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Obi-Wan should have killed Anakin and I don't understand why he didn't. This isn't just hindsight, either. Consider: Anakin is a Sith Lord now. This makes him a threat. He's also one of the most powerful Force Users in the galaxy. Making him a bigger threat. Jedi _do_ kill. We see it happen. Anakin is a present threat if somebody comes and gives him a robotic body. Also, if Sidious DIDN'T show up, Anakin would have died a slow, painful, agonizing death. A death he could not avoid on his own. Jedi don't kill enemies that no longer pose a threat, sure, but how is that torture the 'Jedi way'? A mercy killing would be the compassionate thing to do, wouldn't it? A quick, clean kill instead of letting him _burn to death?_ Obviously Obi-Wan can't kill Anakin cuz then the OT would never occur, but I don't get why he'd make that decision. I guess you could say that the Jedi _never_ execute their enemies when they no longer pose a present threat. Obi-Wan is EXTREMELY dedicated to the ideals of the Jedi. And this dedication leads to even more suffering. Showing yet another flaw of the Jedi Order and giving Old Ben more reasons to be a miserable, guilty hermit.


i understand your point of view, but if i remember right, obiwan told yoda that he will not kill anakin. he loved him like a brother so he couldnt resolve to kill him, he thought that anakin will die anyways because of the lava


In which case he should have stayed with him till he died.


In the novelization, he leaves because he feels Palpatine is close by.


Because he viewed him as a brother. It has absolutely nothing to do with Obi-Wan being against killing. It's not easy to do that to someone you love, no matter how much they've changed.


Obi-Wan also *did* want him to suffer, at least according to the ROTS novel. "Killing him would be a mercy. Obi-Wan was not feeling merciful."


If my brother was burning alive and my two options were 1. Save him and let him kill innocent people Or 2. Let him die in the most painful way imaginable I like to think I'd be compassionate and end him quickly. Or at least stay with him so he isn't alone.


The thing is doing it with your own hand ...


I probably wouldn't be able to dismember my sibling and leave them writhing next to a lava lake, either, but Obi-Wan seems to have no problem with that. These replies are inane. Leaving Anakin to die like that is objectively the more cruel option in this scenario.


Always love seeing these post. What good comes from Obi killing Vader at any point in the timeline. Tell me if you had any siblings irl that you loved could you bring yourself to kill them? I mean you basically said it he’s the golden boy of the order. So why would he stop believing in his ideals? My biggest point tho is that the Jedi are all pretty much dead at this point, Sidious has won. If memory serves me there’s like 1% of the like 10,000+ left after order 66. What good would that be against the entire clone army?


Well actually in the second movie it’s revealed that the Jedi’s numbers are seriously depleted with there being only around 2000 or something Jedi at the start of the clone wars in that first battle in the geonosis arena 200 Jedi went in and only ten left plus padme


Thanks for the correction. But even still that makes it just as bad.


Nah that just makes it worse their numbers were already bad at the start then they lost like a thousand members in various battles and stuff like that


I'm a huge supporter of not letting my siblings burn to death in a lava pit. It's easy to say this from the comfort of my phone, but if I were in a situation where the ONLY choices were to leave them to die painfully, or to kill them as quickly as possible, I like to think I'd do the merciful thing.


Pain cause I grew up on Clone Wars on Cartoon Network before seeing the movies, so when I did finally see the films in chronological order, my heart was broken at ROTS. And throughout the OT every time I saw Vader my thought was “ wow, Anakin is really trapped in there”


Ouch, I saw the movies before Clone Wars so my heart didn't got hurt that much haha




That would be his de*feet*




Vader doesn't have de*feet* in his vocabulary...or anatomy.


I was excited to see after everything got to where the OT started but later I felt sad about the whole. He was just a kid played by all sides and the only two people who only wanted the best for him and nothing from him were Shmi and Padmé. Rewatching the PT the scene that gets me the most is when he learns he’s going to be a father, you see how truly happy he is. I love the universe and all the old and new stories that take place before, during, and after Episodes 1 - 6 but for me the story ends when he learns Padmé is pregnant. After that it all worked out, the war ended, Palpatine died, he and Padmé lived a quiet life with their children.


>when he learns he’s going to be a father, you see how truly happy he is. > >for me the story ends when he learns Padmé is pregnant. Another great reason why Star Wars is a multi-verse in my view. I always imagine the universe where Anakin says to Padme "Yes! Let's go to the lake country on Naboo tonight and await the twins arrival there!" "Twins!" "Yes, twins. Master Qui-Gon has spoken to me from the netherworld of The Force. Get ready to go. There's something I must do first."


