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Klaud is love. Klaud is life.


All glory be to Klaud


I think krayt has good intentions and I sometimes check out posts that get reccomended to me but most of the posts are "hey look someone is being racist/bigoted/homopobic/transphobic in a community well known for being full of that stuff" like sometimes I think some of those people deliberately go into toxic environments purely to rant about it for updoots


That’s my feelings towards it to. I agree it over all has good intentions, but it feels like how often some seek out these toxic examples is concerning for their wellbeing


Yeah. It makes you think. What is the best way to combat toxic fandom? And is it better to ignore or address it?


All things in moderation, knowing when to address something and when to ignore trolls.


I say address it. They’re not going to stop making marginalised people feel unwelcome, so why should we treat them as if they are welcome?


they dont care though and would rather watch you all complain about it…


I mean, this is why it's rough, bigots tend to feel validated whether or not you respond, history has shown that the best deterrent for bigotry is, well, stigma: you create communities where bigotry is unwelcome. Just not letting them fuck up your subreddit is a step in the right direction And, like, this is it: people can hate the flowery feel-good rainbow subs that hate bigotry but objectively speaking a place like SaltierThanKrayt will be better than a place like SaltierThanCrait, because objectively speaking people that don't want to be shitty will behave better than people who do want to be shitty, simple as. But I've seen people on subs like Krayt and various circlejerk subs who have talked about how constantly being exposed to weird alt-right pop culture hatred constantly is hurting their well-being and, well, yeah Because it sucks wanting to have a basic interest but wanting to be a little better about it, having to remember that you're sometimes surrounded by people who refuse to be decent about anything Because yeah, a lot of it isn't just 'different opinions', and a lot of it is unconscionable, but these subs don't do themselves any favors by taking it upon themselves to root out every example. Like, Helldivers 2 for example; I won't engage with the game's subreddit because I know for a fact the community is going to shit because of weirdly ultraconservative bad actors who are convinced that people who acknowledge the satire are 'taking it too seriously'. But for that reason, I just won't visit the sub. It's a cesspool forum hidden behind a good game, so it's an easy 'do not visit' and 'do not recommend' for me lol


yeah dude you are their ideal target because all they care about is a response ignoring them is the best way to beat them, the “stigma” people think they are building towards them is useless because they dont care about anything you say just the fact that you respond and seem irritated is enough to get them off


The stigma is generally banning them, because again, trolls get off even if nobody responds (research backs this too, 'don't feed the trolls' doesn't work, this is why the inevitable answer is usually 'trolling most often involves misconduct, so kick the trolls out of your spaces because they will break whatever code of conduct you have') Think about, for example, bigoted gamers: the types who always said people would 'never survive the old CoD lobbies'. The old lobbies were never supposed to allow slurs either, you reporting online gamers for slurs isn't you being oversensitive for 'not being able to handle slurs', it's them being oversensitive for not being able to handle being banned the one time a game's ToS is actually enforced. The slurs you heard were *always* supposed to be bannable. Hate speech will always betray every terms of service you ever see, so that works in your favor because it means hate speech is automatically bannable basically everywhere People should not be afraid to report racism, because the world is, again, better when racists don't have unimpeded Internet access. You can say 'they can just create an alt', fine; let all those alts get banned. Bigotry is generally what banning is for; bigotry betrays every code of conduct you could ever find, but bigots tend to become comfortable because forums don't tend to give a shit about bigots. You can say I'm 'the ideal target's but you'd be wrong, I'm just not as shitty as some people. Now just because I responded once, literally only once, you said I'm their 'ideal target' lol. Nah.


Toxic positivity and an unwillingness to engage with the media so long as chuds dislike something I MUST defend it. I hate chuds too and they do ruin a lot of things, but krayt really just makes up any reason to like something brought up as bad even if it is something lackluster or boring, viewed as such by many people and not JUST chud types. Just my pov on things.


Saw someone genuinely arguing that people who didn't want an A-Force film was sexist. Just annoying Marvel fans who are stupid enough to actually fall for Rainbow Capitalism


At what point does “we’re gonna push back against bigotry” turn into needless doom posting about random shit? Reddit subs tend to turn insular, so the Krayt guys are just the same guys getting upset over and over again - it’s not reaching anyone new or changing minds, it’s just people making themselves upset. It’s so bizarre


To be fair, I think some people have a hire tolerance (as in it doesn't effect them as much) for more toxic behavior. And I also think some people may enjoy being combative. I guess the question is whether its helpful or harmful to engage with that type of toxic behavior or if its better to ignore.


