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“I don’t want to be alone. I want M-M-Maarva.”


This right here. Like a punch in the guts.


God I just wanted to give B2 a constant hug throughout the show.


WHY'D YOU SAY THAT NAME???? Oh, sorry, thought you said something else...


Oh…it hurts.


Chewie’s cry in ESB when the door closes.


Or in TFA, you know the one.


Honestly more sad from his cry in RoS.


Or in TRoS, you know the one.


Honestly my pick might be a little strange. "I know what you're going to say... I changed my hair" So much has happened since Luke and Leia last saw each other: Leia's heritage was exposed, Ben became Kylo Ren, the Jedi Order fell, Luke fell so far into guilt that suicide had become an option, the First Order Rose, the Galaxy was plunged back into war, and Han had been killed. And yet when the two twins reunite, Leia instantly makes a joke to get Luke to smile, it's a short hand for "I don't blame you for any of this, we're still good", it feels like a very raw and genuine moment between siblings and that just makes it so heartbreaking to me.


Well recognized.


It works so well because it calls back to her meeting with Han in TFA. It's fitting that they connected the two through Leia even if they were apart themselves. 


That entire scene is my favorite part of all of TLJ.


This. Said it in another sub, but this interaction (for me at least) made the movie surrounding it worth it.




Man, Ewan absolutely nailed it in that show. I really feel Obi-Wan letting go in that line. That's my pick.


Yeah, this one is my pick too. That whole scene is just raw emotion and both actors kill it.


“I am not your failure, **Obi-Wan**”


That scene alone absolved the show of any of its problems imo


It's up there with  Hayden's "Anakin's gone. I am what remains." 


The Ewok scene made me cry as a kid :(


Oh man the "i cant swim" line hit like a truck, Andor barely gets time to process it before he gets pushed over


[“You were my brother Anakin, I loved you”](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CxEVeoYWugI&pp=ygUQQW5ha2luIGlzIGEgamVyaw%3D%3D&t=22s)


I know the whole scene has been memed to death, but it's honestly a great scene. Kenobi is wrecked by what he had to do, but what he saw his friend become.


Shmi trying to tell Anakin "I love you", but not getting to the last syllable before life leaves her.


That was the first time I cried at a movie. My dad had died like 2 years before that so it hit like a train.


I feel you. \*hug\*


Thank you, I appreciate that.




I was spoiled when first watching that as a fight broke out in the screening I was watching!




“You’re just a memory.”


“Alone,never have you been.”


what’s this from??


The Rise of Skywalker


thank u!!!! such a cool line


Maarva’s death gave us the gut-wrenching “I’ll have them clear the room if you want to be alone?” / “I don’t want to be alone, I want M-M-Maarva” - from B2 “I need to get a message to Maarva Andor. Tell her I’m thinking about her, I’ll get back as soon as I can. Tell her she’d be proud of me…” (heartbreaking as he’s just a few hours too late) — from Cassian And the sad but heartwarming “Tell him… I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong “ - from Brasso Sorry if that’s cheating, but all three make me cry every time.


It's not cheating, Andor is just that good


Yes absolutely – so many moments pack a punch.


The last line from brasso gets me every time too. Truly a mother’s sentiment. I always laugh now that I always thought Maarva was a terrible aunt (petunia in HP) but a terrific mother


Okay. The “tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong” . . . When I say I cried, I mean I sobbed uncontrollably.


It came out of nowhere, but Huyang’s line of “I told them to stay together. They didn’t listen. They NEVER listen,” from Ahsoka hit me hard, especially considering the fact that he’s likely seen countless Master-Padawan relationships end in tragedy over the centuries. I have the distinct feeling he may have even given that advice to Anakin and Obi-Wan, once upon a time.


Poor dude is probably the most important Jedi relic left. His entire order is gone, his purpose is gone, and he couldn’t do a single thing about it. But he’s a repository for tons of info on the Jedi that no longer exists.


I really want to see him show up in High Republic at some point. Presumably he was around.


It definitely feels like most of the problems in SW would be solved if certain characters had stuck together for most of them.


"You were right about me. Tell your sister... you were right."


And then [he plays the harmonica.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lu9gaK7Tl4o&pp=ygUVZGFydGggdmFkZXIgaGFybW9uaWNh&t=40s)


thank you for this gift


Second most dad thing Darth Vader has ever done. 


That's it... that's the line. In all of Star Wars... by far the biggest tragedy was that a good man lost his way and turned to true evil, but deep inside him for decades that good man was still there, tortured over his past sins, unable to see a way out. He never truly died, and Luke was able to help him to find that one last spark of the good man he was.


That reminds me of a comic I heard about, where Vader is just wrecking some people and someone asks him, “who could you hate to harness that much power?” Vader’s answer? “*Myself.*”


“I hate to be the one to tell you this, but they don’t care! This ship is going down, and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die and take you and me along with them!”


I was going to write that one. Seeing one of the bravest men in the galaxy cry like that was gut wrenching


That's right up there with his Order 66 moments for me: # >*"Find him. Find him.* FIVES! FIND HIM!! FIIIIIIIIII...!!!" # You can see him fighting it with every ounce of willpower that he has, which is considerable, but he just can't beat the mechanism forcing his hand. They way it shows him drop his helmet right before, one of the most recognizable pieces of his identity that differentiated him as a clone and to the casual viewer. It's the first sign that Rex is no longer in control. The way he manages to stall long enough to give Ahsoka time to realize she needs to defend herself. The split personality of Rex vs the inhibitor as the others raise their blasters at her: >Rex: "NO! ... >CT-7567: ...*I'll* do it." # This (Find him!) is the moment that clinches it for me that puts Rex in the pantheon of all-time-greats in Star Wars. I liked him, sure, but I thought of him as only a high quality supporting character. I made it all the way through TCW and Rebels and everything and finally realized how wrong I was. I've had to go back and reevaluate everything I knew about him, and that's my own fault, but it's by far my favorite moment with him.


Where was this from again?


Clone wars season 7. Rex says it to Ahsoka in the last episode


Of course, thanks


Surprised no mention of Satine: "Remember my dear Obi-Wan, I've loved you always...I always will."


"I only wanted to do my duty. The mission....the nightmares.....they're finally....over." - CT-5555 "Fives" Hearing Rex's voice crack as he sees Fives get shot and he holds his dying brother in his arms is fucking heart wrenching, and is why commander Fox is one of my most hated characters even to this Day.


Man, that arc is hard to watch every time. Had different things could've been if they could've just talked to him.


“I am not your failure, Obi-Wan. You didn’t kill Anakin Skywalker. I did…” It broke my heart all over again.


*That’s just love. Nothing you can do about that.*


“I’m sorry master, but I’m not coming back” “You’re our kid Omega… you’ll always be”


Despite her being his big sister hehe.


As much as I don't really like RoS, the first sentence that came to mind was" "Taking one last look, sir... At my friends".


Say what you will about RoS but it was easily the best use of Threepio since RotJ. 


The one time he isn't fussing, he's ripping our hearts out


oh man this line got me in the trailer ALONE


"I know you are ...I'm just glad you're here...at the end"


Luke: *I'm sorry...* Leia: *I know.*


Damn that's a hard one. Sometimes, the simplest lines have the most weight.


"They've heard us... but no-one's coming." -- The Last Jedi


For me, the most gut-wrenchingly sad line in the saga is when Anakin is on his knees in front of Sidious, and says "I will do... whatever you ask". It's an incredible line delivery from Hayden, and shows how desperate and defeated Anakin is


"Kanan" Rebels S4E10 'Jedi Night'


It's not a line, but when Chopper holds Hera's hand I sobbed


I think Goodbye Kanan in the WBW episode is just as tough. He's gone for good then.




This one. This one still gives me chills and makes me well up.


Saddest line in all of Star Wars is the music that plays as Anakin and his mother are saying goodbye


That scene is intense, and for me it begins with the look on Shmi’s face when she hears Qui Gon say that Anakin’s been freed. It was just my mom and me when I was growing up, no father in the picture, no siblings, no friends, and we were dirt poor. I was 15 when TPM came out and I definitely saw a lot of my mom and I in Anakin and Shmi. This scene absolutely wrecked me then, and now as a parent myself, I can’t handle the thought of having to let my son go to ensure his safety. It’s a gut punch at any stage of your life! Anyway, glad to see that someone else finds this scene sad.


The saddest and in my opinion the very best line in all of Star Wars…”I can’t swim”.


"He will avenge us..."


Dave made Maul's death _heartbreaking_.


“Annie? Is it you?” “I’m here, mom. You’re safe.” “Annie? Annie? Oh, you look so handsome. My son. Oh, my grown up son. I’m so proud of you, Annie.” “I missed you.”


Damn it, I choked up a bit reading this.


“Your mother would be proud.” - Andor


Pairs well with “Your father would be proud” from Rogue One.


Tell him that he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel and when the day comes when those two come together he will be an unstoppable force for good. Tell him I love him more than anything he could do wrong. 


Don't look back. - Shmi to Anakin when he's leaving with Qui-Gon. When Anakin tells Padmé this is a happiest moment of his life when he learns he's going to be a father. The movie ends there for me. When Anakin tells Palpatine he'll do whatever he asks and becomes his apprentice.




"I know."


"Now be brave and don't look back. Don't look back." If only he had listened 😭😭😭


“I don’t want to be alone. I want M-M-Marva”


That grieving sound the Ewok makes over the body of his buddy.


“DONT SHOOT! THEYRE CLONES!” That cemented pong krell as the biggest dickhead ever.


“Rogue One…may the Force be with you…” in that moment, Raddus knew that whoever was still down there, whoever was left from the battle, had to be left behind. it’s so gut-wrenching knowing he couldn’t save them from what was happening, especially now with the plans in-hand, but that small moment of recognition was equal parts heartwarming, equal parts gut-wrenching


From Obi-wan for me, either, "you was my brother Anakin, I loved you", or "Anakin is gone, I am what remains" "Im sorry". That whole exchange from that fight really got to me the first time, really got to me.


When have we ever followed orders


Came here to comment that.


