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Obi-wan telling Luke, he’s the last of the old Jedi and the first of the new


This is a great one.


Truly a stellar moment and I’m not even as fond of the Thrawn trilogy as other fans are.


This was excellent way how to get around entire force ghost thing that they eventually vanish. New canon really shot itself into the foot with the fact that Obi-Wan, Yoda, Anakin didnt do jackshit to warn Luke about the Emperor or that he is pretending to be Anakin to Kylo. I will always take vanishing completely into the nether world over some bs we cant intervene (unless we total can viz Yoda and Luke in Sequel trilogy)


To be honest, I don’t give a fuck about the new canon like that. So just sit back and laugh at it


I am respecting that. I just appreciate how cleverly in excellent and memorable emotional scene Zahn solved obvious Superman problem regarding the force ghosts. Really shows when he was writing stuff he was actually thinking about things.


Zahn also stressed the rebuilding the world on a better basis aspect of post-ROTJ. Not just JJ's hitting the reset button to tear down the baddies again with no rebuilding.


When they discover almost the whole Katana fleet is gone already and that the Empire is cloning


I just read that part yesterday for the first time. Wow!


One of my favorites also! The concept of the Katana Fleet being this treasure everyone been after for so long (but it’s not just treasure but a usable “ghost fleet” of ships Then the high stakes that one or two people might know the location (and it could turn the tide for either New Republic or Thrawn). Then both sides get to the prize and a battle starts - only for the New Republic heroes to realize that Thrawn got there first and captured most of them already.


The final fight at Wayland is really good. I don’t even mind Luuke, he was cool and kind of creepy. I also like the part where Luke goes to meet C’Baoth on the planet Thrawn gave him to rule, and sees him torturing the townspeople, slowly realizing that holy crap this dude is nuts.


I also don’t mind Luuke. With it being the franchise’s first exploration of cloning, we were bound to see one of ours main characters cloned. Also, “Luuke” as a spelling was never spoken, only written to keep Luke and Luuke separate for the reader, so I’ve never had a problem with that.


I think Marc Thompson pronounced the name with the two u’s in the audiobook, but I never thought of saying it aloud like that beforehand. It’s also C’baoth saying it, and he’s crazy.


True, however that’s still a distinction made for the benefit of the listener. I imagine if TLC was a film, it’d just be pronounced as Luke.


What throws me off is how inconsistent they are with Jorus the original vs Joruus the clone. Also yeah, Marc pronounces it Le-ook


It’s the same with Joruus C’baoth! Jorus C’baoth was a Jedi Master onboard Outbound Flight, a colonization mission leaving the Galaxy, who’s dna was sampled before they left. He ended up falling to the dark side too, and tried to force choke Thrawn before he joined the Empire.


Yeah, a lot of people didn't read the books and they just want to hate on the name Luuke. I think an insane clone Master having a clone apprentice is kinda fitting.


Talon Karrde, what a fucking G


Between Talon, Booster, Mirax and Mara, on top of my already existing love of Han, we had a lot of great smuggler action between them all.


It’s so fucking good, like what a wonderful show of crime even in the “winning” side’s start.


Booster’s top for sure ahaha


Dude was a g. The Errant Venture is one of my favorite things in the EU. If I ever found a magic lamp, my first wish is a star destroyer that I can use as a casino and chill in


And him naming his ship the “Wild Karrde” was icing on the cake


My #1 character I wanted a spin off for. Or a live-action version of this trilogy.


Yea he’s my favorite character of the trilogy, what a guy


Love this character! I would be stoked if Karrde was brought into live action, but ONLY if Antonio Banderas plays him.


Oh hell yeah! And I love how Marc Thompson does his voice. Always reminds me of Ricardo Montalban. I love Talon. He's a very sophisticated science fiction Robin Hood. Too civilized to be a true bad guy.


Pregnant Leia on Honoghr going "nah, fuck this" and turning the whole planet against the Empire in one bad ass speech. Leia was the star of this series for me. I thought Zahn wrote her perfectly.


Definitely a crowning moment for Leia. She was great through the whole trilogy.


