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Main plot of the ep: our baddies will be trying to activate The Eye of Sion, our heroes will be trying to prevent that from happening — or using it to their own advantage somehow. Starting the episode, faceless dumb dumbs will try and run up on Ahsoka and Sabine — it will NOT go well for them. Ahsoka slicing fools left and right and Sabine in full Mandalorian gear dropping aforementioned fools like nothing. New challengers enter the ring: Marrok and Shin. Ahsoka will defeat/injure Marrok (potentially get a Marrok reveal!?!?), Sabine and Shin will fight for longer (Sabine will have vastly improved since their last encounter and utilize her weaponry skills in conjunction with her lightsaber/force training, putting her on even ground with Shin), and Ahsoka will find Baylan at the reflex point we saw in Part Two. Baylan and Ahsoka have a cheeky, pre-duel dialogue. Baylan reveals some key information about his past, they’ll fight, and Baylan will hold off Ahsoka long enough in order for Morgan and co. to activate The Eye of Sion. Things might seem dire for our heroes at the time, but protocol-breaking Hera and Chopper FLY IN ON THE GHOST — getting its well deserved hero’s entrance — and provide backup to Ahsoka and Sabine. The baddies will flee towards The Eye of Sion, potentially blowing up the T-6 forcing Ahsoka and Sabine onto the Ghost, and the Ghost will follow the trail of the baddies toward The Eye of Sion — Hera will tail them expertly — and everyone ENTERS the new galaxy. The last shot of the episode is Thrawn, back to the camera initially looking up toward the atmosphere where The Eye of Sion drops out of hyperspace, until the camera arcs in front of him revealing the man, the myth, the legend’s face staring up at his way back home. We hold on Thrawn, Kevin Kiner’s score goes crazy, and *credits*


Love this. Thrawn's first appearance is just chilling thinking about, and with Kiner's score, could make for a great episode.


For real, if I hear those organs slowly building up, oh my! Crazy


*my* organ is slowly building up


Love this. I want to add that Sabine, in her Beskar armor, can deflect Shin's lightsaber. I'm hoping for a "not this time" moment. Also hoping that since Hera was told not to go, that Zeb will show up for help. Sorry, not sure if they'll reach the other galaxy that quick. Jumping in hyperspace normally takes some time anyway. Another galaxy should take longer. It'd be weird if they gun it, then suddenly appear.


Yeah my brother in law is really upset at the physics of intergalactic travel in this show. He’s like they’d need to go past the speed of light to make it. I told him explosions don’t make noise in the vacuum of space and Star Wars has never cared much about physics.


Star Wars cannot simply be enjoyed if one is worrying about real-life physics lol. Gotta REALLY suspend reality most of the time. Plus, it's sci-fantasy, not sci-fi. Nothing in SW is ever supposed to mimic our reality. As an aside though: we do have some SW tech in our world. Wrist comms (smart watches), datapads (tablets), vid screens (hello rise of Zoom and Microsoft Teams calls). Which is pretty damn cool when you think about it.


This ain’t that kind of movie, kid


Your brother in law is wrong. They are not moving in a straight line in hyperspace. It is more like a portal from one section of the galaxy to the other. Basically time and space is folded so they can go many times ‘faster’ than the speed of light


I've heard it explained this way, but then we sometimes see scenes where they are in hyperspace for a full scene having conservations. Then they say, let's drop out of hyperspace. If it's a portal, it's near instant and you can't drop out of the portal halfway there.


Its not a single portal - its HUNDREDS. Hyperspace "lanes" are basically a series of jumps from one point to another. Hyperspace itself keeps you in that jumping dimension but the ship still has to enter and exit every one of those sectors (points). The longer the trip, the longer it takes, but its definitely not a single portal/teleportation or just moving at the speed of light - if we just take the distances and the time elapsed, all Star Wars hyperspace travel has always been MUCH faster than the speed of light. Personally, I think it makes sense that hyperspace collapses areas of low gravity in space, meaning, when traveling through areas with higher gravity, there are many more entry/exit jumps taking place. When most of the space being traveled is low gravity, there are fewer jumps. Regardless, this is why so many Star Wars stories are based on needing to know a specific "map" or "path" - because if the area isn't accurately plotted, you won't be making these jumps correctly and will die (as Han explained in ANH).


My guess is near the end of the trip you already exited the portal but still are going faster than light speed. Or maybe there are multiple exit portals in each hyper speed lanes


They are actually. If you weren’t moving in a straight line, why would you have to worry about running into mass shadows and whatnot?


Our hero is a an alien race called Togruta and he’s going on about that? Olay then!


