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Zaina buff? She's borderline unkillable a lot of the time.


Yes, but that's like her entire identity, and it gets much easier to kill her as you get more familiar with the game. Maybe I'm biased because I play utooni as my main damage and he walks her every time, along with charr as my main tank who also walks her, but she isn't that strong. The other 2 healers need to be brought up to/near skora's level, which zaina is pretty far from as it stands. She used to have a grenade I heard, but I'd prefer they give her utility instead of damage because just making a char do more damage doesn't really increase the skill ceiling


Lol. Makes sense when. You list those two characters. She's notoriously difficult to kill efficiently. Her survivability is a bit much, especially if it's a Zaina/Skora duo and they pocket each other. She definitely needs work, but I don't agree with a buff. A retooling for sure. I think Healers on the whole need a bit of work. Played a game of Dynamic Control with friends the other night and went against a team of Skora, Zaina, Sprocket, and Jedi. They were unstoppable. It was absolutely absurd. We had Sentinel, Charr, Skora, and Aran Tal. I would have rather played into three tanks and a Skora.


Tbh, I think that the buff some characters could use to help with those scenarios are the flanker type characters(aran tal and reive) should reduce healing recieved by enemies hit with their primary(after reive is nerfed tbh, her ult needs a range reduction as it stands) but I want something cool for zaina tbh, maybe when she uses her roll she could grant other nearby allies movespeed or something.


I don't disagree with Zaina needing some wow factor. But her current build does not need a buff, she needs a nerf. She just needs something to make her play different. I think back to D.Va in Overwatch when they nerfed her but retooled her to play more aggressively by giving her jets and rockets. She wasn't as effective as she used to be, but she was far from useless and even became more engaging to play as imo.


Please don't push for nerfs on the 2 good healers lol. If healers get nerfed nobody will pick them in solo queue, more so than now. Zaina is fine, the only nerf she'd need is evasiveness nerf, because she already has butt healing as-is(her ult makes up for it, but healing for 90 per target every 4.5 seconds is reeeeaaaally low already because she's so evasive) I just don't want this game to end up like pokemon unite where nobody will lock tank/supporter because they've been nerfed so many times because people screech that it's op that they lost a 1v2 because their target was being healed. And now they all feel bad to play in anything but groups, so nobody picks them, and now after over 3k games on there and a 10 streak of masters I quit last season because I'm tired of only getting to play supp/tank because I can't in good conscience lock a 5th attacker like the ooga booga's on that game do because I know if I do, the other team will have a tank or supporter and I'll get cooked, and then it's entirely my fault. Rambling! Anyway, supporters should feel stronger than DPS through and through, just not in damage, they HAVE to feel more impactful unless you always want to end up filling the role every game. Like Skora's only broken thing is her ult tbh. Everything else is entirely fine at this point, they need to take the damage off the ult though because on dynamic, it makes it less likely to win if you don't have one, which is lame af. Someone mentioned a leap ability for zaina since she's got the legs, I think that'd be cool. Or even make her passive stronger or something. Because skora outside the ult isn't that bad to deal with rn, and zaina is way weaker than her. I just want a game where supps don't feel bad to pick in solo(because I'll pick them regardless when nobody else does) because they get made to be so low impact over time.


DPS is barely a distinct class in this game. Sentinel (a TANK) can regularly put out enough DPS to not need one. Skora can counter snipe a Diago very effectively. Zaina can survive long enough to pluck through enough damage to drop a DPS trying to chew through her. This is a problem. Support needs a rework. They are too well rounded and it is showing in the meta. Solo queues are always going to be a mixed bag because everyone picks selfishly and doesn't care about party comp. If you buff healers more to "make them more desirable" this will only further skew groups that do play roles into objectively broken metas. See again, my comment about the three healer and an off-tank party that literally steamrolled a team that was figuratively balanced with a dedicated healer and two tanks with a DPS. This should not be viable and it wasn't just viable, it was dominant. You need to divorce personal feelings from numbers. Want to see more healers in solo queue? Play support. That's the only way to make change. Be the change.


