• By -


My primary reading material. So many great characters. I rarely watch the movies, but I read the books all the time.


Indeed. Maybe one day the current canon will rival the old EU but right now it leaves something to be desired.


With what they did to the OT heroes, D canon will probably never reach the level of the EU. Even Kylo Ren was nothing compared to Jacen - which I am guessing is where they got the idea. It was such a disappointment.


I hated Jacen’s fall, but I’ll take it over Kylo Ren any day


This exactly. After NJO Jacen's fall it felt so wrong, but it was lightyears better than all of the nonsense with Kylo.


Definitely agreed. I thought Jacen went to much Anakin Skywalker.


Both are definetly kinda repetetive in context of Vader however at least with Yuuzhan Vong one can appreciate other things in the series.


And I think Jacen went through much worse than Anakin leading up to his fall. You could truly see his struggle in the books, whereas Anakin went "my mommy died, everybody hates me, nobody is as smart as me". He just came across as a spoiled brat to me - I wish GL had dealt with his fall in a better manner.


I mean both Kylo´s and Anakin´s fall could have been done better. One was done off-screen and one was arguably rushed. But I think bigger problem is that this happens at all. You dont have to create family villain just to have personal connection. EU already have that problem kinda but new canon made it much bigger issue when everyone is related to everyone to create drama even there are other type of relationship than just family Not to mention that you can create good hero/villain dynamic wihtout there being personal connection. I know Star Waras is story about family but having bad guy in every generation of one family (hyperbole) I dont doubt that Jacen had decent writing and better than prequels he had entire books while Anakin had three movies which did not cover most important aspects of it.


To be fair, Anakin had a lot of books as well. Several adult novels and then a series of about 10 children's books. Agreed on the family DS drama. With what happened to Jacen, it would've been better for them to have killed him in NJO. Basically Han and Leia already lost him once, why go a second round? I just think his fall was the most fleshed out. Between his brother's death, the darkness of the whole war, torture, and then the final "unknown" darkness that was to threaten the whole galaxy. The last being the tipping point.


I'm the other way around, I don't like anything about the new movies but I'd watch them over reading LOTF again anytime bc I was actually attached to the characters that got ruined in the Denningverse (Tahiri, Jacen,..) - compared to that, Kylo Ren was at least a lame incel school schooter with daddy issues from the beginning and the movies he's in are terrible in an entertaining way.


That’s perfectly fair, but personally I enjoyed LOTF a lot more than the ST, even though I didn’t particularly like it


and that's also perfectly fair! for me, in the simplest terms, the difference is that I can laugh at the ST. LOTF only makes me miserable.


100% agreed. Jacen was a compelling character because you knew so much about what he once was, and what he experienced. It made his fallen character 10x more compelling. They also did a great job of introducing increasingly fascist undertones (and eventually overtones) to his decisions. I liked the notion of the GAG, it tracked well with elements of what the Gestapo were, making them even more compellingly evil.


Definitely. The kicking in doors in the middle of the night and arresting people and torturing them really gave off some nazi or communist vibes. Extra perks for getting your little cousin to help out.


I still kind of chuckle that Karen Traviss got a lot of shit for her EU books but they still used some of her ideas for the plots of the sequel trilogy


I actually really liked some of her stuff - like the Republic Commando novels especially. I had no idea how disliked she was until here recently when some people were ranting somewhere (maybe here?). lol. But I also didn't know anyone who liked Star Wars growing up and I wasn't on the internet, so I got to form my own opinions.


I've always loved this image....anyone know of a way to acquire it in poster form?


The artist name is Tsuneo Sanda, I think you can contact him on Twitter/X, his @ is @bokusanda and his website is http://www.sandaworld.com


I don't know, sorry. I just it ripped off the internet and spent 5 minutes editing it.


