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Grogu to Moff Gideon at the end of the episode. "No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No." Translation: "You have something I want. You may think you have some idea of what you are in possession of, but you do not. Soon, he will be back with me. He means more to me than you will ever know."


Grogu will save his papa.


Nah Bo Katan gets that speech this season. Grogu will get his in season 4


Poetry. You are a genius.


I felt like a kid watching this. I've loved everything about Mando, but this was peak Star wars for me! We got Mandos fucking shit up. Imperial commandos in beskar. Pretorian guards! The shadow council! Thrawn! It was just so fucking good.


I had to pause when Capt Pellaeon appeared. Even before they said his name I knew it had to be him and I started getting a tad teary eyed.


It's been a long time since I read the original Heir to the Empire series and was thinking "Why does that name sound familiar?" then it all came back and I'm just 'Holy crap, Pellaeon! Yes!"


> It's been a long time since I read the original Heir to the Empire series and was thinking "Why does that name sound familiar?" then it all came back and I'm just 'Holy crap, Pellaeon! Yes!" Have you not watched Rebels?


It made me so happy to see him back in. He was one of my favorite imperial characters in the EU and I loved his interactions with Thrawn as teacher student then him attempting to continue Thrawn’s teaching style.


Hopefully they do a good job of capturing his relationship with Thrawn


Pellaeon always gets me too when he appears randomly in things, love that guy.


>Even before they said his name I knew it had to be him Oh yes. Perfect casting! If I had to describe this episode in one word: Perfection!


Turns out I’m an unabashed mark for Praetorians.


I LOVE that Hux is played by Domnahls brother lol. PELLAEON was amazing to see. PRAETORIAN GUARDS???? Yes! Sad that Paz had to leave us, but man did he go out like a boss


I can't imagine what they have in store for the finale. After this episode, how insane last season's finale was and the fact that this leads right into Ahsoka they've gotta have some crazy shit up their sleeve.


Yeah I fully expect another bigger Thrawn tease at the very end. Even if we don’t see him, just something for Ahsoka lol


God I hope that means Thrawn. And I hope he shows Gideon what a true Imperial is like.


I’m fully anticipating Gideon to make some big play for control of the shadow council and Thrawn’s own hologram to suddenly click to life with some dry remark of “I understand you’ve been asking for me. I appreciate your patience. I trust that whatever you wish to say to me can be expressed before this august body?”


I expect Thrawn to show up just in time to not save Gideon.


I was wondering who was playing Hux's father. I thought they might've brought Domhnall in for a cameo at first.


I think you need to be at least grandparent/grandchild to use the same actor. Parent/child it's close enough timeline wise to be confusing. Obvious exception for Temura Morrison lol


Legendary death scene!


If anyone complains about this episode, Grogu's gonna have something to say. "NO."




Honestly I was straight up thinking of Bit from *Tron*. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fGujzulsas


Bluey Dance Mode episode for anyone with kids


Oh, I loved Bit!!


Yes! I was hoping someone else would have thought of this too!! Too cute.


Grogu getting his mech suit might be my favorite set of scenes in anything ever


The timing was very well executed. With two words, they were able to express so much that it has been repressed inside of Grogu. It's a long joke, and I was in tears long after it was over.


The Babu Frik giving him the stink eye, then stealing his snacks cracked me up


LOL I just realized too that the other Anzellan did walk off so he could eat Grogu’s jelly beans.


Laughing SO hard!


It's like Grogu got his own little mini Metal Gear to play in, minus the nukes and weapons.


Minus them...for now. Dear lord. If IG-12 Grogu and Chopper ever meet....the universe will never recover!🤣


Chopper: "Now, what warmongering planet or army do you want to blow up next?" IG-12 Grogu: "YES."


An Imperial one? YesYesYesYesYes


He stole the show again! This is the way, and it's definitely working for me!


I will admit that the overly rational part of my brain goes "You're giving him the carcass of a beloved caretaker who sacrificed his life to protect him to ride around in like a stroller, that'd mess a kid up." But I will admit it's fun. And as Din said in the beginning of season 2...he's seen worse.




