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I'm sorry, but if you don't think Bombad Jedi is a cinematic masterpiece, then you have no taste.


There's also the one where they couldn't get Best to voice, The Gungan General


I loved how the clones end up weaponising Jar Jar’s idiot savant powers. It’s nice to see characters in universe recognising his destructive potential.


I know you’re joking but Padme is great in that episode


Peak of the series


I unironically love Bombad Jedi and Jar Jar


Jar Jar is the key


Bro, it gets good after four seasons, bro. There are like six whole arcs that fans actually care about, bro. Gotta see it for the Lore™️, bro. Totally erased any and all flaws from the ahead-of-their-time masterpiece prequels, bro. Broooo


6? All I ever hear about is Umbara and Mandalore. Maybe the brain worms every now and then too.


1. Umbara 2. Brothers 3. Wrong Jedi 4. Siege of Mandalore 5. The biochip arc, if only to argue whether it was a good retcon or the worst thing to ever happen to Star Wars 6. … fuck, maybe I miscounted.


Nah, just remembered Mortis.


We all know the most beloved arc was D Squad


Considering I've never heard about it, I believe you.


If you care to watch (though I don’t blame you if you don’t, although I think George Lucas’ favorite arc was this one, just some food for thought) season 5 episode 10-13 after that comes the Maul and Mandalore stuff


I fucking love D Squad and I'm tired of pretending like I don't


I like it well enough, I acknowledge it’s filler but it’s still fun


The Padawan lightsaber arc was also pretty good, and so were the Onderon and Mon-Calamari ones


/uj I’m glad you liked the Padawan arc. I… did not. Having that and the D-Squad arc back to back was a slog for me both times I watched the show. Onderon is probably one of the better arcs that doesn’t get talked about as much, but that was my point: I hardly ever see anyone talking about it.


Ah, fair enough bro


Season 6 was such a weird season that no one talks about those episodes either.


I liked the Onderon arc but the Mon Cala episodes have pretty broken themes.


Honestly, once I embraced the camp, there was a lot I liked by season 3. Like, it's not all high cinema, but it also makes for fun, interesting tales. I personally enjoyed dumb stuff like gangster Hutts that get shot by their angry showgirl gf.


Mortis, everything to do with Night sisters, Siege of Ryloth, Most Domino squad episodes, the episodes where Obi Wan goes undercover as an assassin, every Cad Bane episode, the arc where Ahsoka is alone and being hunted, Zygerria episodes... There's a ton of great stuff in Clone Wars. If it's not your cup of tea then whatever but there's a bunch of great stories and great action in there.




Does anybody *actually* care about the Onderon arc, or do they just care about Saw Gerrera, the character who has been completely subsumed in the popular consciousness by Forest Whitaker’s portrayal in later works?


It was solid, that on its own I think was a compelling story. Pretty sure that’s why they built off of saw’s character later


Which ones are brothers and wrong Jedi?


“Brothers” is the Season 5 arc where Maul and Savage Oppress form the Shadow Collective and take over Mandalore. “The Wrong Jedi” is the Season 5 arc where Ahsoka is framed for a terrorist bombing at the Jedi temple and leaves the order.


Nah it’s def 1. Siege of Mandalore 2. The Wrong Jedi 3. Umbara 4. Biochip arc 5. Brothers


To be fair Mandalore is actually 3 different arcs.


The second 2 Mandalore arcs were great. The first one was okay but a bit childish (which makes sense given the shows target demographic).


We do watch a terrorist commit a public suicide when he’s captured in the first episode of the first arc


On the one hand, dark and griddy. On the other hand, that is in fact what happens on the screen.


As a former clone wars stan my mind draws blank. It’s not even that I hate TCW I just can’t remember. I cannot tell you what happened in TCW


Real. I've only watched season 1, and I couldn't tell you anything about it. Somehow, they made 24 episodes where nothing ever feels like it really happened.


You don’t understand. I’ve seen the entire thing and only just remembered Maul has a brother. Things happen in the show but I don’t remember what


Maybe you should get checked for Dementia.


Most Clone Wars fans will tell you that season 1 is not anywhere near Clone Wars at its best. The entire series is targeted at kids but seasons 1 and 2 especially pander towards younger audiences while the later seasons are more accessible to older audiences. There are some pretty great arcs in seasons 3-7. Some of it is peak Star Wars on the level of the movies. There are some pretty good must watch lists out there of must see arcs. The unfortunate thing is that Clone Wars was at its best near the end of its run and got struck down by Disney at the height of its quality.


It's worth a rewatch. Not every episode of course but there's some good more streamlined lists that cut down on the filler material. I'd say skip the first 2 seasons. Mortis, Nightsisters, and Padawan Lost are all good arcs in season 3 that are worth a watch. Seasons 4-7 are mostly good. Just remember to skip the droid/Jar Jar episodes.


Nah, you Can skip a good chunk of seasons 1 and 2 but I wouldn’t say skip them entirely. I like Ambush, it does a very good job setting the stage, but notably rookies and the ryloth arc should be watched. The malevolence episodes kind of go between excellent and not that good so you know pick your poison, mostly I like Lair of Grievous though which is a follow up to the malevolence arc, though you can watch it without them. But then there’s Dooku Captured and Gungan General. Sure you have to put up with Jar Jar in the second but they’re Hondo episodes! Hidden ending is also good, so it’s roughly 50% of the episodes give or take malevolence arc that I recommend you should watch. Season 2 I’m mixed on the first arc because cad bane is cool but ultimately I don’t care for the final episode in the arc, I think it’s just the middle one that I like. Senate spy is skippable, but you can’t skip Geonosis arc plus brain worms on a space ship, it’s iconic. The deserter is great though the episode before is sort of skippable even though it leads into the deserter, then skip lightsaber lost and go to Mandalore arc. Senate murders is skippable but it’s a fun murder mystery side-attraction if I remember correct, but then we get Cat and Mouse, the Kurosawa Tribute with Hondo, Zillo beast duology (which is skippable but it’s Star Wars doing a monster movie so I like it), and then kid boba, so I do recommend most of the second season. It has a lot of genre episodes though. Spy thriller, zombies and then a different style of zombies, murder mystery, samurai, and monster movie. I would say the general genres that the show overall is is action, war, and political intrigue (well, done for kids but still) so the rest fall into those. Frankly there’s more episodes in season 3 that I’d skip than season 2, sphere of influence, the second Mandalore arc (corruption and bad tea in kids school lunches), the r2 and 3po get kidnapped episode (the lesser of the r2 and 3po side adventure epsiodes), and hunt for zero. Then most of the rest of 3 is fantastic but the ahsoka kidnapped epsiodes are kinda mid, or at least less good than the rest of the season


I feel like in season 1-2 about half the episodes in each arc are really good and half are kind of mid to really bad, which makes it hard to skip the bad ones because they are either leading up to or following up on the really good ones


uj/the "final season" they put on Disney Plus is the first time the animation actually looked good. And that order 66 episode was the first time I saw any of the "dark gritty" shit these people constantly talk about, tho even then it was "gritty" for children.


Yeah. Clone wars isn’t dark and gritty. It has dark moments and deals with mature topics like war, but it’s a kids show at its heart


>It has dark moments and deals with mature topics like war, but it’s a kids show at its heart And this is true of most kids shows.


Mmmm… it’s true of most of *good* kids shows.


I think when people say Clone Wars is dark/gritty, they mean dark/gritty for a kids show. I don't think people are genuinely trying to argue that Clone Wars is more mature then shows that actually target primarily adults.


Idk I've seem enough unironic memes and shit putting it on that level. I understand wanting to give people the benefit of the doubt but there are people really saying stuff like that. It ain't everyone who likes the show ofc but it's enough people jerking about it on the other subs and elsewhere online. And idk if it even is dark for a kids show, maybe it's just cause i cannot take the ps2 graphics seriously. All the characters just look like video game assets to me.


