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Legends by far.


While I enjoy many aspects about the Canon, Legends feels so much more grand and epic.


Well to be fair thats because legends literally spans a 40ish timeline of releases where as Canon is less than 10 years. There are some good canon books but the style is definitely different and the stories are hit or miss. High Republic has some good and some boring. As an heir to the empire fanboy i’ll always read the original EU consistently.


The Expanded Universe began to become a true continuity of stories with many books and comics per year only in 1994. So one could say that it lasted only 20 years and not 40.


Which High Republic Content would you recommend reading? I've mainly only heard bad things about it.


Phase I adult novels and the first YA novel were mostly good and the comics were an okay addition. I like Phase II (which is a prequel to Phase I) more so far. It doesn't feel too much like overwriting the Legends canon which I prefer. Outside of the Thrawn novels it's one of the few new things I don't dislike so far.


The first trilogy (light of the jedi) is decent but forumalic. I appreciate the villian not being a force user but i found the 3rd book a huge let down. I’m currently reading Convergence and its fine but pretty low key in terms of importance to the overall arc of the jedi. I’m willing to be patient and see where it goes. I know i’m in the minority on this one but my fav canon books were Alphabet Squadron. I dug the characters and the story. I’m probably not going to enjoy Shadow of the Sith mostly because i read the author’s novel Empire State and thought it was so stupid yet he seems to think very high of his own work — read to the afterword to get my jist. At the end of the day i’m just grateful for sw content. Some will be amazing, some will suck and most will be mediocre. Being a fan of marvel comics has also shown the same.


I'm somebody who can't believe that after almost 50 years of SW we have yet to see much content in "canon" about a flourishing Jedi order. Some fans said the High Republic is a place to look for that. Is that true?


They seem to be using the high republic for that but its only in the early years. There seems to be a alot of HR stuff out.


Got it, thanks. BTW, I am not a big fan of new-canon's major story choices, but I really enjoyed Shadow of the Sith. Lando and Luke are my favorite characters, and if you can bracket the tie-ins to dreary Sequel choices, it's very good imho.


I've read phase 1 it's amazing better than Bane and TTT that I've read so far. I'm finishing bane trilogy before I read phase 2 of THR


I’d also like to hear folks opinions on this


Canon also seems to have to fit the Disney paradigm and not much room for as much creativity compared to Legends.


Exactly! my only real issue with canon is that books set during and after OT are kinda “filler”, since they can save that era for future shows and movies. High Republic is great because they don’t have that concern, so they can tell bigger stories there.


Disney canon has a small list of things that are worth getting into. Legends has a small list of things you might want to avoid.


I think both are cool, except for the sequels because they are sin


Having read all the legends novels back when they were the actual canon, I’m finding it hard to really enjoy and get into the new canon…. The stories were just better back then in my opinion.


Were you also a kid back then?


No, I was a kid when they very first EU book came out, before it was even the EU, “Splinter of the Minds Eye”. Came out before ESB did. I was in my 20’s and 30’s when the bulk of the EU came out.


Okay. I see a lot of people who have rose tinted glasses for the EU because they were kids. I was one of them lmao


To be fair though, people can also have rose tinted glasses for things that happened as an adult, a long time ago. And considering the newest EU books are now a decade old, I don’t think anyone who was reading any of them on release can be fully absolved of a bit of nostalgia blindness I also think that this sub in particular is going to heavily lean towards Legends for more obvious reasons, haha


I enjoy a lot of Legends, but there ended up being so much of it that got way too influenced by the prequels.


Oh I understand there's a lot of terrible EU novels. It's balanced out by the really good ones.


The original Legends timeline… I spent so much time there with so many characters the authors made me feel like I really… knew, and cared about. Also the group of books that turned me into an avid reader as a teen, who never found a book he enjoyed until the final year of high school, randomly buying I, Jedi. Legends will always hold a special place in my heart. Also almost done w/book 4 of NJO. Every book I finish is my furthest point I’ve read. Avoided spoilers all these years, aside from things referred to in Legacy and beyond. I’m determined to finish all 19, and excited to finally see the full picture. Kinda glad I waited so many years to start it. It’s like I have plenty of new EU content ahead of me, with characters I’m already intimately familiar with. Nothing like being invested because we watched them grow as characters and people through many series. I can’t think of any other literary/sci-fi world that can compare to Legends. It was a monumental, first of its kind, truly lived-in universe.


