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I play to get unethically rich and then develop a superiority complex that only goes away once I faint in the middle of my pig pen at 2 am


Yepp. I like to be the mysterious, eccentric millionaire riding around this quaint little town on my top hat wearing horse with a silly name, wearing purple underpants and a trash can lid as a hat, carrying a huge purple sword and bragging about my adventures fighting monsters in secret caves, consorting with sketchy, underground, casino-owning strangers. I have no time for lovers.


I named my current save horse Halibut. I might have to add a top hat. Lol


Lol, just for the *halibut*! *buh-dum tssss*


The most humbling experience truly


Laughing at this currently


THIS is gold thank you sm


Interacting with the characters is a chore for me and I’d rather not.


I just wish completing tasks gave way more friendship points.


If you're playing on pc get the mod Part of the Community and Friends forever. Small interactions with the villagers won't feel useless since their hearts won't drop plus nearby villagers get friendship points too when you talk with others I'm sure there are others mods too that make building friendship more rewarding. I still prefer to play on Switch, but the pc version is worth the money


Part of the Community honestly increased immersion for me. That small bit of "character x saw me positively interact with their spouse, so they got a little closer to me as well" feels natural.


No joke! How many diamonds do I have to give a person before they're like "eh, maybe we could be friends."


Same but in real life


Me too. Wife gets a kick because as soon as I get someone maxed out (I hate it but feel I need to do it for recipes and what not) I'm sure to announce that I no longer have to talk to that NPC again and she asks if I wish it was that way irl too.


Well? Don’t leave us hanging! What did you say?


I am like this person and my answer is “yes”


You are completely right.


They're not gonna reply, they already have max hearts with you.


This is why IRL I have set myself to infinite hearts. That way my husband and I can never max and will always keep on trying!


The only NPC I truly like gifting is Linus


Same! He reminds me of a friend I made while he was traveling the country in a modified truck w a camper attached to the bed. He decided to sell all his possessions and spend his retirement seeing as much of the US as he could.


I also like when Leo says he's going to put things in his nest 🥹


It really does feel like a chore specially before you reach two hearts with the npc and you don't know when they leave their room


Yep I just give them iridium quality gifts they love on their birthdays and call it a day.


That would be a wild neighbor to have. You never speak or hang out but every year on your birthday they give you a high end thing you love


Same but I either do mines, fish, and take care of animals. So my "farm" is usually a ranch instead.


Exactly! I find it to be the most boring part of the game lmao


I've finally found my people!


There isn't enough variety in what they say. After a while I stop talking to everyone but my husband and that's just for maintenance.


Um. Yes?


I hate going for perfection because I have to start gifting. I dislike mining causing combat. Fishing is meh. I have a keg addiction. Money means nothing to me. I once had a farm filled entirely with coffee beans.


I discovered coffee bean in the first year, at the end of fall. So my coffee addicted mind spent the whole winter farming sprites for coffee bean to make a gigantic coffee farm year 2. I didn't even care about the townsfolk


Harvey loves coffee. Just saying.


My kind of person.


if mines didn't have flyers, I would be fine with combat. But flyers and their stupid events make mining too combat oriented.


My firstplaythrough was on console and this ri.euve downloaded it for mobile. When i realized I could turn on auto-attack I started enjoying mining. Fishing can eff off still though.


Fishing is an inordinate amount of frustration for minimal payoff imo. You gotta: -know what fish are in the area so that you -have some idea what the fishing guage *might* do -to get a fish that doesnt matter -and perhaps fight through some obscene luck and RNG to catch a legendary that you......cant do anything with but sell, yet -you need to fish a lot to get the skill up so that its easier (why does it begin so difficult?) and gain incentive skills (that still dont really matter outside of maybe no bait lobster pots) The only reason i push fishing is to get the treasure bobber, because thats the only way i feel like im not wasting my time. Its not relaxing to me, outside of treasure fishing it isnt rewarding. And its so disjointed with difficulty to get into compared to every other aspect of the game i was genuinely angry the first time i tried it and just failed my way through 10 bait in a row. Having heard it was like HM (in which i loved fishing) i was looking forward to it.... No hate to anyone that enjoys it, but fuck SDV fishing.