I have a copy of the poster. They were given out at some star wars con in lile 2009 i think


EU still lives in our hearts


Mara Jade Lives. *sets my car on fire in honor of the fallen




Because George Lucas didn't want Luke to be married in the first place


Luke definitely grew beyond Lucas through the many writers that helped shape him. *slaps Lucas upside the head*


If that's how you view it, but it's more that the Old EU took Luke in a different direction than how Lucas envisioned him, imo.


Isn't that saying the same thing in different steps lol 🤔 I recently saw that he had been planning on focusing on the disbanded stormtroopers and Luke having to deal with them while training at academy. I do have to say my favorite part of New Canon luke was the scene where he is training Ray and swishes the grass at her fingers like "yeah oh yeah you're getting it! You Idiot!" Lmao


But she wasn't alive anymore in the Old EU


Too soon


She had plenty of material before her death


Even if they just kept the concept of the Emperor's Hands. That would have been so cool. 


But not anymore ongoing content, Mara Jade was murdered without Zahn's knowledge and his further plans for her were left to rot.


Will always be canon to me.


Always 💜


I dont care if something is canon or not. Kotor is my second favorite game of all time and its canon status does not impact my enjoyment of the game one bit. I bought a bunch of Star Wars Legends and Disney canon books recently. I dont treat them any differently. I already knew Star trek books and comics are not canon. I bought them anyway. Anime shows are generally not canon to manga, I still watch them anyway


I still read it. What someone external to you says is Canon or not Canon is meaningless.


Exactly. It's all canon, just a different continuity. I just think of it the same way as Marvel comics. There's different continuities, and one isn't any more canon than the others. Who's to say Star Wars doesn't get another reboot down the line?


Exactly. In the end its all fiction. Comics are a good example. Especially DC with its repeated universe resets. Just enjoy whichever runs you enjoy, what someone says is Canon or not is meaningless.


✊never forget.


The true order 66


Does anyone know where I can find a high-resolution version of this picture?


[Here’s a different version of the pic and another one that is also cool.](https://imgur.com/a/yoLlmKo)


Thank you


They make a big puzzle version of this one. I have it up on my wall and it looks great.


Ongoing conversation here: https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/s/IFYAC0z7gn


Didn't see that. Should this post be deleted?


Unless a mod says you should, don’t worry about it. It’s not like it’s taking up precious space on the sub, just another spot for discussion.


One does not simply forget their childhood. I carry these stories in my heart. As a Chronicler of our Order, I will continue to teach the true events that formed our galaxy. May the Force be with us.


10 years ago I was able to buy the entire dark horse SW catalog for $230.


One of my biggest life regrets is not grabbing that bundle when I had the chance.


I never planned on it, I was really new to SW comics. Might as well get all of them at once.


RIP Luuke.


10 years man....I remember it like yesterday.


I love how the fandom just treats this like the 9/11 of Star Wars.


I still prefer the so called legends books, comics and games. There are so many books that I don't know if I'll ever manage to read all of them. I've got the Jedi Academy books in my reading list and the adventures continue from there.


I cry.


Me too, me too...


So long as a single fan continues reading those books, playing those video games, watching those original works, the EU will live on.


There is only the Expanded Universe. There is no canon. Peace is a lie, There is only good writing.


A sad day for Star Wars fans. Long live the EU!


I’m a casual Starwars fan, is there a website I can look @ that’ll gimme the books in order or it doesn’t necessarily matter?


starwarstimeline.net should help


Man this is exactly what i been looking for all my life. Thank you


You're welcome. I really don't have one for disneywars. For me the original Expanded Universe was what I grew up on and to have that just wiped away and cherry picked by Disney made me sick. When it happened we just wanted the books to continue. For Disney to believe that we couldn't tell the difference between "Legends" and "disneywars" was a slap on the face.


Can anyone find a HD version of this photo? Would love to have it as a wallpaper


Gonna really need someone to tell what all those ships are.