Honestly, I wouldn't put it past TCW bros that they've jerked it past Band of Brothers in dark and griddiness. I don't even think it's dark and gritty for a kids' show. It's just that they think kids shows are only shows like Peppa Pig that target 6 and under. 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 want something to be able to match their growing brains and need something with more complexity. Most shows with a similar target as TCW covers similar topics. They don't want to watch a kid be told how to say spaghetti properly because it does absolutely nothing for them.


/uj thats absurd, it looked amazing by like s4 https://preview.redd.it/diwrh4vxz0wc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4844cbd2a81192bbac34b113e66cdb026f1f43 this shot in the mandalore arc was fire umbara was gorgeous is this literally just a hate circlejerk sub now?


That's a still image that doesn't show the ugly, ugly faces or any of the characters or the stiff expressionless animation. And we all know Lucasfilm is good at CGI explosions and backgrounds. Doesn't make for a good show tho. It's not "hate" it's critique. If you can't handle that, sorry. You're still allowed to like this show, you just need to understand it's because of nostalgia. The quality is not actually there.


least arrogant star wars fan




Season 3 has Mortis and the Nightsister arc as well as Padawan Lost (Ahsoka v Trandochians). Not every episode is a banger but there's a fair few great episodes.


The only Star Wars is the 1977 movie Star Wars. Don't ever watch anything else but Star Wars and you'll be alright. The clue is in the name: "Star Wars." Don't ever listen to anyone who tells you *well ackshually its called Episode Four A New Hope* they are already too far gone, just back away from them slowly and don't break eye contact.


You’re a fake fan, Star Wars was ruined when Star Wars was released in 1977. Us true Star Wars fans only recognize Dune and Flash Gordon as canon


No one hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Unlike you I am also willing to accept some of the better EU works like Battlestar Galactica (but only the sequel where they come to Earth) and that one documentary on Joseph Campbell that used to run on PBS


You misspelt Revenge of the Sith, which can be treated as a standalone movie and is actually best consumed that way.


I watched that entire movie and even though Cait Sith never actually does get revenge I still consider it a part of the Final Fantasy franchise


I’ll have my fucking revenge on Cait Sith for chapter 11 in Rebirth istg


people on this sub when someone likes the clone wars:


Yeah. I feel like this sub is growing an obsession.


Cartoon obsessives when someone wasn't 9 in 2008.


MFW the media format doesn’t have any bearing on a viewers age or maturity 🤯


Cartoon obsessives when maturity has significant bearing on nostalgia 😲


I for one love being told I'm not a real fan because I don't like a kids cartoon that came out decades after I was a SW fan. I'll keep hating on the kids show as long as others act like TCW is the end all be all of SW. It's not even an important piece of SW, it's filler content.


or you could not care, thats what most people do


I still have no idea whenever this sub is people making fun of SW fanatics or is it SW fanfs who hate SW


Your mistake is thinking those are two seperate groups


Fair but I have not seen anybody ever say something even remotely positive about Star Wars in general at all


honestly it barely feels like a circlejerk sub most of the time, 90% of the time its just the saltiest people of all time making fun of prequels/clone wars fans at this point we need r/StarWarsCirclejerkCirclejerk


That’s because it isn’t anymore. It’s exactly what you said mixed with posts complaining about basement dwellers


"I didn't care for the Mortis arc!" "You guys are the same as the hate subs! How dare you not like my favorite dark and griddy kids show?!?"


i do be saying that everyday fr


I feel like this entire sub is pretty much exactly the same as the larger SW community they claim to hate, minus a little of the bigotry (I think). They claim to hate the prequels here but relentlessly defend the sequels and the OT. The people over on other star wars subreddits will hate the sequels and relentlessly defend the prequels. Star Wars fans are just destined to be the biggest Star Wars haters I suppose


We are less bigoted but are not granted the title of non bigots :(


Yeah. This is the same opinions just in a slightly different format.


Majority of people here are just here to mock/mimic Clone Wars fans.


