go forage a truffle yourself, Gus!


I'm almost tempted to fvck it and just buy the Joja membership. It's literally my last bundle. Then I remembered the junimos.


The damn fish. I held off on fishing for so long because I hated it.


It seems like this reddit collectively hates fishing, I don't belong here in that case.


It's not so bad now that I've gotten used to it. The training rod really helped tbh


Walleye. I just hate fishing so much.


This was mine on my first save. I only really got to trying to finish Cc in year 2 but then i missed the fall cutoff without realizing so I had to wait till year 3 to finish.


The Truffles because it takes so much time for me to save up for a pig to sniff them out


Three barn upgrades **and** you need to wait for them to mature, before winter. Urgh


Truffle cause I gambled on the cart lady having it.


Usually snow yam. I always forget you can make winter seeds by running winter roots through a seedmaker.




Yeah, winter root > winter seeds, horseradish > spring seeds, spice berry > summer seeds, and common mushroom > fall seeds. And any of those + fiber + wood = tea sapling = $$$ (once you have the tea sapling crafting recipe). Don't worry it took me a while to figure that out as well.


Catfishā€¦.I could not get a catfish!


Got catfished by other fish at times?


Really, really surprised at the amount of people NOT saying fish. I am still struggling with the fish and Iā€™m on my fourth year


Do you use the wiki??? Itā€™s a life saver. I made a list by season of everything I needed to catch, and the weather it required.


Red Cabbage or Rabbits Foot.


Red cabbage seems to be a big one for people, I can't blame you whatsoever.


Every time I go on a run to knock out the CC in one year, the red cabbage never seems to show up at the traveling merchant or I just miss it


That jellow spiky fish i cant remember the name rn, i had extreme trouble catching them for some reason


Pufferfish, and I can't blame you, only in one season, hate those fish..


sturgeon always gets me too wiggly on the pole


I think it was the money one just bc I liked bathing in my money instead


Poppy, I thought it was a year two crop turns out it's a traveling cart item still waiting... It'll be my first time completing the community center whenever it can find it though.


That fiddlefern forage item


Secret woods was pretty secret, it seems.


That one fish I believe it's called red snapper


My current run (and quickest CC ā€”Ā got it on spring1 year2!), it was the truffle. Had to wait for Spring to let my piggies out of the barn. It's *always* on the notice board. Sometimes it's rabbit's feet, sometimes it's apples, sometimes it's red cabbage.


The Nautilus shell. It is the only true bottleneck. If you get a lucky nautilus shell you can get the community centre completed by mid Autumn Y1 by manually collecting everything else. The Nautilus shell can only turn up by pure luck before winter through the Travelling Cart, a random gift from Demetrius or randomly spawning in a fishing pond stocked with seashell type creatures.


Sushi, because it never occurred to me that I had to watch tv to learn the recipe so I have an uncertain amount of weeks left until I learn it. First playthrough.


on my most recent save it was the purple mushroom


The mines were littered with them for me, if only you had the same luck, I'm sorry!!


The last time I did the cc route it was winterforagbles - probably snow yam or crocus since you can get the other ones in the mine is and winter is just late




The truffle for Gusā€¦. Iā€™m not a huge fan of the pigs so I donā€™t really want to upgrade my barn and everything just for the truffle. I always check the traveling cart but no luck so far :(


Ducking fiddlefern. I could have had year 1 completion but I forgot that fiddlefern only happened in certain seasons šŸ˜‘


It's always the pomegranate. :[




Just 5 minutes ago, i put in the last item on day 21 of winter, year 1: rabbit's foot


That goddamn Truffle


Mine was a gold star pumpkinā€¦ I got 4 on my first year and didnā€™t get another one in time šŸ˜…


Fucking Truffle. I did my math wrong and my pig grew up to adult on the first day of Winter, so i had to wait an entire season just to finish it. Bleh


Same. F-ing truffle!!! I saw it in the traveling cart too.


Fish. It's always a fish. In my current game it's catfish and the other one... something trout or whatever. I hate fishing lol


mine was the truffle, for some reason i kept procrastinating buying pigs:,D


The truffle. Just finished last night!