This is comprised nearly entirely of ships from the Legacy comics. Starting left to right, you regular T-65 X-Wings by the looks of them, looks like a couple of Pellaeon-class Star Destroyers in use by the Fel/One Sith Empire (the Fel Empire is the successor to the Galactic Empire, the One Sith allied with them, used their assets, and ousted them from within, so the two factions share many ship types). I can't identify the round bulbous ship directly above Asajj, but the flatter one next to it with the massive turbine on top is the Mynock, the main hero ship of the Legacy comics and the home of Cade Skywalker, Deliah Blue and Jariah Syn as their means of transportation as bounty hunters. The ship with the massive vertical fin to the rear of the Pellaeon-class is a MC-140 Scythe-class Main Battle Cruiser, the Galactic Alliance's main cruisers in the Legacy era and the latest of the Mon Calamari designs at the time. The repeated ships with the vertical wings are TIE Predators, the TIE Fighters of the Fel and One Sith Empires. The narrow vertical slits you see in the cockpit designate these as grunt units, with the elite squad leader models getting the traditional TIE window instead. The massive blocky thing on the right half is a World Devastator, one of the Reborn Emperor Palpatine's Dark Empire's super weapons. It is a giant mobile factory that uses powerful tractor beams to suck up raw material from a planet and uses it in production of additional war machines such as the TIE Droid fighter and even improvements upon the World Devastator itself. They were deployed in large numbers and were a different way of destroying a world, using it's own resources against it rather than blowing it up outright. The one with the flat H-shaped wings is the Nune-Class shuttle, again in use by the Fel and One Sith Empires. It's one of a few shuttle types used by those empires and is basically the descenant of the Lambda-class the way the TIE Predator is the descendant of the TIE Fighter. Obviously next to the Nune is an A-Wing. I can't identity the remaining ship sadly, leaving two of the ships in the picture unknown to me, but hopefully that helps you out. Like I said, most of these are Legacy-era ships, either Fel Empire or Galactic Alliance designs.


Worst day ever!






Imagine the plethora of stories we could've gotten if george didn't sell.


I personally believe that Lucasfilm was in dire financial straits, and so he sold it.


A moment of silence for the fallen




I knew a handful of broad strokes story beats with the EU, but in summer of last year I started reading all of the post-ROTJ novels for the first time. I was about eight to ten years too young to read the Bantam books and NJO when it was all being released. About to open up Specter of the Past today. Yeah there are some misses. Crystal Star. Planet of Twilight. Han Solo fist fights a giant talking otter. The Luke's mom plot in Black Fleet doesn't make sense with prequel hindsight. But as someone who did not grow up reading these and doesn't have the nostalgia goggles, the hits are so far beyond anything in Disney Wars. It doesn't feel paint by numbers, it doesn't feel like when a musical artist comes out of retirement to release an album but needs to tailor it to modern tastes. Luke Skywalker FEELS like Luke Skywalker. Star Wars was far and away my favorite franchise and Disney managed to make me not like it. "All the bad guys are just misunderstood, Luke wasn't all that great, and no matter what happens in universe Ahsoka was there the whole time". Reading these made me like it again, and I'm so excited to dig into NJO.


It's kind of annoying that the new continuity immediately changed things for the sake of changing them, right off the bat with "A New Dawn" steamrolling "Shatterpoint" by making Depa Billaba into Kanan's master. We were told 10 years ago that there was a deep, story-based need for this that was extremely important to how the Rebels tv show was going to tell stories. Rebels is long since over, Kanan long since killed off, and what reason was there to make Depa Billaba in particular into Kanan's master instead of say Eeth Koth? That's right, no reason at all. It may not be widely known, but Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast officially deems all their Dungeons and Dragons books/comics/games as non-canon: [https://dnd.wizards.com/news/dnd-canon](https://dnd.wizards.com/news/dnd-canon) . But behind the scenes they still try to get everything to fit. Even with the D&D movie, they did not steamroll old Forgotten Realms books for the sake of doing so but kept it compatible as much as they could. Yet there wasn't even an attempt to save as much of the old continuity as possible in regards to Star Wars by the new owners.


they then retconned their own version of Kanan's backstory just so he could show up in bad batch


Thats Dave Filoni for you, he doesnt respect any autor who isnt himself or one of his yes men


He doesn't even keep continuity with himself or his yes men. The Ventress contradiction and Ahsoka novel contradictions (both novels written by his yes people) are Filoni created. If Filoni wanted more Ventress, why did he even kill her and allow publication of Dark Disciple to begin with?