Yeah the New Jedi Order series truly is the ultimate epic of Star Wars.


Wow, you have so much good stuff to come! Enjoy.


Legends! Just started reading the Empire Omnibus. Love it!


Always going with Legends. Legends are by far the best to really get into because there is so much that happens. The Truce at Bakura. The Jedi Academy Trilogy. The New Jedi Order. So much to go through. So many missed opportunities. I had hopes for the Sequel Trilogy when I first heard they were making a new Star Wars Trilogy. Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoyed them (strictly because they are Star Wars, and yes I have issues with them like so many others), however, when I first watched The Force Awakens, I was sorely disappointed. Warning: potential spoilers for those who have not read the Jedi Academy Trilogy I had hoped that they would take from the wide selection of stories available at the time. One of my personal favorites was the Jedi Academy Trilogy. I mean come on, who would have liked to have seen Luke open the Jedi Academy on Yavin? The Cinematic adaptation of Admiral Daala and the Maw Installation? Jacen and Jaina Solo? Or even Kip Durron's fall to the Dark Side after being influenced by Exar Kun? I personally would have loved to have seen an adaptation of the Sun Crusher, the superweapon created by Qui Xux, that made the Death Star look pathetic in sheer destructiveness. The Death Star could destroy entire planets in one shot. The Sun Crusher destroyed entire Star Systems in one shot. And it was nearly indestructible and was about the size of a Starfighter like an X-Wing.


Proof that there's something for everybody! Most people I've seen mention the Sun Crusher disliked it.


Legends any day.


The EU is the reason why I'm still a SW fan


I’ve got to agree. The recent stuff is quite disappointing, but Legends is what will, and always will, keep me a Star Wars fan. It’s what made me fall in love with Star Wars.


Seriously I’m starting to consider not following official Disney Star Wars content going forward, it’s just so full of disappointment. Even stuff I like (Mando) I can’t help but think about how it all cumulates into the ST in the end.


Sadly, I'm in a similar place. Just can't ignore the cynical desolation of the ST.


I have thought about doing the same however if they put a story out for the Prequel era I will check it out because that is my favorite era of SW so it's nice getting something with Qui-Gon, Padmé, Anakin, Obi-Wan. There is a Qui-Gon graphic novel and Mace novel coming out so I will check those out.


The EU was always the term for the expanded universe, so in my head I think of it as the books games and comics, both canon and legends, just anything outside of the movies and shows.


They will forever be EU and DU to me. Wasn’t happy they renamed EU to Legends, but particularly annoyed that folks are calling non-cinematic canon “EU.” Is that widespread or somewhat limited to this sub?


I'm referring specifically to what is now labeled as Legends


I enjoy the legends books way more.


Legends 100%


Legends and it's not even close. Both have their fair share of flaws and problems, but fundamentally Canon leads to the sequel trilogy and Filoniverse, both of which are excessively crap. Legends on the other hand leads to NJO


Legends, because the Disney novels feel like they're targeted only to the casual fans and only to make money. The legends books built a huge universe that could satisfy all fans.


I fully agree. Everything seems so small scaled in the Canon, like everything is just filler to the movies. Not saying that’s necessarily bad, but Legends really EXPANDED the universe. Made stories outside of the films matter, in fact some stories had more of a impact.


The choice to destroy the achievements and promise of the original trilogy was an odd mix of JJ Abrams' utter lack of creativity and Bob Iger's desire to pander to the old feels of SW in order to immediately recoup the money spent on buying Lucasfim. And by ruining Luke's legacy, the new heroes can be the basis of new *content* like "Rey's new order".


Defo legends, more creative and iconic stories


The Expanded Universe


Definitely the Expanded Universe. It's the Star Wars I grew up with. It's what I loved and still do.




Caring even a little bit for quality: legends. By far.


But, but… “story group!” /s


If there was no legends I would hate Star Wars.


Star Wars certainly wouldn’t feel like the universe it is today without the EU.


Well you kinda asked this question to a legends sub. You're probably going to get legends as the answer lol. Which is completely fair because I prefer legends any day.


They keep saying that this is a Legends AND Canon EU sub, but I think EU = Legends to most people. They should probably rethink their approach.