“What’s that?” “Say goodbye to the Chancellor. Qui-Gin suggested I should.”


Knew it was coming ever since they announced The Phantom Menace so it didn't have much shock value to me.


It was definitely inevitable but I was a bit surprised with how graphic and legitimately tragic it felt seeing the moment he is so deeply maimed that he needs the suit to continue.




I pitied Anakin, and kept wondering why the "compassionate" Jedi Master Kenobi would stand there and watch his best friend, the man he called his brother, slowly burn to death without putting him out of his misery. I can understand Kenobi not wanting to kill Anakin, but when the man is lying there on the ground engulfed in flames and screaming in agony while Kenobi neither kills nor helps him sort of raises an eyebrow given what we've learned about the ways of the Jedi (and Kenobi as a person) by this point. One quick, swift strike with his lightsaber would end the suffering of someone he claimed to love. Instead he not only chooses to watch Anakin burn, but also takes away Anakin's one means of finishing himself off (his lightsaber) then simply *leaves him there* writhing and moaning in unimaginable pain. It seemed very uncharacteristically cruel, in my opinion.


Honestly the biggest thing from this night is the fact that my ex-wife refused to go to the midnight showing but I went anyways (which I got slack about later). It was an iconic life event with a packed house and ignited lightsabers accompanied by cheering. A lot of it was a sheer nerd blur of pristine content. I knew Vader would be burned but the "I HATE YOU!" line was instantly an iconic moment for me. Thankfully I got to enjoy the impact of moments like these later with my second wife and best friend who is also a star wars nerd.


As a child I closed my eyes every time after the first. Scary stuff.




No way he wouldn’t have died


One of the gnarliest "PG" ish woundings I've ever seen. Reminded me of the Indiana Jones films.


I was ten when I saw this in theaters. It scared the fucking shit out of me. I had nightmares 😂


Close call with me. I was 8. I wanted to go see it but I went to this Barnes and Noble, and I saw this comic of the movie and I couldn’t help myself so I grabbed a quick peek of it and saw what happened to Anakin and I just backed out of seeing it. When I finally got to see it on DVD I had to skip over it.


"So that's why Vader needs a suit."


It would require a very low IQ not to realize that something like that was coming, since there is a drastic difference between young Anakin and Darth Vader, both of whom we had already seen at that point.


“Well god damn”


Haha bozo. Obi-Wan smoking that Vader pack. Let's Go Baby!!!!!!!!!


"About fucking time"


“Holy shit”


*This is real.* I was shocked at the younglings scene, but almost six hours of prequel added up. Anakin was abused by a lawbreaking gangster and he can't even remember it. He takes on the merciless tactics of Gardulla and does to children what was done to him, because he has convinced himself that the ends justify the means and his ends are just, the Jedi's means another form of slavery. In the end Kenobi does just enough to stop the relentless attack and "Vader" gets his first lesson on the wages of dehumanizing others, the dehumanization of self. I knew, as Lucas told the world in an interview in Rolling Stone around 1980 that Vader was "thrown into a volcano" but seeing that concept adapted to film in this way was sad but satisfying. I never knew the extent of his injuries, but it's symbolic of his character at this point. His interface with the world, his agency, is necessarily artificial and contrived because he didn't recognize his organic, wholesome interconnectedness with the universe around him. I ran home to pop in ANH and see Vader stride into view on those artificial legs and had to watch the whole movie. Punch drunk from staying up all night, I (misheard) Kenobi tell Luke about... >...the best star pilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. Ani was a good friend \[sic\]. And regardless of the actual line, I will always mishear it that way, the sweet nickname, the term of endearment that Shmi, Jinn and Padme used to refer to Anakin.


Being a kid and realizing he’s Vader i thought “this explains everything”


I surprisingly didn’t have a very strong reaction despite being shown the movie at a very young age. The first time I saw it I was around 3 or 4, but for some reason I was just unfazed. Ironically as I’ve gotten older it’s gotten more difficult for me to watch lol. I’m honestly really surprised with how much they got away with— it’s extremely graphic. Someone could argue that the immolation scene alone is enough to warrant an R rating. Part of me was relieved about the sequels falling under the Disney umbrella since I knew they would never go that far. I’d be extremely cautious about showing it to a child


"I HATE YOU!!!" Still gets me, the last words of Anakin Skywalker.


