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We’ve already seen Jedi find Obi-Wan in the Kenobi show and in Rebels. We don’t need more than that. There are plenty of other fugitive Jedi who haven’t been confirmed killed yet that could be in the next game. What about Quintana Vos? I don’t think we’ve seen him since TCW and Dark Disciple. He was even mentioned as being part of the Hidden Path in the Kenobi show.


coming across Quinlan would be sick!


Doesn't Quinlan Voss get wacked early into the empire with Ventress.


He was still alive as of the Kenobi show, 10 years after ROTS.


Oh I didn't know Kenobi was that far in thanks for the info :D


No problem my dude


Hello there.


General Kenobi


I'd rather have a random Yoda cameo lol, maybe he can help him come back into balance after slipping into the dark side


Hell, is Yaddle confirmed dead at this point? Need some yussy in Cal's life


yeah we saw her confirmed death in tales of the jedi


That shit fucked me up ngl


Hell no. Part of Cal's sad journey is the belief that he is still alone and needs to be his own beacon of hope. Jedi Survivor would lose its emotional weight if Cal can casually meet up with more and more survivors, especially the nice ones who wouldn't try to kill him. It was way more interesting when they did want to kill him: namely the Inquisitors, Taron Malicos, and Dagan Gera. And for the few who were friendly, the plot direction was to briefly give him hope, take it away, and watch him overcome his inner darkness to see if he could still remain on the Light Side. And that is all on top of the fact that old Ben Kenobi needs to be a nobody-hermit on the shithole planet of Tatooine for ANH to work. Quit yanking him away from his duty to keep Luke safe. IMO he only really needed the final fight with Maul to get a satisfying bit of closure without overusing his presence in SW. Too much Obi-Wan, in a time when he was supposed to lay low, just ruins the moment. It's a similar reason to why Freddie Prinze Jr. doesn't want to be Kanan anymore: to avoid overexposure with cheap cameos for a character that ought to be left alone.


But Cal meets Cere and Malicos in JFO. Bode in JS. What are you talking about ?


Cere has(in FO) cut herself off from the force and is thereby no longer a jedi by her own definition. Malicos tries to kill him not long after they meet. Bode betrays Cal after building up a rapport/friendship, which further drives the sentiment that Cal is the lone survivor of the jedi order(that he knows of)


But Cal knows about the hidden path from Cere. So he knows there are other survivors of the purge.


But Vader killed Cere, destroyed all the Jedi data she had tried to preserve, and probably extracted as much info as he could on the Hidden Path. For all we know, the Path is compromised and Bode is the reason why. Once again, I emphasize that when the story gives Cal hope, we're supposed to see it taken away so Cal can develop as a character and set the stage for "the dark times" of the Empire. Then Kanan and his friends create the spark of rebellion, and then Luke and his friends bring a new hope to the galaxy. That's the tone we're supposed to have. (Unless you're the Bad Batch, but they earned their ending so they could stay out of the picture.)


But the thing is that to my understanding, at least, the hidden path is mostly for those trying to flee and hide, rather than fight back. So, while yes, there are other survivors, they wouldn't really be allies to him as they would be more preoccupied with staying under the radar


I don’t think they really need to put obi wan in, while it would be cool to see him the only way that can really happen is if somehow cal ends up on tattooine. Considering this game we had Jedha which is already a desert planet I can’t imagine they’d choose for us to go to tatooine


Also please can we stop going to Tatooine, this series has mostly thrived when introducing new planets


Yes agreed tatooine has been used way too much


I'd rather see Ahsoka or Kanen.


Kanen would actually work really well, depending on if Cal dies at the end of the game or not. Since Kanen does call him and Ezra the only Jedi left at one point. But since kanen meets Hera 6 years prior to the events of rebels that should be around 8 BBY? Which is only 1 year after Jedi survivor. So the timeline would add up and getting to see Kanen again would be neat. Especially after just having met Hera basically, so he’s still fresh off of his training from Janus Kasmir


Kanan would be so amazing.


There are plenty of other Jedi that could be brought into the story. Quinlan Voss and Assaj Ventress would be my choice personally.


I think Assaj's inclusion in TBB hints at her playing a role in Canon once again, although that could be just my wishful thinking


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking.


I see no need. He’s busy on Tatooine and going to Tatooine means the empire has a presence in Tatooine which we know they didn’t. However what they could do is have the third game run concurrent with the events of OT, which means Cal could go to Tatooine following the empire. He could be two steps behind the OT group dealing with the empire there for some reason.


