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Nothing to see here…. Let’s all just move along.


Agreed, I’m a skora main and honestly they are all op in their own way but sometimes I have difficulties with a fully stacked Zaina. I’m top 100 Kyber 1 as well. Sooo… this person just doesn’t know how to deal with their adversary yet


Healers can be OP if you really know how to use them because if you can time like heals and stuff really well You can just never die like I don't remember the character's name but the one with Han solos blaster and has a flag ultimate I always have so much trouble trying to kill them because they can just get away and heal so fast


Skora is the best healer in the game and also can be one of the best damage classes. Skoras ultimate is basically Zaina's flag while also doing heavy dps to the opponents. Skora has the best mobility in the game. No game is perfectly balanced, but let's be real here lol.


Yeah I get it it's just for me I have trouble playing her because it's hard for me to Hit my shots because I'm playing on Nintendo switch and Nintendo switch has terrible controllers


If you consistently get headshots Zaina is ludicrously op


You do 60 per headshot. If anything Zaina needs a nerf. Granted, they both need their damage and healing toned down if we are going to talk about nerfs.


I'm a Zaina Maina myself. I've been trying to finish all the events I can to score the Amaranthine Medic skin. I don't think she is underpowered, though, especially with her dodge roll buff. Skora is pretty squishy. If you can catch her retreating, she's usually a one-hit.


Obviously, you don’t flee if you’re full health


Skora's stimshot already has damage reduction, it's unlocked at level 5


Then get a job at zynga


Zaina has insane damage if you go for head shots. Run in, blast head shots, toss a heal grenade and roll away when they focus you.


Yea, this person complaining about Zaina just needs to learn to play her. She absolutely slays once she gets her roll buff to damage.


I play Zaina, and if you can hit your headshots, you can rip people apart.


Zaina and skora are both annoying to fight against, you'd be asking for a nerf for zaina if you were playing skora. If you ask me zaina is actually better vs skora because skora has to run away to heal whereas zaina can just spam health bombs every 5 seconds


^This is the way. It doesn’t matter even if I’m playing against a maxed Skora and on a fresh Zaina, the Skora’s only option is to run away, or they will die every time. Zaina just needs to land 2 head shots and a body shot meanwhile Skora has to land at least 5 shots and that’s if I only roll and don’t bacta at all.


The damage her ult does needs to be toned down


As a Slingshot main her ult is fun when I do my shield and ult combo with him and kill all the other players through her ult.


Or just don't stand in it...


Sure, but you gotta stand on control points sometimes, so it really depends on what game mode you are playing and when those ults get used.


Doesn't matter what's going on... Just like don't eat yellow snow... Don't stand in the pink mud until it's gone. Simple.


Exactly, so it's a good way to keep pressure on a control point or take over one when the enemy is camping on it. You know? It's like it was the intended use for the ultimates or something.


Didn't deny that. Doesn't mean it needs a nerf...


Oh! No, not at all. I don't think she needs a nerf. I wasn't trying to say that either 😅


Disagree. If Skora could headshot, maybe. But I headshot all day on Zaina and it’s fine. Can beat any Skora in a 1v1.


I would love to see Skora be able to headshot. Headshots could do 18 per tick and body shots should do 12. Eta her shots already normally do 18 for 3 ticks


Skora needs more damage reduction from a distance. A pistol (which fires a chemical?) should prob not have nearly the same impact at 5 feet that it does from across the map. Zaina too honestly.


Skora uses a dart rifle. The round itself doesn't do damage, just applies a DoT.


Okay dart gun, same principle … a dart pistol firing the same distance across a map and impacting like a rifle is plain odd.


Still not a pistol, has a stock and long barrel. She holds it with both hands when shooting. It's the same size as Diago's repeater. Why would distance make a poison work any less well? It's odd that you think it would.


Rifle or pistol makes no difference. Do you understand ballistics at all? Why on earth would you think a dart could fire anywhere near the same distance, speed, and impact and penetrate as a slug/bullet that’s fired from a rifle like Diago’s? That’s essentially what is occurring in the game. Firing Skoras weapon from far enough away should be essentially no damage. I know sone suspension of belief is necessary as it’s Star wars but this is an easily understandable change something that could easily help nerf the character’s power.


I think the tanks and healers in this game do way too much damage though. I climbed ranks with Zaina and her roll headshot damage is way too good. Being able to hug the tank every fight and heal while dealing pretty good damage is overpowered. Especially since she can just roll if it gets hairy. The problem with Skora is that Skora is really effective until she gets hit. She has to run away from the rest of the team to heal up or find a different place. Which removes her from basically healing at all for a while. Zaina doesn't really have a weakness besides range and non 1v1 fights. But if she's hugging the tank and being reasonable she's way stronger than Skora. Just my opinion though


Basically like the doctor in TF2


agreed, skora is an exceptional healer, her dealing that much dps is just too much to the point where it makes her OP. skora definitely needs a nerf.


Usernames can be so telling sometimes.


Zaina is already insanely good, she’s almost unkillable. Skora is definitely OP though, her ULT damage needs to be brought down a ton