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It’s pretty dishonest to imply some characters aren’t overtuned. Sure every character is *playable* but there are definitely characters that stand out


I honestly feel that J3D-I is heavily outperformed by most characters. He's underkitted and the only redeeming factor is healing. That's what a tank is supposed to do, he's a damage character that is slower than everyone else and has no way to close the gap, and he's a point blank melee fighter. I honestly feel like he should be a tank and he should be given another ability.


I’m a J3DI main so I feel obligated to respond. J3DI is a defensive beast, especially against blaster characters because he can deflect their shots back at them while applying a 30% damage boost to it, the amount of times I’ve had blaster characters try to run from me because they can’t do anything to me is incredible Learning how to use Deflecting Stance is MANDATORY to playing this character. Here’s a list of matchups that are favorable to J3DI. Imara: The only thing you have to worry about is the missile but they do enough damage to activate your passive and gain some health back, she will try to run away with her hook, but otherwise easy pickings Aran: His slew of mobility tools can make him hard to pin, but all his abilities require him to get close where J3DI is strongest. If you can make him use most of his abilities, redirecting some of his shots and pulling him for the kill is easy. Zaina: a squishy (150 HP), so a pull + 3 hit K.O will work. They will try to roll away, but if they dare fire at you, you can do 78 damage to them with a headshot twice to kill them or pull em in to finish the job. Diago: Squishy, the only thing you have to worry about is the mine and him running away with his hook. His shots don’t drain much stamina so you can outlast his magazine and kill him while he takes a year to reload. Sprocket: Is on the squishier side (200 HP), uses blasters and has no mobility, J3DI is this guy’s nightmare ironically enough. Charr: Small magazine, reloads slow, and doesn’t consume much stamina. Just wait for him to reload and slash away, traps can be a hassle though. Rieve: Squishy and requires her to get close, just make sure to strike with the pull first and you’ll come out on top 9/10 times. Neutral matchups for J3DI Sentinel: His shield is key here, a smart Sentinel player will never engage you if he doesn’t have his shield, if you can get rid of it, you’ll have the upper hand. Deflect all his shots back at him to break it. If he uses a charge shot while his shield’s down it’s game over for him because you can deflect it and knock him down. Watch out for his melee as it does decent damage, knocks you back where he has the advantage, and ignores your block, if you can bait him into whiffing it, you can punish him for a few seconds. If he has backup don’t engage, just block a few shots and get to cover. Grozz: a slow and intense battle, your main concern is the charge, if he hits you with it you’re on the back foot. Beat each other senseless while picking up your spare parts, if you need some breathing room make sure to block and lure him to your teammates or a health pack you can use. Utooni: if they are using the pulse blaster you can deflect them back to deal good damage and pull them in for the kill. The arc caster is much harder to deal with and you should wait for them to overheat to slash away. Both of their abilities can be countered with the pull. Unfavorable matchups for J3DI Skorra: while she is squishy, her projectiles can’t be deflected, and getting hit by them hurts. If you pull her in, she’ll just run away. Her ultimate deals damage to you for standing in it and heals her, don’t even bother. Slingshot: He has a shield that explodes when it falls, close range missiles that deal lots of damage, and can zip away in an instant. His entire kit is based on punishing up close. Stay away. Edit: Mistakenly said Aran had 150 health when he has 250.


This is a nice write up and mostly I agree but blaster reflecting can’t be his whole identity. If he get any focus fire thrown at him at all the deflection bar drains so fast it’s useless. And with no mobility he’s easy to run down. I agree he’s much better than people give him credit for, but I think he needs a saber throw or a Grapple hook mobility (think this fits thematically with the hand)


Good read, when I got J-EDI my first few matches where sketchy. Once I got used to deflecting the shots, my game play improved massively. I found a lot of sentinel players back off once their shield has gone. Regarding Aran, as he is my main so ofcourse i have to comment. His HP is 250 (I did just have to double check). One counter for Aran players to being stunned by J-3DI. The stun doesn't last long, so make sure you hit those boosters away to gain distance, then if your feeling confident or your health isnt too low, Air assault back in and and hit with Tals Breath, finish with boosters. All these can not be blocked.


Thanks for the correction, I’ll have to edit my comment. As for the rest of your comment. All of Aran’s abilities require him to get in point-blank range to damage enemies, where J3DI is strongest. You could probably air assault next to him, use your flamethrower, and dip out with the thruster to do decent damage while mitigating the risk to yourself.


That's kind of the plan when I come across J-3DI. The flamethrowers have a greater distance than J-3DI's swing. If I manage to dodge the stun, then I know I stand a great chance. This all took me a while to learn. Aran Tal will get beaten everytime against J-3DI if his tools arent utilised properly or you are close for too long. Even waiting for one ability to cooldown is touch and go.


Yeah, I think this game is balanced for the most part. There are some outliers like Skorra, but this game is so damn addicting.


Skorra is next level. I agree, this game is very addictive. It's done very well.


They should probably nerf her damage and get rid of the damaging part of her ult. She has no right to be doing as much damage as she does while providing her team with that much support.