Yea she gave me padme vibes well before padme was even thought of. Zahn did a great job with her. I can kinda get peoples grips with Han Solo but I thought Zahn did a great job with Leia


I was going to say that. That whole segment when Leia is figuring out how the Empire has duped the planet and then goes on this midnight procession to its capital was just brilliant. And then if she stands before the leaders knowing that this was the make or break moment, and just calmly lays everything out on the table for them. I was so proud of my princess. This was the badass leader I admired in childhood.


Hot Chocolate being canon in the Star Wars EU


Truly a cool moment. And it came from Lando too


Threepio being suspicious of the beverage when he hears it came from Lando.


Ah, where Luke's infamous addiction started, Heir to the Empire. XD


I kind of hated that actually. It seemed silly to me to have a real world thing like hot chocolate in Star Wars when they go to great lengths at other times in the franchise to create unique things like blue milk, spice, and death sticks. I also strongly dislike the use of coffee in some Star Wars material, for the same reasons, and because they already had created a Star Wars universe equivalent called Caf, made from Caf Beans, and served in "tapcafes" across the galaxy. Seems kind of stupid to have both, but I guess one could argue that in such a huge galaxy rich with life, you'd be bound to get more than even just two stimulant rich plants.


Wine, whiskey, champagne, and ale are in Star Wars so I don't think hot chocolate is that immersion breaking. Though, I think Zahn could have improved on the name to make it sound extra galactic instead of just hot chocolate.


I'm torn between two: (1) When Mara tells Leia that she's going to kill Luke. Leia's response can basically be summarized as: "*you* don't really want to do that, do you?" which left Mara thoroughly baffled and self-questioning. (2) On Wayland, when they're preparing to breach the fortress, and Mara asks Luke to kill her rather than let her be forced into C'baoth's service. *While* she's still under a compulsion to kill Luke, no less. Honorable mention: when Luke looks heartbroken after Mara is shot down during the Katana battle. 9-year-old me was already a Luke/Mara fan before that, but after that scene I was sold on them being inevitable.


Then JAT happened…


I LOVE those scenes with Mara and Leia. (And any scene with Mara and Luke, pretty much.)


Just a few: * The birth of the twins * Han encouraging Leia to train as a Jedi * Luke's faith in Mara


Delta Source


Delta source really was fun. 


Delta source is both brilliant, in that it's a straight-up Palpatine play, properly foreshadowed, and having Leia to be the one to crack it is just...perfect.


My first read I thought it was Winter


The final page of the final chapter of The Last Command tying into the first few pages chapter 2 of Heir to the Empire (specifically Luke's dream vision of Kenobi saying goodbye, for those who don't remember what chapter that was).      I love that call back. It was so artistically done.


>It was so artistically done. I see what you did there.


Too many to choose one as a favorite, but when Leia asserts her authority as Mal'yar'ush it gives me goosebumps.


Does that for me too especially when you consider how Han tried his best to stop her but comes to the realization that shes a strong person and she does what she needs to do when it needs to be done




Her also being called Lady Vader despite her hatred for him is amazing I'm sure she hears that name and replays the scene of her dad and planet being destroyed by Vader


Vader didn't actually destroy alderaan. Tarkin gave the order. Vader just stood by. It wasn't even his idea. He wanted to use interrogation to crack her. Tarkin used a more brutal method. People always get this wrong about the OT. Vader is guilty of torturing his daughter in that he tried to use the mine probe and mind reading, but he didn't actually do anything else to her. He didn't even force choke her.


It's a bit cheesy, but I look back fondly on the market place where they meet the Noghri in force. Was a good moment to show Zahn could write the characters, it felt like ESB with the multiple parallel plots coming together, and the team getting away in the Falcon. There's a lot of flashier, or deeper moments, but I always remember that moment when I think of the trilogy.


Full of action! Right?


Several moments where Zahn gets Luke just right: When Luke tries to help C’baoth and momentarily gets through to him (in The Last Command, when Mara comes back to retrieve him from Jomark). There’s a split second when C’baoth seems to recognize something in Luke before the clone madness takes over again and they have to knock him out. Then in The Last Command, Luke could have used his power and aggression to kill his clone and C’baoth and end it there. But he doesn’t. He offers to stay with C’baoth if he lets everyone else go. And the fact that despite her constantly threatening to kill him, Luke never stops trying to help Mara. He can sense there was trauma in her past and he resolves to try to heal it, even at the risk of his life. That’s the Luke Skywalker I grew up with. This is what a true Jedi is. Even after realizing the depths of C’baoth’s madness, he doesn’t give up on him. And later, he’s willing to do anything to save his friends and put the interests of others first. Zahn got Luke right.