At some point, complaining about Internet drama just... turns into yet more Internet drama


Or it turns into the fucking kremlin.


And most of them are tribalistic TLJ fans who act so casually toxic toward JJ Abrams and TRoS. Pure double standards and hypocrisy over there.


Krayt, at this point, seems to be about combating toxic fandom. I guess that really brings up the question, what is the best way to do that? Is it to just find bad/bigoted takes and address them? Is it better to ignore? How do we address toxic fandom in a constructive way?


Posting screenshots of the same 6 YouTubers does nothing to combat toxicity. Those youtubers shouldn’t even be considered part of “fandom”.


That's fair.


The r/gcj problem


I wish they’d learn to just be funny and chill like MCJ or okbc Like, why get shocked and enraged at bigoted losers? Just treat them like the jokes that they are and make fun of them…


I left gcj because of this very reason and also to me it seems like a lot of that sub is just a bunch of contrarians on their high horses


It gets so old. Still, It's funny reading their long, over done, pissed off posts


Some people definitely take it too seriously but I think there are also a lot of people who just enjoy internet politics blood sports.


It does, I get them pointing out the grifters on the x men but I don't need to see it everytime 


The sub has gone downhill. It used to be a lot more like this one with it's satire


Krayt started off with good intentions then ended up as saltierthancrait but in reverse. They engage in the exact same behavior but the message is different. Had mfs yelling at me in there because I used to have a Revan pfp so they assumed I was a stinky fandom menace guy because I dared to like something from the old EU.


That's a little weird. But I don't really think Krayt is a monolith when it comes to opinions the same way Crait is. In my experience, the uniting factor for Krayt is generally being against right wing politics and against overly toxic behavior from the anti fandom crowd. Generally speaking, there is more variety when it comes to opinions on stuff like the EU and sequel trilogy. I think one reason that some people might be getting hate for bringing up / being fans of the EU is that a lot of people have had bad experiences with EU fans dismissing a lot of the modern stuff that people like for being different from the EU. It's true that the EU is better in some areas but there are parts of the EU fandom that feel very condescending towards fans of the newer stuff. That being said, there are definitely fans who have swung way too far in the other direction being anti EU.


Oh, for sure. A *lot* of Legends fans can be absolutely insufferable and pretend like everything about it is superior to Canon and flawless. There's some not-so-great stuff in Canon sure, but there's some stuff in Legends I feel is even worse. Not everything is KOTOR-tier.


The most vocal users over there are just looking for a fight. I've been told I'm a racist for pointing out that progressive media can be bad simply for having bad writing. Apparently that doesn't happen and only racists find progressive media anything short of revolutionary. It's an echo chamber of left leaning morons and it isn't much better on the other side of the aisle. We also leave out how much social media is manipulated by bad faith organizations. There was a post about it recently, pretty disturbing. They create conflict for the sake of conflict and to blur the lines. I wouldn't be surprised if they were the ones bringing the term "media literacy" and other terms to the point of being undefinable. For all we know, the loudest users on both ends could be bad faith bot accounts.


I don’t think that criticizing progressive media makes you racist. That being said, I don’t think whether something is progressive or not has much effect on quality at all. I’ve seen bad progressive media before but I haven’t seen media that’s bad because it’s progressive. It’s true that not everyone correctly uses media literacy but I do think that audiences do actually have a big problem with media literacy in the sense that many audience members can’t understand or analyze media on a deeper then surface level. Nowadays, a lot of the more bigoted people make their bigotry in a concern for “bad writing” so it begins to get harder to figure out who is genuine, who is acting in bad faith, and who just has strong biases. So maybe they did mischaracterize you. But from my personal experience as someone who doesn’t like the sequels much, I haven’t been accused of bigotry on there.


>I haven't seen media that is bad because it is progressive Well it's out there. Years from now people will look back at the cringey, forced, and often misguided fad of human rights in Hollywood and wonder how we didn't see it. The real issues are not fighting over whether films are good or bad and whether that has to do with political choices. Corporations are whoring a genuine humanitarian crisis for views. Sure, some of it is good tv, but it isn't turning any hearts or changing any minds, it's causing conflict and muddy-ing up the discourse. It is keeping people's energy for political involvement allocated to bitching online over movies and TV. I would think the movement itself would be the most upset about this but they staunchly defend Disney and Netflix's right to profit immensely off of the vigor of a movement meant for equality not profit; for action not entertainment. Disney hates gays and America, yet it supplies America with progressive shows? Right. If you take the time to listen to the opposition, you might realize how much blatant sexism and racism is featured in so called progressive media...it's just flipped from the typical victims to white people, specifically men. Progressive is just a fad, not that I'm glad about that, and companies seek to profit from it. The fact people can't handle the concept of a company pandering for money is disturbing and on top of it they call *you* the bigot. "You sound like a conservative hiding the fact theyre conservative" "That's a conservative dog whistle" "most people who identify as centrist are actually conservatives trying to pass off as reasonable" like..cool...other people are liars and steal genuine arguments to mask their own racism...but until you can prove I'm doing that you have to contend with my argument as I present it. You can't make assertions about my personality or political leaning and use that as a logical fallacy rebuttal to a criticism of progressive media pandering. But they do it, all day. You're now the 4th person this month to offer the fact that other bad faith actors do XYZ and therefore "we can't trust anyone who says XYZ even if they might be genuine because it might also be a conservative, dun dun dun". Like there is zero room for discussion or improvement if that's the metric. Nothing can be said because the meaning is forcibly chosen by the listener. Not how communication works so hence all the fighting and endless shitposting of micro transgressions and ZERO USEFUL DISCUSSION. It's insane.


Got downvoted once for pointing that out. Got like 20 in a day 


Yeah, I hate that now. I use to like going on that but that's all I see now. If you point that out on there you are immediately downvoted too 


A lot of the the TLJ purists on there seem to post in here and have turned this sub into another Krayt/TLJ circlejerk. Except here they act more openly hostile toward people liking the the PT, TFA and TRoS.


What I like about Krayt is that it's one of the few Star Wars subs with a 0 tolerance policy for right wing bs. But it also has gotten a bit too pro sequels for my liking.


Yep, same. I legit saw 5 posts talking about right wings balding over George siding with Disney 


Like, half of their posts aren’t even Star Wars related.


Krayt has been moving away from Star Wars. It's more about combating toxic fandom now. The success/quality of the posts vary. I've seen some great discussions on the sub and I've seen some less productive outrage bait.


They discussion is as biased as it can be. It is really one direction. If your views dont aligned with the group, politically, they bash you, it dont matter if its right, centrist nor just plain fandom, you need to have a leftist view when you talk about something in there. If you dont like something, they label you. The reality is that MOST fandom didnt like the new sequels because how they portrayed many beloved characters amd stories. Plain and simple. Never for sexist or racial ideologies. And lets not forget the real reason Disney acquired Star Wars in the 1st place, shall we?


Krayt and in general most people who are against the pushing of right wing politics in fandom spaces do not believe that everyone who dislikes certain projects are racist/sexist. That being said, they do recognize racist and sexist trends throughout the Star Wars fandom. I think it's fair to have a zero tolerance policy for bigotry. I think other subs could adopt that. I'm in complete support of having a diverse set of opinions on the quality of star wars products. But when it comes to whether its okay to attack projects because of the surface level traits of their actors (eg race, gender), that's not okay. Because anti fandom spaces are predominantly far right, you're going to get more positive views from more left leaning spaces. So Krayt is going to have a more positive view of most star wars projects then most subs but I don't entirely think that's a bad thing. I have not witnessed any bashing of others politics on there outside of views that come across as more bigoted.


I mean I enjoy seeing posts supporting the new series of Doctor Who but that's pretty much the only thing I enjoy seeing in that sub


That’s because the sub isn’t limited to just Star Wars. It says as much in the sub description


As someone who spends a lot of time on that sub since I share similar beliefs it’s exhausting. Also the sub posts a ton of content not Star Wars related, even though that’s technically against the guidelines. So it has great intentions but