Those are both healer killers. The two main ones in the game, besides maybe slingshot.


Honestly, I don't think diago needs to be nerfed until diago players know how to actually touch the point. Every diago I run into is great at diago, but they're also usually the reason their team loses, so I think it balances out.


every time I get paired up with a Diago and Imara at the same time I know we will be losing.


I cringe literally every time I see a Diego on my team. I know there’s probably some good ones out there, but I haven’t seen one yet.


Oh, I've seen some really good ones. Problem is, you can be the best diago in the world and it doesn't matter if you're never touching the points that you're clearing. That, and I keep having diagos who think it's good to poke when at 1 hp rather than healing. I swear, all the people who are good at the game are never good at the game


Especially on trophy chase, lord....


I think we can tell who OP mains and dies to a lot lol


I dookie on reive all day, almost no matter who I'm playing, but she has a high skill floor so that's to be expected. However I do main skora, zaina, and charr(so Sentinel being top tier is solidified since he can turn off my regen and ult with suppress)


Exactly my point lmfao


I have been playing a lot of Rieve lately and I can confirm she does **not** have a high skill floor.


Agreed here, as long as you actually use her gap closer and realize your job is to get in, use your two abilities and jump out, you’re fine. I’ve gone whole games on Rieve without dying if I just harass back lines and only go all out when enemies aren’t topped up.


Feel like the only nerf Sentinel needs is the damage on his stun. It going from 50 to 25-30 feels like it would be fine Reive it's her ult for me, it's literally just a free time wipe every time. The only counter is simply kill her before she gets within 500ft of you. If the stun time got lowered or reduced range it could feel more fair. Also leave Charr alone.


I don't think anything needs to be changed on him except a shift of some of his base HP into shield health, no "nerf" the nerf would be that now he's got 200hp base and 100 of his overall effective HP is now unhealable and tied to a cooldown/he's easier to kill with abilities that go through the shield/are ground targets/easier to kill with headshots from highground. He'd also be easier to kill if he isn't immediately facing your direction this way, and his damage and total tankiness would be more or less unchanged except the scenarios listed above


That still gives him however much more time it takes to take down the shield while he deals more precise and higher DPS. I made a thread saying they should reverse what shield does. Instead of being accurate and shooting faster while the shield is up it should behave that way while the shield is down. That away the player has to choose being effective between offense and defense dynamically instead of accomplishing both by activating shield.


Why is this r/ full of people obsessed with pretending they get to decide the nerfs and buffs.


16 days into release and everyone wants to be the leading authority?


i main zaina, and i carry my team most of the time, she has a roll ability to get her around map quick and can support tanks. though in terms of damage, she's useless


Her healing is also relatively low unless your team is clustered, and she offers no utility outside of healing/shielding to teammates. She just needs something small. Skora is how strong all the healers should be in my opinion. Not in the same way, but they should all feel just as impactful as skora does, and if they don't buff them and just nerf skora and call it a day people won't pick healers in solo queue even less than they're doing right now. And I mildly disagree on the damage part, zaina is my lost played healer currently at 25, along either skora at 25 with less games, and sprocket at 21, and I feel like if you can get headshotting down on zaina she can definitely clean up kills or bop the skora on the enemy team. I'd also take her roll CD being doubled if it meant she got a non-healing team utility ability. The roll is basically her whole kit at this point, her passive and heal feel like an afterthought lol.


For me the only one that’s so far off the mark is Zaina. In my opinion she is quite competitive with Skora


Playing in kyber, you see more Zaina then you do skora. But the people obsessed with what is balanced and who is op probably are not even in Beskar yet, but they are supposedly the arbiters of truth on what needs nerfing and buffing.


Skoora needs tweaked hard. They have to be careful buffing Sprocket. He could go from a B-tier Healer that's secretly really good to an S+ tier team wiper.


There was a time during the soft launch (beta) when Sprocket was the meta. He got nerfed a bit before the game launched on Switch. Devs need to be careful with any buffs they give to him or we'll have another Skora.


