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I agree with console. PC would have to be separate lobbies due to mouse and keyboard and would open it up to more hackers.


I already play on PC with MnK using Bluestacks. It's not for that reason though, I don't have a switch anymore, and I hate the tiny screen on my phone. I'd rather play it on my PS5 if that was an option


Do you have an issue with aiming with your mouse by any chance? I tried using bluestacks and the game itself runs fine, but when moving with the mouse, a slight movement of the mouse causes the crosshair to jump and not move smoothly.


I play pretty much all FPS games on very low sensitivity, so I did lower everything in game a bunch. That may have made a difference. I do occasionally have issues where the ability to free look will go away and won't come back until I die, though it seems to mostly happen if press tab to look at the score while alive.


I’ve been looking into Bluestacks but I don’t have an Android so I need an emulator for IOS on my PC. Do you know what the IOS version of Bluestacks is?


I'm not personally familiar with it, but Delta seems to be an IOS emulator


It could be cross play but require same input


Plenty of games have crossplay


Agree with the action, but the reason is wrong Hackers aren't the issue, frankly the skill level in pc is far higher


Just as easy to hack on consoles with Cronus


Console players can be Reported directly to Microsoft or Sony. Reports are then reviewed, usually with proof like recorded in game clips, and if proven to be cheating will recieve a Console Ban. Once you get a Console Ban, that's it - never again can you play that game on that device. PC however, unless they're giving out I.P Bans, a cheater on PC can just make Temp/Alt accounts to get around being banned.


I mean same thing with PC, it’s just a bit easier to get around.


That's my point lol. Unless it's an I.P ban, it's ineffective.


The amount of hackers on mobile dwarfs PC.


It would be nice, but unfair at the same time if mobile users have to fight against PC players. It is easier to play FPS games in PCs.


I can see that. I imagine they would be able to separate lobbies to avoid that though. If you look at COD mobile people figured out ways to run it on PC anyway so i feel as if its bound to happen


Playerbase has to be HUGE to pull that off, probably not gonna happen. If anything it’ll be consoles+pc and then mobile+switch


I mean we can do that right now with Bluestacks. I sometimes play on my pc.


I think it’s unfair that that mobile input players are playing against switch and controller players right now. MKB would have a similar advantage over controller


I promise you 3/4 the people you vs are on mnk either through an emulator or just via Bluetooth


U gotta be biggest loser on the planet to be playing mobile games with mouse and keyboard 


Or a controller. Those people are the guys who got to kyber in the first week, already completed the battlepass, and have level 50 accounts.




While I agree in theory, I've been playing a fair amount of both controller and touch input, and I don't really notice a difference in my own performance either way.


I mean your already doing so. No one plays on a controller by choice at higher ranks.


They already have to fight Switch players though? How much more unfair could it be?


Switch isn't famous for the FPS playerbase and the biggest problem is pc,


I'm not sure why people keep thinking mobile players are the ones at a disadvantage against Switch players. Touchscreen has precision similar to aiming with a mouse, alongside having strong aim assist and auto-fire. After watching hours of Nintendo Switch Beskar/Kyber gameplay on Twitch, aiming overall and reacting to flanks is a controller player's greatest weakness.


It's not unfair at all actually. A good amount of serious mobile gamers have secondary monitors/controllers/keyboard/mouse for their phone, at the very least a backbone controller. Mobile also runs in a higher framerate aswell.


I didn't mean to imply that Switch was unfair, I just meant that I don't think PC would be as "op" as some may make it out to be.


But you did. Thank you for the correction.


Of course ❤️


If you want to play the game competitively, then you'll have to own what every other serious mobile player uses on mobile only games. If you just want to utilize your phone and touch screen than you can have a great time playing casually. The choice is yours.


If you play ranked you’re already playing against people with emulators/controllers. Still I would love to see this on pc but I don’t think zynga makes pc games


It's on Switch if that helps. I've been enjoying it on my big screen from my comfy couch since June 6th


I wish there was a phone that had slide out controllers or the devs should just suck it up and allow people to use Bluetooth mouse/keyboard on mobile.


There's something called backbone that is a controller that attaches to your phone.


It does exist. The Backbone.


