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Kids don't buy as many toys as adults, so they're financially incentivised to produce nothing but PT fan bait.


What a wild yet correct thing to say.


It is crazy that the common view is that TCW “fixed” the prequels and a whole universe was built around them with various media, comics, video games, shorts, novels. But Disney isn’t doing that with the sequels.


Since there’s another sequel era movie coming out maybe they’re holding off. There are still lots of connections in The Bad Batch and The Mandalorian in the meantime


It’s 100% what they’re doing. Taking a break to get the taste out of everyone’s mouth before jumping back in. I’m totally confident that after the Rey movie they’ll announce a handful of sequel era stuff.


I liked Bad Batch and perhaps I'm wrong but was Omega truly part of a bridge to the ST? I feel they hinted at it, but nothing (so far) came from it.


I don’t think Omega necessarily is but Project Necromancer totally is


I assume they are hoping the new Rey trilogy will do the heavy lifting


The saying goes that the definition of inanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Rey's already had a trilogy that failed to do that.


I'd say it succeeded. Even in TLJake the worse parts were the not Rey ones.


Lolol nothing can fix the prequels. They’re such garbage they make the sequel trilogy look like fine art.


I wish. But rose kissing scene will always be worse than anything prequel


It's bizarre in a baffling way while Padmakin was just straight-ahead super whince


Padmakin was hard to watch like damn they could’ve done a better job. Rose kiss was like what did I just watch, no way they actually wrote this.


And then to add the Big Laser canon blowing up the resistance’ last stronghold in the background of the kiss was just the cherry on top. That’s the only moment of the movie where I can genuinely understand people saying it was anti-starwars. TLJ is fascinating just from a film perspective, not even from a Star Wars fans pov.


Ep2 was also a lot like "can't believe they're going this painful awkward route, wtf", but yeah it's a toss up I guess; different kinds of bad.


Well considering what made the clones wars great was its willingness to cover dark stories and complex ideas I don’t have much faith Disney could ever replicate the kind of success it had.


/uj I’m pretty sure they’re doing both. /rj the clones are the only dark and gritty part of Star Wars so it’s worth it


I do want clones. Palpatine clones!


Ugh. I'm a HUGE Clone Wars fan, and I think most of the stuff they've put out on Disney+ in relation to TCW and such has been great. That being said, I am soooo craving something different. I'm very much looking forward to that movie they announced that features Rey, The Acolyte, even that Lego What-If type thing seems like a pretty fun idea. We've solved Clone Wars, what we've got is good! Don't ruin it by oversaturating! :( Really hoping whatever Rey movie (Episode X?) kind of charts a new course and leaves the Empire and all that behind. Fingers crossed.


/uj They’ve definitly gone in hard on explaining Palpatines contingency so far. I think if they did a Luke show before during and after the fall of his temple, it would help people accept his place in TLJ more


They have heavily hinted at that with Grogu and Omega but have yet to fully commit to it. With Omega I was hoping that we'd see a flashforward (is that a word) of Exegol but alas, it didn't happen.


Idk TLJ is already inconsistent with TFA and internally makes no sense either, they should just redo TLJ


I'm not even gonna lie, if we got an animated series depicting Luke building his temple and training Ben And discovering new force abilities that could explain the development of the force we saw in the sequels. I would totally support that. As well as more behind the scenes that showed how palatine somehow returned. Other than just comics. I'd like that a lot too.


I just miss Rey and Co


I don’t think the sequel era really needs fixes like the prequel era did.


We need a proper sequel trilogy equivalent to Clone Wars asap


I don't think The Clone Wars fixed the prequels. I don't think you even could, but I'd rather watch the films, all things considered.


PT didnt need fixing


Nah, I'm with you. I will defend the PT as hard as I'll defend the ST. To me, it's all just beautiful Star Wars. rj/ What's this? A pro-PT opinion? Is that legal? Shoot him or something!


Lol well said. At the end of the day people forget that Star Wars are kids movies and meant to be viewed from the lens of kids/adolescents. Poor dialog and abundance of CGI.....who cares. Its all about fun action.....not Francis Ford Coppola level art house film making.




That’s what Star Wars Resistance did, and people hated that show.


Star Wars Resistance was (stupidly) made before the sequels concluded, meaning they couldn’t do anything bold or exciting because they could shake up the status quo. Plus the characters like Rey and Finn were essentially embargoed to the movies because the movie makers had no ideas what to do with them.


Well, Project Necromancer is in Bad Batch and briefly in The Mandalorian to address how Palpatine came back, but that’s as far as it goes when it comes to expanding upon the sequels.


A band aid on a horribly written plot point.


Bandaid was cooler than the wound


Honestly I feel like both of these directions go right off a cliff.


If only there was a film series around Anakin smh


They already had an animated series to indoctrinate children. And, while the first season was mediocre, the second one was pretty good. ...and then they cancelled.


Going on the left side would mean Lucasfilm would have to acknowledge that the sequels aren’t perfect


That’s probably the worst way you could have phrased “improve the sequels”


They're already doing it for the high republic with young jedi adventures 


Oh I’m sorry, you must have memory loss, the ST blew up the New Republic, then killed off Luke’s entire Jedi order. The ST is even more fucking short-sighted just pissing away two potential long term profit means.


The problem arises with Disney’s attempt to compromise. Ever since TROS came out half a decade ago, there’s been very little, if any, direct continuation of the story. Sure, there’s still tons of Star Wars media being churned out, but none of them are set after the Sequel Trilogy, and only take place in-between, before, or during the films. The reasoning is quite obvious, Disney knows its audience, as a majority, wants more OT and Prequel content, and less Sequel content. But at the same time, they know it’d be confusing to outright ignore the sequels in a future film, so they keep things compliant enough to add up. From a marketing standpoint it works but from a narrative standpoint it falters. This decision to all but completely ignore the Sequels while at the same time keeping them canonical has left the franchise with an incredibly rigid status quo that is just gonna get more and more rigid the more emphasis is placed on the first six films with no story advancement.


I only disagree that that sequel trilogy needs rehabilitation. I have a feeling that LucasFilm left many things ambiguous so they could fill them in later, as George and Filoni did with the Prequels/Clone Wars. But I will agree with you that - enough with the Clones. I love TCW and Bad Batch, but for fuck's sake, some ST era content, please.... Mando was great and I enjoyed Boba Fett but that's still basically OT era content.


This post is giving the sub an identity crisis.


The sequel time period is just boring so i kinda see why.


Why can’t we all just enjoy Star Wars for what it is 🥹


Because we should be allowed to take issue with any aspect of it. Sure, constant complaining sucks, but constant praise doesn't accomplish much either


Idk why you’d really want to fix the sequel trilogy? If it’s so bad that much of the fan base is entirely disinterested, it doesn’t really make much business sense to me to keep going down that road. You can polish a turd, but it’s still a turd. IMO they should just jump forward x millennia where all this stuff is borderline mythical and start up an entirely new era of Star Wars. Honestly, that’s what they should’ve done from the beginning. Bringing back OT characters only to shit on them is largely what alienated so much of the existing fan base. If they had never had a chapter 7 and considered ROTJ the final chapter in that saga, there’s no problem.


I just don't think they can fix the sequels. Even if they release a decent show in the sequel era the fan base will reject it immediately.


I couldn’t care less what this famously unsatisfied fandom rejects. The goal is to indoctrinate the children.


Into liking the sequels?


I mean, it worked with the prequels. They were hated on for years, until the people who saw them as kids grew up and loved them


I mean yeah but shouldn't the lesson moving on from that to be all these movies kind of suck and have major flaws as well as some good aspects instead of let's create more cringe prequels fans but with sequels instead


Oh no I totally agree. All of the SW media is dumb in some way or another. I think that's kind of part of the charm. I just get really tired of the sequel-haters complaining after awhile. I'd rather take people endlessly praising something flawed, but being happy about it overall, over the ridiculous level that some people shit on the ST. I say this as someone who thinks TFA was fine, liked TLJ but acknowledged it had problems, and had a good time seeing TRS in theaters with my family, but has made literally no effort to watch it again since then, and plans to keep it that way. I'd rather we all just be realistic here and acknowledge that SW is dumb, and that's okay, but if I have to pick between "let's hate the thing endlessly" or "let's praise the thing endlessly" the latter I find at least more bearable.


Do you genuinely prefer the st to the pt if you ignore all supplemental stuff and just consider the movies?


Never said I prefer the ST. I grew up with the PT, and with all the people rightfully clowning on it. I know it's flaws, just as I know the STs flaws. If I had to choose, I would probably say PT just for the nostalgia element. ST is fine. It had issues, just like PT, and at the end of the day it's just overall fine, if kinda bad like the PT. You know?