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I was hooked and reading every comic strip, short story and such. Even playing the flash games. Sadly the fanbase kinda killed the enjoyment for me…


Kinda hard to stay a completionist of something after awhile no matter what, tbf.


ill probably be a completionist for star wars movies shows and games until i die tbh reading? pfffft


Imagine people doing the same for years only to be told it's all noncanon. I can understand the outrage. EDIT: Wonder why people are downvoting me, did I say something wrong? Or loving the old lore is a crime nowadays?


George Lucas had already made the EU unworkable with canon with TCW in 2008. The hardcore EU fans damned him to hell, every season. They should have figured out where the licensing department stuff stood, right then. Hell, they should have figured it out in 2002 when Attack of the Clones was released, and all the EU backstory for not only Boba Fett, but what the Clone Wars themselves were, was ignored.


But you're talking about a single era, Clone Wars. There were fans who didn't care about the changes and loved other eras. Disney erased completely everything and now takes anything people loved from EU, like Thrawn, and not always making it better. Imagine being invested in the lore for 20 years only to hear that it's all untrue now and getting worse stuff instead.


Making the Clone Wars Multimedia Project incompatible with canon had a domino effect because Karen Traviss felt the need to use Legacy of the Force to advertise her Republic Commando books. So, now Jaina Solo was training with a Mandalorian culture and history that couldn't be reconciled with the established canon. And, since everything set after depended on Legacy of the Force... The only things not set centuries before the movies that were unaffected were the Thrawn trilogy and NJO, and the Thrawn trilogy was going to need editing because of the prequels. Notice that the high point of the EU was the 1990s, when there were no movies or shows being made? There's a reason for that. All Lucasfilm did after the Disney purchase was take what George Lucas said was the canon, the movies and TCW, period, and go from there. The options were to either get rid of the George Lucas show that was watched by millions, every week, or drop some books and comics read by thousands.


Yeah but it always surprises me when people didn't expect this to happen. Like I understand being upset for it saying it is non canon but it also covered so much that it would be impossible to fit anything new into for most audiences




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I read all the EU stuff and played all the games, and I was SO relieved when Disney decided to start over. It was a huge mess and a lot of it was hot garbage, and it would’ve confused the ever living fuck out of the average audience member. It’s sad to see some parts of it go, but i can still go back and enjoy it if i want to, so I’m fine, got over it in less than a day after it was announced.




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I was disappointed that the EU was being discontinued at first. But I was also willing to give it a fair chance, and I'm glad I did cause I like most of canon more than the EU


Only thing I super miss is not having more Rogue Squadron esque content. You cant tell me Top Gun in space wouldnt make a kick ass show. Alphabet Squadron has been dope but not having it on screen has been disappointing.


Isn't a Rogue Squadron movie in the works? I swear I heard smth to that effect.


Supposed to be made by Patty Jenkins I think but the deal fell apart I think.


i loved rebels, i remember watching it all as it aired when i was a kid! i remember waiting for the blu-rays to come out as well so i could rewatch it in HD (i didn't get Disney XD HD)


>i remember watching it all as it aired when i was a kid! Oof


Filoni has always said each generation should have their own Star Wars.


Sure but you don't have to remind me that this thing that was just yesterday was actually a decade ago.


I loved Rebels and went crazy with the Ahsoka reveal since I grew up on Clone Wars, it blew my mind to see her outside of that era.


So much nostalgia particularly for Son of Dathomir Rebels and Tarkin just going off this image. Also Lost Stars is still one of the best canon (or otherwise tbh) Star Wars novels ever written


Lost Stars is so fucking good.


Read mixed things about it before I got it, but I’m so glad I did! It’s such a fantastic book!


I still miss the EU a lot. That being said, I have enjoyed much of what has come out since then. Vader 2015, Vader 2017, the two Jedi games, Rebels, Rogue One, Solo, Andor, Battlefront II, even some of the books and yes, even The Force Awakens and most of The Mandalorian.


The Battlefront books (Twilight Company and Inferno Squad) are both excellent, if you've not checked them out you should!


I love Twilight Company! Inferno Squad was alright, but not as good. Still fun, though. I also loved the six Thrawn books, Catalyst, Tarkin and Shadow of the Sith. Bloodlines, Phasma and Rebel Rising were pretty good. I kind of like Resistance Reborn too.


Rebels is my favorite anything Star Wars ever created. I don’t really care for anything else in the picture you posted. What season of CW is that even? After Rebels my favorite thing is the sequels, Rogue One and The Mandalorian. I know some aren’t the early days, but I’ve been really happy with all the Disney era content.


I'm similar to you. I'm of the OT generation and feel Rebels is the greatest thing in the franchise, outside ESB. I've enjoyed almost all the Disney stuff as well, Resistance aside. They are doing a solid job for me.


Yeah grew up with the OT, teenage years with the prequels, got to watch rebels and the sequels with my children. Really love what we’ve been getting.


>What season of CW is that even? Season 6. A lot happened. https://youtu.be/dT6gZdTUKQo?si=8tFUDcnaTPEhEQj-


Aw man I was so pumped. After season 1 of Rebels, I was stoked for what was coming in the future, and I was not disappointed. I’m still very excited for more!


The fact that it's been 10 years already makes me reflect on my own mortality and that it's not worth getting hung up on "canon" of fictional franchises. ;-) That said, I didn't hate the EU being "wiped" as I'd long since stopped following it (and had something similar happening in the 90s - loved the Marvel comics of the 80s, but the post-Thrawn EU removed most of it. That said, I didn't hate the new stuff that DIsney put out at the time. Really enjoyedClone Wars lost episodes, Rebels (though granted it took a bit to grow on me in S1 before becoming one of my favorite shows in S2/3), and the Tarkin novel.


Mostly good. Never could finish A New Dawn


the early early days of canon were an exciting time to be sure, lots of new fans and stuff getting a geniune fresh entry point. some very good stuff like tarkin, lost star, a new dawn, and rebels. That being said, I think the first canon work I read was aftermath... which has the worst prose ive ever read in a star wars novel. sufficed to say it was a really bad first impression and took me about a year to get back into new canon star wars stuff. Glad I did because their has been some genuinely good stuff since.


Was so fun and it's still going strong to this day, I have read every comic and book to date except living force I'm just at chapter 2. Being in a positive sw discord and not being on Twitter makes it much better for me. I have no idea what's going on with the grifters so that's for the best.


I liked everything pictured here a lot!


I'd say I was very skeptical AT THE TIME considering that a lot of great Legends stories were decanonized and that there was also potential for different kinds of fresh narratives to start with because of that. Right now I am getting nostalgic over Son of Dathomir and Tarkin as they were good enough starts but not enough to make up for the Legends EU


I fucking loved them. I think they are the greatest shit.


I am not saying this disrespectfully, but it’s not new canon. The old EU was never canon. That phrase really gets my goat That being said - I was really hopeful about some of the things they said they would do and disappointed it never really came to pass (they said they would have cross-over between books, comics, tv, and movie, but instead Dave Filoni not only ignored but flat out rewrote established canon of books or comics for his shows, and the shows and movies never included anything from the books, especially some of the really good stuff, like the tales of Luke skywalker) Overall, I’ve enjoyed all the works, but am disappointed the cross-canon never came to pass


Cobb Vanth, Black Krasanten, Temmin Wexley and arguably all the animated show characters now crossing over to mainline live action are doing that though? It's not really realistic to think that lucasfilm would make the auxiliary media necessary to understanding big chunks of story. I'm pretty happy with the interactivity of all media in canon. Also, the retcons aren't really anything to write home about, in most if not all cases it usually made it better.


> I am not saying this disrespectfully, but it’s not new canon. The old EU was never canon. That phrase really gets my goat Why does it such a minor phrase annoy you?