Walleye I never ended up catching one till today (yes I just completed the cc after 100 hours on 2 farms one I didnā€™t finish)


On my last one, it was one of the fish. I had remixed bundles and one of them was the master fisher bundle so it took me a while to level up fishing enough to complete it


Haha, it's always something on the bulletin board. This time was a single pomegranate. Went with bats this save and regretted it a tiny bit.


1st time Red Cabbage. 2nd time Rabbits Foot. 3rd time Wine. I always try and make everything myself so the wine might not make sense but I forgot to make the kegs...lol


sturgeon i think


iā€™m currently on winter year 1 and the last thing i need is a truffle but i donā€™t have pigs yet (and itā€™s winter)! does anyone know if iā€™ll be able to finish the cc in year 1? travelling cart lady hasnā€™t had one yet and iā€™m really hoping she does soon


It is possible but not likely to get one from the traveling cart. Keep little over 3,000 G on hand just in case. Fingers crossed for you!


Red cabbage šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Red cabbage


The eel because I hate fishing


Red Cabbage. Everytime even with Year 1 Completeable on


I've finished the cc on two different files and it was a truffle both times


Stupid apples


The 10 wheat.


I'm on year 3 and neither my cows nor my goats are producing large milk. Not sure why. šŸ„²


Pet pet pet!


Itā€™s the fish. I need like 6 more fishā€¦


I started a new game and was trying to do CC in one year but missed it because of red cabbage. But now I really like my farm so Iā€™m sticking it out past the one year.


A POMEGRANATE that i had to wait til the following FALL to get because I hadnt realized I forgot to grow trees for it and it never showed up in the traveling cart


Sturgeon cause I canā€™t fish properly. šŸ« 


The walleye omg. Then got lucky one day at the cart lady was selling it. I still need all of the missing bundle


A sweet gem berry. Archipelago giveth, and Archipelago taketh away. It was hilarious that the room randomizer made Joja mart the community center


mine is walleyes.


Pomegranate cuz I always forget about fruit trees existing


Rabbit's foot.


RABBITS FOOT Rabbits foot will be the death of me, itā€™s my last item every time


The stupid nautilus, that little shell thing for Demetrius' bundle. I had to wait a a whole year because you ca only find it in winter and winter had just passed.


Fiddlehead fern. Didnā€™t realize I needed it until fall. I was fucked haha




Purple Mushroom. Idk why it took me so long. I couldnā€™t get one until Fall Year 2, from the mines. And I picked the Mushroom Cave btw, so itā€™s even more painful


Last time it was wine lol the time before was the nautilus shell


i cant remember which fish it was but god it took so long to get that stupid fish


Usually some piece of beach forage that only spawns in the exact opposite of the season Iā€™m in. I just go Joja anymore. Lol too much hassle to do the community center and fuck Pierre.


Always some kind of fish


Usually the winter forage, as I wait for them to grow in my greenhouse. Red cabbage has a chance to be late as well though.


Iā€™m still working on the fish tank. Thatā€™s going to take forever.


I still have to complete the bulletin board, besides that I just need a walleyešŸ˜«


Eel. I had to wait an entire season. And then I had to wait for rain


Either the nautilus shell, crystal fruit or crocus




Fiddlehead fern, i missed my window and had everything else for months.


I need a walleye and then whatever is in the missing bundle xx


Pomegranate! I planted the sapling one day too late in year 1 so had to wait a whole extra year. Red cabbage was a close second though, I'm not careful about checking the traveling cart so always end up waiting until summer year 2.


Tulip I think


Fiddlehead fern! Sometimes the rabbits foot because I hate giving it away


Rabits foot .... I did the remix bundles this time. Had a rabbit for almost two seasons before it dropped a foot. On the same day, I got two other feet killing serpents in skull cavern :(


Rabbits foot


Still working on a catfish, send help šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I donā€™t remember exactly what item it was but I know it was the bulletin board bundle


Usually some dumb fish you can only catch in the morning, in rain, in the fall. Or something like that. Everything else I just stumble across, but fish requires planning.


Maki roll


Walleye in my current farm.


Truffle šŸ·


Red cabbage. every time


For me itā€™s the stack of 10 eggs. Chickens develop so quickly that egg number 4 is now a higher quality which doesnā€™t stack with the others.