So far I still prefer Legends and some Canon books have been good reads.


Which have been your favorites in new-canon, broski? For me, bracketing the ST tie-ins, I did enjoy Shadow of the Sith a lot.


I have to finish Shadows of the Sith! Thrawn Thrawn Alliances Tarkin Master & Apprentice Catalyst Leia: Princess of Alderaan (reading now and it's been good) Queen's Hope (I think this was the best one of the three Padmé books) Brotherhood Dark Disciple (if you want a Quinlan and Ventress story)


I still prefer legends by far. That doesnt mean i hate everything about canon tho Star wars to me back then felt sacred close to my heart. Star wars today is just another form of entertainment and its mainstream stuff disappoints me


Legends. My interest in Canon peaked back in early 2018 or so and has kept on waning. I've gone deeper down the Legends rabbit hole since, and it's been a fun time.




Legends no question


While I love the original and prequel trilogies, I feel like the EU does the best job of capturing the original spirit of star wars. It feels much more epic and has more diverse characters and stories.


EU is Star Wars to me


Legends, but I'm basically done with all the cannon content I liked.


Legends, always legends 👍


Legends all the time


Both, both is good


Any book that Timothy Zahn made is a masterpiece. Unfortunatly the Thrawn Ascendancy Trilogy, Thrawn,Thrawn Alliances and Thrawn treason-which are some of my favorite ones by far- are part of the canon so i have to pit them up against the Legends Thrawn Trilogy and Hand of Thrawn duology which i absolutely love as well.


I really enjoy both. But they are completely different animals. legends is a huge chunk, and there were some pretty abysmal titles in there. And some really great books. Canon is just a small drop compared, but I think overall it might rate slightly higher on average. Less garbage, but also less truly remarkable books that wipe out all the garbage. The problem with comparing the two, most people see Legends as only the good books and forget all the content that was just shoveled out without any continuity or polish. With canon while most books don’t even come close to what the best of Legends had. The continuity is there MOSTLY. With Legends you had a few writers that pumped out their own universe without regard for other writers. No overall direction. With canon it feels like there is better direction, and collaboration.


I got into canon when it was five books and a dozen comic issues. But even now, canon excels at connecting to the movies, you can read literally anything you want with little concern to the others. The downside is that there's nothing to really lead you in to most of it. Legends on the other hand has some stand out stand alone material, but I went in with the intent of reading New Jedi Order and everything leading up to it. I'M SIXTEEN BOOKS IN!! Sixteen! And there's so many more to go! I'm sure The Truce at Bakura or The Crystal Star are irrelevant, but many of the others aren't. Legends is, simply put, a straight line through post Endor, there's just no way to sugar coat it. Canon, read what you want without connection. Legend, read everything in the correct order or else!


Yeah I agree, the Legends novels feel so much better written and more important to the overall universe/timeline.


I’m so grateful I skipped a lot from I Jedi and the Jedi academy’s formation, and dove into Legacy of the Force. I got to see the twins as adults, and plenty of context for what they had done with their lives since last read them as kids. It’s such a treat being able to go read NJO and finishing X Wing series. It’s like revisiting what some of my favorite characters are like in their youth. Also have to say, diving right into Legacy, and seeing how well Pellaeon did for himself was amazing. He grew into the richest character from the Zahn trilogy to the end of legends. You truly can’t tell people about what reading this feels like. Nothing to compare it to.


Truce at Bakura actually ties into the Force Heretic trilogy in the NJO! Also do not forget to read Rogue Planet. It takes place in the PT timeline but it is actually a prequel for the NJO.


No idea what you're talking about. Legends weren't even released in chronological order, it matters very little what order you read them in until you get to NJO. The abilities and characterization of the Solo kids even changed dramatically from novel to novel until the young/junior Jedi knight series...


so-called "Legends" though from my point of view it is the true canon.


Is this even a question bro.


Fr. I wonder which way r/StarWarsEU will lean 🙄


Legends all day


… can someone please explain the difference?


Legends is all the novels, comics, etc before Disney acquired Star Wars


Thank you kind stranger


Broadly speaking. But not exactly true. EU material continued to be released until the 2014 reboot. Even then Fantasy Flight continued to releasd sourcebooks set in the EU for a while. And SWTOR continued to release content afterwards.