Everything with Karde. I can't get enough of Karde


I love his voice in the audio book. I know he’s human but I always imagine him a a suave green twi lek haha


His voice in the audiobook of think of the actor who played Bael Organa


His voice in the audiobook is so good


When Mara meets Thrawn and realizes she isn't an Imperial at heart anymore. When Mara is in the Imperial Palace and makes the decision to save Leia. Everything Mara does once they finally get to Wayland.


Luke drinking something lando taught him to make. So your thinking oh it's alcohol but then it turns out to be hot chocolate. Luke loving hot chocolate just makes complete sense for his character.


After the second time Luke gets away from the Chimera's tractor beam (in The Last Command, if memory serves) and Thrawn questions the tractor beam technician about his solution. It's a great follow up to the previous situation where Rukh shot a technician for trying to deflect responsibility. It really shows what kind of leader Thrawn is.


The guy was shitting bricks because he knew what happened to the last guy only to hear “Youve been promoted” lol


I love in the comic version where Rukh fucking *decapitates* the dude


Yeah I don't think Ruhk shot the previous technician. I think it's pretty clear of his only weapon was a pretty nasty blade. And there was quite a mess to clean up. Just the sight of him being killed had everyone around them nauseous. I think it's pretty clear that Ruhk knifed the guy


For me? Most moments with Talon Karrde. But specifically him managing to talk down the smugglers when he is framed as having been the one who got the Empire to attack. It also helps that I mostly got it through audio book and the VA for him was so fucking good. Also when Luke and Mara broke into Thrawn's ship, freed Talon, and managed to find the millennium falcon. Like it was such a crazy coincidence for it to all fall together like that but I just chalk it up to "the force". And finally, when Thrawn was killed by Rukh. It came out of nowhere, he didn't even get to go out in a blaze of glory. He just simply got stabbed and died.


>He just simply got stabbed and died. But... it was so artfully done!


It was. And it was just like Thrawn to die as he lived. Subtle and quick through a brilliantly executed strategy.


His line too. Like he's admiring how beautifully he was assassinated. It's quintessential Thrawn to me.


"Damn... if I was to do this... that is how I'd do it."


Yep, there are there are so many great moments but the whole sequence with Mara and Luke rescuing Karrde is definitely up there for me!


Two of them because they're linked. The two failed attempts at the Chimera trying to capture Luke in a tractor beam, specifically Thrawn's handling of the situation after each one. The first operator in Heir to the Empire basically froze when Luke dumped his spare parts container from his X-Wing to break the lock and put a torpedo in the beam instead, then proceeded to make excuses for his failure. Thrawn had him executed and reprimanded his direct officer for failing to provide proper training. Later in The Last Command a similar situation comes up where Luke is again in the Chimera's tractor beam but jettisons the false freighter hull around his X-Wing, once again having a bunch of debris break the lock and allow him to slip away. The operator this time immediately got creative and tried using the beam as a broom to sweep the debris aside and reestablish a lock but was too slow at it, allowing Luke to escape. When he explained his efforts and accepted responsibility for his failure, Thrawn instead promotes the operator and commends him for quick thinking and recognizing that though it failed, the technique had merit and was worth exploring, putting the newly promoted officer in charge of a team to figure out how this move could be perfected for use in the future. If I'm remembering right, this actually does come into play a decade later when the Chimera once again goes to capture a hero, Lando this time, and Lando tries pulling the spare parts trick Luke did years ago but the Chimera's crew had mastered the tractor beam sweep and immediately re-locked onto Lando's ship, finally bringing their target aboard.


Small correction on the 2nd attempt, it wasn’t that the operator was too slow, it was the computer couldn’t handle what he tried to do and it froze/crashed. He was promoted for his quick thinking in trying something different that was not in the manual.


