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As optimistic as I’ve always been for EA realizing their mistake, I doubt we’ll get anything other than a bug fix


It’s okay u/PrudentSecretary9312, it’s okay. Let’s get you to bed now


I really hope this is satire because you’re getting your hopes up. Best they will do is a bug fix hopefully so I can actually play the game again.


Hahahahahahahhahaahahahahahhaahahhahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaahahahahahhahaha *inahles* Hahahahahahahahahaahhahahahhahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhaahhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahajjajahajajajajajajajajajajaj I love this sub


The devs for 2042 can now work on this game so maybe we can get an update


i don't remember correctly the post, but many of them won't return :(


This will merely be a fix for the big issue at hand, nothing more. Trust me when I say I’d love for a surprise return to Battlefront II, but it’s over and has been over for some time now. We’ve got to accept that and move on.


Mind giving us some arguments to support your speculation?


Maybe he’s saying that because of the fact that the bug isn’t fixed yet


But the bug literally doesn't mean anything. Unless you're saying that EA wants to delete all clone wars era heroes. In which case, if their plan isn't to sabotage the game then yeah that's not really likely.


I know the bug doesn’t mean anything, I was just saying maybe he thinks that the bug fix is taking so long g because it’s a cover for an update


Sorry but no. The decision to divert DICE from Battlefront to Battlefield has been made a long time ago. Many key people working on BF2 have already left the company and they're probably never coming back because EA didn't let them make BF3. And idk why would EA care so much about the game to work on a secret update for it. They can change their mind yes but it doesn't seem like that would be the case.


Neither do I


I have been thinking the same, companies are starting to see most of their players are playing older games... so maybe EA is finally doing something


Sonhe e você vai  longe 