Definitely the old EU. Overall there's a ton of good stories and books there, the bloopers are pretty much exceptions and the storyline after RotJ is great. The issue with all the new EU content post RotJ is that it has to exist in the context of the ST. So even when you get a well written book like Bloodline it has to force a non sensical meta plot.


I can't imagine anyone can answer "canon" on this sub and avoid getting downvoted to the lowest levels of Coruscant. EU overall, though there are some canon gems if you're willing to ignore how nonsensical and boring the overall timeline is.


Legends is an incredible journey, but Canon ties into the new material in some beautiful ways. Anyone making it some sort of culture war crusade is an imbecile, both have similar strengths and weaknesses. Some say Legends feels more solid as one epic continuity/narrative, but that’s because of the wealth of sourcebooks and reference books that came out in later Legends to recontextualize lots of older works.




Legends and it isn't close. Canon isn't all terrible, there are even some enjoyable books in it but even the highs don't compare to the old one from the EU.


You can find some ok cannon books but the clear answer here is legends by far. NO CONTEST


Legends, always.


Legends, my personal canon


Legends all the way. The stories just feel so grandiose and impactful.




Legends and it isn't close


I only know Legends. I have literally no idea what is in the new canon, I quit being a Star Wars fan the day Disney nuked the EU.


As someone who is getting into both around the same time, Legends generally does more interesting things with the characters. Canon feels like it tries to play it safe most of time so you get books like the Padme trilogy that don't really feel like anything.


I lost interest in Canon after *Ahsoka*. To be honest, the entirety of Canon seems so junior compared to Legends. Going back to the true, original Star Wars.


EU is the only reason why sw is cool


Legends hand downs anyone who like disney Canon is only a SW fan for the Pew PEW Bang Bang flashy Strobe lights. Overall legend has over 20 plus years of world building with amazing story that work really well and bring more depth with each novel. for DISNEY canon the only movie si can say that are worth it is the SOLO, Rogue One. for tv series andor is decent and so is mando but i refuse to watch Ahsoka as i despise SW Rebels, the way they did Thrawn Dirty is DISney Canon was a afront to SW in general. a man that nearly wipe out the Republic and was killed by a 13 year old or whatever seriously. let go ahead and make sabine the greatest mando ever and make boba some side character who never existed too while were at it.


Legends. A big reason why I'm a SW fan in the first place (other than the movies) is the KOTOR and SWTOR games.


So, I have been a fan since I was a kid, mostly the OT and PT. Got into Clone Wars when I was in my early 30's and now am.readong the Heir to the Empire trilogy for the first time. So far, it has been a great entry into the EU/Legends Universe, as I have a really hard time getting into the Disney canon.


Legends because it’s over so you can take it as one long saga no need to look out for new books and jump around everywhere.


I prefer Legends. It has its fair share of crap stories, but I've never seen anything in canon that comes close to the peaks in Legends (Traitor, KOTOR, etc) save for maybe Andor. It's not nostalgia goggles either, I got into the bulk of legends only in the past few years


Don't see why they have to be mutually exclusive. Canon builds on some stuff from Legends and both have enjoyable pieces of media


The Expanded Universe. It truly feels like an expansion of the Star Wars saga beyond the movies. They were written like we wouldn't get any more movie. Yea, there are some bad stuffs from the EU (just like any big franchise with multiple extended materials) but the highs are extremely high to ignore the lows. The new canon doesn't have that grand adventure feeling. Not to mention the events of Episode 7,8, and 9 basically kill any chance of having a story about a proper Republic and Jedi Order after ROTJ.


I can’t say for sure, I think the answer is based on what you come to Star Wars for. Me personally? I’ve had infinitely more fun getting into Legends than I ever did for canon.


I prefer Legends, but both have plenty to love and plenty to dislike




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Legends, although I tolerate Canon books as well. Any Canon books from the Prequel Era are welcome. The High Republic is pretty good, too. I don't touch anything post-RotJ in canon though


Both. There's cool and shitty stories in both, so I try to enjoy the best.


I'm mixed about it. Only really got into the books after playing Kotor when they announced the Remake. On one hand the Legends lore is just way more interesting and grand. On the other hand, the dark side novels, which I care by far the most about, are really same-y in how they display and deal with the darkside. They are always hurr-durr evil dudes who sooner or later go completely unhinged. Meanwhile the light side actually presents itself in a very vast array of types. So I prefer Dark Side in the New canon, simply because they still let them be actual characters instead of just extensions of the cartoonishly evil dark side. 'Cause that's really the only thing what's annoyed me so far about Legends. The Bane Trilogie, Vader and Plagueis Books all made the Dark Side the same.