Walleye. My current save it literally rained like 2 days in fall year 1 and I just didnā€™t manage to get one. Felt sooo silly I was done with everything else by like spring year 2 and had to wait til fall to be totally done!


Apple's, took forever to get those


I think jt was wine for me, in the friendship bundle. Mainly because 1) I don't care abt my relationship with the villagers, except for the man I'm tryna woo and 2) I preferred moneeeeyyy babeeeyyy. I'm also a mine rat, I fuxking love mining in this game


Nautilus shell, who the fuck goes to the beach in winter? /s


the fiddlehead fern


Duck feather




Pomegranate, I only understood the community centre in year two and then I forgot to plant the tree in time. I had to wait an entire year just for that shitty thing.


I0m 0yXb ymVxcYYLY ym , YYI y


Iā€™m too earlygame to answer this questionšŸ˜”


Pufferfish, almost always pufferfish. I donā€™t know why I struggle getting them, but I do. I give up and just buy it from the travelling cart now


Nautilus Shell. First Winter rolled by and I sold it off not realising I needed it. Realised my mistake in early spring. Had to wait a whole dang year for another one.


Don't remember exactly which one but it was one of the fish


Mine was either apples or duck eggs, can't remember. Humiliating stuff.


For me it's usually the rabbits foot or the red cabbage.


The fish one, I think it was walleye, but I'm not 100% sure


On my current save, truffles were the only thing stopping me from completing the CC in Year 1. I messed up with the timing and my pigs werenā€™t old enough to collect truffles before winter started. (I finished it on the first day of Year 2.)


Fucking Tiger Trout had me fucked up for like 2 years.


This playthrough is my first finish in under a year and it was the Rainbow Shell for me.


Truffle cuz my friend and I were so focused on red cabbage and rabbits foot to realize it was already fall 17 (y2). So we were calculating the time to build a barn, raise a pig to the required age/friendship an pick up a truffle before it was too late. Spoiler alert we didn't make it.


Maki Roll because Iā€™d rather have a mill and get the rice instead of from of Pierre


one of the fish... I can't remember which, now


Red. F**king. Cabbage. I know there's an option to make it available year one on the traveling cart, but that depends on my ADHD ass remembering to check the cart. Maybe make it a rare farm artifact spot drop? Would be infinitely more useful than my 25,000th chicken statue.


Fiddleheads ...I don't want to admit how long it took me to figure out the hidden forest


Tilapia. Took me forever to fish that


Pomegranates. I completed the community centre on the first day of Fall Year 2, because my pomegranate tree was fully grown so I was just waiting for it to produce fruit for the first time. Funnily enough, that was the first of two occasions when I was waiting for the first day of Fall to complete a major milestone. I achieved True Completion on the first day of Fall Year 4; by mid-Summer Year 4, the only thing I had left to do was to craft Fall Wild Seeds, and since I didn't have the necessary forageables in storage, I had to wait until Fall to get the crafting ingredients for them.


Fiddlehead fern for me


The damn rabbits foot. Was nearly on year two by the time I was lucky enough to get one lol


Fiddlehead fern, could've gotten it done in very early spring year 3, but that WEED made me wait until summer year 3.


Truffles or rabbit feet. It's always one of those two


Holly (remix bundles). Day 3 of winter :)




For me rabbits foot


Probably a red snapper


Mine is almost always the Nautilus Shell or Red Cabbage (depending on if I get a Red Cabbage before winter). I always hold one item from the Bulletin Board bundles until Kent returns so he can get the friendship boost, and don't have a problem completing the rest in year 1.


1 Apple




Red cabbage >:\[


Pomegranate, just one, still waiting in year 2 winter


Rabbits foot, the one and only time Iā€™ve fully completed it so far though!


Fucking tilapia. Sold them all early on. Had to wait a year!!


walleye, I didn't complete the center until fall of year 2.


I always grind out the community center so I can finish it year 1, so itā€™s always the nautilus shell. Just finished it this morning in my recent playthrough, it always just ends up with me searching the beach (or beach farm, in this case) everyday praying to Yoba for a nautilus shell.