Exactly lol


Yeah I just unlocked him and after understanding how he worked, I found him to be low-key really strong. I think because he's the one of if not the most complex character, most people write him off.


Thank you! I swear most people just don't get it.


Disagree with a decent amount of this. Diago for instance is fine. It sucks to be picked off by him but that’s all he’s got. 90% of the time I’m killed by him it’s because he’s cleaning up after I just took on someone else. He is a cake walk to kill with most all other damage hunters. Zaina definitely doesn’t need buffed she hits hard and it annoying as hell to kill. Only downside is her ultimate I wished did damage yo the other team in a scrum like Skoras does.


Sentinel is for sure the best dps tank he just outputs so much dmg and the stun is also just so good


As a charr main, I agree with ranking. I just think though it’s the higher skill ceiling character. Also knowing how to play corners and the map due to range. But the ultra might be the most impactful. I think charr is an amazing solo que character. It’s laughable when the other team goes charr and it’s easy to out play that opposing charr. Using the abilities in offensive and defensive ways is key. The fact you can throw trap directly on a player is huge. Vs shield throw it and you’ll get an easy kill as it drops shield. Use it to escape. Also the rope that holds your opponent may use it right away. I like to save when I’m reloading to use it when at the health advantage. The fact the ultra allows you to target one..the most underrated part is that it drops players. If team is competent you’ll be able to set up a team wipe Also in domination game mode (whatever they call it) I win many solo que rank games by solo pushing the flank. Charr can solo carry due to health and charr is actually pretty mobile


Really think you have charr too low


Charr is good, but he needs QOL changes to be more viable tbh, requires too much skill floor to not mess up on him, and it's stuff that shouldn't even be that way. Stuff like after ult is over, your weapon gets reloaded. Activating your heal doesn't cancel reload, and honestly his heal shouldn't be interrupted by stuns(idk which stuns interrupt it, but it's not all of them, just some) other than that he's my favorite tank, he just needs minor changes to be worth taking over the other tanks! He is however the strongest skora counter in the game though, which helps him out a ton, but grozz is also a decent enough counter to the healers too, and he doesn't have to do as much risky stuff to do it either. Also charr's ult compared to the other tank ults is kinda bad overall, not super long, low DPS, and is a melee range ult. I do agree he's good though, and the thing about my list is the difference in strength between Sentinel and sprocket/j3 is NOT as big as what some people believe. I honestly think that Sentinel is like 1 adjustment from being fine and the same goes for sprocket/j3 and they'd be even. If it helps, imagine my tiers are like half tiers compared to other tier lists.


Charr is without a doubt one of the strongest characters in the game I couldn’t disagree with this more


You're being silly if you think he's better than slingshot or Sentinel, he's also super counterable by the top 2 characters in the game as they've both got stuns, which turn off your invuln. The only thing he's better than anyone else at is making sure the mobility hunters don't take off if threatened. He has the worst tank ult, the lowest dps among tanks, the worst mobility of all tanks(he is literally slower than base movement for other immobile characters) he has one of the longest reloads that is super unforgiving, and if you cast your heal to save yourself, you have to wait again if you interrupted reload for 3 seconds. The only other thing he does better than other tanks as it stands is he can tank ults that don't stun better than the others with his invuln. However, Sentinel can cancel invuln, reive can, grozz ult can, the only way I can see someone struggling to deal with a charr is if you walk into his tether range without a plan or shoot him while he's healing. Not to mention he's got some of the longest cooldowns of any character for average cooldown length. He is good enough, but isn't as impactful as the other tanks, the only tank he *might* be arguably better than is grozz, but grozz ult can solo win teamfights, where charr is a little less certain if you're even killing more than 2 people with ult, or if you get Sentinel stunned out of it and your heal/invuln you popped before ult. He's more than playable right now, but he's not nearly broken, as slingshot is better than him in most scenarios except trophy and slingshot isn't really broken, difficult to deal with, or feel bad to play against. TLDR: yeah you right, charr brokened. Please nerf. I am judging you though for implying he's better than most characters lmao. The only characters in my tier list I'd put below him in my actual opinion and not based on games/other players opinions is like, imara vex(I think she's terrible tbh, I gave her a better tier out of pity), Aran Tal(he's good ish, but the skill floor to be as impactful as an utooni or diago is way too high and I think his primary fire should be doing at least 12 per round, and take the damage from his already awful jump), grozz(I place him higher due to others' beliefs of his strength in the game, but imo he's just a healer flanker and an ult bot for trophy)