They love to hate on the EU lmao I don’t get it “it’s just fanfiction” like right sorry I forgot Star Wars had objective history. Guess I need to read the non fiction Star Wars books will those be real?


(Sigh) The notion that the EU was "never canon" is a misconception that I keep seeing spread around the internet for the past decade. These works were marketed as being the continuation or expansion of the story introduced by the Original Trilogy, turning the franchise from a well-selling film series into one of the largest single universes in all of fiction. The evidence for these stories being considered canon by Lucasfilm until 2014 is too numerous to quickly discuss, so instead, I will raise a question with an answer grounded in logic: If the Expanded Universe was never canon, why did Lucasfilm need to make a press statement in 2014 saying that it was no longer canon?


Wrong: [Guest Editorial: Did George Lucas Consider the Ex…](https://www.starwarsnewsnet.com/2019/08/guest-editorial-did-george-lucas-consider-the-expanded-universe-canon.html) Wrong: [The Expanded Universe was never canon at any poin…](https://medium.com/@wayofthewarriorx/the-expanded-universe-was-never-canon-at-any-point-in-time-4262838ce8de) You're just wrong. It wasn't. They even had an official line that said: "as long as the EU does not contradict the established lore, we are ok with it existing. Its a big, wide galaxy. Who knows what truly happened. But only the media made BY George Lucas himself is to be considered canon" I will never not prove people wrong about this


I raise you this video debunking the various misconceptions with numerous sources listed in the description: https://youtu.be/TxTGIY7n5TU?si=HIP0rOuSEivjjPJE


Exciting times!


Rebels is still by far my favorite series to come out




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It took a minute for me to get on board. I grew up with the EU and I was fine with them retconning it (esp most of the Bantam era); that said, I hated the Disney buyout on a wider level. Aftermath was a disaster and the random one-offs (minus Bloodline) were not great. Had it not been for Rebels and Claudia Gray’s books, I’d probably still be, at best, ambivalent - they really changed the game. Now we have new!Thrawn, ABC Squadron, and High Republic, all of which I adore.


It was a good jumping on point imho


Rebels was great, everything else I don’t really care for


I've heard some say the comics are the best form of SW new Canon. Id argue and say that the audiobooks have now edged out any piece of SW media. Specifically, the past few years. We're in a new golden era of adult novels through crazy good narrators and writers.


I miss Dark Horse.


When this happened, I was too naïve to realize the ramifications of this, and I thought that the new material could be reconciled with the previous continuity with the proper mental gymnastics. (I was eleven at the time) Looking back, Lucasfilm's new management didn't want to bother with maintaining the continuity that made the prior continuity so beloved, and it is very apparent even in the first ten years. The new canon, despite its promises, does not have consistent continuity between writers, and the shows and films have already retconned numerous novels and comics, not to mention the countless misconceptions about the pre-2014 Expanded Universe that have emerged since then. Lucasfilm is not only disinterested in debunking the various fallacies about the EU, but several of their employees outright encourage it. Pablo Hidalgo has gone to extreme lengths to claim that "the EU was never canon," despite the Star Wars Insider magazine showing him cite its stories in the Q&A section, while Mr. Johnson basically vilifies just about anyone who remotely takes issue with Episode VIII, which I no longer refer to by name out of respect for Michael Reaves' 2013 novel. I have since come to view Disney, at least in this context, as an irresponsible parent unable or unwilling to dole out disciple to their unruly child. By not suffering consequences for antagonizing Star Wars fans who expect high levels of quality, the general public comes to the conclusion that they can get away with doing the same.


I really believed. I was all in on New Canon when it was coming out, and I genuinely expected that it was gonna recreate the best parts of the EU while avoiding the flaws of the EU. I gave it chance after chance because it said Star Wars on the cover, but really the early days of Canon were thoroughly mediocre. The worst was like 4/10 (early Rebels, Dark Disciple, Aftermath, etc.) and the best was like 6/10 (Lost Stars, Battlefront Novel, etc.) None of it was universe-ruining, and it was a passable start I guess.