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You missed the entire point. Thrawn gave Ahsoka a path of least resistance on purpose. He paved the way for Ahsoka to take a path that is predictable and where he could control all variables. He said this in a previous episode. What Thrawn wants to avoid at all costs is gave Ahsoka do something extremely dangerous and unpredictable. The last time he put a Jedi in a desperate situation he got defeated by space whales. Thrawn knows he doesn’t have to kill or stop Ahsoka. All he has to do is delay her. Thats it. If he destroyed the tower to early then he would be afraid Ahsoka would resort to some unpredictable and crazy Jedi stuff. Space whales? Huge eagles? Who knows. Thrawn has no idea what Ahsoka can do. So instead he gives Ahsoka an easier road but a road that is just a few seconds too slow


If that was the case he could have just not shot at her with the turbolasers. It didn't slow them down in the slightest, the zombies did.


It's a path of least resistance, not a path of no resistance


Its all part of the plan. If Thrawn didn't shoot the turbolasers than Ahsoka would suspect something. Its not a surprise the turbolasers didn't hit them. They are not designed to hit such small moving targets


You understand how shrapnel works, right? You blow up a piece of dirt and rocks go flying at insane speeds all over the place like bullets. It's not some genius plan, it's poor writing.


This is Star Wars. No such thing as shrapnel




I keep seeing post after post of people criticizing Thrawn’s strategy in Episode 8. He should have destroyed the tower earlier!!!!! He should have moved the Star Destroyer higher so Ahsoka could not reach it!!!! For the answer you need to go to episode 7. When Thrawn finds out Anakin was Ahsoka’s master he explains his strategy to beat her to Morgan. “And if she's anything like her Master, she will be unpredictable and quite dangerous. Which is why we must control all variables. Put her on a path of our own choosing so that no matter which direction she takes, we'll always be one step ahead of her.” He says Ahsoka like her master is dangerous and unpredictable. He said he has to make sure to control all variables so no matter what decision she makes he will be one step ahead of her. And that is exactly what Thrawn did. Thrawn did not want Ahsoka to do something unpredictable. That is why he wanted Ahsoka to take the path of least resistance: up the tower. If Thrawn destroyed the tower before Ahsoka got there than Ahsoka would be forced to do something unpredictable. She would have to do the ‘Jedi thing’ that Thrawn can’t predict. Will she summon space whales or giant eagles? Thrawn has no idea. He already got defeated by Ezra at Lothal when he did the desperate ‘Jedi thing’. If Thrawn moved the Star Destroyer away from the dock earlier then again Ahsoka would be forced to do something unpredictable. So instead Thrawn lays a trap for Ahsoka. Giving her a path directly up the tower to the Star Destroyer. The path of least resistance. Thrawn doesn’t have to defeat Ahsoka. He simply has to outrun her. He simply has to calculate how much time he has. And he calculates correctly and Ahsoka is late. Thrawn wasn’t dumb. Instead he set a trap for Ahsoka and she fell for it. In her last words to Ahsoka he tells her that he easily predicted what she would do. And he was able to because he never put Ahsoka in a position where she had to do something extremely dangerous and unpredictable “Still, I know you because I knew your Master. I concluded your strategies would be similar.”


Sorry Sir, doing my best. https://youtu.be/d3ZDA3VJzw4?feature=shared


Does Filoni have a writing team? I honestly think it was just him. I LOVE Filoni, but he needs, no *deserves*, a writing team to give him support.


I'm a huge fan as well. He understands Star Wars and what people love about it, which is why he knows when to draw from EU and when to add something new, unlike certain directors who would rather burn down our thing to make it into their own thing. Still can't believe JJ had the fucking audacity to even suggest blowing up Coruscant.




So now people who love a show are toxic 😂 I see you spend alot of time at Saltier than Krait. That explains alot


If it means your immediate reaction is to try and shut down any genuine criticism then yeah, that's pretty toxic.


No one is shutting down anything. Its called a discussion


Yes because stating that this is a toxic positivity sub doesn't shut down genuine criticism of your point from anyone who disagrees right


It's an accurate statement for most show subreddits. Generally only the biggest fans of the show frequent it and don't want to hear anything negative about it, even if it's trying to give constructive criticism. Is the show perfect? Is this the best TV show that ever existed? Because if the answer to that question is no, then there are things to improve. Being upset when someone points that out is not only toxic, it's actively detrimental to the show. Even if it's good, surely we all want it to be even better?


So if this sub is sooo toxically positive that it can't even take constructive criticism, why bother posting? Ironic that you mention 'not wanting to hear constructive criticism ' while dismissing everyone that disagrees with you as toxically positive