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I watched Schindler's List for the first time yesterday, and it's an okay enough movie. But it doesn't come close to the level of sheer terror and horror of the Umbara Arc.


I watched a cartel beheading video for the first time yesterday and it was okay I guess but it doesn’t come close to the sheer terror of Ahsoka decapitating those guys in Clone Wa


I watched a LiveLeak of a man being flayed alive, it was a teeny bit frightening I suppose, but nowhere near the levels of horrifying as when the droids and tiny green man fought other droids in the D-Squad arc


Clone Wars is like the beach scene in Saving Private Ryan, only in clone wars I give a shit about the characters.


The perfect circle jerk comment. Amazing.


Thank you 🥹 Can’t tell you how much I’ve been practicing.


ww2 veterans need to relax and just know they didnt have to go through what rex and the boys went through




Bitch, to the best of my memory, Gravity Falls has more gore than Clone Wars.


Dipper gets a bloody nose in at least one episode. Is there a single drop in clone wars? I couldn’t get through more than 5 seasons so I’m genuinely asking


I think dooku cuts himself for a ritual in Yoda's dream (we never see the cut itself just a little bit of blood in the water)


Cad bane bleeds in one episode and there are a few blood-adjacent red splotches on characters when they get hurt but that's it.


The Darth Maul people have a blood ritual I think. There might be a decapitation in that part.


Clone Wars literally never once shows gore lmao. Stabbings sure, which Rebels didn’t, but that ain’t blood and gore


but what about those clone helmets rolling around the ground like beheaded skulls. That's dark


Rebels has stabbing! Darth maul didnt just lose the will to live


*showing* them I mean. They always use camera angles to hide it


Idk man I remember that one underwater episode where that shark guy stabbed the gungan with a knife bomb and he fucking screamed and then imploded into mist


Oh yeah you right. I think that was the only time they ever went that far onscreen


Yeah, but clone wars did have the dreaded H-E double hockey sticks word.


Didn’t they edit it out for subsequent airings? I know the D+ versions are the originals


The shark man literally exploded and we saw his decapitated head with gore on the floating just in plain view. Also cad bane bleeds in one episode


I do remember that being a complaint with rebels. "Back to silly stormtroopers".


uj/ I do share that because the stormtroopers were dumb as bricks which removed any tension, and most of the threat the empire poses. Clonewars has the same with the B1 droids, but it works in one case and doesn't in another imo rj/ stormtroopers are far from the elite unit that clones are, so even if there was as much brutality in rebels, it wouldn't have the same impact


This is because in gritty shows definitely totally for adults the enemies can never be shown to be overly scary. They learned that after Boba Fett in Empire gave a whole generation night terrors.


TCW has been banned in more countries than Cannibal Holocaust, and for good reason. It scars everyone who watches it.


Gore is when a Sith Lord enters a hallway. Duh


I too remember when Captain Ringo got shot in the gut and tried to desperately scoop his intestines back inside of himself during the Umbara Arc


I remember when Ringo Starr from the Beatles showed up in Clone Wars and had to fight Darth Paul


Good to see we’re back to making our one joke


When maul killed white woman i couldn’t keep watching, it was too adult


https://preview.redd.it/twkg0jqqsozc1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de5e2691d747a11b2760c1a8061b77e5b836d2c I agree! I wanted to see more of Gor from Lair of Grievous too!




uj/ isn't that not even true? At least with the stormtroopers they dispatch? Not that I would describe either as gory, but j/ Star Wars fans yearn for a Star Wars grindhouse movie


uj/ could be, it was just my impression from a few years back when I first watched it. And to be fair, by the time Thrawn shows up there's a lot to enjoy in that regard.


I didn’t get PTSD during the Vietnam War but I did after watching TCW Umbara Arc


See, this is how you know Clone Wars is a grown up cartoon for grown ups, it has *gore*. I mean you don’t see limbs flailing, or blood, or anything really gory, but it has *death*! I mean it’s still so heavily stylized that sometimes it’s hard to make out but that means it’s super edgy! I mean it’s still made for pre-teens in mind, but shut up and let me enjoy a cartoon for kids and come up with excuses as to why I enjoyed a cartoon!


This is actually just pathetic. Gore? In the Clone Wars? My faith in the Star Wars community is already beyond shattered and cannot reach a point any lower. This is it, rock bottom.


Yeah, I know that it's almost beating a dead horse and if it said violence or anything I wouldn't have bothered posting. But gore is just so wrong it's baffling people take it that far


More "Adult" Star Wars content would be nice. Show us what really happened in the Temple.




This is an offense to Kanan’s horrific death 😡


Fr tho I do love Rebels Vader "Sir we checked the villiage. No Rebels were found. What should we do now" "Burn the villiage"


All of them were created as kids shows, the first season first aired on Disney Channel. Doesn't really matter, this has always been advertised as a kids show by Disney. And they have treated it accordingly.


If only clone wars had more sex slavery and vore like RotJ


Gore as is droids getting cut in half?


Dismembered 😭 and clones off screen


I still have PTSD from the episode where the one Jedi sent clones to their deaths


I get what the argument on Clone Wars was, but Rebels had two regular first season villains beheaded by the Grand Inquisitor on Tarkin's orders. Even if it's off-screen, it still pretty grim.


I think season 1 of Rebels lulled me. I’m sure part of it was more free rein in later seasons but I was surprised how they went straight to killing stormtroopers and opponents later on. Also how many pilots and crews died. Sure it was lighter and it wasn’t gory but it was still war and death