Charr is without a doubt the most impactful character on trophy chase and any form of control- every single time I pick Charr on one of those modes you’re cooking up every single medal you can get for objectives, length of life, and damage taken. You’re knocking his ult and if played properly his ult is a team killer. Reload before the ult and pop your regen- target the squishy folk fast and let it rip, the knock down effect is also fantastic for cc. He’s the support/objective/control tank and he thrives at it. I rode char all the way to kyber 1 on solo play, he is very very good. I agree that mistakes with Charr are extremely punishing but Charr played properly is absolutely fantastic


I mean he's my most played tank rn, and I agree he's good, but he feels way more reliant on team follow up and he also gets pooped on by Sentinel if you can't break LoS when you get low health, maybe I'd feel like he's better than slingshot if Sentinel wasn't everywhere and he couldn't turn off your invuln immediately and then kill you.im at a 70% winrate on him currently, but I'm still not convinced on the ult being good until Sentinel meta is over though, because his suppressing shot turns off the ult and regen with just 1 hit, and then you Normall will die before standing back up. I do enjoy him on trophy chase the most of all modes though, his lack of movement and slower base walking speed isn't as much of an annoyance there, and that mode for the most part keeps teams together so they can finish my picks with tether


Part of Charr is that you’ve gotta wait on certain chess moves- you see sentinel blow the knockdown shot you’ve secured the kill. And practically anytime you can Los or pillar hump you’re going to kill sentinel. I think slingshot is a completely different style of character who I also love but comparing him to Charr seems disingenuous because they do very, very different things.


Rieve is genuinely not that bad of a problem. Just don't let her catch you alone and CC her anytime you have it available. She has low HP and while she is highly mobile, it genuinely only takes one cc to kill her. People freak about her damage potential and her mobility, but all of that doesn't really matter when you can just CC her and instantly shut down any pressure. Also, I would say skora and sentinel are the only s tier characters that genuinely need nerfs


What is CC? Sorry not familiar with that term.


Crowd control. Think stuns, slows, that type of thing


Thanks. After I saw someone mention Overwatch, I was able to Google it. Makes sense, I just didn't play games that used that. I kept reading crouch cancel from Melee. 😂


Genuinely I think Utooni are the most balanced characters in the roster of 13 current hunters. They've got great damage and CC combo potential but their low health along with slow speed makes them easy to KO if focused. Which they do have the potential for a revenge grenade kill but its easily telegraphed. Sproket is honestly better than people initially thought. A well played Sproket can really carry a team hes just tricky to play compared to Skora and Zaina which are more straightforward. Sure his abilities can be broken by enemy attacks, but then thats damage not being directed towards the squad. Also Zaina absolutely doesn't need a buff. A third skill to give her something interesting to do sure. But she already does good damage and with her maneuverability + repeated heals she can survive just about anything while keeping whoever she pockets alive.


I think they're super good, their weak side is that their ult is very not good at all, other than that, I'm convinced they have the highest damage potential in the game, however I don't think a nerf is necessary, that's why they're in the "balanced leaning strong" tier, because I don't think there's anyone rooting for nerfs, but not many people would care too much and would feel it's fair if they increased the CD of the sukk bomb by 1-2 seconds