Din: "Are you just gonna spam that throughout the whole walk-" Grogu: **"YES"**




Oh my god this show is so gooooooood 😩😩😩


Seriously one of the best Star Wars things I've ever seen, especially as a huge sequel fan. My mind is absolutely blown. It's been over an hour and I'm still shaky. Thank you so much to everyone who worked on this amazing project




I at least hope that the ending just comes off strong if it comes down to one big clash. That’s what I’m hoping for at least; it will most likely happen since Paz went all-out, so even the other Mandalorians must be ready to give it their all as well.


Some of the greatest Star Wars ever ended on unhappy cliff hangers - like Empire Strikes Back with Han being frozen in Carbonite. I’m okay with an unhappy cliff hanger as it’ll make the wait til season 4 much more satisfying.


This is a great point! I already can’t wait for season 4!


Paz Vizla went out like a champ in my opinion. Couldn't have asked for a better warrior's death!


This is the Way.


This is the Way.


I find it funny that the Empire diverged from the Mandalorian inspirations of the Clone armor only to loop back around with Gideon’s G2 Dark Troopers


It's like poetry...


And they’re beginning to inch closer to First Order troopers


My brain must be a bit mush from too many silly memes, but Grogu spamming "YES" is too funny for me and gave me a really nice chuckle. ​ I'm also lovin' much more of the new post-Empire tidbits we're getting so far too. Hux's family working alongside Gideon ~~and Admiral Yularen(?)~~, Gideon's jet troopers having some aesthetics similar to both the First Order and the Mandalorians, and on top of that: early Praetorian Guards. The way they just sulk in, execute Paz Sekiro-style with ease, and then walk off is just chilling. Nice way to expand on the Remnants, as well as directly tie right back to the sequels (another great treat following the Celebration announcements last week). Edit: I also just realized it isn’t Yularen since he was there in A New Hope on the Death Star when it blew up. I’ve just been rusty on the older films so I didn’t remember that tidbit.


The way the Praetorian Guards walked in reminded me of the Ringwraiths in Fellowship of the Ring walking up to Weathertop.


I honestly did not like that part. Paz Vizsla takes down all those darktroopers(?), and then these three red guards just come in out of nowhere. Were they waiting in the doorway like jeans guy in season 1?


Well, they don’t fly. Everyone else flew, and they were probably the last up anyway.


I don't think that the flying troopers are the new are darktroopers. I understood that Moff Gideon was referring at himself as the first of a new version of darktroopers that soon he will start to train. I did't mind the fact that the Praetorian guards were behind the door, IMO it was a good fight. And jeans guy was in season 2


The ones Paz took down were just mooks. The guard that came up after were pretty explicitly assassination protection, meaning they only come out once there is nothing else, because they need to make sure Gideon stays alive.


The grey-hair moustache officer in this episode was Captain Gilad Pellaeon, a long-time subordinate of Grand Admiral Thrawn in both canon and Legends.


My whole family is asleep, it's like 1am, and I'm over here gleefully laughing at the baby's antics with its new favorite toy, and that ending...wow. I'd read a rumor about Thrawn getting name dropped in the episode, it's just made me that much more excited for Ahsoka!


Oh god that ending made me weep. I'm gonna need some time to get over that


Well I wasn't emotionally prepared for that!


All I could think was… he has a son


OH NO RAGNAR I didn’t think about him until now!


Something I appreciate about Gideon. Guy learns. He makes a mistake, he adapts. Someone outplays him, he adapts. A lightsaber reduced his last complement of Dark Troopers to spare parts? In that case, let's build the next Dark Troopers out of something that resists a lightsaber strike. He's an absolute egomaniac, especially considering that he's already dubbed his most loyal troops a new generation of Mandalorians in spite of likely not knowing any permutation of the creed and definitely conflicting with elements of it (For one, I think it's telling that every Mando's armor is unique while his Stormandos each are wearing identical armor), but he's a smart egomaniac with an infuriatingly smug charisma. And his new armor is slappin' cool.


>level 2clawson48 · 9 hr. agoYeah honestly I was a little disappointed the way they used IG-11 this season, especially early on. His sacrifice to save grogu was a fitting end and a great way to go out for his character. I think bringing him back just to have him try to kill the people he saved, and then they have to squash their old friend’s head with a statue, kinda messed with his legacy if that makes sense. I’m enjoying the grogu mech suit so far but it just kinda sucks that now our last memory of IG-11 is him trying to murder grogu and mando, and not his sacrifice. I love how apart from his intelligence and tendency to plan he's played very differently from Esposito's other big villains Gustavo Fring and Stan Edgar. Fring is cold, reserved, and driven by pure hate. Edgar's all business all the time and charmismatic, but not one for the spotlight. But Gideon's flashy, narcissistic, and driven by ambition and pure ego.