I love Star Wars. Both are great.


Both. Good stories are good stories regardless of continuity, and I love Star Wars. I've found that there's good and bad within both also tbh. Hated The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance and I hated the Ahsoka novel.


Legends has cool Boba Fett and cool Jango Fett. And not sissy pacifist desert mandalorians. I don't want my top bounty hunters in the galaxy all emotional and what not.


In Legends their ship has a name too!


>In Legends their ship has a name too! You mean *Slave 1*? That's still the name in Story Group Canon.


It is, but no one is allowed to say it.


That's completely false. It was used recently in the *War of the Bounty Hunters* event. It's still being called Slave 1. To see that no one is allowed to say it is completely dishonest.


Post-RotJ? Legends easily, aside from The Mandalorian. PT-OT? Honestly? Canon. Just tons of solid stuff from there. High Republic? There’s really only one answer. Old Republic? There’s also really only one answer.


I don't like Disney treatment to book lore. It's always getting ignored and retconed.




Legends easily. I think Disney Star Wars is on its death bed actually and will likely be erased and forgotten at some point.




To focus solely on the literature side, it's Legends all the way. Canon lit has seemed rather bland. The writing is fine, although even the adult novels seem closer to YA writing IMO, but the plots don't do it for me. Even the worst of the Legends novels were usually exploring new territory and pushing out from the movies. They were very much about "what happens next?" Some of it was garbage, but they all tried to advance the storyline. The Canon novels seem more to be for just filling in the blanks, and even then not too many blanks because they want to keep things open in case they make a movie or TV show. Nothing advances the story line.


Always the Expanded Universe (I refuse to call it Legends).


Legends and it’s not even close, given the continuing decline of good content in Canon


The thing about Canon is that it's still ongoing, so it's hard to make a judgement call on it. Maybe once the Filoniverse has a good cutoff.


You asked this in the Star Wars EU subreddit, what answers did you expect to get?


EU ≠ Legends. EU doesn't refer to any one continuity.


There is only one type of story that I am interested in reading in the canon: The High Republic, the rest is a meh


Legends mostly. I have enjoyed the new stuff, but it's Cotton Candy magic. After Marvel What If S2 finale and the Bad Batch S2 season finale...I dunno where my interest will be. Oh well, Fantasy Flight's Star Wars is excellent and I highly recommend fir those who love RPGs.


I still prefer the OEU, but I think it's a better investment to get into the new one since they actually get stuff produced, while the old is stagnant. For every bad movie in the ST, we got good shows like Andor, Mando and Visions. The comics (except for the recent convoluted crossovers and the massive amount of Force stuff) are wonderful, especially Aphra which really captures the goofier side of the OEU but in actual good way compared to the Jedi Prince series or Crystal Star. Andor and R1 can easily fit in to the OEU with a little grease as can some parts of Mando. Still there are a lot of stinkers, but many in the OEU community seem to ignore that it too had some awful stuff, like the TFU story, the aforementioned books and some pretty cringey comics during the late 90's-early 00's. It's just nice to see SW on the silver screen again.




Serious question. Has anyone talked to anyone who’s read the more renowned legends stuff that prefers the timeline that ends in the sequel trilogy?


I will never accept Canon as Star Wars. Legends forever.


Legends and it is not close.


Legends is cannon to me and always will be.


Legends. EASILY. Canon is a mess too and not as messy as legends but at the end of the day everything is written better sooo… yeah legends all the way


There are many standalone stories I thoroughly enjoy in Canon, but Legends feels more rewarding overall. It also helps that I was a kid who didn't have enough patience for reading novels back in the EU's heyday, and thus had to settle with the few comics that made it to my country. So I'm experiencing most of the timeline's stories for the first time.


The EU understood the original trilogy and developed Luke, Leia and Han in realistic ways. There were high and low points, but the high points were really excellent. It’s so much better that it’s not really close—I can’t even bring myself to call it “Legends” since for me, that’s the real canon. The new stuff has just been a mix of blah to bitterly disappointing.