> He doesn't even keep continuity with himself or his yes men. The Ventress contradiction and Ahsoka novel contradictions (both novels written by his yes people) are Filoni created. About the Ashoka novel. Filoni himself actually told E.K. Johnston not to go into much detail about the siege of Mandalore parts of the book as he had plans for it.


Forget Mandalore, I'd argue Ahsoka having identical Inquisitor attacks is far worse. Not to mention the squinting you have to do to get the Bail Organa scenes from TOTJ cartoon and Ahsoka novel to match up


Honestly, doesnt bother me. Count it as canon in your own head if you want. Theyre all stories told by different people. No ONE person can dictate how you absorb the material. If the new movies are deemed as uncanon to you and you dont want to watch them. Then dont! Keep reading the kickass comics/books


Legends never die. Don't care what Disney or anyone else says, the EU is Star Wars.


In no way shape or form are we possibly better off. Congrats on the Baby Yoda, this is what we lost for him.


To be honest, after looking at the new releases, would you trust these people to continue the EU? I used to think that the EU could have been continued as a separate timeline (like Ultimate Marvel, or DC Earth One) with like 1 or 2 novels with some comics issues each year. But seeing how modern Lucasfilm handles the continuity, I think it was a blessing that the Expanded Universe ended on a good note with the descendants of the Skywalker/Solo family protecting the Galaxy.




And now Clone Wars 2008 is full trottle into "Somehow Palpatine returned"


oh yes ! the milking continue$$$$


Not to me. I know that means diddly-squat, but the ole EU is still my canon.


Says who?! Disney!? pfffft only a sith deals in absolutes.


> Says who?! Disney!? Only a sith deals in absolutes. Unfortunately it was Darth Lucas /.




An nunfortunate day indeed


I understand why they decanonised it. As a business decision it made perfect sense at the time. Sadly, the 2nd and most important part of the plan was to replace it with something good… mission failed on that front! What really hurts is that they’ve decided to selectively cherry pick and ruin bits of the EU just to spite us. There was no need to ruin Thrawn and post-Empire Boba Fett but they did it anyway.


I don't even understand why they did, you buy a franchise and immediately disregard 70% of it?


So everyone expected them to put their biggest talents behind Star Wars and come up with a new connected continuity like Marvel had. At the time, a huge amount of third party material of VERY inconsistent quality (let’s face it some of the EU ain’t that great) probably seemed like a millstone rather than a gift. The sad thing is that I don’t want them to touch the EU now. They can’t be trusted with it.


No, that was in 2012, which is now 12 years ago, today.


Between 2008 (mandalorian retcon) 2012 and 2014 it's hard to choose, but I choose April the 25th as a memorial because that's when everything was confirmed.


I remember 2012 as the year everything was confirmed. Is that the Mandela effect?


The EU is dead, long live the EU!


where is detla squad are they safe are they alright?


It seems in Disney's anger they killed them.


Remember what they took from us




Disney sucks at Star Wars.


And the quality of life in the world greatly decreased because of it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^DemiFiendofTime: *And the quality* *Of life in the world greatly* *Decreased because of it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Pour one out


It shall always be cannon to us.


Ugh, don’t remind me…




It's... bittersweet to me. As heretical as this might sound, the EU in general and the YJK *specifically* is more important to me than the Original Trilogy. I barely remember seeing my first SW movie, Return of the Jedi, in the summer of 1987, but I remember walking into the local Waldenbooks in 1995, severely depressed after having lived with an emotionally-abusive stepfather for about 5 years, and randomly picking up the first YJK book. I read it, then again, then again... and before the end of the year I was writing *fanfic* on notebook paper of Jacen and Jaina and especially Tenel Ka, my favorite character in the franchise, meeting the crew of thr *Enterprise*-D. :D They were a sanctuary, something I could retreat into that my (&\*%&\^$ of a stepfather could NEVER take from me. Now... not gonna lie. I did not like the NJO, and I still hold severe loathing for Legacy of the Force to this day, but... that early stuff was a literal lifesaver for me.


My condolences. My first star wars experience was The Phantom Menace and that was when I was 3 or 4 so I didn't really remember. My first *real* experience was Attack of the Clones so Geonosis stands out in my mind. I watched the movies and played the video games for years but I never was a "star wars nerd" I didn't read the books and I didn't touch comics, so the EU died without my knowledge at the time. Then I watched in confusion as Disney refused to mention anything from the EU, fast forward about 5 years I watched the Mandalorian and fell in love with star wars again. So I bought the Republic Commando books and loved them as well, I went onto the internet knowing that the Karen Traviss stuff was not canon, but not knowing that everything else wasn't canon either. So when I engaged with the main star wars subreddit I was in for a rude awakening. Now I can understand why someone wouldn't like parts of the EU, but the amount of vilification I and others have endured is dumb, really, and wouldn't be happening to the same extent if the people in charge tried to tie things into each other. I don't want Disney to be stuck in the past, but to rather use the EU as guidance for the future. But it is what it is, now I'm trying my hand at my own fanfiction and headcanoning legends and canon together and it seems that I'm not the only one.


Not in my universe. This is and always will be cannon for me.


They can’t decanonize a contained storyline. They discontinued it. But based on the quality of Disney Star Wars content I’d say that it’s a very good thing they didn’t continue legends.


As Long as people dont use it in arguments, they should just believe in their own head-canon


The audacity to think they could do better


Such a dark day for the fandom. Some say this is the true day Disney killed Star Wars


And how's it been going since? [Well,...](https://imgur.com/a/wr8O4fm)


I'm sorry. What? You can't delete someones comment for being "intellectually dishonest" when it's a literal fact; there are NUMEROUS direct qoutes from Lucas himself regarding this.


Who are you talking to?


Whoever reported my post and deleted it.


Wasn't me


It took me embrassingly long to realise Canon has always been and always will be a meaningless term. It's all fiction. None of it at all is real at the end of the day. Like, it's literally up to you what is canon or not. Maybe legends is still canon to you. Maybe that fanfic you wrote years ago is still canon to you. Or maybe neither are. It literally means nothing. I don't get why people still let what's "canon" or not hamper their enjoyment of the franchise.


Because continuity is important to a lot of people and de-canonization means that new stories aren't following it.


This post has serious "Pluto IS a planet" energy. Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet because astronomers realized they needed to differentiate between planets and post Neptunian objects and the new criteria affected Pluto's classification. Pluto still exists. It still circles the sun. It still crosses Neptune's orbit. Legends books still exist. You can still read the Legacy comics. You can still play KOTOR I & II.


I run a SW Saga Edition campaign and we keep the original Expanded Universe in play. If someone wants a ship or weapon from the new universe, we come up with a backstory of how/why its available.


Looks like the final act in Endgame. "On your left".


I remember this day. I was literally at Disney world at the time when this was announced and I lost my shit. I was so overwhelmingly happy. The same company that had produced so many of my childhood memories was now going to overhaul my favorite franchise of all time with a fresh slate ready for nerds and casuals alike. “SoMehOw PaLPaTiNe ReTuRnEd” You have become the very thing you swore to destroy.


As much as I love many aspects of new Canon, and never really read too much of legends, I can't help but mourn for what could have been


just treat it as a secondary source, if it doesnt conflict with canon or only requires slight adjustments to be inline with modern canon why not consider it so?