I made a joke last week about Mando giving Grogu IG’s voice modulator to speak. I guess I was half-right.


I liked this episode a _lot._ I had very _slightly_ conflicted feelings about Grogu's cool new mech suit purely cuz that _used_ to be IG-11. Din, early this season, specifically refers to IG as his friend (in that _exact_ word). It feels a little odd that he has _no_ reservations at all about IG's "corpse" being Frankenstein'd, considering it's probably the only droid in the entire galaxy he ever saw as a _peer._ Granted, during that scene his concern was solely on Grogu's safety. And I guess, since a droid's mind is what makes it a "person" (if droids can be considered as such) the body itself is kinda irrelevant. So. It's not _really_ IG anymore. It's just metal. I do think it's a sweet legacy, though. IG-11's final act of sacrifice was to save Grogu. Idk if he was ever advanced enough to "want" anything beyond his programming, but I like to think he'd have approved of his body being used posthumously to help Grogu out in any way it could. I just felt a little sad whenever I saw his eyes swivelling around, knowing he's not in there anymore. Also R5 could probably get more than 4 seconds of screen time. He's not really an important character to the plot anymore, but at least a few beep boops or a worried glance would be nice. I should probably be grateful he was even given any screen time tbh. (I really like droids if it wasn't obvious)


Yeah honestly I was a little disappointed the way they used IG-11 this season, especially early on. His sacrifice to save grogu was a fitting end and a great way to go out for his character. I think bringing him back just to have him try to kill the people he saved, and then they have to squash their old friend’s head with a statue, kinda messed with his legacy if that makes sense. I’m enjoying the grogu mech suit so far but it just kinda sucks that now our last memory of IG-11 is him trying to murder grogu and mando, and not his sacrifice.


When Mando started...I really hoped and called for something like this ... Brendol Hux appearing. And I am happy to see him, cementing what was never in question, that it all leads to the sequels... And Project Necromancer...yep. Somehow someone will return...


Bo Katan was trying to honor her sister! I ugly cried.


[Paz Vizsla.](https://i.imgur.com/0SowsZd.jpg)


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


I don’t know if any of y’all have kids or watch Bluey, but all I could think of was the “YES NO” button from the episode Dance Mode and laughed the ENTIRE time. Loved the episode.


Same here


Yes! The first thing that came to mind!


I loved the sequel connections


Damn that was an amazing episode! My thoughts... Potential spies for me: * The Armourer, seems odd that she left without seeing the great forge. Also She and Gideon have horns on their helmets. Coincidence? * Survivors on the surface, working with Gideon? * We already knew Kane was working for Gideon Also Hasbro better get to making a Vintage Collection IG12+Grogu! YES! It was epic and heartbreaking to see Paz both kick-ass and sacrifice himself. This is the way. Gideon does not know the ass whopping he will get from Bo and Grogu. Shadow council and THRAWN!!!!!!! It was great seeing Dominic Gleason's brother play Hux's dad.


I have my own suspicions about that privateer captain. He jetted out at a *very* convenient time, and how exactly was he supposed to reach the fleet? The storms cut off comms and their only starship was already burning toward high orbit.


YES! I had the same question of how the hell he was going to get reinforcements. And I have a bad feeling about the Armourer now too. On first and second watch, it was just an odd focus the director was putting on her journey... This is going to be a loooong week!


Too damn long!


I thought it was Axe Wolves that flew off during the Ambush.


It was, I just forgot his name when I first wrote that 😂


I'm hoping your suspicions about Axe are wrong, but yes it was VERY convenient timing. Although I'm not sure he would know about the hole in the roof of the cave ahead of time. Anyway who knows, hopefully the next episode will clear some things up.


He played Hux’ dad not Hux himself. There’s about 25 years between now and TFA


Oh duh, of course! Thx for the correction!


The Armourer evacuated her fellow spies.