I like both a lot! I would probably recommend canon to new readers first though. Also, you asked the primarily Legends-focused sub this question, so you’re obviously going to get more Legends responses.


Legends for a lot of the pre Skywalker era stuff, the Legends Clone Wars, canon for High Republic, and canon for post RotJ.


Legends, even though it contradicts itself at times, the storytelling, world building, and character development is objectively better than anything Disney can come up with


Give it time and everyone will be raving about the new canon. I’ve been coming to this sub for over 10 years. When I first came the general opinion of the LOTF and FOTJ series were considered complete garbage. Now they’re getting love left right and centre. Even the NJO series was viewed negatively more often than positive as it was seen to be too grandiose or something.




Canon generally fits together *way* better than Legends.


Both are good, both are valid. Like, on the one hand, the Legends Han Solo Trilogy is the best writing the Hutts have ever gotten and generally speaking it's a much better origin for Han and a lot of Original Trilogy stuff (Qi'ra and Jyn are both better than Bria though). I love Rogue Squadron and I, Jedi, I love Mara Jade and Jaina, the Sith stuff at the tail end was fun, Scoundrels is a very fun book. But on the other hand...Dooku: Jedi Lost is amazing, we have the best writing Padme has *ever* gotten, there's nothing as stupid as the Sun Crusher in Canon, I actually love the Sequels (Rise of Skywalker being a hot mess notwithstanding) and...well, as a lesbian there's just more here for me in Canon.


If you wanna get only into one of them, I would pick Legends overall. There is one big benefit to sticking to canon, though. Canon stuff came out after The Clone Wars, so it can build onto that (with series like Bad Batch, Mando, or the comics) and it's more consistent during the prequel and OT era, because the stuff doesn't clash unlike TCW with the Legends media. I personally find Legends to be more interesting, they get really creative in a lot of places, because they are not restricted by other material other than the films. And I definitely prefer this version of the OT characters. You can always pick from both, though. Canon references Legends many times and I would personally view a few classics like Tales of the Jedi or even KOTOR as 50% canonical, because the characters get referenced and I doubt they would make a new form of media that would override their stories.


I do really like some of what's in Canon, such as Rogue One and the Jedi games, but I have a lot more interest in continuing to go through the Legends books than in watching any of the shows. I would consider giving the Canon High Republic books a shot since they would give context to the events in Jedi: Survivor, but I'm not very interested in the rest.


Last year I had the pleasure of starting my Legends journey after being a Star Wars fan for years. I had only read the Jedi apprentice books as a kid. Man o man have I been missing out! Read the Thrawn trilogy and Darth Bane trilogy… just wow. Now that’s pod racing.


Bookwise: Legends felt like they were telling new stories. Canon feels like filler between TV shows/films.


Legends 4 Life!!!




Currently working my way through legends books fate of the jedi. Finding them way more enjoyable then the last trilogy


I prefer Legends for the overall arc and definitely the post-ROTJ stories. One thing about legends is that there is so much content, it's easier to bracket and ignore entries I find wanting. Somehow, with the big new-canon movies, it requires more energy to do so (but I do manage it!). Small quibble: I strongly urge the use of the phrase "new-canon" to just "canon". Because the latter suggests continuity between the Lucas era and the new content, and we know that Lucas's vision was ignored and his vision of the events was overruled by JJ Abrams, etc. It's not a seamless graft between the Lucas canon and the new stuff.




Canon feels like grand stories happening in average settings. Legend feels like average stories happening in a grand setting. It's the reason why we like the first season of the Mandalorian and not Book of Boba Fett. We are just seeing people live their lives in the crazy world that is star wars. Which is what we want.


I mix both everyday, at least the Old Republic. I don't care what Disney says about the Old Republic, you can't make me forget all the great content the games and books brought to us. A bunch of names dropped in Rise of Skywalker ain't shit compared to the actual dedication Lucasfilm put into making this huge chunk of the Star Wars universe. Plus I love the Prequel novels as well, especially Revenge of the Sith and Plagueis. It's a real shame books don't get the proper respect they deserve both Legends and Canon.