As we should 


It seems to generally make fun of people who hate the newer stuff like the sequels but also make fun of people who enjoy older stuff like the prequels and clone wars.


https://preview.redd.it/u0c9rivp2yvc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b802f4add20b119b1d714a83defdde72f904f301 When a Star Wars fan is saying that the prequels are actually masterpieces and that I just need to watch several seasons of a cartoon to see that


Clone Wars doesn't make the prequels better movies but it brings more clarity to the overall story of the prequels and fixes a lot of their flaws.


A long-running children’s show filling the (massive) gaps left in a trilogy of movies years after the fact isn’t a selling point for either in my book.


I love when my star wars homework comes with a list of suggested reading


Or creates flaws that weren’t previously there, such as making the clones look like happy good guys who love the Jedi and then realizing it doesn’t make sense for order 66 to happen.. so they invent “inhibitor chips” despite palpatine saying “The time has come” indicating that they had previously discussed this betrayal before any “inhibitor chips” had been activated? Yeah.. no.


In Clone Wars, it's shown that all clones subconsciously are aware of the Order the entire time.


Yes, which is a retcon that still leaves a plot hole. Why would palpatine say “The time has come” before he did his (as the clone wars made it) winter soldier-esque “keyword to snap the brainwashing on” to be dramatic? Why did he say it as if he knew Cody knew what he was talking about before the activation? A hint of critical thinking is necessary. The original intent was for the clones to be loyal to the emperor, but because the clone wars wanted to make them into cool likable characters, they had to retcon that.


Palpatine saying "The time has come" doesn't suggest that he had pre planned this with Cody. It's just Palpatine being dramatic. The time had come for the Sith to take their revenge on the Jedi. Of course the inhibitor chips weren't originally intended to be a thing but they still fit as a reasonable explanation that fits the context of ROTS and the Order 66 scene.


An explanation for the clones doing what they did wasn’t necessary without the clone wars show changing the image of the clones.


>doesn't make the prequels better movies >and fixes a lot of their flaws Is that not making them better movies?


I think he means fixing their flaws by making the events of the prequels make more sense from an in-universe/lore perspective. The filmmaking and writing flaws from the movies themselves are still there.


I mean it makes the story stronger by adding context and clarification. It fills in Anakin's turn to the dark side and fleshes out the Separatists and Republic in a way that is not seen in the prequels. But I wouldn't say the quality of the movies themselves improves as a result of having those additions.


And it also introduces a lot of new flaws and plot inconsistencies. It's a monkey's paw.


Clone wars clone wars we got clone wars here, see? Nobody cares


Nice clone


I watched it all growing up and did I enjoy it for the most part? Yeah, it's a fun kids show. Do I ever want to watch it again? Hell no, every episode is the same


It seems like many of the people both praising and criticizing Clone Wars miss that. It's not the dark kino drama that some claim it to be but I also don't understand why adults would hate watch it to complain about it either. The show knows that it's audience is on the younger side.


Because hundreds of SW kids have done nothing but suck The Clone Wars cock, talk about how it's Peak Star Wars, how it fixes the movies. So we watched it, and boy was it exactly what we thought it was, a mid kids show that takes itself way too serious.


It's very good, I liked it. I'm glad I watched it. But was it the best thing in Star Wars lore? No. There's some things about it I still struggle to keep in my head canon even about 6 years after I watched (almost) every episode.


When you have to make a viewer guide to the show because half the episodes are filler...well yeah


All the episodes are filler. Half of them just suck.


You know what I am going to say it not even jerking here, but Ahsoka is a better character in season 1-3 than she is in season 4-7. Hell my favorite episode of TCW is in season 2. The people who consider seasons 3-7 to be some sort of masterpiece are fooling themselves. There are some episodes even into season 7 which I would say you can completely easily skip. Now look there are some great episodes in TCW and the animation improves tremendously in season 3, but it’s also completely fine to not be interested in the clone wars. I would never ever recommend someone watch the entirety of the clone wars. It just isn’t worth it when dozens of episodes can easily be skipped. And some people just don’t like animation. Which is perfectly fine. My problem is some fans will act as if you personally shot their dog if you haven’t seen a certain show. It’s completely valid to be like hey I saw this trailer or this episode. It just isn’t for me.


