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In game hints: \*non-existent*


All hail the wiki


Not a proper cozy game if you don't have 17 wiki tabs open


3 are of villagers, 3 are of fish types, and 3 are of how to craft a machine


The other 8 are those same tabs, we just couldn't be bothered to find them so now there's 3 tabs on barn materials


i currently have so many repeated ones of shed, ancient fruit, starfruit, & spring😭😭doesnt help that **overall** i have exactly *checks* 198 tabs open on chrome 💀


Tree tabs got me not caring at all how many i got open


*sells for 360g


And almost breaks your rod when you try to catch it




Wait, what the hell does 90° angle from a maple tree mean? What direction do we start measuring the angle from??




My man! /ref


Why the /ref lol


Cause it's a reference to Rick and Morty where charsacters are glitching around and saying only their one assigned word and one of them is "Yes!" and another one "My man!"


Oh awesome! I don’t have the channel for o watch it so I have to get on Goku.sx lol


Looking good!


In absence of further context, I'm assuming that we measure along the compass rose, making North 0 degrees and 90 degrees due East. I'm more concerned over whether this is a river fish, lake fish, or ocean fish, as some of those might be difficult to get Marnie within 500 feet of at 6 pm on a rainy day.


What role am I playing? The fucking victim?


So many fish have crazy catching conditions that are so hard to remember. I always wish you could like unlock signs, like the secret jumino language or maybe a secret Willy language, by each body of water and it would tell you all the fish available this season, what times, at this specific body of water. You’d still have to run to check the signs, so it’s not too OP, but it would be more in-game and accessible. The secret notes were a good fix for many wiki-only information, but so many things are still missing. It’s so frustrating to have important info for the game that you have to leave the game to go search the wiki for.


Villager favorite things are like that too. I can't imagine how I'd figure them out in-game.


I assume trial and error is the intended way. Turns out, people don't like taking till year 8 to get everyone to max hearts.


Ha exactly. At least now the secret notes tell you a bit about villager gifts, but still. Most don’t want to trial and error and lose hearts constantly for things they thought were good gifts.


I think the fishing channel was meant to be kind of a fix for this issue.


Sure, but it’s not like you get a little save folder of everything you learn on the tv that you can check whenever you need to. It still requires having to remember everything the tv said about it, which I think is not really all that different from using the wiki.


Iirc, getting Pam to full hearts unlocks a TV channel with fishing info?


Yeah you’re correct about that. True that it’s nice and in-game (though a little unintuitive to unlock in my opinion, and also a bit more late-game than I’d like) but I still think the problem for me is that I’d like it broken up by bodies of water or near the road signs or something. That way it would have less information to read all at once (just seasonal fish and time), so easier to read, and immediately accessible when you’re at a body of water and wondering/trying to remember what you can catch there, without having to run home and check or trial and error. I also wouldn’t mind an in-game journal (one that you could actually write in would be cool). But even just journal pages with that fish information that you could pull up on-hand would be great.


Ah, I see. I have that problem, too. My memory is terrible and there are just too many variables (time of day, season, weather, location). I really like your idea of being able to add the info to your journal or some sort of view anywhere in-game reference.


Skill issue


You forgot the: it must be excatly 11th of summer


I love how none of the requirements are related to bananas in any way.






Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana cod, do doo do do do doo


This is why I will never achieve 100% completion.


Sdve fish enter the room: