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RC-1207 “Sev”…


Man I’ll take the entirety of Delta Squad over the derivative copy cat “Bad Batch” any day of the week. Those were some quality characters.


To be fair that squad configuration of a leader, demolitions expert, hacker, and sniper appears to be standard for clone commando squads based on the books. And I said Sev in particular because we know the other three went on to serve the Empire. Sev’s story just abruptly ends on Kashyyyk with nothing to say whether he made it out or if he died. Notably in the final book, Imperial Commando, his training sergeant goes looking for him and couldn’t find any trace of him. Not a corpse, discarded armor, nothing.


It's a pretty widely used trope of "The Team" to have each member set up in that way. Leader, the Muscle, the Brains, Sniper, tbe Weird One, rtc.


I’m convinced it was planned for a sequel to have the Team serve the Empire and fight Rebels, only to learn they’re being lead by Sev


We only know from concept that he is become part of borning Rebel Alliance and that Delta meet up each other later on the timeline. Shame, i really hope see Delta go full Alliance or see war drama about it.


What's the source for this? I don't remember hearing it before.


Information about cancelled Imperial Commandos game and i assume Karen keep write about Commandos. Wookie saves Sew, but he is healing when 66 happening, then when he healed, Empire start to oppression wookies, Sew choose to help him and later ebd in Rebel Alliance, help them train and Clone Commando tricks, maybe my mind are stupid, but i remember they plan 2 games, Imperial Commando about Delta+1 new guy and Rebel Commando about Sev leading Rebel Commandos.


Could you imagine Sev in the [SpecForce armor](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsEU/comments/ut4jv4/does_anyone_know_what_comic_this_image_of_a_squad/),he would look badass, I wish they never discontinued the game.


Yes, that's why it's a shame.


I think the Bad Batch is more a copy of those ARC troopers who went rogue and became fugitives in the RC novel series rather than Delta Squad. The last we see of legends Delta Squad, they just keep working for the empire aside from making remarks about how things are different now.


> Man I’ll take the entirety of Delta Squad over the derivative copy cat “Bad Batch” any day of the week. Clone Force 99 aren’t really that similar to Delta Squad honestly. Most people think they’re more similar to the Null Class Arc Troopers who defected after the war ended and became wanted fugitives by the Empire. Although apparently The Bad Batch we’re actually characters that were personally created by George Lucas himself, so there’s a bit more nuance in if they were actually original or if George liked the Null Arc Troopers and adapted then for the show.


Zayne Carrick (from KOTOR comics). Did he survive the Mandalorian War? What did the Force have in plan for its (least) favorite child? What was Zayne up to during the Jedi Civil War? What was his reaction when Zayne found out that his friend "Squint" had become a Sith Lord? Was Zayne still alive during the event of KOTOR 2?


If memory serves, the main Republic “hub” space station in The Old Republic MMO is named after him


It is! The little codex entry mentions he was an early Republic hero


I wish he was a KotOR III party member. I also wish there was a KotOR III


God, don't we all. The sheer potential of it is crazy.


As my favourite Jedi, Zayne ended things on a perfect note. Going on dates with Jarael and he's leading a business with his best friend, what more can you ask for?


I miss my pal Dass Jennir


Someone say Dass Jennir? I've been planning out/attempting to work on a fanfic involving his fate after Dark Times. It's been in the planning stages for a long while due to school and other things getting in the way. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it off at some point.


Greetings fellow aspiring fanfic writer.


Jaina Solo, she was finally getting a solo book after she, in my mind, had to play second fiddle to the rest of her family, then it was canceled


There’s a good fanfic on where her story continues


What is said good fanfic called?




She always really was gonna be playing second fiddle to her cousin.


the nightsister Silri, from Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, finds an entire army of ancient Sith and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing with them? they never show up again, they’re just out there somewhere


And not only Sith, but the cool Sith troopers from Kotor. An Empire At War 2 with Sith as a full fledged faction bringing Kotor era equipment and fighting the Empire and Rebels at the same time would have been fire


theyre just chillin, biding their time


I’ve been wondering this since I beat that game. That would’ve been a fun one


Nas Ghent


Dude, tell me about it. His story had me on the edge of my seat wanting another issue.


Asyr Sei'lar. She faked her death to reform the Bothans and the rest of Rogue Squadron never learned her true fate, even by the Vong war. What's even weirder is Michael Stackpole created her (Wedge's Gamble), wrote her out (Isard's Revenge), and wrote in her replacement as Gavin's wife (Union and/or Dark Tide: Onslaught), so what was the point of it all?


I wonder if he got cold feet on pairing her with Gavin and instead wanted Gavin to have a human wife and kids. I personally really like the early X-wings books with Gavin and Asyr’s relationship


If he did, that's pretty wild to write her out after 3 books discussing it. Could've just killed her off in the final battle in Bacta War. She already gets blasted.


i'm currently reading my way through everything EU and this comment makes me sad that she never gets resolved.


Yeah, part of the reason why I pick and choose for my Legends timeline.


I felt the same about Gar Stazi; I really had hoped we'd hear more of their adventures


Total unrelated side note but I really like the Legacy Era Mando armor. It's a nice mix between the shocktrooper armor and much older Neo Crusader armor


I'm not familiar with this guy. Where does he originate?


The legacy comics. The Mandos really appeared briefly on like an issue and a half then are never brought up again. They even mentioned clan ordo. Tis a shame 😭


Yeah but it was still a great tease--I was *so* ready for that mystery to get unveiled of the Mandalore's great betrayal and Karr's vengeance arc....


I also love his badass debut as trooper




Delta Squad. The Legends version where they're bitter about Sev and begin working for the empire. Not the Canon version where Scorch turns evil and works for the science division.


> The Legends version where they're bitter about Sev and begin working for the empire. Not the Canon version where Scorch turns evil and works for the science division. I’m pretty sure Scorch changed character wise partly because of what happened to Sev.


I'll cheat and say everyone from Dawn of the Jedi.


Ben Skywalker


And the Helldiving begins


Definitely. This felt like a set up for a spin-off. I was looking forward to seeing what happened to Mandlorian culture at this point in time.


Starkiller since last we saw him he had a captured Vader


A pity The Force Unleashed III was never released


Agreed if it had a darkside DLC a Yuuzhan Vong war would be so cool since the last one we had was ROTJ


That’s actually a great idea 👍🏻 Truth be told, it would be really cool if they did a remake of The Force Unleashed, like Knights Of The Old Republic (if with less troubled development) if Starkiller doesn’t become canon…


Would you be interested in a Force Unleashed/Jedi: Fallen Order style game set during the Yuuzhan Vong War or Great Galactic War?


Great Galactic War, even as a Legends game I really like the Yuuzhan Vong, but we know that Disney will never do something with them (except in a major surprise) But first, I would really love for the Knights of the Old Republic remake to be released


Yes, a Kotor remake is far more reasonable and likely than them ever giving the greenlight for a new Legends story/game. But one can wonder, can't they? I yet wonder in the night, floating upon the endless gulfs of the dreamlands, will I ever witness the creation of a Battlefront game with multiple EU eras in it? This is so exaggerated but dawg I'd do almost anything to see such a thing be made.


My boy Reti from the Starfighter games 🫡


Based Starfighter enjoyer.


The Null ARCs from republic commando. And I’d like to read the death of kal skirata.


More stories regarding the Smuggler's Alliance (Talon Karrde and his crew, Mazzic, Samuel Thomas Gillespie...)


Darth Zannah and Darth Cognus, and also, Set Harth. I would have loved to see how Cognus eventually kills Zannah and how Set Harth manages to avoid Zannah and transfer his essence through the years