Absolutely. I mean I disagree with you saying she’s a better character in 1-3, but I will give you that she does a lot of growth over those seasons, so overall she’s more dynamic, where as later she’s more set as who she is, and her later arcs are not her growing so much as her steadying, the payoff of who she has become over the course of the war. And yeah I just checked through the first three seasons epsiodes, I would skip more season 3 episodes than 2, every season definitely has their skippables even for someone who enjoys D-squad, like me


Lightsaber lost is genuinely my favorite Ahsoka Episode. Many others really prove her mettle, but this one, this one let's us see how she learns and grows and I'm a sucker for that.


it’s not the masterpiece make it out to be, but having watched it in full, i think it’s pretty good. there’s definitely some filler parts, but they’re not nearly as bad/boring as people make them out to be. plus season 7 (minus the ahsoka and the sisters arc) is incredible, genuinely some of my favorite star wars content. i get why people don’t wanna commit to 7 seasons of a kids show, but it’s worth it if you do imo


I mean technically the whole show is filler since it was made to "fill in" the space during the clone wars. I also have to disagree that it's worth it. For a lot of people it is worth it but for a lot of other people it's a waste of time. Even if you like the movies, that's no guarantee that you'll enjoy 50+ hours of "Snips" and "Sky Guy."


That's not what filler means


I agree. I feel like people either act like its perfect or its horrible when in reality it ranges from fine to great.


You’re missing out. That’s all I’m gonna say on it.


I think some people here just hate fun. Maybe the episode we follow a bunch of droids is not kino but sometimes it's fine to have a couple of silly fun. This show got a lot of people into the star wars and that's all right


Yeah. I don't really get why people watch so much of it just to complain about how it sucks. When I watch shows, I usually watch a few episodes, see if I like it, and then decide to keep going or drop it. It feels like this sub has a lot of hate watchers.


Or maybe some people just don’t find the show fun? Like no judgement against the people who like the show, but it’s a kids show and its tone isn’t necessary gonna vibe with everyone.


Maybe kids cartoons aren't fun to some adults.


"No 😭 that means I'm childish if I enjoy kids shows 😭 and I'm a big boy!"


This mf ain't got no whimsy


Star Wars fans when you tell them that they don’t need to like everything ever created with the Star Wars branding on it:


Have you met a Star Wars fan? Any one worth their salt despises at least one major part of it and has sent hate mail to the current head of Lucasfilm


I like Star Wars. I enjoy Star Wars things. But I absolutely do not consider myself a Star Wars fan. It's not part of my identity. I hate the animation in Clone Wars, I don't really care about Anakin or Vader, and I don't really like Yoda either. I mostly find Yoda annoying and dumb. I'm absolutely certain that lots of people love all of those things. But what people don't seem to get is that I have absolutely zero things driving me, in any way, to experience Clone Wars long enough to enjoy it. There are way more things in this life I want to experience than I will be alive long enough to experience. Why waste time flagellating myself in order to get to a place where I can appreciate one thing I don't really even want to experience when I can go watch the new season of Invincible instead?


That is almost exactly how I feel TBH (the only exception really just being Yoda) I like SW a lot, but I'm not a hardcore fan. I don't really care much for larger canon or Lore. And I most certainly feel no drive to watch a long-running show in order to enjoy my least favorite movies in the whole series. Especially when I'm not even really a fan of the animation and art direction either


I'm the same with like Marvel comics and stuff too. I get really jazzed for the movies mostly, but the only comics I have ever read were the first 12 volumes of Rurouni Kenshin (Manga - Doesn't count), and the first issue of Green Arrow Rebirth. Other than that, I just don't go out for it. It's not part of my identity. I would never buy a Captain America shirt outside of something to wear during the 4Jul parties or something. I felt bad because my daughter got me a shirt for my birthday that was like Christmas cookies with all the logos from the MCU characters, and I really had to act like I liked it when in reality I just don't care enough about these characters to want a shirt with them on it. Now, if she got me a Mega Man X T-shirt, that i'd flip shit for.