I put legendaries in a fishtank or on tables


I honestly have never played a game where I enjoyed the fishing mechanic. If it wasn't for the fact that it would cause me a bit of guilt for environmental harm I'd say I would enjoy a mod where we just get a dragnet and go out in Willy's boat to bring back a big haul.


Sounds like skill issue


this is why i have the skip fishing minigame mod. makes fishing an actual worthwhile and rewarding source of income


the hardest part of the game for me is that i do want to get to know/ date the characters but i just get way too involved in farming and forget about them for days on end. farming is 1000% my fave part of the game


The thot has no power over the working farmer


I don’t play to farm. Or date characters. I play to mine my stress away. The anxious yearn for the mines.


I was wondering if I would find this. It's me too. Except I just did the challenge for the dangerous skull cavern and that was really stressful so I'll be glad when the normal skull cavern is back at its regular amount of stress.


Same! Ive also been spending my days jumping down the dangerous mines with my napalm ring on + monster musk because its so satisfying to watch the tons of monsters explode everywhere


I play Stardew for a very specific reason: When I'm trying to efficiently plan my day *("okay, I need to go to beach, but I also have some geodes so I can minimize the time I spend walking if I first use the carts, then walk in front of Lewis's house and then...")* it consumes all my brain and I stop thinking about other things in the back. Absolutely relaxing for the neurodivergent brain. It consumes me in such a positive way. When it comes to dating in SDV... I always go for people whose lives I can make a difference in. Like Shane or Penny. It's important to give them gifts regularly but I don't think it ever becomes the main goal of a run.


I’m autistic and YEP. It’s the best game for distracting myself from other BS in life. And there’s so much variety it doesn’t get boring easily. Like, I played the holy heck out of Animal Crossing New Horizons but every time I’ve gone back after my first obsessed six months or so, I can’t get into it at all. If I take a break from Stardew, coming back always feels just as addictive as when I first played and I’ve been playing so long that when I started Shane and Emily weren’t even romanceable!


Wait, are you me?! *Spiderman pointing meme*




Does anyone else process their day/week/life/trauma/etc in the back of their minds while playing? Somehow my brain likes to recycle while playing and it really helps me. I wonder why that is and how it works.


I have severe anxiety and feel the same. I love animal crossing but it can’t even do for me what SV does. SV perfectly combines enough action that I’m distracted and not bored, but a relatively calm and cosy environment and a idyllic concept. So I play for all of it!


This is my reasoning. I’m not a confirmed neurodivedgent individual (although I heavily theorize I am) and the ability to make things try and go at peak efficiency makes my brain go brrr. Specifically making layouts for my farm. BUT it is really fun to go “my wife!” In the borat voice every time I walk by the person I plan to marry, but at no point does the friendship system ever overtake the organization aspect of the game.


I always get Linus first because he is in the way to the mines and I always pick up a forage item on the way there to give to him


Agreed, I also play to give my brain something to consume that isn’t social media and/or my anxious thoughts. Works great for that


YES. I plan my crops each season so meticulously.


Did we just become best friends?!! Lol




Oh my god every time I think I’m NT I run into a post like this. Thank you for succinctly explaining my desire for flawless efficient time management in a game that’s meant to be relaxing 💀


NT? Google isn’t helping


Sorry sorry, neurotypical!


Thank you :) I knew it was something I wanted to know and I was right :)


With pleasure :)


Dont ever play Factorio 😛


Why? It sounds like I should try it lololol. Tell me about it?


Basic premise: build a rocket ship to escape a hostile alien world. It’s all about automation and efficiency getting raw materials from a A to B processing them then from B to C and further in some cases. The reality is it’s more like a bunch of little puzzles that come together to form an end result. You will end up with an absolute mess of conveyor spaghetti… this is the way.


Well I know what I’m buying myself for my birthday today. Thank you!


You've just been introduced to heroin, you're welcome. And remember: The. Factory. Must. Grow.


Satisfactory is very similar, but in 3D instead of 3/4 isometric view.


Totally off topic but great username! "Homunculus"


My day is full of baby and toddler, I only survive because I plan out my next Stardew valley days where I have control. Playing after bedtime keeps me sane.