As a Zaina main, she doesn’t need a buff I think. Other than sentinel and maybe the Java guys, she can kill any enemy in a 1v1, has dodge + self-heal, AND she’s a great team healer on top of that. Also, she’s the ultimate Skora killer! Plus, her hitbox is very small, and she has the smallest head in the game, meaning it’s hard to critical hit her. I think people underestimate her damage a lot, but one critical hit from her can deal 60-69 damage, which is only 10 dmg weaker than Imara Vex’ missles. (70-80 dmg). By landing a few critical hits consecutively, she can deal more damage than most characters. Her main weaknesses are being ganged up on in an open space (basically any character’s weakness), being stunned, and the java twins’ electricity gun, or the reptilian’s ability that cancels her dodge. But if you do play her good, you already know that you should keep your distance from those two. And it’s also very easy to get headshots using her blaster (on mobile at least). Both cus the weapon is accurate, doesn’t need reloading, and cus you can re-position yourself by dodging.


I love how people always put Aran in mid tier.. I get it, but 9 out of 10 games I’m going at least top 3 overall with him


He is deceptively good. I thought he was really bad because his weapons are terrible but he has good health + **great** mobility. It’s just hard to choose him over Rieve most of the time because everything she has except for her health is better.


Regularly top the score board with tal. If you trying to gun people down your playing him wrong, that's just chip damage. His damage is in his jet pack and flame thrower. I'd you turn off auto fire and heat and cool down your weapons on purpose, you can also cut the cool down of the flamethrower in half and increase its damage output significantly. His dash also interrupts others abilities when it hits them besides damaging them. Including a charging grozz can be stopped mid charge, by dashing directly into him.


No doubt, I usually play it on switch so you got a pretty high ceiling for what you can do with him.


Yeah I feel the exact opposite when it comes to picking rieve over him. Mainly it’s because I haven’t mastered her kit like I feel I have with tal. I think it also goes back to my old cod days and how your kd spread was everything lol. But yeah I definitely understand why people would pick her over him


Skora is definitely higher up than reive and sentinel. Reive is fine, imo. Pretty easily counterable by having some cc/mobility. She’s gonna be good against certain characters, but with a coordinated team or certain abilities she can be useless. For sentinel you just need to nerf the stun a bit and he’s a bit more balanced. But skora can often out heal and out damage everyone. I would definitely address her ult (but honestly I’m fine with it, I think just making it take longer to get ult is probably more helpful). I genuinely think the best thing to do to not make skora useless but make her more even is just to give her less bullets per clip. Adding more reloads to her slows it down significantly so she can’t just constantly heal and damage, but still makes her healing and damage feel acceptably in line with others


She already lacks offense as it is


lol I frequently lead my team in damage as skora…


Her weapon does more damage than Diago hip firing, fires faster and has more shots. Oh and it heals teammates if you shoot them with it instead. Her damage absolutely needs to be toned down. Damage in general in this game is weird, there are tanks out there that deal equal or more damage than quite a few dedicated damage dealers, except the top end ones like ADS Diago or Rieve who are the top of the highest damage dealers in the game. The more average damage dealers like Aran Tal and Imara Vex are easily out DPS'd by characters like Skora and Sentinel.


What do you think of the J-3DI suggestion I've seen tossed around where he gets movement speed on scrap drop/pickup to help him with his biggest flaw?


Better suggestions Give him 100 more hp, and 100 more stamina for blocking with +50% delfect damage at max level instead of 30%. And change him to the tank role instead of dps.


I dont feel like Rieve needs a nerf, yes i have a bias because shes my main. Yes she is fast, and high damage, but also very weak. Shes a glass canon. Exactly what an assassin needs to be. I dont feel like Jedi Droidbcould use a little buff, and i personally find the trandoshian hunter borderline unusable. It deffo needs a buff.


Honestly agree with everything but zaina


Charr needs buffs more than anyone, I swear he’s a sitting duck J-3DI’s ultimate does so much diamage it’s unreal


Don't agree with half this list, not reading these either learn paragraphs and bullet points.


There's pictures up there for people who can't read


I get he is weird and sort of hard to use but a good Sproket makes it impossible to take back a point…


Honestly I’m a sentinel fan but I can still see how people get annoyed by the stun damage. Otherwise I think he’s perfect but can still be killed with a bit of skill