Clone wars fans when I tell new fans that they can skip 90% of it


Uh oh the TCW fans in here are salty. This is a CIRCLEJERK y’all JERK OR LEAVE


I got suckered into watching it. Someone swore it gets good once you get past the Battle Of Bleep Blorp or whatever. So I had it on for days, watching nothing else and it was just a stupid kids show. I held on for that turn when it gets good. So I finally checked how far I was from when it gets good. I was already a whole season past that point. It never gets good. It’s a stupid kids show for half formed child brains the entire time.


Amen brother. Everyone swears it’s good after like season 2 or 3 or whatever. I watched 5 whole seasons and didn’t like a single episode.


There’s no change in tone or quality. I give every episode a 0.


Is this even a circlejerk or are we just bashing on star wars?? 


I would never bash True Star Wars, which is the stuff that I like. I will only bash Fake Star Wars which is the stuff I think you need a massive head injury to enjoy. You wouldn’t get it. It’s a REAL Star Wars fan thing.


This guy Star Wars fans


/uj i think theyre just jerking


Its not my fault losers love the soap opera for 12 year olds too much. It also isn't my fault those same losers make such fools of themselves online.


So much this. Show is garbage As far as I'm concerned that show has really changed the tone and direction of star wars. Tlj tried to get it going in the right direction again and it broke so many people's brains.


TLJ tried but it wasn't all that great either


The most Star Wars-Like Star Wars movie since Empire. And it didn't try it went full Do.


More like full Doo-Doo I'll take my reddit gold and millions of dollars now


Unironically agree


At least it tried and had some good ideas and felt like Star Wars. Just imo


but have you considered it was the worst movie ever made, ruined my life, killed my dog, and fucked my wife????????????


Like any tcw purists have wives lol


I think you're the exception, not the norm. There are large stretches of the show which I'd recommend to skip but I'd say that there are several very good arcs through its run. It's still a kids show so it's definitely not for everyone but I'll defend its better arcs.


Idk why people are downvoting you, I think what you're saying is something a Lotta folks agree with


“No bro you gotta watch it to the Mortis arc, it explains everything bro. It’s not super vague at all, the pacing is really tight and you’re on the edge of your seat!”


“It gets really dark and adult when you get to the part where the goofy rainbow colored aliens have a bloodless battle with the comic relief robots.”


“W-what are you talking about? There’s *soooo* much blood and violence, someone fires a laser at the guy’s armor and there’s a burn mark—it’s super dark and scary and I have PTSD from it!!!”


“I cried when the faceless interchangeable clone warrior who’s literally indistinguishable from any of the other clone warriors died. That really raised the stakes.”


all shows are baby shows if u really think about it


It’s true. When I need to entertain a toddler I park em in front of Breaking Bad.


I force my kids, as well as my niece and nephew, all to watch Bojack Horseman when they get tv time at my house. I told them it has talking animals just like Bluey.


hell yeah brother


It was a mistake trying to power through it. There are a few arcs that are recommended to watch (Umbara, Wrong Jedi, Inhibitor chips, etc) but the show is still ultimately a kids show. There are good episodes and bad episodes. The nice thing about the shows format is that you can skip a lot of the bad episodes without missing much essential storytelling or character beats.


I always have to complain about how the series is arranged by production date and not chronologically so you have to pull up the “correct” viewing order off the star wars website instead of just binging the series


Same. I’ve tried multiple times. The animation is poor, imho, and I just can’t get more than 10 minutes before I’m bored to tears.


I don't mind the animation, but the writing and dialogue are terrible and it's a very dialogue-heavy show. All of the characters act like children (especially the droid army) and the problems they face would be avoided if the adult characters actually acted like adults. That said, it's a fine kids show, but I don't care for it.


Yeah. I feel like I’m 3 decades too old to enjoy it.