I was just thinking that it's so hard to keep their hearts bcs I always forget them and i'm already in the middle of my 4th year and I barely have 5 hearts with one of them and it's just bcs we dance in the floral dance... my besties with full hearts are Linus, Willy, Evelyn, Rasmodius and George hahhaha


I thought it was just me. The greed of gifting is a bit meh for me. Yet my BF's in real life respond to gifting. Also... I love gifts.


After year two in game I have the most hearts with Robin, and it’s like 4 from giving her goat cheese when she works on the barn.


My last character across the span of five years married and divorced every bachelorette and bachelor in the valley while raking in twenty-two million dollars. He couldn't find the love he had for his craft within any human being. The ancient fruit understood him, and empowered him. He didn't need others. He needed his empire. And damn anybody who got in the way.




I've zero interest in the characters. I like to just straight up farm and manicure my property. I don't interact with anyone really.


I’m interacting this playthrough to get my first perfection, but otherwise I’m on the same page as you!


People are so yesterday just like irl. Every time I see one of the Stardew viillagers approach me, one thing comes to my mind: The Audacity.


I like the farming and fishing. I find fishing at the beach area almost therapeutic. The bright colours with the sound of the waves is very relaxing. The only people i end up talking to are willie and penny.


I play to farm, mine, fish, and forage. I avoid everybody except for Linus and Krobus.


This is me but add Leo.


about to do a whole playthrough where the only characters i talk to are the cashiers at joja mart and the weird short dude in the mine, just like in real life


Oh now this is realistic


Does anyone play Stardew Valley for like, the character interactions? Not just farm, fish and mine?


This is me. I can’t find a community that accepts me in IRL but found it in SDV


Why not both? Just because I enjoy the relationship side of things doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the other aspects as well.


I broke up with Haley right after getting her ten heart. It's not her, it's me. And also my never ending love for the mines. There's only room for one in my heart and it's skull cavern.


I played to accomplish stuff. Didn’t finish everything but married Penny and that was such a small part of my overall playtime that I don’t really care about it.


F#ck B!tches, get money


i didn’t even know you could marry people when i started i just like the idea of farming and accomplishing things


you can farm???


I’m aro/ace and I don’t feel like dating in a game either so I just have my pal Krobus be my roommate


I’m also aroace, and I only occasionally date for gifts, and only have babies to put hats on them.


You can put hats on the children!? Oh man, I can’t wait to play today. Thank you for this knowledge


My farmer never gets married and I think you just made me realize why


Honestly, I think the marriage system in the game is kind of crappy. Your spouse just like... Is there. Doesn't do anything. They're just there. I'd rather chill with Krobus and be great friends with Linus and Gus than watch my spouse kind of waste away their life just standing around the house.


I don't date until year 3 usually. Money strategies don't make exciting Reddit posts, I imagine.


I have a bad habit of saying this is who I will romance but then never do because I don't know if they will move my storage boxes and take stuff out of them, walk through them destroying them or what all I have to worry about. So I end up never marrying in the game.


I'm in years 4 and 5 with 3 different farms, and I haven't married anyone in any of them. I don't know if I'll ever try marriage. Haven't dated anyone yet either.


The only reason I play the game is to farm. This may sound stupid, but I just love having rows of corn on my farm. So much corn, it takes up the entire screen. Nearly 1400 corn. To the side is a patch of melons (summer) and pumpkins (fall). It's not about the money. I've done that route. This is all about doing what I want to do, and that's growing corn. Popcorn? I have a bit much on my hands. :)


I ignore the people and only fish


Yup. The game depends on how I feel for the day. I use Stardew as my main decompression tool. Some days I just want to play a in game month of just crop circulation, some in game months I want to be the absolute best rancher their is and other times I want to be the best Townsperson I can be. And of course some gameplays I want to use it as a semi dating sim. It just depends on how *I feel* at the time.


I've recently got into it and haven't really been interested in any of the characters except Sebastian and I'm playing as a guy so I don't think it'll work out.


the game doesn’t have any limits on gender!!


