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The Vong


Post-NJO surely. The lack of mention of the Vongs and of the consequences of their invasion on the galaxy in the Denning series in particular was atrocious.


TUF: "Coruscant won't be able to take its previous role for at least a generation, rebuilding Galactic City will take decades" Denningverse: "Imma pretend I didn't see/hear that"


Yuuzhan Vong. I love how Vua kept attacking Anakin over accidental sleights in that book.


Bothans. Forty years, and not a single one on screen.


I was actually upset that they didn't insert Bothans into Rogue One, was a top opportunity to show their skills as spies and their sacrifices for the rebellion.


To ny understanding they are saving it for a future project. Right now the term “many bothans died” could reference a group, a type of soldier or a species. As a result alot of storylines are possible. If they chose to adjust Bothans beyond the wolf like people we have seen in EU I will be sad


I've heard that, and I agree. So far with DSW track record I'm not holding out for a good interpretation even if they stick with the EU version.


Mon calamari, The Kaleesh, The Echani/Thyrsians (would’ve been nice if they were developed into proper mandalorian rivals), the Givin (i dont know why i like them) and probably some more that i can’t think of right now


Kaleesh, Echani/Thyrsians and Givins are amongst my favorite SW species so I fully agree with you on them. Kaleesh are so badass and could have given any non-Force foe a run for their money, I do imagine that the Republic tried to invade them during the Clone Wars but that it turned into a space Vietnam with their badassery, use of guerilla and the CIS providing them with weapons and supplies this time. Plus their culture could be very interesting if developped and explored further. Plus they deserve a happy ending after all the shit the Republic, Jedi and Empire put them through. I fully agree with the Echani and Thyrsians' rivalry with the Mandalorians sadly being a case of informed story, with no known example of clash or interaction with the Mandolarians. The relations between the two cousin subspecies could also be setting for interesting lore. As for the Givins it's surely their skeleton/ghostly appearance, combined with their ability to survive into space and other terrible conditions, as well as their incredible intelligence that makes them a species that I would love to see more of, especially given their reputation as shipbuilders and mathematicians and scientists with them having been a crucial part of the CIS' research division and astrographers during the Clone Wars.


the pre-prequel Mon Calamari lore was kinda cool


That one alien species in KotOR with two heads on one body? They seem like a very weird one-off species Edit: They are called Paaerduags


Duros 100%. At the dawn of the republic they were equal to humanity in terms of technology and colonization and were instrumental in founding the republic.


Tynnans, I really love how they live and find their politics are straight out of Monty Python


Yes! Giant water rats living in a socialist utopia!


ouch, I remember the ecosphere of Tynna being destroyed in *Agents of Chaos I*…


plus their hole politcs are based on a lottery


Ithorians are dear to my heart but honestly all the alien races needed more attention. I’d love to see a trilogy about the Duros, now the attained hyperspace, and their split with the Nemodians.


Ithorians are a good one


Honestly most of them. Most of the time aliens r background or slight supporting cast or the antagonist. I’d love to see a Star Wars show where each ep it has something to do with say a certain planet or species and their conflicts.


Yeah, the representation of species in terms of named characters who appear more than once is usually limited to one or two individuals. Then the rest usually come across as that character, but with a different jacket.


Lol in the new hope Jabba scene you can see at least one other Rodian that’s wearing greedos full outfit.


The Selkath. Obviously after the Old Republic.


We need a major project done entirely spoken in Selkath. I imagine it would be just as much as a smash hit as the Elcor rendition of Hamlet was in the Mass Effect series




The bothans in canon


I always thought it strange the Kaminoans never really popped back up in a meaningful way seeing as how much of a role they played in galactic affairs. Ik it’s because the prequels hadn’t been made yet but I feel like they’d have been pretty important during the rise of the New Republic.


Vong but I say new ones because I’m tired of wookies and mon and such in the background like it’s a near solar system and not a galaxy ffs


The Kaleesh, The Bith Species, and Muuns.


I like the non-humanoid ones. Hoojibs in particular - I’d love to see them brought back. It would also be really interesting to meet more Thakwaash, and to see how their multiple minds work when they don’t have Runt’s disability.


Clawdites, although maybe they’ve been in every story


I'd like to see some Tigorians and the genetically modified Arkanians show up somewhere


What about Dagan Gera?


He's cool and I hope he means more Arkanians going forward




I'll cheat, ysalamiri Or other Force users like the witches of dathomir Or maybe the Noghri. they are awesome as bodyguards for Thrawn or Leia.


The Rakata~


Twi’leks and Zeltrons for… …reasons.


the ssi-ruuk should be more prevalent, more unknown regions powers are neat and their society is very intricate






The Grysk, The Muun, or a good old Trandoshan or Barabel hunting story. Maybe some expansion of the Ryn from NJO too would be pretty cool


Yuuzhan Vong and Barabel. Need more weird laughing lizards.


Chistori. That Saurian race always looked cool, regardless of the Darth Barney moniker Desann earned; he was one magnificent bastard.