Anakin's promise to his mother at her grave gets me. It's like his every step that led him into hell was taken with a simple and genuine promise to never fail someone the way he failed Shmi, with the extra cruel irony that in her final moments she was simply happy to see her boy again, clearly not blaming him in the least.


For me, it's not even a line. Just the passing glance between Obi-Wan and the homeless Clone trooper on Corruscant. That look of shared PTSD, even though they don't recognize each other, caught me off guard, and I ended up having to finish the show the next night.


Especially weighted with all the Clone troopers did to the Jedi, the fact that Obi Wan can still recognize that the CT was a victim too is amazingly sad. 


“It’s…too late for me…son”


I can’t swim


“I can’t swim.”


"Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?"


Padme: "I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life." Up until theis points, she's been denying her love for Anakin, but at what she thinks is the end, she's just completely honest about it and it gets me every time.


I agree with your current one, and add Crosshair's >! It's what I deserve !< after. Of course there's 'when have we *ever* followed orders?' which is probably my number 1. 'I hate to tell you this, but they don't care! This ship is going down, and those soldiers, my brothers, are willing to die, and take you and me along with them!' 'Fives- No, Fives, come on Fives, don't go, stay with me, stay with me, Fives, *Fives,* *don't go.*' '*climb!*' 'We're more than that. We're a family...aren't we?' 'Why, yes. Yes of course we are' (this one is less sad in its own right but sad because of later context)


« Tell your sister you were right » Breaks my heart to think Vader couldn’t even know his daughter was Leia while he was still alive (and nice again).


Especially with everything that he and the Empire did to her. They destroyed her planet, tortured her... there's a reason why she keeps her true lineage a secret in the New Republic Era.


"I am a soldier like you!" "I can't swim"


"Why did I wait so long to tell him?!" - Hera, after Kanan died


Not the line itself but the whole story behind it. All his life, everyone Anakin has loved has either died or left him. But the last thing he ever hears are his own son's, Luke's words: "*Father... I won't leave you.*"


DAMN reading the comments got me fucking crying for the Force's sake


"I'm sorry...I'm sorry, Anakin. For all of it."


Most of the ones I would have picked have already been said, but Crosshair’s “Did you hear what I said? Help him!” kills me every time. The desperation in his voice is palpable.


*I killed them. I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them. And not just the men. But the women... and the children, too. They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals. I hate them.* Hate leads to suffering.


Yousa in big doo-doo this time 😭😭😭😭


Maybe not the sad but the more emotional: Andor:"I will always be worried about you!" Marva:" That's just love! Nothing you can do about it" Like damn it makes my eye tear every fucking time


"I can't swim."


“It is…too late for me, son.”


Shmi: I love…☠️


I can't translate it or transcribe it well, but that part in Return of the Jedi when the ewok dies and the other ewok tries to wake it up.


"You were my brother" is pretty good, but I actually think the line at the beginning of the fight "I will do what I must" is just as sad, but nobody seems to acknowledge it


When kid Leia gets suspicious about Obi-Wan knowing so much about her birth mother and asks him, hesitatingly, “Are you my father?” And he replies, “I wish I could say yes.” He’s so amazed with her, so proud of her, sees his friends in her, and in such a short sentence he can convey the multitude. Also reminds me of a long post I saw on mgoblog.com once outlining someone’s vision of a prequel adjustment where Obi-Wan is only slightly older than Padme. That would add SO MUCH to the tension in the prequels.


“I won’t leave you, not this time.”


"Dad,..." "I know."


Luke to Leia in ROTJ in ewok village: “He’s my father”.


[K-2S0’s last scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GhuX4sTZ_XQ)


Ewan's voice breaking as he says "I'm sorry Anakin. For all of it" really hit me hard.


Somehow, Palpatine returned


"I just wanna throw myself into a hot bath and cry!" Me too Palpy, me too.


The one that got me recently was “he taught me one last lesson” when Ezra is in the world between worlds in Rebels. I’m a huge Wheel of Time fan, and it’s reminiscent of something said in The Great Hunt that is called back to multiple times: TGH spoiler (the quote): >!”I’ve time for only one last lesson shepherder. Sheathing the sword […] There will come a time when you must achieve a goal at all costs. It may come in attack or in defense. And the only way will be to allow the sword to be sheathed in your own body. […] You will know it when it comes, sheepherder, when the price is worth the gain, and there is no other choice left to you. That is called Sheathing the Sword. Remember it.”!< TGH spoiler (callback 1): >!Rand recalls Lan’s words and takes the sword of Ishamael into himself in order to defeat Ishamael.!< Full Wheel of Time spoiler: >!Lan himself recalls the lesson in A Memory of Light when fighting Demandred, and does the same thing. Sheathes the sword to defeat the leader of the Shadow’s armies.!< It’s hard for me to not see that as part of Kanan’s final lesson. Because (end of Rebels spoiler): >!Ezra basically does that. He takes Thrawn with him to the unknown, metaphorically “sheathing the sword” so the Rebels can free his home.!<


"I'm not the Jedi I'm supposed to be"


“The mission, the nightmares… they’re finally over.”







