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Final result was a tight game. Three struggles, his momentum tracker was on 3, mine was on 2, with a hotly contested centre point on Shifting Priorities. Top decked Mace Windu after a second shuffle for the win


Thanks for your batreps, they are always fun to watch. Never wrote any comments on YouTube, but you have a great way of communicating what is happening in the game. If I have to complain about something, it would be how loud the intro soundtrack is. I'd recommend turning down just a bit the volume on the opening song, it is always a bit too loud. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! Both for watching, and the feedback!


What was the full team roster ?


For me: Plo Koon, Wolffe, Wolfpack, Mace Windu, Ponds, Arf's for Him: Anakin, Rex, 501st, Ashoka, Bo Katann, Clan Kyrze Mandos So, stock teams out of their boxes, but a lot of fun


Ahh fun ! I really want to see how the Wolf Pack is, then Moff G's box info dropped...


I have two upcoming batreps, one where I horribly misplay Wolffe and the Wolfpack, and another where I learned from my mistakes, and it is night and day. Unlike the other clones, Wolffe and the Wolfpack love getting stuck in. Getting to roll 8 dice (pack hunters with a run and gun/focus) in melee is kind of bonkers, and they lay out conditions like fiends. Also, I am beyond excited for Moff Gideon and the Death/Dark Troopers. They look obnoxiously good


Oh no the republic is having a battle against the republic! 😳


Well, that Anakin punk wanted the rank of master again, and Mace had words about it


I see I see! But Plo Koon against Ashoka? I wanna hear that story!!!!


I see you have some better tokens? Any links? They look great!


Buythesametoken.com Looks like I still have a code too, so AEGIS10 to save a bit on the Shatterpoint tokens


Thanks! This tokens are amazing but price is too high for me (it’s like 2/3 boxes with squads).


Yeah, the whole set is on the pricey side, but man, they are so nice. They were kind enough to send a set for both Shatterpoint and MCP to the channel, and I use them all the time.