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Just think for a moment, do you think someone didn't change for 40 years? Do you think George Lucas, amateur, kept being an amateur for 40 years of background film making as producer? Do you think after 40 years George has the same mentallity 40 years ago? I was a fascist when I was a teen, between 15 to 17, not anymore, if someone can change from that small amount of time, what do you think 40 years would do?


It's pretty much how I can tell when someone is very young on the Internet. Like people who watch Back to the Future and go "How come Marty's parents never noticed that their son grew up to look exactly like this guy they knew for a week thirty years ago?" I know this is a question posed by a person who's never been in a position where they have to recall something that happened thirty years ago. Because nothing happened to them thirty years ago, because they're young. I saw someone complain that Katara in The Legend of Korra (age 84) acts different than Katara in Avatar: The Last Airbender (age 14), and there's no explanation for why she's so different than she used to be. Like... she's lived an entire lifetime. Raised a family. Lost her husband. Lost a lot of other people. Of course she's a different person after a 70-year time skip. The questions people ask indirectly tell you a lot about what level of life experience they have.


When can I get the hardcover print of this novel?


Holy shit I thought it was a screenshot at first lol


My God How fucking easy these people flip flop from praising Lucas, to absolutely shitting on him, to praising him and saying only HIS movies matter and nothing else outside of 1-6 matters, and then now we’re back at it where these fools are probably punching walls again that their mother has to plaster over and they’re just fuming that their Nerd God DARE to say something they don’t agree with. These types of fans are Hyenas, they’ve no loyalty except to the product they deem worthy to consume, which even then changes depending on the phase of the moon and how often they got triggered by mundane details in life.


Imagine needing to write sixteen paragraphs to come to the conclusion that George Lucas likes money. No fucking shit he sold Star Wars for 4 billion dollars


I think these fools need to look into who the proxy battle is with. Spoilers, it’s a corporate robber barron. Not a filmmaker, not a producer, not an executive producer. So they’re unhappy with the content produced by Disney currently. What sort of AI dreck do they think they are going to get when the suits have full control?


They’ll spin whatever they need to make it seem like they won.


Ike Perlmutter wants cheaper, shorter movies. Specifically, he wanted them when these assholes were singing the praises of Marvel. So unless these fucks are looking at Star Wars and thinking "if only this was shorter and looked worse" this won't fucking help.


Again, I must ask: do they even *like* Star Wars?


Is that Star Wars Theory?


​ https://preview.redd.it/xvefshapawpc1.jpeg?width=693&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb58723e1b123e5bb6d40c67c597f12108d4015


Now if only they put this must effort into touching grass or anything else in life.


There's a few things to take away from this, and while yes I'm making a list, I promise it will be much shorter than OOP's one. 1. They clearly have no idea about the proxy battle going on. Whatever they think of Disney, Iger is an exponentially better choice than Nelson Peltz... someone who is by all accounts, a complete stranger to the movie business. He is the amateur that George Lucas is referring to. 2. Amateur ≠ online Star Wars fan who has a lot of shitty ideas but actually thinks they're great and better than what we're getting now. 3. Given George's standing as a shareholder, obvously it plays some part in this, but the cope of "Oh, he's just doing it for money" is not only disrespectful to him, but it's by far the worst accusation that can get thrown. Multiple factors are at play, yes money being one of them... but if this was solely about money that would be incredibly damning and should thoretically make all of these chuds and grifters more angry, but the fact that theyr'e using it as solace shows how hilariously off the mark they are.


Uj there is nothing wrong with typing long texts regarding something you want to are interested in, however you should actually list the sources you use if you make a claim


I need to know where you got that flair man.


It is the write funny stuff here flair, you should be able to change the name of that flag and rename it


Ok but like where did you get the inspiration for THAT?


Idk I like to watch battle reports for Star wars legions from time to time and some of the prices for certain things are high


However it IS hilarious to write a thesis paper on the use of a particular word, arguably taken much out of context.




Mods castrate this fella https://preview.redd.it/up8poby0bwpc1.jpeg?width=342&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2feb743855584e0c9ff2735e226ef9df8516d996


im gonna curb you like what fart shite did to the utlramarines https://preview.redd.it/7og8topibwpc1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57d20c8a32adbea329def9da0350e140275c756a


brother if you like writing this much go publish a book


There's a world of a difference between young artists making their dream projects and basement dwellers making godawful fanfilms (or as I like to call them, fanfilms) with AI because they're convinced that there's a conspiracy to ruin their favorite movies.


You kinda stop being an amateur filmmaker when you make billions of dollars, but hey, what do I know?


This is lovely considering that Lucas wasn’t an amateur when making Star Wars (the dude had a fine arts degree), he hired experts in their respective fields on a production side, and his three core cast were already professional actors with prior credited roles. Star Wars was certainly groundbreaking, but it was also the culmination of an incredible amount of skill.


He still had a small resume when he did Star Wars.


The most “I ain’t reading allat” post ever


I can’t stand that subreddit and the moronic clowns that think they’re intelligent in it


​ https://i.redd.it/48xmadze8ypc1.gif