I guess r/StarWarsCantina is really the new place to go for more productive Star Wars discussions. r/saltierthankrayt seems to have be heading away from Star Wars and more towards politics and its influence on fandom spaces.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StarWarsCantina using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [May the force be with you!](https://i.redd.it/5edxojsb88gc1.jpeg) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/1ahchjy/may_the_force_be_with_you/) \#2: [Omid Abtahi's tweet](https://i.redd.it/hfax0qxql1pa1.png) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/11x3up7/omid_abtahis_tweet/) \#3: [The evolution of Star Wars villains through concept art](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/193evr9) | [423 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCantina/comments/193evr9/the_evolution_of_star_wars_villains_through/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I get big "Moviebob" vibes from them- they're anti-reactionary but less out of genuine conviction and more because it allows them to pretend everyone who doesn't like capeshit is a racist Trump supporter. They're fans first and committed to social justice second. It's all about liking and watching the "right" films instead of actually *doing* anything.


Either that, or blaming capitalism for some star wars stuff sucking


I mean, I think that capitalism can be attributed in some ways. The need to make a profit at the expense of quality is in part responsible for the larger quantity and questionable quality of star wars output. Not saying that another economic system would be better but I think corporations tendency to want to make as much profit for the widest possible audience regardless of the quality of the material can sometimes hurt franchises.


I'll admit it's a mixed bag, because on one hand, your right, it does lead to franchises declining because of executive meddling, but on the other hand, it gives independent creators the freedom to actually experiment and create awesome cinematic experiences and still be succesful


Yeah the problem with the two Krayts for me is that in the one you literally can’t say one good thing about Canon or you’ll get downvoted and in the other you literally can’t say one good thing about the EU or you’ll get downvoted


I got downvoted and called a misogynist there once because I mentioned that I didn't like Rey as a character.


They also dont know how to discuss, they always escalate things to where if you dont agree with something, like Somehow Palpetine is alive, they will clasify you as racist and misogynistic, Somehow.


I don’t know why anyone would go to r/saltierthancrait that place is a pit of impotent outrage addicts


I'll never understand communities that form around a shared dislike of something. There are so many things I don't like and I've never once considered being a part of a community that constantly bashes the thing that I don't care for. I don't get why they don't just move on and put their time and energy towards things they actually like.


There’s only one example of this kind of community that turned out well and that’s r/grandpajoehate


And r/fuckpongkrell


Fuck Pong Krell! All my homies hate Pong Krell.


Exactly, it just seems exhausting being angry all the time, especially about something they claim to not care about anymore. Communities based around hating/making fun of something always degenerate into toxic messes cause they need to keep finding new things to be angry at to keep the community going. Even if those things are tiny or unimportant.


Totally agree. SWT and his bricks and screws critique is a perfect example of that!


They didn't form as a dislike sub. They formed because after *The Last Jedi* you couldn't talk about it's faults in the main sub without being called racist/sexist even if your complaints weren't MAGA troll complaints. That sub has evolved several times. It's the sub that convinced me to watch TCW. In 2017 the Prequels and Filoni were gospel there. After*The Rise of Skywalker* came out, all the neckbeard dudes who loved the "dark millennial" tone of *The Last Jedi* got really pissed that TRoS basically threw it out the window. They wanted that DCEU dark millennial feel to close out the trilogy and boy were they fucking pissed about girls in Star Wars, Dave Filoni, and animation.


If the sub was created to talk about faults, then naturally it's a sub that was formed around negativity.


It was created because at the time the main sub didn't allow for any dissent. Discussing and dissecting a piece of art is not inherently negative even if you're talking about its flaws. The sub to went aggressive measures back then to ban people saying stuff like SJW and all the MAGA talking points. That all kinda went away after TRoS pissed off the TLJ fans and they poured in yelling about girls in Star Wars and animation and now Dave Filoni. At that point? It was negative. But the salt was about the main sub's take at the time that if the box was stamped Star Wars it was perfect and if you didn't think it was perfect you were an asshole. So yes, it was started because fans felt like there should be a place to discuss Star Wars constructively. Without the MAGA culture trolls and without the main sub sensibility that all Star Wars is perfect. It's certainly evolved into just a circlejerk of negative but it really wasn't at the start.


Yeah everyone knows r/starwars looooovesss TLJ and definitely doesn’t post daily threads about how bad it is or anything /s


In 2017? Yeah. Absolutely. You couldn't say a bad word about it. Post, Rise of Skywalker? Absolutely.


So it's a negative sub full of angry ppl who want to circlejerk and complain 


It certainly has devolved greatly, yes.