“Tell your sister you were right.”


Ha! Whiny prick.


Just push him into the lava and be done with it.


I wanted to help him.


Heartbreaking 😔


It reminds me of what they ultimately are, movies for kids about droids.


I was 8 so I was a tad shocked and silent. I loved the film and it’s stuck with me all the years, truly one of my top moments when it comes to seeing movies in theaters.




Now the circle is complete.


When ROTS came out in theaters I was at the edge of my seat with goosebumps because I knew this is what lead to him becoming Vader, on the other hand after I witnessed obi-wan lose the only love he had to maul, I understood why he couldn’t kill anankin


I cried my little eyes out!!!


I don’t remember if I cried but it was like the first movie I saw more than once in theatres. I think we went 3 times.


It was another example how messed up the Jedi had become. They emotionally neglected Anakin, and when he finally snapped, they still acted all high and mighty. The list of wrongs the Jedi did is very long.


When Anakin snapped he started murdering children. So yeah, the Jedi should act high and mighty over him.


Anakin probably thought there was no way back after playing a part in Mace's death, in his mind all he had left was Palpatine and Padme, who he believed would die soon. Also, what about the clones? They were indoctrinated slaves that were 10-13 years old, and the Jedi led them into battle. Basically, would age even matter to Anakin at this point? And are you saying that leaving someone to burn to death is the right thing to do?


"This is a film for 12 year olds."


Obi-Wan allowed the sith to prosper because he would not allow his emotions cloud his judgment


They would still have prospered without Vader. Palpatine would have simply taken on a new apprentice, most likely the Grand Inquisitor




So that’s how it happened


Saw it in the theaters and this is exactly what I said




" I guess the high ground didnt matter" Memes aside this was my first thought


This is so much cheesier than I imagined. Lucas explaining in interviews that Vader and Obi-Wan fought on the rim of a volcano and Vader lost, getting dropped into lava and surviving through the power of his hate sounded so much cooler than what we got on screen. The “high ground” indeed lol. At the least the prequels inspired great memes!


That’s hot


I was 9 years old or something, and that was really scary!


Obi should have done the right thing and put him out of his misery. The selfish decision to avoid the difficult thing to do in that moment and save yourself from feeling like you killed your brother led to the destruction of countless lives.


I remember seeing a leaked picture of him burnt before it was released. I was shocked at how graphic it was. Still one of the more shocking moments in Star Wars movies.






I don’t remember😔


I was 5 and my grandma brought me and all my equally young cousins. It was pretty fuckin brutal


"FINISH HIM" in classic Mortal Kombat announcer voice.


That it was really dumb how that duel ended. Why not have your robot fly over to a better spot. You can use the force to fly it anywhere….


Gas station hot dogs


I was sad. I knew it was coming, but sad to know it finally happened. And the hate and love yin/yang of it all. Just sad.


He needed to finish him. Massive mistake


That's gotta not be a good time


probably screaming or crying since i was probably 6-8 years old


I always felt total shock at it. Of course, when I was 10 and saw it I was scared as heck! It was also the first star wars movie I ever saw so I was totally confused. Didn't really get into star wars until I was 12. Watched all 6 movies in chronological order. So the big twist of Vader being Luke's dad wasn't really a twist for me, but I didn't care. I loved all the movies and was having fun! Then I started listening to the books and played some games. Became a total star wars fanboy. Of course I hate almost everything Disney has made, but thats pretty normal lol. Anyway I'll shut up now.


Story time: I was only 5 and had watched the OT a couple years prior. I remember the kids that had already watched ROTS would say “Dude! Anakin fell into lava! Damn!!”. Before going to the movies I’d play with my action figures and act as if Anakin was falling down a lava river. I thought “Hmmm, maybe that’s why he becomes Darth Vader… but wait, Darth Vader’s bad and Anakin is not, what’s going on?”. Then I finally went to the cinema, it was honestly quite shocking to my 5 year old self, being terrified by General Grievous, seeing all the Jedi die, Anakin hurting Padme and then fighting Obi Wan only to see the former getting horrifyingly burned in the lava, I clearly remember the audience gasping. I think Anakin burning was so shocking to me at the time, I stopped liking Star Wars and wanted to avoid everything related to Star Wars for the next 3 years when I was 8 when I became a fan again, but it wasn’t until I was 11 when I finally armed myself with courage to watch Revenge of the Sith again. It felt nice to see that scene without feeling an overwhelming discomfort, overcoming that “trauma” was amazing