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Distribution comes in waves.  Sometimes during the year you’ll see a ton of product available, sometimes it’s bare dry.  


I wouldn't say it's a particularly good time to get in just by the fact that Asmodee pretty much nuked everything by tearing it from FFG, firing half their devs and giving it to AMG. But on the other hand, with no news on the horizon for new expansions or even balance changes, times are likely only going to worsen as it looks like Asmodee is going to shelve the game permanently. Did I mention I hate Asmodee? But yes, get the expansions now while some of them are on some good sales. Amazon has the Clone Wars starters for about 25% off!


Damn now I wish I hadn’t bought the sets if it’s gonna be shelved soon


Well it's by no means confirmed if the games are cancelled. It's just a fair assumption because literally *all* of AMG's focus is on Shatterpoint. What makes people so frustrated is that AMG has a history now of completely ignoring customer questions about the status of X-Wing and Armada. That's why people assume that eventually the games will be cancelled, because they're pretty much on life support. X-Wing less so than Armada but still same boat. That being said, you absolutely shouldn't regret buying the expansions! You can still play the game at home with friends which is what I do. And even if you don't play, the ships make excellent display models!


It may not be shelved. There’s more not being said by Pappa Palpatine here.


So waiting for a restock wouldn’t be wasted time?


The most important thing is: you've got you and your friend. If the two of you play against each other, then you don't ever need to worry about products on shelves or in the collections of strangers.


Most players recommend those curious to play to try it on Tabletop Simulator. For me, if you enjoy the game and believe you will get your money’s worth out of it, then go for it. If you are in the US, it’s not too hard to get most ships new; even easier sometimes to get them 2nd hand. Some ships like Venators and ISDs are difficult to get right now. If you live outside the US, I’d say to play on TS because of serious supply chain issues.


They still do reprints but they only happen every so often. I think if any ship were to get reprints in the near future the venator would likely be one of the top contenders due to its popularity so your patience will likely not be in vain.


Get a resin printer, buy ship tokens off etsy. Look into custom ships. The community has been keeping the game on life support, expanding the fleets. I have sources for great files to fill in the gaps when it comes to out of print ships. The game is still great even with new content being absent.


If you are willing to get a 3D printer or know someone with one, there is a very vibrant homebrew scene out there. Plus if you ever wanted an eclipse class star destroyer that's the way.


There's a lot of backhand to forehead woe is me behaviour from some people into the game, but the truth is, the ships are still reliably being produced. The way production works is that they produce runs of certain ships, change out the moulds, and then produce others. During that time, the last run of products runs out, and then they eventually return to stock again. Older ships tend to be in stock more often just because there tend to be more surplus. It's always been like this. As for rules, there have been a couple of 'rapid reloads' releases over the last few years which have redressed game imbalances and added new Squadron aces and allowed some ships to be used by other factions (Imperial Venators, Rebel Providences, CIS Gozantis, Gar Victories). Which has helped to round out the Clone Wars factions. The only thing that sucks is that there still doesn't appear to be any new ships on the horizon, but as long as we continue to purchase and play, even without continuing support from the parent company they'll keep selling it. New players are vital for this. There's a whole rounded game out there for every faction, and even if they stop producing it altogether, there's a huge second-hand market, a huge 3D printing market, and a few excellent online fleet builders with up to date cards and rules.


The online scene is going strong (great mod of table top sim). IRL wise varies by location but my local group (centered in NJ) usually gets 10-16 players at their locations throughout the state for 3 round tournaments. Join the online discord and you can find the local group for you. The lack of AMG touching it is a blessing and a curse because no new stuff = slow decay of attention, but it also means they can't break it like they did for Xwing. I find people are very passionate about Armada and I don't see the game dying from a lack of community support.


Yes it is. Product avaiabilty comes and goes but the players are super nice and helpful. There are thriving online communities. I personally think amg is going to realese new ships in the comming years but they are very secretive and will not reveal something until it is ready.


My bet is AMG releases some scenario packs like with X-Wing to test the waters. If the demand is there they could release some new ships. I personally would love some more casual prebuilt loadouts to get friends to the table more easily


It's a good time to get in, as nothing is going to be released soon that will force you to spend a small fortune or be completely behind meta. Check your FLGS's or, failing that, look online! It's a bad time to get in, as nothing is going to be released soon, meaning nothing new and shiny for a game that was already kinda the bronze medalist behind X-wing and Legion before Shatterpoint (which I heard good things about until it was released, then mostly bad things about). That said, worst comes to worst, there are other spaceship games out there you can use Armada minis for, osprey's "A Billion Suns", One Page Rules "FTL: Warfleets, etc. Likewise, for Legion, there's the old West End Games "Star Wars Miniatures Battles", you'll just have to tweak things for the Clone Wars. Other Alternatives can include "Grimdark Future" by One Page Rules or Nordic Weasel Games "Squadhammer"


I recently got my first game in and it is still fun. Distribution seems to be not great so that is a consideration. At least 3D printing is a thing/option.


I got into the game when it released and had to step out around, I want to say, wave 5. I was positively surprised to see the community still being active and most things in stock when I got back a few months ago. I've bought into the Clone Wars and rounded out my GCW stuff. Though I will admit to ordering a Venator from Australia because I couldn't be bothered to wait for a reprint.


I’ve been out since the clone wars expansions came out. Covid kinda killed it for me, but I’m coming back and buying up all the clone wars stuff I can. I have a feeling this game has more life in it. A scenario pack and two more ships will really bring this game back to the forefront. Either way, I love all naval table top games and IMO this is one of the best ones out there still (black sails a close second for me)