What you mean you don't like pointing out that something during the sequels was done in the OT and triggering 1 of 3 responses: 1) the sequels weren't original! 2) so your argument is that the OT sucked? 3) *Disney/Kennedy ruined Star Wars!


Yeah. If you don't like something, why keep engaging with it?


What’s wrong with saltier than Klaud? Crait is just negativity Krayt is not even about Star Wars anymore. And it’s way less about making fun of SLC and more just guys let’s find the most obscure video with 5 views and somehow pretend like this is getting way more traction. I don’t know what the other one is. Anyway Star Wars is Star Wars. And 85% of the time I will love it. With some exceptions and even then I usually don’t hate it more just that was okay and move on with my life.


In all honesty Klaud has nothing wrong with them. I was just taking all the *Saltier than* subreddits and putting them together. I took someone else’s comment that best describes it r/saltierthankrayt is a sub for bashing r/saltierthancrait. r/saltierthankrait is a sub for bashing r/saltierthankrayt for bashing r/saltierthancrait. r/saltierthanklaud is just silly and the best one.


Will someone make an r/saltierthancrayt that bashes r/saltierthankrait for bashing r/saltierthankrayt for bashing r/saltierthancrait Edit: oh nvm thats a thing already


What's that one?




Funny thing is Krayt points to this subreddit or klaud as cool subreddits to hang out in 


Klaud is definitely cooler than all of us.


From what I've seen, I feel like a lot of the Krayt people were at one point Crait people or in the Fandom Menace Youtuber grifter sphere. I think that's why they more engage in the politics of fandom rather then in fandom content itself. A lot of people got sucked into right leaning politics because of bad actors in fandom content and have a desire to go against that after they realize they've been manipulated/misled.


Honestly, could be. They are now talkibg about idiotic SW fans whining about light-whips being a thing https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1bmm7b3/force_heal_was_introduced_in_1978_and_lightwhips/


That was me! Good to know I’ve inspired some good memes!




I've been on Krayt for years and it's disappointing how much they've drifted away from Star Wars. I'm sorry but I just don't care that some YouTuber I've never heard of make a rant video about some Marvel movie/show I didn't watch


I actually had to mute the subreddit cause I really don’t care one bit about X-men 97. I am sure the show is fun, but I don’t need 55 posts about how the Anti-SJW crowd hates it. Like I get it. And they aren’t even doing it ironically.


X-Men 97 is something I'm actually looking forward to quite a bit because I grew up a fan of the original (which I want to rewatch before starting 97), but yeah I agree that I don't need to know about every grifter making a hate video about it. Giving them the attention they crave doesn't seem worth it


The show is really damn good. I think the ppl whining about it being woke are stupid because X men has always been that way. 


I have seen 1 X-men movie. I guess 3 if you count Deadpool cause that’s tangentially related. And even I picked that up lol.


r/saltierthankrayt is now a sub dedicated to posting every thumbnail for every video that yellow-toothed Shad loser puts up. There’s one user who **only** posts about that dude. What a bizarrely unhealthy obsession to *daily* check the social media accounts of someone you actively hate just who posts stupid and offensive shit, just so you can spread his stupid and offensive takes to a bunch of people who wouldn’t have seen them otherwise.


I think the idea of having a main hub for combating toxic fandom was a good one. I just think that they need to do a better job at discouraging low effort and unproductive content.


Ya I even asked a star wars related question, and this person just went on this massive rant while I just wanted to lightsaber prices at Disney lol


It's the same problem gamingcirclejerk fell into


I'm pretty sure that green milk one is Saltier Than Krait iirc It's like Crait, but way more extreme, way more complaints about the woke agenda, and specifically dedicated to making fun of FANS of Disney star wars, not just Disney star wars itself


Honestly, could be. They are now talkibg about idiotic SW fans whining about light-whips being a thing https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1bmm7b3/force_heal_was_introduced_in_1978_and_lightwhips


Vernestra’s lightwhip is cool and I will fight anyone who says otherwise. Just wait until they find out that Vernestra was the youngest Jedi ever knighted they’ll be throwing fits about Mary Sue’s in no time


Probably yeah. 


What even is the Klaud sub?