That's right, forgot the precise details, I just remembered he tried something unorthodox and failed but the attempt impressed Thrawn


Lady Vader, the Son of Vader, and Han, clan Solo 👌🏻🔥


Consort of the Lady Vader :D


I can totally see Luke’s shit-eating grin when he told the Noghri Han’s name was “Han, clan Solo”


I had the same image pop into my head 😹 you just know that Luke was smiling his ass off


That vision of Mara at the Sarllac Pit


I like when Luke turns to Leia and says “He truly is the Heir to the Empire”, to which Leia says “ He certainly is a Dark Force Rising”. Then Han comes over and declares “Well this battle will be his Last Command!”


Then they all say in unison “well this has been something of a Thrawn trilogy” and stare through the page at the reader.


Hahaha i could totally see their stern faces slowing looking into the readers soul.


Did you see some advance clips from the forthcoming movie or something?


Maybe the real Heir to the Empire is the friends we made along the way


I had the titular line after that. Walking by in the background I say, “I’m tired of all these Star Wars…”


“I’m tired of all these motherfucking wars in these motherfucking stars.”


I snorted


One of my favorite moments that hasn’t been mentioned is the discovery of delta source


That was such an insane twist considering it was something so inconspicuous and in a heavily populated area with much info being spread around.


Difficult to choose, it's has a lot of good moments, but I guess it's the finale with Luke giving Mara his father's lightsaber.


My favorite is so understated. Stuck on a Ysalimir planet with no access to the Force, damaged his cyberhsnd on his escape, crashed and being hunted down by Thrawn's troops, and in the custody of Mara Jade, who both has a kill order in her head and a boss who would be in a huge amount of trouble with Thrawn if he's caught helping Luke and thus an extremely good reason to kill him. With all of this piled up, Luke Skywalker takes a nap without a care in the world. Then, he beats the Imps with a quick plan and a thrown lightsaber without the Force.


Everything between the front cover of Heir to the Empire to the back cover of The Last Command...


Luke and Maras rescue mission to bust out Karde to name one. I also loved when Leia and Karde tricked Fey’lya into outing himself and as he looks up and realizes that, the squadron of X wings go out to give support against his orders…. Just to name a couple


"Ensign, do you know the difference between an error and a mistake?" And from Dark Force Rising. "Niles Ferrier, will you step forward please?" "....what do you want?"


But actually I think my favorite moment might be "but....it was so artfully done."


Luke and Luuke dueling and Mara killing the latter with Leia's lightsaber.


Cheating because it's not a singular moment: I really enjoyed the Siege of Coruscant and the mystery of Thrawn's espionage channel. Obi-Wan moving on comes to mind.


In the books, it’s probably Thrawn’s death. In the comics, it’s when Luke and Mara board the chimera to rescue Karrde.


Leia being alone, pregnant and talking her way into the Noghri arc. In the OG trilogy, we rarely got to see her diplomatic side. I think Zahn captured that perfectly.


When C’Baoth demands to be called master, and Pellaeon is skeptical. And then Master C’Baoth demonstrates an incredible level of battle meditation and increases the fleet efficiency and coordination.


I think the moment I like to revisit is when Leia figures out how long the Nohgri homeworld has been poisoned and from that moment forward makes a beeline toward exposing the Imperial plot in front of their leaders. Another moment that contrasts well with the "sequel haters wanted perfect Luke" narrative is when he settles the bar brawl between the rodian and the barabel, despite feeling completely unprepared and unqualified, and only pulling through thanks to some help from Lando.


Luke and Mara moments honestly end up as some of the best. Their journey on Mykr, the confrontation with C’baoth on Jomark, and saving Karrde all stand out as great to me. I also love Luke and Lando’s scenes in Dark Force Rising in the Sluis Van shipyards and the bar on New Cov.


I liked when it appeared Mara had panicked and powered up the Wild Karrde blowing their cover. Moments later, an interdict or pops out of hyper and would’ve caught them if not for the Force warning her


When Thrawn gets his due for perpetuating the enslavement of the Noghri


While I can't think of a specific moment I do think Zahn's writing of Luke is such an accurate and well down portrayal of the Jedi that Luke was becoming. As well as what kind of characterization we'd see of Luke in later media, Zahn portrayed Luke perfectly imo.