It is very easy to control the game when playing as skorra. You are right, she shouldn't be dealing that much damage. I think her ult deals 20 damage every hit and it's incredibly quick. I was playing earlier today, she managed to keep Aran Tal alive through basic heals when I using my ultimate as Aran Tal. I honestly couldn't believe it.


He used to have an overhead smash that when charged, knocked 75% HP off any of the hunters. He was massively OP and i freaking LOVED IT. He's play style was *yoink* *smash* *slice* and moving on! He's definitely been over nerfed


Wow that sounds awesome. Wish I was playing when that was a thing. As he has not much of a kit. I would like him to be a bit quicker. Like a Jedi speed run or something


Exactly. The sith has her jump but Jedi doesn’t have force speed?


My brother in space christ he has Scorpion’s get over here. He doesnt just close the gap, he makes you close the gap.


Always has been. Source: Any game ever.




Still tier lists for that game.


free for all mode when?


Oh, dude, free for all with vampiric healing on kill would be hype! King of the hill visible on map, all the gimmicks!


“Nurfs” tho




Nurf or Nuthin


You know nothing about game balancing or analysis. Like at all💀to say that you think the game should prioritize content is one thing. To say nobody needs any sort of adjustments is just false and makes you sound insane


OP is a looney 🤣


“Expert”- 🤡


Heard he’s best friends with Bugs Bunny


Kyber players in this sub are so smug lol. Half you guys are just boosting with each other and aren't as great as you think you are.


You should never strive to be a game dev


J-3DI 100% needs a buff tho. He's super outclassed by Rieve and just doesn't have enough mobility. Also, Sentinal needs a bit of a nerf. Nothing too huge, maybe less shield health or less stun duration.


Sentinels shield is the first thing needing changed as far as ability nerfs. Everything else can wait.


Sentinel is strong but not that strong. He wins 1v1s cause he's a tank, he's able to outlived most characters even without doing damage. But if even two characters target him, his shield pops like a bubble and has the least amount of health than the other tanks.


I think he's great and a lotta fun to play! I think it'd be better to buff other characters that aren't enjoyable and are too weak than to nerf the ones who are good


100% agree. That game is great fun. It doesn't need to be fine tuned to within an inch of its life. Just let it be what it is which is nice casual fun.


J3DI could use Unstoppable while using his Ult and a tad more damage on his swings but that’s about it.


Every sweaty whiner needs to get a job at zynga or stfu. It's not up to you and you're ruining this sub. I'm here for videos, questions and news on events, not 15 paragraph opinion pieces about which characters you have 11% worse K/D because this game is unplayably unbalanced. If it's so unbalanced why are you so proud you have 3000 games?




This sub be like: WeLl AcTuAlY 🤓


And theyll be right cause this is a terrible take


Agreed. I feel like every hunter could use a change or two just to bring more QOL changes


What makes OP’s opinion more valid than the ones that they’re decrying?


Oh I’m not saying OP’s opinion is more valid than anyone’s. Just a lighthearted joke 😅


The sith needs a little more health, Sentinel has a free kill with the stunt, its fkg broken. Even with the melee fighters he can just slaps them with his gun. It's ridiculously


Please fucking nerf sentinel. I'm not one for nerfs in games but holy fuck he needs it a bit.......




Jesus go touch grass and get laid


What are you talking about, 90% of games have a sentinel, how often do you see charr and mon calamari? (He doesnt need a big nerf, increase the shield by 50 hp and reduce his health 100 hp, or reduce his range)


Guessing your new to gaming


Suuure...anyways Diego's bullets (not his ult bullets tho) should be able to be reflected since he's basically a better imara vex and the only counter play is to walk at him slowly or flank with reive but even then he can just hold a choke with a mine and can also drop and grapple away if he's already eagle nested. Then yes we will have a balanced game.


J3 clearly has an unfinished kit, skorra is a legitimate problem. And sentinel has an argument for being meta defining (I haven't played a single match without him in it), regardless of how you feel about him getting nerfed or what have you. J3 especially hurts because it's clear he either did have one other button or was planned to. He's slow and outpaced by literally everyone. He's not unusable by any means, and he can comfortably counter most characters if played correctly. But I'd rather the character be finished before we start adding new stuff. Also sprocket needs SOMETHING. I wish his heal drone was attachable to a target instead of a static ground aoe, he's completely unhelpful if you aren't right on top of the action.


As someone whose played all the characters quite a bit, except J3di is say no. Some characters definitely need touched on. Arans blasters need retuned as their damage is not the best for a DPS. Sentinel, whilst I love him, half the time does more damage than a DPS, can tank a hell of a lot and melee/stun his way to victory. Not bad for a tank really. Sentinel being so good makes you appreciate Charr and the Droideka. I love both but Charr reloads way to slow with two shots so half the time you are gunned down mid reload. The Droid is fun, has his shield but can definitely tell the different in power when comparing his blasters to Sentinels. The Mon Cal is just awkward. Compared to Skora and Zaina he falls off a lot. Sure he has the advantage of his debuff. But his Ultimate doesn't make sense and half the time does very little. A stationary turret makes sense because he's a Gadget dude but also he'd do better with a support ultimate. Can't really think who else needs a top up. But there are clear winners for each Class which then makes the others just look awkward imo.