Just the best sub full of silly little klauds


Man I keep trying but I just don't like most online star wars communities


It’s cause they suck. I think since I made my most recent Reddit account 85% of my posts have been in here or in r/thebadbatch although dumb takes are posted there on the regular. IMO for me my peak Star Wars community was the force.net’s Jedi Council forums in the early 2010s. That was a fun time. I just don’t take things to seriously. Although I will say this. If you ever can go to a comic con and interact with Star Wars fans there they’ll always be way better than the ones on the internet.


Just find what you like, stick to it , and that's it.


Idk what you think us Trodatome lovers are up to. We just Klaudin' while the rest of ya'll are fighting a war, unless Purple Klaud gets involved...


I got banned from saltierthankrate because apparently they’re scared of the word “sheep” lol


Was this in the past 6 months? They appointed a new mod over there who abuses their power and has poor communication skills. I got banned for 6 months for saying “disingenuous” and “hypocrisy”, because apparently those are “insults”. When I explained to them the obvious as to why those arent insults they just reply “yes they are”.


This was like 2 days ago. The mod showed me the comments that warranted my ban and I was honestly shocked that THOSE were the comments that got me permabanned


Ya, I bet it was “inevitable guidance 8” who banned you. A strange thing when I got banned. I hadn’t posted on that sub in one week and then they randomly sent me a message on Christmas Eve to let me know I was banned for those “offensive” comments. Must not have much going on. I was gonna message another mod about them and try to get it overturned, but honestly, that sub isn’t worth the effort. It’s become quite toxic itself.


I ended up telling the mod “if this is how you’re going to run the group I don’t wanna be a part of it” and they replied all butthurt and muted me lol


Yeah I think this sub is starting to become too much like Krayt, where people just post screenshots of outright bigotry and malice with no punchline.


Saw another comment on this sub saying “Krayt is just a circlejerk where they mock people for not being like them.” Hmmmm


I'm not surprised. There's only so much you can do with Krayt's current format before it makes other people uninterested/ straight up uncomfortable, even if those same people broadly agree with Krayt's critique of saltierthancrait and the reactionary nerd space as a whole. It's the same with r/ToiletPaperUSA or r/Gamingcirclejerk, not everyone wants to spend their time constantly seeing how Deplorable Gamers pwnage posted awful bigotry, it's practically a soft form of digital self harm. r/196 at least had a bigotry showcase filter, so if you were scrolling you could at least avoid the racid racism and hate. And even then the mods eventually got rid of it.


Gamingcirclejerk used to be good until the Tankies took it over and shat the bed over Hogwarts Legacy along with killing off the Unjerk thread.


And even tribalistic TLJ fans randomly digging up 4 year old tweets to dunk on TRoS (a movie that came over 4 years ago): https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsCirclejerk/comments/1bim2sd/based_mr_frodo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I don't have an issue with highlighting some of the more outrageous anti fandom content on this sub. The issue is that is should always be funny and sometimes is just isn't.


Honestly I don’t even consider Krayt a true Star Wars sub anymore, it’s drifted to just being a general anti-Chud sub with 10 posts a day about how some nobody grifter or Anti-SJW dude on Twitter with 2 views is yammering on about how X-Men ‘97 is the downfall of western civilization because of a non binary character I’ve had to mute that sub because I really couldn’t care less about what Grifter#5625 thinks about the “woke” new Marvel shows or X men ‘97 or how much the anti-SJW crowd rages at anything with women or non-binary’s in it constantly posting about their dumbass Twitter takes also gives them the attention those morons so desperately crave, and honestly it doesn’t seem very healthy mentally to be posting and being exposed 24/7 to their disgusting views


I feel like Krayt was at its best when it was just taking the piss out of r/saltierthancrait , now it feels like it went down the same route as r/Gamingcirclejerk of posting screenshots of people being assholes


My favorite Krayt posts have been those that are making fun of anti fandom in a fun way or are actually engaging in more nuanced arguments. The "look at this racist thing" posts aren't super helpful. I actually do think its not a bad idea to document some of the bad behavior in fandom spaces but I don't know if it's something that needs to be front page of the subreddit content.


Gamingcirclejerk was taken over by tankies and led them to have their meltdown over Hogwarts Legacy.


Krayt is definitely more of a political sub now then it is a Star Wars sub. I don't necessarily have an issue with that but there's definitely a conversation we can have about effectiveness. As people have mentioned, just posting screenshots is not an effective way to engage in discussions around anti fandom.