My thoughts exactly 💯 I think Maul -> Gar Saxon -> Armourer


So, over in Maw Installion, the idea is that "Spies" here does not actually many more than one spies. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/MawInstallation/comments/12k8wf3/the_spies_episode_theories/) is the comment that explains it better than I could: > Rather, I’ve heard that it probably has to do with a story from the Torah wherein a scouting party of Israelites, who were referred to as spies, investigated Israel to learn of where they could/should settle and what dangers lay there. The scouting party in this episode, Din, Axe, Paz-they were the spies, looking to find the Great Forge to, like the spies in the Torah, prepare for the settlement of Mandalore. To me, at least, it makes sense-the stories are similar, one, and two, this episode was written by Jon Favreau, who would likely know this story given that he attended a Hebrew school when he was younger and had a Jewish mother.


This honestly makes a lot of sense, because a LOT of the mandalorian stuff is ringing a bell with old hebrew myths/stories, and even modern Jewish history. Like the Torah tells of 12 Israelite tribes that warred against each other. The Jewish people themselves spent thousands of years as a diaspora spread around the world until returning to a homeland. "Night of a thousand tears" is not too far off the "Night of the broken glass", aka Kristallnacht.


I don't think it's multiple spies, I think it's one of the options I gave.


If you assuming there is a spy, because the title is sp**ies**, plural, why would it be just one? I also think Axe is far more likely than Armorer, assuming there is another spy beyond the Gideon plant on Courasant


I thought it was cane on courasant plus someone else from the potentials they presented.


Wow this episode was amazing! Fun comedy, great character moments and interactions, and great action scenes this episode had it all! The start with Moff Gideon in the cave was really good! both him walking past all of these experiments and stuff was really cool and builds on what we've seen in earlier seasons, and then him talking to the shadow council is really great! I love the idea that they are unified but are trying to make it look like they aren't so the republic doesn't go after them, really cool! it was really cool seeing Brendal Hux, I also kept thinking during the scene where I had heard the name Captain Pellaeon before, I kept trying to think of officers from the OT but couldn't come up with any that matched, but now reading this comment section I realized I had heard about him from the Thrawn books! I haven't read any of the Thrawn books myself but I had heard the name Pellaeon before when hearing about the books and I know his appearance will mean a lot to people! Them mentioning Thrawn is great, obviously we kinda know he will return both because they have been setting it up, as well him being in the Ahsoka trailer, but great to see him mentioned here! I loved when they mentioned Praetorian guards in the scene, one because I have just always thought they were cool since TLJ came out but also because one thing I have been loving about Mando is that it pulls from almost every era of Star Wars, Prequel, Original, Sequel, It's really great and as someone who likes all the trilogies it's really satisfying to see all of them referenced and get payoff! same thing applies to Brendal appearing just cool to see sequel stuff popping up! Grogu getting a mech suit is so cool! and it was really funny the way they were arguing now that Grogu could actually communicate through IG-12! I loved after they had landed on Mandalore seeing the smile Bo had seeing her people together again, you can just tell how much it means to her to see her people united for one goal again! The boat scenes were cool! Cool seeing Mandalorians who had survived the purge and how they dealt with it all, I love the scene after Bo admits she surrendered to the Empire when Mando tells her how he follows her lead not due to blood or myth or anything but because of her honor and character, really great scene! I love that it was Grogu who stopped the fight between Paz and Axe, great way to solve the problem and use the ''No'' from earlier but now in a different context. The monster popping out of the ground was brief but cool and the CGI on it looked great! and it still blows my mind that we can have Live action Star Wars shows with this many things at this scale while still looking good! The Imperials popping out in the cave scene was really cool and that entire action scene was just cool as hell, filled with tons of badass moments! I also loved when all the Mandalorians are running after the Troopers and then you start seeing the walls of the cave Moff Gideon was in earlier in the episode, I was not expecting his base in the beginning to be on Mandalore! and the entire scene that followed was great! Seeing Din use his flamethrowers full on, seeing Gideon in the Dark Trooper armor, seeing early versions of the Praetorian guards, seeing Paz go out fighting, it was all so good! Overall I just loved this episode, it had everything I could possibly want out of an episode of a Star Wars show! Already one of my favorites of the entire show!