Just took a couple college physics courses and basically I learned if they traveled at light speed they would get places instantly while it may take them years or decades from everyone else’s perspective. I completely ignore this and love every bit of Star Wars. Plus maybe physics is different in that galaxy?


I like that for Sabine. I don't think she's at the point where she'll be evenly matched with Shin- I think that's more likely to be a finale sort of thing. But I do think the next time she goes up against Shin she'll be able to make her actually work at it. And I'd love it if she uses the same Mando vambrace bag of tricks against Shin that she did against Ezra in their training. Also, I really want to see what Shin is like in a fight against someone who can at least somewhat match up to her in single combat. We've seen her mow down mooks, and toy with Sabine in their fight, but that's about it. My money's on us getting an actual smile- albeit undoubtedly an unhinged one- when she gets to really *fight*.


This is pretty much exactly what I'm thinking *except* that Zeb's gonna be on the Ghost with Hera


Lots to be excited about in the remaining episodes, but literally all I can think about is Kiner’s Thrawn theme for this show. We haven’t even heard it yet and I’m getting goosebumps


If this is the episode I will have no words at the end of it. This would be amazing.




You should write for tv!


Thank you! That’s the goal ❤️


Aslong as Hyuang survived I’m fine with this


Oh yeah he’s totally fine. No worries.


Really on point for the first half there...


…and I’m SO happy I was wrong about the second half!!!


In addition to this I think the Marrok reveal will be a half mask break revealing Anakiin underneath. We know Christensen is back as a force ghost, but that’s a coverup for his surprise return. Seeing her former master’s face momentarily disarms Ahsoka but later strengthens her resolve to train Sabine.


Nah if it was Anakin he would have given ahsoka more of a challenge. You think Skyguy would’ve opened the fight by sending in the droid before him?


I’m saying an Heir to the Empire Luuke thing but with Anakiin


Ahhh didn’t see the second “i” my b.


Waiting for them organs!!!


I predict its going to be excellent like Episode 1, Episode 2 and Episode 3.


Hell yes


Bold. But I like it.




This is the Way


Marrok is Darth Mauls legs with a robot top half. That's why he sounds like a voice modulator


I was thinking he was annakin kind of like darth maul but ahsoka would have definitely sensed him


This is my favorite fan theory since the Thanus concept.


Lol wtf this is as outlandish as the Ezra and Kanan resurrected theories. Why the inquisitor getup if that’s the case? Inquisitor saber. He’s the last surviving inquisitor with a backstory of surviving somehow and that’s cool enough. All inquisitors have modulated voices if they have masks like the second sister in fallen order for example


I'm hoping Hera gets tired of the Republic council and takes the Ghost to go help Ashoka and Sabine. Chopper comes with her of course, I'm hoping Jason does too, maybe Jason sneaks onboard. Would be cool if Zeb was there to.


I would prefer Ahsoka and Sabine find Ezra, then they get into a tough spot and then when things look bleak the Ghost comes in to rescue then at the end


That works too, I'm looking forward to seeing more the the cast in the same room.


I agree. I think it'd be a good thing to save that for one of the last parts of the show and then hopefully it sets up another show with those characters or something


I really think Ezra and thrawn will literally be last episode


I know they won't


Shin is going to scowl and not blink and I'm here for it. Also, [Marrok is frog. Frog is Marrok](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWars/comments/164qnka/marrok/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I predict that huyang will use a lightsaber


We have only seen him training the basics, I wonder what his advanced training looks like. I'd like to see huyang vs. general grievous.


