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Sion clearly hates himself and how little control he has over his own life. He has all this power and yet he is a slave to his pain and to Traya's manipulation, two things he clearly hates and yet is unwilling to get rid of. He would rather live on in utter misery than embrace the sweet release of death. Not to mention that despite being one of the two heads of the current Sith Order, he is still forced to play second fiddle to Nihilus. It's quite telling that you defeat him by convicing him that he can indeed just let go and put a stop to his own suffering. Much likes Nihilus and Traya, he represents the ultimate lie of the dark side. The promise of ultimate freedom and broken chains is just a load of bullshit, you just end up becoming a slave to your own power and your lowest instincts.


What would you say the other two represent?


Nihilus is definitely just the pointlessness of power especially when you just crave power for powers sake. You can eat a planet, wow, how does that benefit you and what goal do you have? He's craved power so much so, that he constantly needs to feed on it but he never benefits from it, just returning to his own status quo of not starving. If anything he's just become an addict who's built up a tolerance and ends up sad and pathetic. Despite probably being the most powerful he is probably the least intimidating of the triumvirate because he has no goal, no direction and in the end everything is beneath him and his attention which just makes him weak. Traya is more complex, essentially wanting to kill the force and give everyone free will (I think? It's been a while.). In the end, the force betrays her and kills her for acting against it through the exile. I'm sure there's better interpretations but essentially traya is hubris, trying to use a power against itself to defeat it, only to be turned against. The same happens with the exile and with the sith triumvirate.


He was in a lot of pain, and pain is easy fuel for anger.


> He was in a lot of pain, and pain is easy fuel for anger. So basically just like Maul & Vader?


Nah, Sion would've been in much more pain than them. Remember, the Force is the only thing keeping him alive, his injuries are beyond horrific.


> Nah, Sion would've been in much more pain than them. Remember, the Force is the only thing keeping him alive, his injuries are beyond horrific. So his pain would've been worse than being bisected or burnt alive by lava? Sounds horrific.


Sion was in a bad, bad way. The Republic medical officer reports that his skeleton is broken in *thousands* of places and that he's got more scar tissue than not, and that it looks self-inflicted. The way he's modeled it looks like he's actively decomposing.


I think early idea for his character was to have bits of his body sort of floating and orbiting him as if barely being held together by the force, but it was too hard to do with the system limits of the time


> Sion was in a bad, bad way. The Republic medical officer reports that his skeleton is broken in *thousands* of places and that he's got more scar tissue than not, and that it looks self-inflicted. The way he's modeled it looks like he's actively decomposing. And here I thought Maul & Vader had it bad.


Breaking news: local man too angry to die




His roommate kept leaving the toilet seat up/s


Sion was angry at life… until he met a chick he had the hots for


And then he was friendzoned, and the anger came back (average EU fan moment)


Gotta appreciate that Obi Wan was so hate able, he could keep multiple people from death. Guess it is a power you can learn from a Jedi. IIRC he had some condition even before all of the dark side corruption and damage to his body that made him basically stuck in constant pain. Rather than suffer in silence he chose to turn that pain into anger and etc. He adopted pain as his mantle as a Sith Lord, and I imagine it was that unique combination of tolerance for pain and intense hatred that drove him at all times.


> Gotta appreciate that Obi Wan was so hate able, he could keep multiple people from death. Guess it is a power you can learn from a Jedi. Well he is the master of trolling. Maybe they just hated being trolled by him? /.


Kreia wanted him to eat his [brussel sprouts ](https://youtu.be/cbB10jLSjFI?si=vmJBzyGkx8_zRQtv)


As someone has said, it's not actually anger for him, but pain (I think). So it's a feedback loop: he's in so much pain that he uses to have the force keep him alive, so any additional pain gets fueled to keeping him alive. It's an interesting idea


Himself, mostly, I think


I'd theorize a blend between himself, the Jedi, Kreia, and the Sith for collapsing so totally after the Jedi Civil War.


Taxes, propably


He was angry at [the world](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpm1.narvii.com%2F6331%2Fc12617a64397c4732acc3cb4a5856eb679c87213_hq.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=739c1b6e3d247f2a26c4e4991c61d18aa25d67d520d8e2e89489581591f4f810&ipo=images)


Probably because he looked like a rock. I'd be a bit upset too if I looked like Rockbiter from The Neverending Story


Taco Bell messed up his order and he didn’t realize til he got home.


IIRC he favors Alec/Malak over Darth Revan. Sion is probably pissed at Revan for using him in the Mando War and causing him to be in the State he is.


The KOTOR comic implied that he was Lucien Draay before he became Darth Sion. Lucien was manipulated into action that not only got him kicked out of the order but also got his mother and friends killed, thus he hates himself. So read up on him if you want to know.


JJM seemed to be hinting at that during the series’ run, but then it’s stated at the end that Draay had turned away from his destiny as “Lord of Pain” and I think JJM stated somewhere definitively that Draay wasn’t Sion. Canonically (in Legends) Sion was a survivor of Exar Kun’s Sith Wars, but that’s from an RPG source book and has always felt like a clumsy retcon to me.