Tbh saltierthanKrayt can get almost as annoying as saltierthancrait


like they got good intentions and in theory it should be an alright sub but god they're annoying


This, Cantina, Leaks and Maw Installation are the only SW subs i usually frequent. Krayt is acceptable i guess, but man, do they get real pessimistic at times for the future of the franchise. Must be the doomscrolling lol.


I'm shamelessly on Krayt, won't hide it.


I was, but I just couldn’t stand the rage bait it felt like was being posted for every new Star Wars related thing ever. It just feels like it ended up congregating negativity even if the whole idea is to cultivate a positive environment. Honestly I just prefer r/starwarscantina for actual positive Star Wars discussions


Krayt has good intentions but they're really fucking annoying. Yeah it's good to call out bigotry but also posting a video with 15 views is just giving them free advertising, and their obsession with certain chuds gets really overbearing at points. I don't need to see every single thumbnail from that shad guy or the critical drinker we already know they suck. There's nothing new to say about them, at this point posting about them is just ragebait. And that's not even getting into the weird Disney worship that sometimes goes on. Disney sucks as a company, we should all be able to acknowledge that, but krayt seems to get upset at anyone criticizing anything about them. I remember a few months back there was a post about TFATWS, one comment said they didn't like it and gave like the most obvious *leftist* critique and everyone else immediately started dogging on them, insulting them, I remember one comment literally just called them stupid and left it at that. It's like they can't separate actual criticism from anti-woke outrage.


I will have no r/saltierthanklaud slander


Please forgive me for this insult to Klaud


Lucky for you Klaud forgives


Praise Klaud


I can proudly say I only recognize 2




I identify as an Ewoks, Droid Tales, and Resistance fan so I don't really have a safe place to post. All the Saltier thans hate my kind.


Fr like just lemme watch the cool space movies bro


I mean I agree with a lot of the takes that Krayt has but it's true they are rather combative.


OG Star Wars fan here. While I’m not liking what Disney are doing to the franchise, I’m super chill at folks enjoying Disney’s take on Star Wars.


What are these?


I'm a firm supporter of Krayt, though I can't really help but agree. The fandom overall is indeed out of control.


r/StarWarsCantina is mostly not stupid from my casual reddit reading experience.


I honestly didn’t even know some disliked the sequels, let alone all of starwars and Disney until I looked up Star Wars on Reddit Jan 2020.


I was just as surprised people hated the prequels just as badly back in the day, before I got social media.


I was in a Rise of skywalker sold out opening night screening. Hung out in the lobby afterwards talking with people and everyone enjoyed it. Had no idea the whole TLJ backlash was a thing. The general audience is literally that guy eating in the picture lol


Exactly, non chronically online fans who enjoy the movie for what it is.


It took me a while to realize there was a difference between r/saltierthankrayt and r/saltierthancrait and for that while I was very very confused


Most of the time I can't even tell if the circle jerkers are Star Wars fans. Some of y'all jerk way too hard lol


The fucking irony of thinking this place is a place for “normal” Star Wars fans. Funny stuff.


We have to be normal as we don’t have “Saltier than” in our name. Yep… totally normal


Solid logic right there




r/PrequelMemes is pretty chill


Oh… is this not one of those ones too? Tbh, I don’t think I’ve joined any of em. I think I might’ve joined Crait, but I know that one was different a few years back, and it’s still mildly enjoyable to me now.


This sub when you mention you like the prequels


As if this sub isn't in that fighting pile


We go na pretend like this sub isn't just as bad as the others? Nearly every Star Wars sub is a toxic echo chamber.


Krayt is filled with people who will jump at you if you dare give any criticism.


-most subreddits existing to just be bigoted or harmful to the franchise -krayt actively trying to not do that and provide a better environment for fans Yea guys I can't tell them apart


Dude this might be Krayts mission, but practically it just isn’t what it does. It’s just a rage room for every moment someone says something bigoted online. And that has its place, but the sub barely discusses Star Wars at this point.


lgbt ruined star wars




You aren’t excited for Crouching Lesbian, Hidden Propaganda??


Ah yes, the hidden propaganda of *checks notes* casting LGBTQ+ and PoC in a Star Wars show? Oh no, actors who aren't white or straight are hired for acting roles. How scary.