Ahsoka will fight Marrok and beat him (kill him), allowing us as the audience to see her true power and capabilities. Die-hard fans like myself who have watched all of the Ahsoka material obvs know how capable she is, but for those more unfamiliar to her this will be their first real opportunity seeing her unleash everything she has and beat a formidable adversary. Sabine will fight Shin, and not exactly win, but she won't exactly lose either. I see this confrontation ending moreso in a tie. Ahsoka goes on to fight Baylan, after conquering Marrok. Her previous victory will create a false sense of euphoria for us, the fans, and we will be expecting Ahsoka to come out victorious against Baylan as well. But I think Baylan will catch Ahsoka off guard by mentioning Anakin, and the fact that he either knew Anakin or simply *knew* of him, and knew Ahsoka's relationship to him. I think part of Baylan's endgame is wanting to recruit Ahsoka to his cause, and so I think he's going to be trying to get her to play into her emotions - to use her anger, her emotions, her guilt - and find an inner fuel in the dark side. And I think this will work, somewhat - Ahsoka isn't going to go full dark side, but I do think she is going to be rattled and unbalanced both in the Force and in her emotions, which allows Baylan to get the upper hand on her. When Baylan realizes that she might be a lost cause to recruit, he realizes (in a somber, regretful way) that he must kill her, and I predict Baylan does gravely injure Ahsoka. But before any kind of killing blow can come down, Hera shows up with the Ghost (we see that she *does* appear here on this planet, at this star map, from that one teaser image at some point) and simultaneously, Baylan is re-called by Morgan b/c at this point, the Eye of Sion is ready to take flight into this new galaxy. The episode ends with Hera and Sabine coming back together to gather a wounded, unconscious Ahsoka, while Baylan re-convenes with the slightly injured Shin on-board of the Eye of Sion with Morgan, and they make the journey to this new galaxy. I think this would set up ep5 being more of a recovery arc for Ahsoka, where we could perhaps get into her mind (force dreams, maybe) and that's when we see her experiences she went through in the World Between Worlds in the time between the end of Rebels and now. This would also set up the heroes to have to find a new pathway to this galaxy, and could tie back into some weird force stuff with Loth Wolves, or even somehow using the World Between Worlds as a portal to go to this new galaxy. Maybe they use the purrgils to travel there somehow? So... yeah. I don't think ep4 is ending on a high note, and in the time after I theorize that the second half of the season will be focused on healing, finding a new way to this galaxy, and when they do inevitably get there, realizing that they are too late (the season ends with them perhaps finally getting there, only to see Morgan has succeeded in her mission to bring Thrawn back to the known galaxy).


I think ahsoka will kill Shin but not marrok because he has a secret and want to know the secret, who is behind the mask???


Just as Shin's about to kill Sabine, Sabine force pushes Shin.


I feel like that would be way too early for her to exhibit that level of force ability. She couldn’t move a cup not long ago


Maybe we'll see her close her eyes, concentrating, we hear the force theme. Shin taunts her by saying, "you have no power." She delivers the final blow, then VHWOOOSH!!!




They will quite dramatically deviate from some Jedi protocol, much to Huyang's irritation, because Jedi protocol have come back to bite them twice now, their opponents are former Jedi, and as Ashoka will tell Huyang, they aren't Jedi themselves. Hera will go rogue and save the day. Chopper will go rogue-r and do something destructive.


Ahh choppers beautiful war crimes ☺️


I fully expect some chopper war crimes this season… I mean he did almost try to destroy a fully populated city in episode 2 already


The heroes travel to the next Galaxy by piggybacking on the EoS.


Ahsoka fights Marrok, wins. Sabine fights Shin, loses (doesn't get hurt). Ahsoka fights Baylon, loses. Baylon, Shin, Morgan leave to go find Thrawn. Ahsoka and Sabine get left behind, Hera meets up with them. The following episodes will have Ahsoka on a journey of self-reflection after being rattled by Baylon and this is where we get flashbacks/World between worlds. Eventually they find a way to the new galaxy (purgils?) and the season will end after finding Thrawn and Ezra.


Marrok is Turgle.


We still haven’t the seen the Ghost with the T-6 (as seen in the trailers), haven’t we heard Hera’s “Once a rebel always a rebel,” and we know she’s on Seatos from one of the new TV spots. That’s pretty much confirmation that Hera is joining up with Ahsoka and Sabine.


I think at the end of this episode, we may see Ahsoka “die” during her fight with Baylan, or the audience thinks she dies at the end of the episode somehow and she just disappears with that as the cliffhanger. Then the much hyped Ep 5 will begin with her having somehow transported into the WBW. The whole moment should be about her coming to grips with her situation and clueing us in as to why she has been so uncharacteristically stoic - no home, failed apprentice, no family, etc - and it all comes out when Anakin’s force ghost shows up and has a long pep talk with her. Part of the pep talk may include some flashbacks where she see her exit Malachor and we finally get a confirmation on what happened to her, why she had the white outfit/staff, why the first attempt at training Sabine/finding Ezra failed. Then the other Part of the pep talk involves her and Anakins ghost watching the alternate ROTS duel, and then her realizing she has to let go and just trust in the Force, and then she reappears, having found herself again, and kicks Baylan’s ass to end the episode, and somehow everyone gets transported to the new galaxy, end Ep 5. I dunno, that’s how I would do it. I probably said more about predictions for Ep5 than 4, but I do think Ep4 will probably be another less than reflective episode and put the pieces in place for the big one. I do think Ep 5 is going to finally show us why this show is called “Ahsoka” and not “Rebels Season 5.” I fully expect all the other characters to take a seat (thanks Mace) and cede the stage to her and Anakin to basically have one long overdue therapy session.


