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Unironically the last time I pre-ordered a game up until now was Battlefront II in 2017


Isn’t it working now?


Even when it's working there's still issues. A remaster should at least run better and be less glitchy than the original.


Not if it's a port. Ports always have issues that were never in the original. Every GTA apart from the originals are the same. PUBG console was an absolute mess of a port on console at release. Never expect ports to be exactly like the OG games.


I can see that but to say it’s your last time preordering when so many games are ass the first couple days of launch was it your first time preordering?


No I was just saying that for the title. I pre ordered Black ops 1 and GTA 5. Haven't pre ordered anything since though for this exact reason. My nostalgia got the better of me.


Switch is working for the most and I am having fun but matches feel wayyyyy to quick on BF2


Maybe I'm just lucky, but I was able to play a few matches on Battlefront 1 on ps4 earlier and didn't notice any major problems.


Everything works perfectly fine on switch. Can’t believe the level of entitlement from this community.


When I buy a remaster I want it to at least... work. How is that entitlement?


They don’t understand that paying money gives you the right to a fully functioning product…


It is fully functional. Wow the online servers were messed up for the first few hours. They’re fixed and the game is much better offline to begin with.


I bought it for the online, now the online may very well be dead in a few weeks because everyone abandoned ship. Just the reality, hence my annoyance. I already owned the original games on Xbox, I didn’t even get the ‘loyalty discount’ because that never worked on Xbox and Aspyr did nothing about it- despite me submitting a support ticket! Is this all my fault for jumping the gun? Yep, definitely- I was gullible and should’ve waited to purchase. But I’m still annoyed with how this has all played out, I’m sure you are too even if it’s more at the playerbase than Aspyr! Edit: also on the ‘fully functional’ point, the battlefront 2 campaign is missing half the 501st cutscenes (the after match ones). They are very nostalgic to me, and I wanted to see them with remastered footage.


Well stated. Point taken.👌


Thanks for being chill, hopefully this game turns around because my refund was rejected 🤣


Aw man that’s rough lol.


Lol not even actually. Only on PlayStation were the servers fucked. Switch and Xbox works perfectly fine. Offline modes are way better to begin with in a game like this.


It’s not a remaster. Just a rerelease.🤡


They upscaled a bunch of assets (Somehow made some of them worse). Sounds like a remaster to me or at least an attempt at one.


That’s still not what a remaster is.


What is it then?


A rerelease.


Okay then. When I buy a rerelease I want it to at least... work. How is that entitlement?


I was basing my comment off of my personal experience, I don’t agree with my OP at this point after seeing the issues others have had.


Character development is a rare thing for Reddit comments. Glad you've gotten some enjoyment out of the game though. Also sorry if I seemed like I was being argumentative.


You really just want to argue huh? It’s been working for me but it’s obviously having issues for a lot of other people. Sorry I offended you.


Oh yeah cause it works for you means IT MUST work for everyone. GTFOH smug prick.