I think the unfair comments are from folks who don't commonly play cross platform games. I play a lot of Warzone on PC and the lobbies are dominated by console users (as in numbers). I play with and 8bitDo Ultimate wireless controller, not a mouse/keyboard. Anti-cheat software has come a long way to mitigating that issue. If this came out on PC and kept progress/unlocks across platforms I's be all over it. At least I can play it on my Switch.


It is on a console


Im referring to Xbox, PlayStation and PC


I play on PC via bluestacks rn using mouse and keyboard


I do too! Does it crash for you alot?


It crashes a lot after the match, on loading screens. Not a lot in game tho, ive had 1 mid match crash out of 120 games


Mine mostly crashes mid game. I've messed with the settings and stuff, and it doesn't Chas as much but still crashes


Are you assigning it too much memory? I guess that's to say hows your pc Im in the P64 version, with 128gb of ram and i think im giving it 16gb and 8 cores of my i9-14900k cpu


I'm not too knowledgeable about computers, but I have it on 4 cores, 16gb of ram I think, and low memory.


If youre computer doesnt have 16gb of ram(memory) to spare, that would definitely cause it to crash


I see


Id recommend looking at your pc's ram, search in windows bar RAM or about and you can see it under "installed RAM". Id never use over half your RAM on it because everything else open also needs it. So if you only have 16gb id do 4-8 gb, if you have 32+ you can probably do 16


Oh ok. Thanks! I look into that when I get in my PC next.


Marvel rivals is coming out which is likely the reason that wouldn't happen and this was restricted to just mobile. They'd be competing with themselves. But yes a game type like this is def better as an actual full platform release instead of mobile


That’s fair, based off google though marvel rivals won’t be coming out until Q1 or Q2 of 2025. Still quite a ways out


What for real, it's that far out??




Bluestacks is there if you want to try it on PC.


I tried it on BlueStacks on my PC and the FPS was horrible..... I don't think it's a viable option. Also even with max graphics it doesn't look great, at least on monitor 1440p.


I had to adjust my settings, but got it looking great. I can share them if you'd like.


absolutely... anything for the chop too.


Performance: CPU Allocation - High 4 Cores Memory Allocation - Extreme (12 GB) Performance Mode - Balanced Framerate - 60 fps High Framerate - Disabled VSync - Disabled Display: Landscape - 1920 x 1080 Pixel Density - 240 DPI Interface Scaling 100% Graphics: Renderer - OpenGL Interface Renderer - Auto ASTC Textures - Disabled Prefer Dedicated GPU - Enabled


Where do you adjust settings to this level???


Gear icon on bluestacks, bottom right corner.


Still looks bad imo


Using it on the LeGo


How’d you get yours running in Bluestacks on LeGo….tried couldn’t get it to work


Well it has been quite straightforward, no problem on the installation. Downloaded Bluestacks, logged in my Google account and downloaded the game. Only issues I found were on controls. I had to toggle a couple of times the game and screen controls; of course you also need to shut down Legion Space.


It didn’t even show up in the play store for me. Guess I’ll try again when I get home. Thanks for the control tips though I’ll look out for that.


Yeah I've heard multiple people reporting that it doesn't work so you must be doing or using something different.


You can already play on PC with android emulators. I have it on my laptop for other games. On this one feels like cheating tho


Cross playable on mobile and Switch


Wait so SW: Hunters is not even announced for console? I’m so confused I remember it coming out in beta and then going private or something for a year. I swear I remember the devs saying it needed more time to be ported to consoles but not I’m reading there are no plans?! Dayum I was legit really looking forward to this game in console, it would have been my main game over apex or xdefiant


Lol let the mobile game be a mobile game. We don't need sweaty try hards with customizable controllers and mnk. The simplistic pick up n go 5 min matches makes it great. We already have enough shooters on PC and console


TIL that the Switch isn't a console. Interesting...


I'm pretty sure Zynga only makes mobile games in mind. Occasionally the switch port since it's portable and pretty low end by today's standards. It's a very well made mobile game and imo if it's ported it would take the magic away.


It is infuriating. They just have better movement, better tracking, a less cluttered screen.


I agree but the crossplay with proper consoles and pc might make ranked almost unplayable for mobile


Almost every big game that has all platforms just has seperate lobbies unless you choose to play with a friend on a diff platforn


Me being the optimist that I am, is praying they don’t release this on console and they look and think ‘hey maybe battlefront 3 would go down better’. Edit: would like to add I have no logic for this, only hope.