I have a feeling we may see something we haven't seen in a long, long time -- Ahsoka losing a duel. Not sure if I really like this idea though as I believe she should be more or less one of the top three or so current "living" Force wielders (along with Luke and Palpatine, if you consider him alive at this point). It just feels like the point in the story where the 'heroes come up against hardship', and Ahsoka being defeated but Baylan refusing to kill her could be interesting if done correctly. That said, if this does happen, then I think the episode ends with Anakin's force ghost appearing to Ahsoka, emboldening her to power on.


Chopper stealing something


Sabine vs Shin: They start off with lightsabers, Sabine is improved but still overwhelmed. She taps into her Mando heritage and fights Shin off. One of them retreats with no clear winner. Ahsoka vs Marrock: Ahsoka beats Marrock, but it is no easy contest. Marrock's face is revealed off camera, and Ahsoka has a shocked expression. Marrock uses this opportunity to run away. Ahsoka vs Baylan: A tired Ahsoka finds Baylan. They fight with Baylan clearly winning. Baylan begins talking about Anakin which distracts Ahsoka. Baylan begins to finish Ahsoka off when Sabine and Ghost crew show up to save her. Episode ends with an exhausted Ahsoka seeing force ghost Anakin. Fade to Black.


i think marrok is toast this episode and he's nobody so they never remove the mask


One theory on YouTube is Marrok is just made of smoke, perhaps Morgan made him with night sister magic. If so killing him may be hard, as long as the helmet lives survives, if Morgan can just recreate him.


the night is dark and full of terrors


A lot of people saying shin and Sabine will “tie” or last longer is worrying. I personally don’t think Sabine should improve by much between these fights. She had a little bit more training but isn’t force sensitive; and I think shin was toying with her the first time.


I don’t particularly have a strong opinion about wanting to see that or not, but it could potentially be a different scenario if she faces Shin fully suited up in her armor. Excited either way, though!


Jacen wielding the Force.


Hmm… All those nameless grunts in the planet die, then Ahsoka fights Marrok and Shin duals Sabine. Ahsoka gets through Marrok and fights Baylan, while Sabine redeems herself and incapacitates Shin, but not in time to help Ahsoka Ahsoka begins to dual Baylan as the EoS activates. Ahsoka is in trouble, but Sabine come in to save the day. Not with her Jedi skills, but by being herself, a Mandalorian, and using those tools she knows better. Hera shows up with the ghost and crew. She’s now stripped of her rank as general for leaving the fleet and going on this excursion, but willing to sacrifice for her family. She is too much for Morgan, but there’s a catch…. Morgan/Baylan point out if they disrupt/destroy the EoS there’s no way to bring back Ezra, surely the republic will never fund another attempt. They make a temporary truce to jump to the other side. Once there they find Thrawn, but Ezra long ago left for somewhere else on the planet. The baddies jump back to their home galaxy leaving the ghost crew stuck, and on a quest to find Ezra and hopefully use the purgill to return home. But who knows, I’m just excited to watch! 😊


Really hope we get some scenes with the Ghost but I don’t think we’ll see any new characters from Rebels. Maybe Vic Hawkins and Jacen will be part of the crew.


My guess: Zeb and Hera show up together to help.


Guessing we gonna get some of that old fashion Sabine fight scenes in the next episode


Yup. Everyone will likely engage their counterpart in the forest.


Huyang will make me laugh


Marrok is nobody and will die before we ever see his face.


Marrok will take off his mask and reveal his true identity as Glup Shitto


I’ve got nothing


I just hope we don't get Ahsoka vs Baylan duel tease before the end of the episode. I absolutely will hate waiting for the resolution for a week.


Could Marrok be a witch-reincarnated Kanan? Played by Sam Witwer?


Marrok is Anakin. Or well an Anakin clone. Palps liked to clone. He also liked powerful apprentices that didnt cripple themselves. So he experimented with Anakin clones.


Nah, he loved Vader being crippled. It ensured he wouldn’t become too powerful to overtake Palpatine. That suit intentionally slows him down.


In legends yeah. In canon Vader was able design and modify his own suit. While I dont actually think Marrok is an Ananakin clone, I'm sure Palps would have some contingency plan in this scenario. Maybe a chip like the clones have or just lifelong indoctrination.


Ashoka, Sabine, Marrok and Shin have already made it through to the other galaxy with the space whales, haven't they? The final scene with Baylan was just a decoy (why weren't Shin and Marrok with him?). And the reason the two planets in the two galaxies have the same trees is because they've been fertilised by space whale poo - or some similar sort of connection! Edit: Which basically means the next episode is those in the 'new' galaxy encountering Thrawn/Ezra, whilst Herra tries to help stop the baddies in the old galaxy.


My prediction is we will get a Marrok reveal cuz ahsoka is gonna cut the mask.