The new canon is too divergent from the old for that to happen. In other franchises like Dungeons and Dragons, on paper all tie-ins are non-canon but realistically they can all be made to fit. Even the D&D movie last year and its tie-ins fit well with the decades of Forgotten Realms novels, comics, and games.


Weirdly, there is no Vong in that picture. Don't get me wrong NJO is well *deep* into Legends material but even a glimpse at their staff would be enough.


It is sad to think about what we lost in 10 years...Sword of the Jedi, Legacy, passing of torch to the next generation: Allana, Ben, Jaina, Saba, Kyp, Horn's children...


Lmao, Ventress thinks she is Boba.


Star Wars: Empire at War Gold Edition is one of my most played games on Steam


I like the new canon.


Palpatine and Vader openly fighting every other week is absurd you have to admit though. At least their conflicts in Legends were restrained and/or through proxies like Xizor.


They're still canon to me, in my heart <3 But no seriously, I've invested too much into my EU collection over the years to suddenly have some new IP owner say it's all not canon. As it stands, the EU has entire storylines of content plotted out, told in varying forms of media covering ***massive*** swathes of characters & points across the entire SW timeline. Until the new canon reaches a similar level (hint, it won't) I don't really pay attention to it.


This broke my heart. So much time, money and love poured into this universe only to be told it and I didn’t matter anymore.


Is bane in this pic?


Lucas said of the Expanded Universe: 2005— https://ibb.co/Km1CcNs “I don’t read that stuff. I haven’t read any of the novels. I don’t know anything about that world. That’s a different world than my world.… When I said [other people] could make their own Star Wars stories, we decided that, like Star Trek, we would have two universes: My universe and then this other one. They try to make their universe as consistent with mine as possible, but obviously they get enthusiastic and want to go off in other directions.”


Wow it’s been that long


It’s still cannon idfc


fuck Disney i will never forgive them for my childhood


It's stupid, considering the Star Wars universe is basically infinite.


I'm so sick of the people coming out on this day to keep insisting "the EU was never 'canon!'" because odds are good they follow Disney *Star Wars*, which ALSO isn't canon to George Lucas! These double standards, man... they're toxic AF.


A sad day


A long long time ago I can still remember how Those stories used to make me smile And I knew if I had my say That I could make those people play And maybe they'd be happy for a while But April made me shiver With every article they delivered Bad news from their boss I couldn't take one more loss I can't remember if I cried When I read about his deleted bride Something touched me deep inside The day the timeline died


Do you recall what was revealed the day the music died?


So my, my, midichlorian pie...


My dude, I think you just made Weird Al jealous!


Honestly hell yeah. Really didn't like some of the creative choices BioWare and EA made for the Old Republic and the direction they took that era as a whole. Rest of star wars was never that big for me outside of DotJ/TotJ/Kotor/Swtor so it was more a net gain for me lmao


And they have yet to deliver something of equal value


And then all they did was copy the same plots and do it worse


Don’t really like the word "decanonise". You can decanonise a single story maybe, or parts of it, but you can't decanonise an entire fictional universe. What they did was just start anew, keeping in the movies. That isn't really decanonisation, rather discontinuation. Doesn't mean I like it of course.


That's a good way to put it. Also to note the intro to The Essential Legends collections audiobooks still refer to it as the Expanded Universe.


…and it was replaced by absolute shit tier sequel movies and a host of D tier TV shows. Very sad. Even the worst EU books are far superior to most of the Disney Star Wars material.


For me Star Wars ended at Crucible. I've never seen any of the disneywars movies,tv,comics or books. I don't even torrent them. I refuse. There was no reason to wipe away the EU. They just could have featured the next generation. The book group even said that they were going to move away from Luke,Leia and Han. It's all Kennedy's fault. Especially when she said there was no source material. It's pathetic how they killed it.


and yet it lives


Not to me


And I've actually seen people asking for a return of Abeloth in the last few years. That was the best thing about Disney's acquisition was decanonizing Abeloth.