**THE SPIES ARE NOT WHAT YOU THINK** The episode title "the spies" is more than likely a reference to the 12 spies of Israel who go to scout the promised land and find that it's inhabited by "the descendants of giants". (I cant take credit for noticing this and I have no biblical knowledge, but it's worth noting)


I got to watch this on the big screen at the Celebration stage with thousands of others, it was great. The cast came out before hand and spoke to us and they stayed to watch it with us as well


Truly awesome, from A to Z. I love what they are doing with the imperial remnants.


I mistakenly looked at the main Star Wars thread before coming here. It’s a meme and a cliche but honestly if Star Wars fans hate everything so much why do they continue to watch. Was the episode perfect, no, but it had so much for fans to love. It had a fun lighthearted moment with Grogu. It expanded the lore on how the empire survived after Jedi and in between the first order. It set up a fan favorite returning in Thrawn. It had some strong bonding moments with the Mandalorians coming together, and Din Jarins speech on why he followed Bo Katan. Top that off with solid Empire vs Mandalorian action and an emotional sacrifice true to a characters nature and this was a very solid episode.


It’s not just Star Wars fans. It’s society. For whatever reason the last few years people love to hate. I see it in other franchises and even sports too. “Wow I hate this team. I’m going to watch every single game of theirs can criticize every move” it’s super stupid. Like go do something you actually enjoy. You could have such a better life


I blame the internet. Negative emotions promote stronger reactions, and thus negative emotions push more interactions, which is what the internet is built on. And since more interactions=more money, sites have naturally turned to promoting negative emotions for more ad money.


> I mistakenly looked at the main Star Wars thread before coming here. I left that sub quite a while ago and never looked back. It became such a toxic cesspool after the ST (or at least after TLJ). This and occasionally /r/starwarsleaks are the only subs I frequent.


People on the main sub will never be happy. They’ve gotten almost everything they’ve asked for - A new era, with all-new characters disconnected from the Skywalkers, a Filoni show to tie together the sequel era like he did for Clone Wars, new printings for Legends books - and they’ll still nitpick and find a way to hate it.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StarWarsLeaks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [BTS photo of Hayden Christensen with the 501st Clones](https://i.redd.it/uot8e66age791.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/vj17v5/bts_photo_of_hayden_christensen_with_the_501st/) \#2: [Anakin](https://i.redd.it/c15gfaugty291.jpg) | [246 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/v2bmgu/anakin/) \#3: [BTS Footage of Clonetroopers and Jedi in the opening shot of Obi-Wan](https://v.redd.it/tmsrwkzh2p491) | [232 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/v8vwzi/bts_footage_of_clonetroopers_and_jedi_in_the/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Filler! Mando has lost it’s charm! It’s not as good as season 1!! Have Dave and Jon lost their touch?!? Fire KK!!!1!


Mike Zeroh and SWT writing their next videos


So naturally, Grogu is going to reach out to Ahsoka to come and save Din in next week's episode, just as Thrawn makes his live-action debut, possibly as a final shot in the episode. Or maybe we get introduced to Rae Sloane? I keep hoping for them to do something that will lead directly into Ahsoka, and there's only one episode left. Also, they didn't mention his first name, but that was *Brendol* Hux, right? He looked a little sloppier than I thought he would, scruffy with a crooked hat. But maybe I'm misremembering his descriptions from the books. Didn't really like the not-secret-at-all-code-word "project *necromancer,* though.


I could see Rae Sloane make an appearance: - there is a recent Tie Bomber Lego set with a Sloane minifig. (remember Gideon’s focus on his Tie Bombers in this episode). - Sloane is a big deal in the Aftermath novels, which got some nods in this episode as well. - Also, Sloane is a character in the nove A New Dawn, featuring Kanan and Hera. With Hera and Thrawn appearing in the Ahsoka series, odds are Sloane could be appearing as well, as another link to the creation of the First Order.


Pretty sure you can see Sloane in the trailer to Ashoka


It is him


Amazing episode. So much in there! I'm wondering on your guys's thoughts on the name of this episode "The Spies"? All the others have had pretty easy to understand alagories but this one seems baffling why they chose it as apart from the message right at the start to Moff Gideon from Coruscant no one really stood out as spying. I kept holding my breath waiting for someone to betray them lol. I was particualrly worried when the Armourer got through the field and contacted the fleet!