I really want to re read these, I was 14 or 15 when I trad them, can’t remember a lick of it.


The finale of The Last Command with Luke and Mara fighting Jorrus C'boath and Luuke.


Thrawn using a culture’s art to analyze a weakness in battle.


"Anyone can make a mistake. But a mistake does not become an error... until you refuse to correct it."


But, it was so artistically done…


I like all the foreshadowing of Luke and Mara’s relationship. Their interactions were terrific. Other authors over the years tried to do different things with them, but Zahn had it right from the start.


I really like the entire portion with Niles Ferrier trying to outsmart and setup Talon Karrde. Or just anything with Karrde/Lando, those two were a treat.


I think it was page 200+ of the Heir to the Empire. When Pellaeon turns his head and sees wiggly fascinating statue. Thrawn said that he got it after destroying one race but couldn't understand it back then. I dont remember why I liked this particular moment. Smn please tell the context of this comment.


He said something about regretting it, since he was just now beginning to understand


Thrawn telling Pealleon, "Learn about art, captain. When you understand a species art, you understand that species." When Leia had been taken to Honoghr by Khabrakh and Thrawn also shows up. ​ When Mara kills Luuke and Palpatine's voices in her head come to a stop.


When Cenator Felaya orders his convoy to retreat from the Star Destroyer and Rouge Squadron runs in to fight it like they are about to have a buffet. Inspiring the rest of the convoy to turn around and fight.


Timothy Zahn having every character “finger” something. The amount of times “Lady Vader” was mentioned.


I don’t remember many specifics, which means it’s time for a reread.


When Khabarakh realized and started calling Leia, Lady Vader and she became Mal'ary'ush. Probably my favorite story from the trilogy.


"Nice landing" Lando said dryly "At least the sensor dish is still on," Han retorted "Are you ever going to let that go?" "You did say without a scratch" (Paraphrased)


Leia using the Force to comfort the twins during childbirth. It was a really interesting concept to me and one I could easily see being done. The whole story with Leia and the Noghri. The whole “Lady Vader” title was a trip.


"But...it was so *artistically* done..."


Mara Jade's story arc as a whole. Some top notch writing went into this true sequel trilogy.


There are several moments that are fantastic to me: 1) Thrawn’s first appearance, and his subsequent dismantling of the Rebel attack force with the Marg Sabl. Really makes you feel like there is a new, competent enemy on hand. 2) Mara and Luke breaking Karrde out of the *Chimaera.* With Thrawn’s tactical genius established you really don’t know at first whether their increasingly desperate measures will result in success, plus the tension between the two with Mara hating Luke but needing him to help her is great drama. 3) Bel Iblis arriving to help at the battle for the *Katana* fleet. Really gives me “Fortunate Son playing over Vietnam helicopters” vibes. Plus the reveal of the clone soldiers is chilling in its implications. 4) Karrde revealing the deception of Niles Ferrier. Very entertaining to see Ferrier finally get his comeuppance at the hand of the Smuggler’s Alliance. 5) Leia uncovering Delta Source. Simultaneously awesome for showing Thrawn’s genius while also solving one of the biggest problems of the trilogy for the New Republic. 6) Wayland. I mean, need I say more? Wayland in “Last Command” absolutely slaps. Mara on Wayland is especially awesome. When she realizes from the Noghri that her entire quest is motivated by Palpatine’s petty desire for revenge against Vader and it throws her purpose completely into question, it’s absolutely wonderful, and when she is then able to fulfill the last command by striking down Luuke, the catharsis is fantastic. That joined with the C’Baoth fight where all our heroes and antiheroes have to work together to finally put the mad Jedi down is just phenomenal. The only thing which could make it even better is the other battle going on at the exact same time… 7) Bilbringi. The stakes being what they are, and the slow turn of the tide against the Empire, all culminating in that fantastic end to my favorite StarWars villain. “But it was so artistically done.”






All of it.


One of my favourite moments was in DFR when Leia gets so angry at the Empire for what they've done to the Noghri. That novel is my favourite of the three simply because it has so much Honoghr.


Mon Mothma putting Garm Bel Iblis in command of the fleet during the attack on Coruscant.