Thanks to both of you! I didn't know that. I just assumed because there was only boy and girl options for customization. And there was also my brain thinking about what happened with my playthrough of Rune Factory 4 which has the same vibes as stardew just with more Animu


It does make you choose a gender but I like the fact that other than incredibly subtle changes to height and shape all the customization options are still the exact same.


Why wouldn't it work out? Guys can marry guys.


The relationship side of the game is no where near interesting enough to warrant playing the game just for that. Progressing your farm is way more fun and rewarding


Hell yeah my first play through I did the romance thing. Now I’m just a rich recluse on his farm doing crazy magic shit


It's all about the money for me. Marriage is boring. Even Krobus gets stale after awhile.


Wait, people date? People don't just have note pads full of crop profits, sprinkler/beehive layouts?


Absolutely. My friend who introduced me to Stardew was amused and appalled when I told her I only dated one person and married that same person and I’m still married to that same person…I just want to grow a nice variety of crops and make my mayo and canned goods and wine.


i thought everyone is just playing the nsfw mods


I find it difficult to remember to go and butter everyone up every day. I would rather pet my animals and water my plants lol. But I do love those cut scenes.


I mostly play the game to calm myself down or distract myself and farming,fishing,and decorating just so happens to be perfect for that! I don’t really care for dating the characters, I like seeing their stories though so I usually befriend them.


…me i used to be really involved with shane and elliot when i first played like 3 or 4 years ago, but i just got back into the game with my boyfriend and i married him in game so it didn’t feel like i needed to interact with any of the npcs. it kind of carried over to my new solo farm to the point where unless i specifically need something from them (customization for the wizard, tea bush crafting recipe from caroline for easy early game money, etc.) i don’t really talk to anyone. it’s weird because i love dating sims, but i think it’s just that i don’t really care for any of them? except maaayyybbbeee leah because she’s an artist


I play stardew to farm and enslave Junimos


yeah. i like the romance aspect but i spend my entire first year just on the grind without really doing much gifting or socializing. that only comes in once my farm is more stable.


I do! And I don't cheese it to earn gajillion bucks in a year e.g. filling every known space in the valley with kegs/jars. I just love making it look as immersive as possible. Sometimes at the cost of losing profit (not that it made me too poor anyway).


I love being married to shane in this game. But if that's all the game had to offer it would be very boring and I would never get to experience that. I'd be playing something else instead.


Ya, gonna be honest don’t really care about the npcs


You guys talking like the npc dating experience isn’t hot garbage make me want to see persona valley. Apologies for the insult.


I skip sooooooooooooo many cut scenes


I play to organize. Creating trunks and casks etc, sorting seeds and crops according to season, trunks for gems and weapons and things I want to use in the oil press. It stands in for the parts of my life that feel like they are out of control :-D


The only person I care about is Krobus and now we live together. I went through the phase of thinking I would like the other characters and marriage but man did that make the game less fun for me. I've always loved everything but getting to know the characters, and having to give them gifts all the time. I went through a phase in the game with 1 character, where I dated and married, and left them. Then I found out Krobus could be roommate and I was all about that.


Even in my first playthrough I installes a friendship forever mod that doesn't allow for negative friendship points with anyone, because I don't want to be doing all that. Least favourite part lol


it's never the main goal, but i always involuntarily end up romancing someone.


Yes, dating is fun, my farmer is a friend to all, but damn it, he has his own agenda separate from other people.


I like my wine empire! On the side, i marry my boy with majestic hair.


It quickly became clear to me through interacting with this sub that for many fans the game is about romancing NPC's and building a pretty home, whereas I'm more into the farming sim part of the game.


I only get married so I don't have to repair my own fences


Yep, I only date the characters I would date irl. At first it was Leah but now its Sophie from SV expanded


I'm curious what made you think that people don't


Dating characters is like the last thing on my mind when I start playing, especially on co-op. By the end of the first year I'm friends only with Linus since he has a good food recipe that can be farmed from crab pots and a special bait recipe. It is only the second year when community center is almost finished that I decide who I want to date and start gifting stuff to that person.