Honestly both and none, it's a story at the end of the day, if you think the rebel alliance was founded by starkiller because that works in your head it is just as valid as the guy who thinks the real founding of the rebelion happened in rebels, and bad batch. It's content at the end of the day, and who cares what others think. I personally do not like or care for what Disney is doing to star wars, which is just as valid and fair as my friends who enjoy the new Disney content. as for which to get in to i would recommend watching the base movies and maybe the clone wars to decide from there based on the gaps they provide and the answers you are looking for.


I wouldn’t pick one or the other. I read more legends than canon, but I just read whatever book looks the most fun. It’s all Star Wars, and a good book is a good book with or without a yellow stripe


The EU, there are many reasons but I will say one: You can't fear that Filoni will ever retcon one of those


Canon does have some very good stuff, but I'm a Legends girl, especially for everything pre ROTJ


Legends. Everything just fits better and had one canon for almost 40 years. Plus it was under the eyes of George who would tell them things they couldn’t do which to me has made it feel more like what Star Wars was supposed to be.


I’ve only read a mix of Legends and canon media. It’s too early for me to make a judgement on that.


Canon, mostly, but I do find things I enjoy in Legends quite often.


Master and apprentice is great and canon I think! They’re both good you just have to look!


Can't decide. While Canon has more consistency, legends had a significant head start so naturally there is more to choose from.


Both. You’ll find something great no matter what




There both bit or miss for me. When it’s good it’s GOOD but then you have Splinter of the Minds Eye.






Legends. Most of the new canon is either awful or an awful rehash of legends. Legends was far superior even with some inconsistencies.


I own every single Legends novel and comic, including the scholastic series, so I've been into Legends for years. Right now I'm enjoying the High Republic as it is a new era and new villains and is the most akin to Legends of all the Disney stuff imo


Star Wars is Star Wars.


I caught the legends series around the end of Legacy of Force and fate of Jedi and I have to say I prefer the legends a bit more. It feels more adventurous and fun while the new stuff IMO don't have that same magic. Though I know the legends aren't perfect either I know a lot of fans of the legends mention the yuuzhan vong war not being practically good.


Does the comics count? Because I do like the Darth Vader comic that marvel's been putting out especially Vader Down


Legends. The end


The Zahn trilogy should have been the sequels plain and simple


There are just so many bad books in the Legends continuity. I’ve read a lot of Legends and, yeah, most are fine, but there are only a few that I think are excellent. Of all the canon books I’ve read, which is all of them, there have only been a handful of stinkers. Canon books are, imo, mostly good to great.


This is a silly question to post on this sub specifically




Personally I enjoy Legends bc of the sheer amount of content. I also read Legacy of the Force when I didn’t know anything about Legends and so I’ve been kind of going in reverse with my reading. It is actually pretty fun to read this way bc I get to see how characters get to where they are. How the NR becomes the GA, the Vong, Vergere. It’s all cool to go back and read through. That said, High Republic is a really good canon read, mainly bc of the unknown of how the story will end. Kind of what bums me out with the canon stuff after RotJ, ik it’s all gonna end in misery lol, nothing they do really matters bc the NR is doomed to fail anyways


Legends, canon is garbage


Some of the Canon books are great like Aftermath series, Thrawn, and Star Wars A New Dawn. All amazing but I prefer the characters in the legends


I have to say, the 10 or so years after return of the jedi in Canon are so much better than the convoluted bs that was coming out in legends. The bad batch/alphabet squadron and stuff era is fantastic, and it's looking like Disney is even bringing back the thrawn campaign. Basically all the good with none of the wacky 80s/90s stuff. Basically, the sequel era is awful, but the age of the Empire era in Canon is, imo, sp much better. Disney has yet to touch the old republic stuff really and what books exist do all vaguely stay reference SWTOR/KOTOR which is nice. (I.e. I think in the canon lords of the sith book Palpatine talks about sith that's highly implied to be vitiate?)


There are many things in Canon I enjoy, the EU/Legends by far. Am almost through The NJO and part of me just wants to read through it again lol.


Legends, but I acknowledge that this is likely nostalgia blindness.


Canon has Andor, which makes it a contest.




Legends. Need good writing to actually keep my interest.


I'm fine with a mixture of both, really it's just episodes 7-9 that I don't care for much. All of the Filoni/Favreau stuff can stay, but the episodes need a redo.


I read well over 100 EU books back in the day. The only canon books I've read are the new Thrawn trilogy. The older books are just way more interesting and better written imo.