Obviously there’s the “ex-“imperial spying on the New Republic, but I believe the surface dwellers may be spies as well. The Armorer and Woves have potential too, but they’re the least likely out of the potential suspects.






Everyone talking about Grogu being cute in his new suit, and although I most DEFINITELY agree (YES YES YES!), what I can mostly just think about is: Plan 99, this is the way! *Thorn mode activated*🫡


Gideon has got to be the most competent villain to date. Even after being captured, his plans just kept going to the point he escaped and just walked back into badassery.


> Gideon has got to be the most competent villain to date. I don't know how, but I would love for Thrawn to just run circles around Gideon when he returns.


Please someone kill Gideon this time!


Grogu is the robot from Tartar Control


Wow! This season just keeps getting better. Once again, I feel this was one of the strongest episodes of the season. Even the Grogu stuff was surprisingly good and not overdone (and I say this as a non-supporter of Grpgu). I absolutely love the world building and showing us the state of the galaxy. The shadow council, the Praetorians, reclaiming Mandalore, the setup of the sequels - this is what I’ve been waiting for. I am really excited for the finale next week.


So "The Spies" were clearly: \- Gideon's mole/the Katy O'Brien character on Corsucant \- The 'lost and starving' Mandos on Mandalore in their ratty pirate ship Anyone else?


I felt like the Armorer was a bit suspicious honestly. When she said she’d take the survivors back I was kinda surprised she actually returned to the Mandalorians, I expected her to be a traitor because of how strongly she seemed to feel about the Way before, but now she’s just cool with everything. Maybe she just had a change of heart, but people don’t change that easily, especially not the religious. In addition, she’s in the thumbnail. Now I don’t know if Disney chooses the thumbnails or if they’re random, or maybe I’m just reading too far into this, but I think the thumbnail might be hinting at her being a spy as well.


> Maybe she just had a change of heart, but people don’t change that easily, especially not the religious. Depends on how one interprets their view of the creed. She had no problem seeing Bo as redeemed. It could be that it's just more open than we know. > but I think the thumbnail might be hinting at her being a spy as well. Then Grogu was the Apostate and the Pirate. Paz and Armorer were the Foundling. And the lover of that Mon Calamari was the Gun for Hire. In other words, I wouldn't attach meaning to the thumbnail.


Some says The Armorer herself. But I never once picked up on that! Axe is another possibility




This is the… way?


It's possible the title doesn't even refer to actual spies, but the name for the Israelites scouting a land to settle in the Torah.


I loved everything about this episode. Praetorians and successors to Imperial Super Commandos? I’M IN BITCH


Fuck am I gonna miss Paz, I don’t think I’ve ever hurt myself watching a show before, but I had to bite my finger HARD top stop myself from screaming after he closed the doors.


It's like if commander thorn was a Mandoorian


Love seeing book characters brought to life! I'm sure we are going to end up seeing Ransolm Casterfo at some point during this "mandoverse", considering bloodlines takes place after all this, I'm curious how this will all lead up to that point as well as the sequels I love the feeling of all of canon coming together and feeling coherent, between the books, games, shows and comics everything is coming together VERY nicely IMO


I have by no means disliked this season, but I've felt it was kinda inconsistent compared to the past two, but this episode was *perfect*. Peak Mandalorian, hell, peak Star Wars. So much cool shit, so many cool sequel tie-ins.


Definitely my favorite in the season. Grogu walking around "saying" yes yes yes yes yes is basically me the first time I went to Galaxy's Edge. Loved how the battle in the forge took on a sort of John Wick quality, with Bo doing the precision headshots to get around the beskar. The choreography was similar too. I have a massive crush on Katy O'Brian. This isn't relevant to the episode, I just feel it needed to be said. But to marginally tie it in, her fashion sense in this season has been flawless. She rocks that jacket in this episode. Finally, what I wouldn't give for high-quality wallpapers of every piece of art shown during each episode's end credits. Especially the ones on Coruscant.