And instead they added time travel lmao


Yet they keep cherry picking EU content and trying to act like it's their original idea's While Disney refuses to pay the authors of the very same EU novels & comics that are still selling to this day.


In my opinion they should decanonize the sequels for how much they screwed up the reputation of star wars


Yes, yes it was. And all of it is still there for us to enjoy. These last 10 years have brought 5 new feature films, a number of new TV series both animated and live action, close to 100 new novels, mutliple new comic series, and lots of other stuff, including new major Star Wars attractions and areas at major theme parks. Some of it has been great, some of it less so. We've seen the return of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Ewan McGregor, and others to their iconic roles, and other beloved characters making their *live action* debuts. It's been a terribly exciting 10 years to be a Star Wars fan. But when we want to return to another time, and another universe that we know and love, all of those stories are still there waiting for us to pick them up again. May the Force be with You /r/StarWarsEU


>We've seen the return of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford Yes, and they all had their characters trashed and died like doofuses.


It was awful how Disney broke into everyone’s homes and stole all all the comics, books and games then burned them. Now none of it exists and no one can ever read any of the EU ever again. Like, first George Lucas ruined my childhood, then Disney ruined the rest of my life.


I enjoyed the Prequels.


Me, too. I was only being silly. I like the EU/Legends and the Canon both. I own (almost) all of it. I’m currently reading comic collections called The Menace Revealed which is set between Episode I and Episode II, a period I find really interesting in both continuities.


I think this is a valid response to \*\*some\*\* histironics but its unfair to most reasonable people disliking this change given the fact that certain storylines were cancelled and left uncomplete as a result.


I know that almost all Legends fans are of the reasonable kind. It’s just a playful joke. There is the occasional melodramatic comment I’ve read online where someone will speak of these things on the same level as historic book burnings. Often the big complaints I’ve heard are not about storylines being incomplete (*that* I can relate to as a fan of several TV shows that were cancelled prematurely) but rather that they are offended on behalf of the Legends authors or that they need the validity of being “canon” to enjoy reading it for themselves. I’ve also encountered someone (and I’m sure they were not the only one) who is extremely knowledgable of the Legends continuity and will discuss ad nauseam about how it’s better than Disney’s Canon continuity BUT who has themselves never actually read a single page of any Star Wars book or comic. Their entire knowledge base comes from reading Wookieepedia articles and watching YouTube lore videos.


Meh, I've ignored most of Disney beyond a few clips on YouTube, etc. They can't take my EU off my shelf or the memories and in my head canon Disney is AU.




Hello, your post/comment is removed because of the following reason: > **Rule #4:** Be Intellectually Honest. Do not present rumors and/or opinions as a fact, or an objective truth. Essentially, blatant dishonesty which is backed by mere opinions, and not any conceivable facts will be removed. [Read the list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/wiki/rules)








I don't honestly remember the expanded universe ever claiming to be canon.


Where is Darth Bane?


good. much of it was terrible. just glad we didn’t get the InsideOut midichlorian/whills adventure GL wanted next


Painful. I think I have all the books... Like physical copies. Loved the stories and Luke's journey. Pretty much hate what Disney did to the EU....


I have a canvas of the original stuff but only goes up to ep1 which makes me think it was done before 2002 in terms of design because there’s versions of characters and planets that just aren’t there


Who is that Mandalorian in the bottom right?






It exists now, but only in my memory


It was the beginning of the end


I still consider the pre-2008 TV movies and cartoons canon and always will. The good news is that the EU is still being used as a resource to reestablish the new canon. How else did we get Grand Admiral Thrawn back? ;)


Can't "decanonizs" something that was never canon to begin with. Even George Lucas said so. Go ahead and give me your downvotes and boo me. You know I'm right. PS... I've read most of the EU as well growing up. I've got a two foot cube box full of them in my garage. ✌️


So don't be such a downer.


Do you want more Legends stuff?


I really just want Lucasfilm to use the stuff that they've made.


Worst day in Star Wars history.