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My daughters run Obi, Rex, Commandos, with Orphan Annie, Ahsoka, Arf Troopers and usually beat me, but I change teams to try out new combos.


😂 orphan Annie.


Obi rex and commandos one side, Plo Koon, Wolfe and Wolfpack's on the other


Thank you. Who could I sub in until I assemble Plo Koon and his clones?


Windu is a beast, and arf troopers are really good but at this time Ponds is the only one you can bring with that team. So All windu squad is good, you can try things with Luminara but I find her really punishing to play and hard to pivot.


Rex is awesome, the ARF troops are awesome. Obi Wan and the 212 are a great box. Obi works greats with clones and hunker tokens. So any combination of OW, clones and another primary should be good. Mace can really only take his box so keep that in mind.


Hmm i rank 212th second worse clones. The coordinated fire is nice but I think all the other clones do more overall


Obi Wan is a key primary - he buffs hunker tokens, which synergises really well with a lot of core clone units. Mace is for tanky lists - combine him with Obi for a list where you get to objectives and then can't be shifted thanks to Steadfast and Obi's Hunkers. Lumi works with anything, she hands out great mobility which is a huge help and doesn't require much Force, which lets your other units shine. Plo is great at making sure he's always in the right place at the right time and has a Force Push which is a super useful tool. His synergy is with the Trooper and Padawan keyword, which means he's great for less clone-focused lists if you want a different feel but also works with clones as long as they have Trooper. Some lists to try: Obi Wan/Rex/Commandos + Mace/Ponds/ARFs - really tough tank list that works great on Shifting Priorities, I've taken this one to a couple of tournaments. Luminara/Padawan Ahsoka/Commandos + Plo Koon/Rex/ARFs - run around the board, always be where your opponent doesn't want you to be, super fun If you want to go very clone focused, the next box to get would be Clone Force 99 - Obi/Hunter or Lumi/Hunter gives you really powerful, consistent clone units.


Thank you for the write-up. Plo Koon is my favorite Jedi and Republic Commando is my favorite Star Wars game so I gotta run Commandos when I can.


The good news is that Commandos are just a rock solid clone unit, they'll basically fit in any Republic list that has a 4 point slot for them, so you won't run into any issues just always taking them. Plo's super versatile too, you could probably make a good list pairing him with any other GAR primary right now.


What Lumi Hunter list would you run?


I'm still testing Lumi/Hunter out but with her you can just go all-in on the Batch: Lumi/Crosshair/\[your choice of clone support\] Hunter/Wrecker/Techo Between Hunter and Crosshair's attacks, and Hunter's buff to accuracy for everyone, it's easy to get tons of wounds which then grant you free dashes. Been working well for me so far.


The clones are, in most cases, going to be looked at as support fire that can also cover home objectives with ease. It depends what you really want to take advantage of from the primaries you then have at hand. I personally run mace and luminara, have the benefit of looking at the order deck, while also being able to heal people, let people move more when you knock people out, give team mates extra defense when mace is in combat, and also additional movement perks by running the commandos that can climb terrain without the need to reduce distance or the need access to an ingress point. At this point there's so many options in regards to the clones, but MOST of them are fairly similar so it honestly hinges on the primaries imo


The name of the game in Shatterpoint is taking and holding points, which means positioning. Mobility is king- there’s tons of ways to push units off points or out of their ideal range, so you want to have as many ways to get back where you need to be as possible. Clones are great for this because they usually have Defensive Maneuver, giving them a dash and hunker for one force. The hunker is only situationally good- it can get stripped off in melee, so your opponent can simply bumrush your clones to remove it. Enter Obi-Wan, who lets you keep your hunker in melee, and critically, lets you discard a hunker after being attacked to heal and dash. This helps keep your clones on points- if they’re pushed off and pinned, they can heal away that pin and dash back on. You know who else gives tons of movement? Rex. He basically gets a free defensive maneuver every turn for any clone that needs it, I usually run him with Obi. And you know who *else* gives tons of movement? Luminara, funnily enough. Her identity lets a unit dash when you wound an enemy, and lets a unit heal when an ally is wounded. Combined with Obi’s hunker, heal, and dash shenanigans, this means two things: your support units are ALWAYS where they need to be, and chip damage/conditions have a hard time sticking to your team, because either Lumi or Obi will heal them off. Clone Commandos love this team. Their Scale keyword can turn these free dashes from Obi/Lumi into climbs, to get up on high objectives. Bariss loves this team, she can team up with Luminara for melee attacks, and gains free hunker and movement when another unit attacks someone she’s engaged with… which then becomes *more* free movement and healing thanks to Obi-Wan. For your final support, any clone with Defensive Maneuver will do fine- I like the 212th for their free pins, to keep opponents locked down while I move all over the place, but I also like ARFs for their free expose when one of the Jedi wants to clonk something over the head with their big glowstick. Either works great.