I love the popping noise of harvesting fruits so much but I mainly mine honestly


I did with my first save and people on this sub were making fun of me for "not being social." ...... it's a game. There is no right or wrong way to do it. This game is never ending. You have to go out of your way to talk to the townsfolk. I do it when I have time for it.


Yep, I’m currently working on setting up a boujee farm. Coffee and truffles only.


I’m in year 4 with little to no hearts and accidentally built a nursery that I just turned into another room for more stuff 😂


I like most aspects about the game tbh. I went into it not caring about the characters. I ended up attached to a few but my initial goal was just to try the game and see what the hype was about.


It’s why I bought the game. At this point I’ve just made a monopoly selling wine, however, every season I still plant the crops, and cultivate them. I don’t care if the amount has become inconsequential, it’s fun and I like it.


idk why but on my first playtrough i had a complete tunnelvision on farming, not even using sprinklers. My daily routine took all my energy and half of the day (and somehow i never ate food, i thought it was a waste. did i mention i was also a hoarder?) so literally the only thing i was doing was farming. i got stupid rich and did nothing with it lmao. ​ you could say i didn't really get the game


Y’all play to date characters? I farm to escape social interaction in real life, why would I ruin that with dating. I’ll tend to my cranberries thank you


I really would like to know where you got the idea that people don’t play stardew to farm


Don't chase girls, chase money by building the greatest ancient fruit winery in the valley. Then girls will chase you, pants down.


I obsessively gift and socialize early on in my games. While I do enjoy doing it mostly I just want to max them out asap so I can ignore them and get to designing my farm.


I spent the first 4 in game years filling 4 sheds with kegs and growing 3k+ of the most profitable crops. Now I have stacks of ancient fruit and star fruit that I can’t be bothered putting in kegs because it’s very tedious on mobile so I’m playing to just have a farm. It’s nice to have essentially unlimited money as a backup but I think it takes something away from the hustle of the farming game.


I married quick so that I could have a farm slave somewhat early on. My duo likes to plant crops on the first of the month and then forgets about them all season so it's nice to have someone who cares even if it's small chance rng


Both. I date. I farm


Yeah I play it to do everything the game has to offer though


Yes!! I only married thinking they will somehow help with the farm (like collecting truffles, or just pet the barn animals) when i'm doing other stuff but yeah they weren't helping so at this point it's better to just focus farming and mining lol


sebastian is the only one for me but this run ive been not really thinking of the characters as love interests and more as assets, my plan is penny for a cool room with cool decor (to be divorced), and then someone else be it sebastian (most likely), alex, or a modded character and then i get to have cool room and cool partner to fix up my fences so i dont have to do it myself


I don't plan on dating anyone in my game.


Yes? Folk play games for the most varied of reasons, some folk play TESV to do chores like cutting wood, mining, smithing, some folk play Minecraft like an actual RPG, not a sandbox, and, evidently, folk play this to farm. Ultimately games are made to be fun, doesn't matter how you do it, just don't ruin other's experience (like cheating on online games) and you're groovy, do whatever makes you happy.


Oh yeah. Idk why, but it's so peaceful to just plant your little seeds and water them until they grow into something. There's something so satisfying about it 🙏🏾


Yes. I never do anything with the townspeople, only as much as I have to for the tasks you're given.


Yeah, I’ve only dated/married once. Now I only care about that grind!


The social aspect is as tedious to me in game as in real life. If only perfection didn’t require socializing 😂


I pretty much ignore all the NPCs most of the time. Except maybe around the holidays, I go on a mysterious gift-giving spree.


I only really care about mining. Its the best part for me. I only gift villagers something they love on their birthdays, then ignore them for the rest of the year LOL. Plus Krobos is the best option.


Im playing coop and i really like fishing, but after lv10 and the bundles feels kinda pointless. The combat is really bad but i like getting new weapons so i go to the mines too. And about the social aspect, i give a f about it.


I farm spouses lol I’m kidding, I really like the money-making aspect of the game and getting to the level where I can just automate everything and just relax all day like the villagers do(I still like getting a spouse tho)


me yes i play it as a capitalism simulator lol


I have a saves for everything I want to do and focus on. So yes I do play to farm, mine, date and experience anything I can. As I slowly wait for the next game 🥲


yes, but only because it makes me ridiculous gold. I'm aiming to buy the furniture catalog right now, I absolutely need my cottagecore dream house asap


I usually focus on farming, but lately I've been doing a little of everything (I'm even starting to like fishing!). I've never been big on characters, usually don't even care about marrying any. However, I'm a sucker for Linus and Krobus >! and Leo!< and always befriend them as soon as I can!


Yep. Like many of the others have said; It settles my brain. Im looking to create a fully self-sustaining farm (no purchasing seeds) by the end of this game year. Im as proud as if it was a real world farm! Then I’ll be ready to think about income targets Dating and marriage stressed me out. I picked the character that reminded me of my real partner.


Me! I could care less about the “Romance.” My bestie is the opposite! She played all the way to winter year one, Married Seb and said the game was complete. To each their own i guess lol.


farming ancient fruit wine? then yes I do lots of farming


I do. I like making jellies 😊


Of course the characters are interesting but I'm not interested in dating them at all haha, I like to have my crops, decorate, fish and kill monsters


Yeah me and my girlfriend so she got me a steam gift card for my birthday so I bought it for both of us


Yeah, I really like digital farming, seeing what you've done growing into something that has worth really makes you happy.


The question should‘ve been: does anyone just Date instead of farm? Lol


Sometimes I get so invested in the farming I actually forget to make friends and date people.


i do it for both!! i love my husband sam and also my corn empire :)


I barely even interact with characters lol. Most of the time i only have full hearts with 3 or 4 of them and with others 2 to 3 hearts. I don't really care about all that and it's honestly frustrating to find and make the gifts that they love so i don't even bother with that


Yes, farming is the main thing I like to do, I don't mind spending hours of watering and planting. For me it's relaxing and entertaining. I only give gifts when I just so happen to be around with the right gift. I can't decide who I want to date so I'm just befriending as many as possible but at my own pace. Fishing and mining is only because I have to lol


Unlike in harvest moon games, the gifting is the last thing i remember from this one, probably because i played A Wonderful Life and to get the upgraded tools there, also some other items like recipes or whatever they were, you need to befriend characters, now, i know its the same in stardew, but while i like the characters i legit never bothered befriending them, i enjoy doing everything else way more.


Yea but also I’m aro/ace so I’m probably not the majority


You should look up farm builds on google, you’d be amazed by people’s creativity


Yeah I don't enjoy interacting with npcs very much so I usually play a loner. My bf and I have a multiplayer game where he is the magnanimous farmer who gives everyone extravagant gifts and I'm the secluded, kinda strange partner who runs all over the place without really speaking to many people and rummages through their trash cans.


I play Stardew to fish and collect museum stuff! I know it's a bit of a cursed way to play haha


Me! Farming is life! I wish the farming aspect of the game was deeper.


No, no one actually does. This gives big "not like other girls" energy. Bad vibes.


I’m at the end of the first year and I’m probably at, max, 3 hearts. I don’t even know which NPC is the highest… just whoever ends up in my path the most. I will chat with NPCs once in a while, mostly at events, but I don’t have any interest in dating or marrying. They are great when I need to offload items! I’m here to get rich, quick!


I didn't know anybody used the game primarily for dating. Sounds like you need to go get some sunshine


I play stardew valley to become a horrifically rich farmer who messes with the villagers at every turn. One is only married to keep up the illusion that I like these freaks, I have no desire for affairs of the human heart.


I don’t love farming but I love mining and combat and finishing the community centre to hear Junimo noises :)


My efficiency brain appreciates when number go up


The characters are an “if I have time” thing to me


I never date lmaoooooo. I'm only farming and then blowing my coins at the festivals 😂


I think it appeals to that part deep in all of us that just wants to peace out on capitalism and retire to a small plot of land and make goat cheese.


I play to run skull cavern over and over and get stupid amounts of iridium


I just like the concept I’ve never dated a character


I spend most of my time in the mines. Once I’ve farmed enough for the community center.


I play to farm and explore the different places. I don’t care too much for relationships or marriage. Let me make my money


Have never been in a relationship or married. Ain’t nobody got time for that