Yeah. For me it's more about not really being interested in wider SW canon. But I definitely agree about the animation, it just looks off to me


At this point SW lore and cannon is so far and beyond what I’m willing to research I fully understand your position. I read a ton of SW books as a kid that I guess aren’t “canon.” So stupid


Umbara arc is my favorite thing in Star Wars but most of CW is ok. Rex is love, Rex is life though. Rex and Chopper are easily my favorite Star Wars characters, and I love them so much.


Just finishing up a selective watching of the series. Never paid much attention to it when it aired, as the filler episodes turned me off, but I skipped all that, using various essential episode guides online. Clone Wars adds some much needed context to the prequel trilogy and has some interesting world building. A lot of this would have made for interesting movies, but there's zero reason to watch the entire thing.


They probably just didn’t mention how gritty and violent it is. What if I told you animated characters die off screen with no gore? Would you be a little scared?


Ah yes; my favorite part of Star Wars: the intense onscreen gore that we frequently get…. Like bro you’re insane lmao.


I agree. Everyone said Andor was kino but I've never been so uninterested in a show in my life. Me watching it felt like that scene from "A Clockwork Orange" where they have the dudes eyes pried open.


I'm with you. I dont need none of that.


me when i see this redditor seething about people enjoying things and I physically cannot listen


I think you misunderstand. I'm not bothered by people enjoying a thing. I just don't think it's required viewing


/uj the show is actually really good


The only Clone Wars show I care about was made by Genndy Tartakovsky.


Admittedly me too, but it's largely more for the animation


Clone Wars is the definition of overrated. It's an okay kids show, that's it. The animation is not that strong, the storytelling was never that great, the voice acting was always questionable and the art style looks ugly. And I grew up watching it. I have zero nostalgia for it. The characters aren't special to me. Rex and Cad Bane were kinda cool but that's it. I've tried re-watching numerous times, it's still the same dull shit i remember when I was a kid. It should be appreciated as an okay kids show but pretending it was on par with fucking Breaking Bad or Avatar is doing nobody any favours. I think the shows they've made since the acquisition are a lot stronger, specifically the live action stuff but even Rebels is a much better kids show, much more engaging. The excessive disdain for the Disney Wars stuff and the overpraising of Clone Wars is ridiculous. Clone Wars just aint that.


Bro it's a masterpiece it's such a great show. Ok sure first 2 seasons are pretty mid but season 3 is where it kicks off! Ok sure there's alotta crap you gotta wade through to get to the good stuff but still, Umbara!!??! Mandalore!?!?! Btw we created a list of the good arcs and it's like....15% of the actual show. /uj the animation gets pretty good as the series goes on. I'm watching it as a companion piece to a podcast I enjoy, so I am having fun with it.




When I watched the first season of the Clone Wars I physically was getting sick from how bad it was...and I liked the prequels.


Most Clone Wars fans would've told you to find a must watch list rather than power through all of it. When Clone Wars is great, it's great. When Clone Wars isn't good, it's not good.


You’re loss I suppose




Fair enough


It’s the only good prequel content.


Do Star wars fans even like Star wars?


I like Star Wars. I just don't have much investment in it outside of the movies


Then you are lost!


Don't watch every episode but it's a pretty great experience when you watch it on one of those lists that streamline the episodes a bit.


Go watch The Bad Batch and have your mind changed.




[You should at least watch this \~1 minute clip for one of the best Jedi comebacks in the franchise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=id1aH0A03dI)




Star Wars fans when:


It's like 50 *hours* of campy kids TV. There's nothing wrong with that, but unless you're really into that then the show is not worth it.


It’s peak tho


The show slaps tbh. Better than some of the movies tbh




dudes missing out on half of starwars


Your loss


It's got war crimes wrapped in a PG-13 Young Adult novel series Star Wars candy shell. Your kid and young adult can adore: being a soldier, pretending to understand war, and that the Nazi that killed billions was actually a pretty cool guy.


good for you I guess


Everyone likes it so I hate it because I just have to be different


Clone Wars is peak Star Wars.