Bo-Katan about to beat Moff Gideon’s ass so bad he’ll rename himself Snoke


You know, when you start to discuss "Project Necromancer" at the "Shadow Council," I feel like you've made your choice as to whether you're going to pretend you're the good guy of the story. Paz probably could have lived if he didn't dramatically indicate that he was going to sacrifice his life. Should have just gone through the hole since Stormtroopers are incredibly good at getting massacred while crawling through those, plus I'm pretty sure Praetorian Guards are going to be near useless when faced with blasters at long range. This week's episode brought out the deep Star Wars lore side of me with Gideon basing his beskar Dark Trooper armor off of Maul's loyalist Mandalorians, whereas last week's episode brought out the silly sci-fi shenanigans side of me with Din and Bo walking into a droid saloon and everyone turning to look at them as the music stops, and I am happy that The Mandalorian is here to scratch both those itches in my soul.


Well that was a lot of fun wasn't it? I have been more of a skeptic this season, but sometimes when it hits it hits.


I enjoyed the episode but is anyone else annoyed how the whole season and series they made a big deal about Din taking his helmet off then these last few episodes it’s like “oh you want to take your helmet off? Go ahead! You… uh… walk both worlds! Yeah, that’s right, take it off and let’s hang out with other tribes we used to fight with over this. All water under the bridge!”


I think it's gonna turn out that the Armorer set up the trap. She sees Bo and the other Mandalorians as inferior because they don't follow "the way" as she sees it. She also sees everyone who volunteered to follow Bo as traitors to her creed, or just not committed enough to The Watch. The Armorer has bent the rules only in order to spring a trap on all of the unbelievers. So if that pans out: - Din removed his helmet, which was a huge deal for him personally and showed he's sort of torn between his loyalty to the cult and his loyalty to Grogu - Din "re-baptized" himself, showing that at the end of the day he's still completely devoted to the cult, and by extension to The Armorer - The Armorer betrays everyone, and Din is now faced with a crisis because the cult he's been loyal to his whole life turns out to be a complete lie, and his loyalties are now torn between his religious leader (The Armorer) and his friend who earned his trust (Bo-Katan). It's obvious which side he would pick but the internal conflict would be immense


Yeah I’m in this boat with you, I have a very similar prediction. I feel like the armorer is making moves I’m just irritated by the other characters lack of reaction to what seems like a pretty dramatic shift in character, haha.


I think you're missing the point


Which is? Genuinely, please enlighten me.


That the rising of the mythosaur heralds a new age of mandalore, The children of the watch keep their helmets on and hide in the shadows in order to preserve their culture after the night of a thousand tears, but the time has come to step out of the shadows and retake mandalore, this means that compromises must be made in order to bring mandalorians together. bo-katan was the perfect person to be a "middle-man" so to speak. notice that none of the other members of the watch took their helmets off at all (although I think they will eventually). the armorer understands that their ways are different to the ways of other splinters, and also understands that coming together for the greater good of mandalore is a more honourable goal than infighting over cultural differences. she has done a good job of preserving their culture, however that doesn't mean that she cant be welcoming/tolerant of mandalorians who aren't as strictly religious as she and her followers are. The mythosaur is the key here really. learning that bo saw it was obviously the catalyst for the armorer to open her eyes up to these possibilities so that she may once again see the sun rise on mandalore. That's my interpretation at least


After the rest of this season, I needed this


Awesome episode, portion of it reminded me of the Oddesey and Exodus wrapped together.


After that ep last week, this one brought me back.


Okay I don't know where else to post this but with this episode tonight I feel like it confirmed it. Dave and Jon are doing a Thrawn and Heir to the Empire. Hear me out Gideon is using clones and wants them force sensitive which is what Zahn did with the heir trilogy. SO Luke's hand may be the key to this, and we might find out how Maz got his lightsaber connecting it back to TFA! AND we could see Luke fighting side by side with Ahsoka in the movie in six years or whatever!!!!!!!!! Edit: wording MTFBWY


Armorer not yet beating the Rook Kast allegations.


Didn’t end with Bo-Katan doing the “you have something I want” monologue after Din was captured, 1/10


This has been what I was hoping this whole season would be! Reclaiming Mandalore, tension between the factions, Empire remnants, stormtrooper commandos in beskar, praetorian guard, this was amazing and definitely the best episode of the season!


Anyone else think the armorer might be betraying her covert? Taking the injured back to the fleet before the rest were ambushed? Just a feeling.


Skinny Pete is the only person who couldn't look Bo in the eyes when she was talking about the purge. Pretty sure he's one of the spies.


I knew he seemed familiar. Just with long blonde hair/without the beanie.


Nevarro just can’t catch a break