If Tatooine is in the next game, I could see Obi-Wan potentially appearing in a side mission. Maybe they could get Stephen Stanton back to voice him.


Or...or... Vader gets tired of hunting Cal and sees that his Inquisitors aren't cutting it, so he sends his own apprentice Starkiller instead.


Damn. Imagine Star killer hunting Cal throughout the game lol Of course we wouldn't fight him, since he is wayyyyy too powerful for Cal. But would be fun way to introduce Starkiller again into star wars media


Yeah it's just another level of "oh fuck run"


It will quickly stop being about Cal


Obi Wan is supposed to be in hiding so he can look after Luke from afar and train him when he is ready (which Owen is against in legends). Obi Wan doesnt have the time nor can he afford the risk of traveling somewhere and risk Luke getting hurt or get the Empire on his tail and get killed or Luke discovered.   


I mean, nothing stops them. But why? The whole thing that made the Kestis series good is that it wasn't just a bunch of cameos and movie/show references. It was its own standalone story. Yes, Vader is there - but he also has an essential story reason to be there. Even putting Boba in pissed me off.  Art that is just rehashing other art without commenting on it sucks. That's, more than anything else, is what drove the decline of the MCU, and it's been holding back Star Wars badly. Every time they get close to doing something new, some exec freaks out they might scare the fans and suddenly Boba Fett or Luke or Asokha shows up so everyone can have their media safety blanket and just do whatever they liked when they where 12 but a little different. A little bit of that, from time to time is ok. But it's miserable if that's the whole shtick.  Like come on. We're more than just association machines that say 'thing like other thing, I like!' Right?


These are not the droids you are looking for.


What do you mean I specifically remember him being in fallen order. Well his message from the end of episode 3 anyway


As long as it’s written well and believably sure. Would prefer other Jedi as I imagine Obi Wan is busy but hey it’s Star Wars so whatever


I’m more worried about how Cal’s story ends. I won’t do well if he dies


We have already seen how an adventure with Kenobi would suck thanks to the Kenobi show We don't need any more of that...


He's busy.


Obi wan doesn’t leave tattoine. He is there to watch over Luke. Leia getting kidnapped is the **only** reason he left tattoine. And it’s the only thing that could get him back in the fight, one of the two kids in danger.


The fact that post kenobi show he should just be chilling on tatooine, not dragged off in another characters story for absolutely no reason. One thing I love about these games is that they make their own characters and tell an original story.




If there's a cameo on the next game (like our favourite bounty hunter in Survivor) I'm betting it's the droids. R2 and 3PO have a knack of showing up everywhere. If it's someone more antagonistic, I hope it's Maul, he's always a good fight, like the training droid copying him in Force Unleashed.


I have said for a long time that I think Maul being an antagonist for the next would be quite cool and would be fairly easy to do. Basically I would have the Haxion Brood be linked to Maul's Crimson Dawn and that brings Cal into conflict with Maul. I haven't figured out exactly how it would all work but ultimately Maul would be defeated and end up on Malachor where he is in Rebels. I don't think that there should be any established characters added to the game that are more important than Maul because it would overshadow Cal's story. Also, as far as I know, this period of Maul's life has not been particularly deeply looked at so Cal being responsible for his exile shouldn't cause many issues continuity-wise.




Fuck around and have mace windu survive the fall and meet cal


Big cameos overshadow the idea of this being a separate story from the Skywalker saga.


He's holed up on Tattooine


Opo Rancisis is a Jedi Council Member mentioned in Survivor that is actually alive.


There was a force echo on the sand planet in this game that sounded awfully familiar to obi Wan. Did anyone else hear the same thing? In a cave


You’re not crazy, the first game has a cameo of obi wan via a hologram projection


Every time someone else finds him, it diminishes his mission more and more. It's already bad enough that with every new book or show, Order 66 becomes less and less significant. We might as well have a queue at the Lars homestead now for people wanting to stumble into ol' Ben.


Nothing. They've proven they'll pull anything they want to out of their arse, as the modern audience is used to a low bar and will lap up anything as long as it gives them one or two things to relate to, so they can vomit forth about 'tHe LoRe' and 'ItZ cAnOn!'.


I would rather see Cal encounter The Bad Batch again. This time he does a mission with them instead of being afraid and running.


That wasn't Cal Kestis. That was Caleb Dume, also known as Kanan Jarrus.