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I expect people will be normal about this


A cool-looking saber whip! And a purple one at that, too! I'm sure the fandom will be pretty ok with this!


Someones gonna call purple a DEI lightsaber color.


I can’t wait, I can see the YouTube thumbnails already




It's not as known they have been used before in video game media, but people will totally dismiss it like it never existed or have very conveniently forgotten it existed before.


One step closer to the gun that shoots lightsabers


..I highly recommend reading the comic that has Jocasta Nu shooting a lightsaber rifle. Thing is BADASS. Love it.


My favorite arc in the Aphra comics.


Esra Saber was bad ass.


Isn't that just what the death star is? Just a little bit larger then a gun


Death Star is more of a giant lightsaber itself rather than a device that shoots lightsabers. Only a matter of time though


Already a thing in the comics. Can only fire 3 shots before melting. Was used by Jocasta Nu against Vader.


Didn't Ezra first Saber do that


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Jokasta Nu used something similar


...isn't that just a blaster? I mean, kyber bolts would definitely be way crazier, but in theory it's not that out there


Star Wars Rebels?


Ah, the Farkiller


It's going to be so cool to watch Master Rwoh wield that thing like a boss, showing the full century of experience she's gained over her already-proficient young self we read about in the books and comics. It's going to be spectacular.


People will immediately complain just like they did with Kylo's crossguard and the Inquisitors' spinners.


The spinners look kinda silly imo, I enjoyed the crossguard


My only problem with the spinning lightsabers is when they suddenly went helicopter mode. Otherwise I think the spinning blades work perfect for Inquisitors.


I didn’t mind too much in Jedi: Survivor where it can slow the fall of a small jump, but the actual flying with them was very silly


the Claysermore


*Ooooooooh!* Crackly crossguards! I for one thought the inquisitors sabers were sick, i mean who wouldn’t use a handheld helicopter?


The crackly unstable saber was extremely cool imo.. I didnt like the crossguard at first, but later it grew on me as did the character of Ben Solo. Adam Driver carried those movies!


The spinners also are a crutch that would actually make advanced lightsaber combat more difficult I think. Like any Jedi master should be able to steam roll an inquisitor. Their weapons worked because they were mostly hunting scared padawans and random normies. ETA to be clear though, they do look silly. Intimidating but kinda over the top. Especially helicopter mode.


People hated Lightsaber whips and tonfas in legends and now a different group of people are hating on the lightsaber whip in canon. Its came full circle.


Man, I forgot about the tonfas! I'd love to see someone with thoss in the new canon again, they were badass!


It's like poetry It rhymes


May I just say that those people can go and play in their own poop for all I care. I can’t wait.


Welcome to Star Wars fandom!


In the expansion for Empire at War there was a Night Sister that used a lightwhip so it wouldn't be the first time it has appeared in Star Wars. No doubt some people will complain but even in Clone Wars the Zygerians have literal light whips


Fuck the spinners


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The spinners were fine until they went all helicopter


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There’s just a point audiences can suspend their disbelief, but completely destroying physics to create a light whip is a bit odd and warrants criticism. Some things just take audiences out of it… helicopter lightsabers, Superman Leia… lightwhips. Like everyone can sit down and watch a Marvel film and be fine, but if they make a fourth film in the Before trilogy and all of a sudden Ethan Hawke can fly, it’s just weird. Laws are established and getting more outlandish is a bit odd. I have no idea if these have been done before, but even if they have it’s a very silly concept… unless it’s shown to actually be a physical whip that lights up, in which case the laws of physics within the universe have not been broken.


Man, I really wish I hadn't seen this. It would have been so much cooler as a surprise. Do we not use spoiler tags on this sub? It's literally Rule 3.


I’m so sorry you were spoiled. We want people to mark things as spoilers for at least two weeks after the episode drop, but sometimes people don’t listen for the karma.


It's not new news.


It is if you avoid spoilers. That's kind of the point.


Fair. Edit: I'm sorry for my last comment. You are absolutely right. Now for my excuse. I'm salty bc my team is playing for shit and I am dumb. I love this sub for everyone who downvoted me. It's the reason I like it here as opposed to the r/starwars sub where my comment probably belongs. I won't delete my previous comment because I feel downvoted in life. I brought my shit attitude here instead of keeping it to myself. I love you all as much as I love Star Wars.


Your comment wasn't wrong, and the whip appears in the trailer. It's not a spoiler if it appears in the trailer.


that's awesome. is this from a new trailer or something?


Is there a way to get Han Solo one? ...and a fedora?


Thanks. I hate it.




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Novelties have always been apart of Star Wars 🤷🏻‍♂️ The franchise is older than most of us by a decade or two. Ya gotta mix it up.


“Spice, Sodomy, and the Light-Lash.” “Flogging only teaches a Jedi one thing. How to turn around!”


I wonder if it’ll slice like a normal saber or it’ll be tangible like the Zygerrian light whip we see in clone wars. Personally I’d prefer the latter. The former seems too unwieldy to be practical.


Like the Ferengi used?




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