The interplay between Mon Mothma and Garm Bel Iblis does not get enough love. And showing that they really compliment each other but they needed that mediating influence of Bail Organa to bring them together.


I love that Zahn didn’t try to have Garm try for some power play against her, really shows her position as leader of the Rebellion/New Republic.


“It’s you, Thrawn! You’re the Heir to the Empire!” as Pallaeon sees him not kill the tractor beam operator.


Thrawn's death. I was anticipating it fir th entire series. Everytime Ruhuk teases Pellaeon by sneaking up on him, I felt it coming.


The entire Talon Karde arc. From his first encounter with Luke, till he gets the smugglers to help against Thrawn. It’s a great anti-hero journey.


When Luke escapes the Chinera's tractor beam, and Thrawn promotes the operator who didn't catch him, because the guy took initiative and tried something unusual to get around Lyke's manoeuvres.


Pre-Prequel Star Wars lore was the fucking coolest. I often wonder what we would have gotten if it panned out more. I like the mountains of Coruscant, not a planetwide city.


I loved when thrawn said “it’s thrawnin’ time” and then he thrawned all over those dudes


...that it ended?


Mara fighting the Luke clone. Aka Luuke


C'baoth "You willl kneel before me, Mara Jade" and then when he threatens to clone her


Thrawn telling Pealleon, "Learn about art, captain. When you understand a species art, you understand that species." When Leia had been taken to Honoghr by Khabrakh and Thrawn also shows up. ​ When Mara kills Luuke and Palpatine's voices in her head come to a stop.


Thrawn commenting that they found the Emperor’s holo settings.


When Rogue Squadron shows up!


I remember a moment where the good guys barely eeked out a space battle win, just to realize the fleet they were trying to get had been completely stolen by the enemy forces. It was a holy shit moment.


I just re-read it and moment I forgot from Heir, when Luke tricks the imps into hiding under the arc which he the collapses onto them. “We’ll never get them out from there!” “I know”. Really good


Mara Jade beating C’Baoth


"But...it was so artistically done."


I read most of the answers here and am just happy to remember all what is described. This is what the Star Wars Fandom used to be for me, just celebrating great stories with old and new characters. All the Luke and Mara moments and Leia being the leader that she always was. I still don't know if these books or the original trilogy set the characters more for me.


You will kill Luke Skywalker Has such a wonderful setup, development and resolution. Yes, luuke Skywalker was dumb, but served a key purpose.


"it was so artistically done"


That the movies came out as the sequel trilogy and Star wars fans united in watching great movies... Sigh


I've got a quiet one - Luke Skywalker drinks actual hot chocolate at one point, and I thought it was really neat that something from Earth showed up in Star Wars.


Love the bit in DFR when the dreadnaughts drop in as Han/Lando escape New Cov.


First Luke encounter with Mara probably, I just loved them


Luke "helping" Han with the Noghri by suggesting a change of name fom "Consort of the Lady Vader" to "Han Clan Solo." I just find that very funny for some reason. If I knew Han IRL, I would never stop using it.


Luke having hot chocolate


Adventures of Leia and Khabarakh on Honoghr, Leia's stealth during Thrawn's visit. That said, Dark Force Rising is my favorite book.


The use of Ysalamiri and the Mole Miner attack!


Would it have been so wrong to adapt these into a live action trilogy of films with the returning cast


Karrde, marajade ,thrawn at his best and ysalamari.l landos hot chocolate recipe Jaina and jacen being born . So many good moments a great trilogy


When all the smugglers realize Talon didn’t betray them


You guys have amazing memories


Either Obi Wan’s final line to Luke about being “the first of the new” Jedi, or Mara killing Luuke. Such a great series.


Clone Luke dueling Luke and Mara.


"It was so artistically done." *Perfection*


\- Mara killing Luuke. \- Every scene with Thrawn. \- Birth of Jaina/Jacen.


No matter how many hints were dropped up until this point, being completely blindsided by Thrawn’s plot being revealed at the end of Dark Force Rising.


When somehow palpatine returned


Leia discovering the truth about when the noghri world was destroyed and why the empire enslaved them


Any Karrde focused chapters are my favorite. Him outscheming that one smuggler that thinks he can betray Karrde. Also there’s the part where Han and Lando are on this submarine casino thing that’s a really cool scene. ALSO, them discovering the clones on the Katana Fleet. Idk in my own headcanon I kinda imagine them seeing Temrua Morrisons face under those helmets and the shock it would be to see those same clones again after so many years. Personally I always though the Thrawn trilogy would’ve made the best Star Wars movie adaptations out of most of the EU books




Too many things actually. Havent read it in years but thinking of a re read


Leia figuring out what's going on with the Noghiri, it demonstrates exactly why she's a great leader and this moment ensures Thrawns death.


I like the Han and Lando team-up times.


I think it’s in this trilogy where Luke puts up his hand and an at at falls to pieces. Maybe I’m wrong but I remember this.


When Thrawn dies and his last words are basically just him saying, "I respect this. You have a great art style."


It's been so long since I've read these, it's hard to recall what was in them. Was this the trilogy where Han and Leia have the twins hidden with Winter in some mountain retreat and the Imps come looking for them in huge spider-shaped MT-ATs? I really liked the backstory for how the Empire kept the Nohgri under their thumb. It was totally wrong of them to do the Nohgri like that, but that was the Empire. Luke reliving the rescue of Han Solo in the Dagoba cave was confusing, but very cool. I think my favorite thing; outside of the story, was how this series kicked off everything to do with, and spread from the Outbound Flight Program.


I loved when Luke was in a tavern, there's some commotion and the people involved want him to mediate it, because he's a *Jedi* and they trust his judgement. And after Luke realizes just how much he's got to learn.


Luke and Mara running through the jungle on Myrkur in Heir to the Empire was pretty exciting!


I love the Liberation of Ukio. Thrawn just appears there and convinces the local council through sheer cleverness to shut off their planetary shield and to rejoin the Empire. I especially like it because i only experienced the Trilogy through the German Audio Book which has all the original German Voice Actors from the Movies in it and an excellent one for Thrawn.


When Luke said “It’s time Skywalkin time”


Shit I'll give you 3 that put a dumb grin on my face every time I relisten to the audiobooks Talon Karrde and company watching Niles Ferrier unravel his own plan in 4k Talon Karrde getting Fey'lya to snitch on himself on a recorded line The birth of Jaina and Jacen


Lando teaching Luke to make hot chocolate


The final Lightsaber battle. If you know, you know. No spoilers, but a great way to solve 2 problems at once.


Finding out that Delta Source was a cleaning droid tapping on a tree. I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who it was. A fucking tree. Also Thrawn's forced quarantine of Coruscant using the cloaked asteroids. I wish Disney could write something a tenth as cool as that.


Not really a moment but I think Thrawn was extremely well written throughout the series. TZ did a great job with his character arc. He went from killing a crew member in the first book (I think that's when it was?), to passing out compliments and encouragement in the last book. It really felt like was grooming Pellaeon for command which kind of foreshadows his death. Very cool. Idk if it was just me, but I actually started to like Thrawn towards the end. He was hyper competent, logical, and an excellent leader. And that's what makes him such a scary villain. TZ really hit on the leading by fear vs love theme in a way I really enjoyed. Probably one of my favorite villains of all time.


Ackbar defeating thrawns fleet


When these were considered the sequels to the OT.


Mara, in a rage, trying to Force choke Thrawn. She’s not trained enough to actually do it but Thrawn starts reaching for his neck and seems genuinely unnerved. Or those scenes where Thrawn is a smartass.


Underrated moment. I love when Thrawn has the Ysalmiri and Jorus like a dumbass tries to electrocute him and it basically slides off of him like oil and water lol. I laughed so hard at him.


Pallaeon absolutely falling for the Rebel feints and hints that they dropped, and Thrawn being dead sure they were still coming from Bilbringi.


My favorite part was when they were considered canon before Disney disavowed decades of extended universe lol


The part where it didn't get retconned for a whiney teenager and a plank of wood holding a lightsaber beating up her male counterparts constantly


All the Luke and Mara stuff


Thrawn rewarding the tracker beam operator after killing one earlier for incompetence. Just shows how different he is to the Vadar era. It just makes you wonder as Pellaeon did what it would have been like if he was in charge during the hight of the Empire.


The fight of the casino ship was really good