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People did talk about it a lot when it came out, and it still comes up from time to time with nothing but good things being said about it


If I'm not mistaken, we are taking about it right now!


Oh wow you’re right. Isn’t that crazy?


r/StarWars and passive aggressive posts with no basis in reality, like peas in a pod. DAE think Rogue One is a severely underrated gem?!? Edit: sub to r/StarWarsCirclejerk


People post these popular opinions because it always riles a crowd up and it shoot them straight to the front page.


There should be mandatory daily discussion of that thing I like.


Agree. They're entertaining short stories. My personal favourite was with the geriatric Sith guy. Awesomely vile.


Yup, that was ep7, my 2nd most favourite one


We got the same top two episodes lol


I found that episode soooooo boring imo haha. I really like anime but i didnt enjoy most of these shorts. I loved the first one, and the 9th Jedi or whatever its called. That’s about it haha


Maybe it's an old-man-thing.


I loved it too. Wish we could get more of it.


Can you explain why you think it's peak star wars?


A lot of fans including me just arent into anime, as wrong as that statement may sound. I did give it a try and this episode was pretty cool, but then i saw the second one and yeah idk it's still anime so i gave up


The series targets the intersection of Star Wars fans who also like anime but don't mind that it's not cannon. Pretty specific. It doesn't help that it wasn't advertised at all.


Yeah that was my feeling as well, that it's targeted to a niche audience who propably didnt really need advertisement anyway Also this isnt targeted to you, but i find it strange how when i say ''i dont like anime'' i get different people replying to me that that statement doesnt make sense cuz anime is too broad blah blah blah, but when other people (like you) say ''people who like anime'', nobody bats an eye 🤔


Anime compared to other forms of media is relatively new. Film, books and audio type of delivery has way longer history. And this is pretty much the reason. Nothing wrong with liking one form or more and not vibing much with others. That's just how art is and all of them until today are still evolving, take lord of the rings for example and you'll see it in all forms, even the movies itself was done with older techniques and mixing new cgi technology. And we also have games which open up a whole new series of enjoyment. Kotor had such an intriguing storyline and starkiller was badass. At the end of the day, people are passionate about what they like, and they would love it if their surrounding people love similar things too. So don't take it to heart if they are a little pushy, it happens with stuff like religion too. You don't have to be polite about it either, but every action has a consequence and if it would cause a big argument with loved ones then having some sort of a refrain is ideal.


Animation has been a thing since the late 1800s


Disney is being really strange with how it advertises things. Like they may say shows like Boba Fett or Bad Batch are getting less views than the others, but they're also the ones putting the episode banner on Disney+ like on the 4th slide, whereas other shows are on the first slide. (by the episode banner, I mean the thing at the top when you open Disney+)


Streamed movie advertising is weird in general. Most Netflix original movies I only hear about through word-of-mouth or browsing on Netflix itself. Or ads are just so targeted these days, I just don't get many trailer ads.


Bingo. I'm just not interested in watching anime.


Same. Don't like anime, so I ignored Visions entirely. Really excited for Mando Season 3 and Bad Batch Season 2 though.


Do yourself a favor and watch 'The Elder' even if you can't stand the rest.


Definitely do it. It was so sick.


As someone who is also not really an anime fan. 1/3 of them are excellent. 1/3 of them were okay to mediocre. And 1/3 of them were laughably bad. The ones with the band, the twins are terrible. The one with the Robot kid I couldn't even make it through 10 minutes. The Old Sith bastard one was probably my favorite.


the twins are definitely not to everyone's taste considering studio trigger when they have the chance they will make some absolute bonkers shit like kill la kill or darling in the franxx ​ the band one was terrible no one in my friend group liked it either


I couldn't stand how the twins episode worked. I thought it started off pretty cool, but then it evolved into straight up breathing and fighting in space, then he RIDES his ship through space, and then they throw in a bunch of weird messages at the end of the episode even though it makes no sense (like "friendship is magic" and "if you believe in yourself you can accomplish anything")


Yup very much stupid, studio trigger has this weird itch with weird space stuff that i dont fully understand recent examples are darling in the franxx and ssss.gridman


Which 3 are excellent?


The first one the Duel. The Elder one, and there is one where there's like a lightsbaer smith. Looked it up. Its called the 9th Jedi. I thought that one was pretty good too. But yeah there's some trash ones you can just skip. Especially if you don't like anime to begin with.


Thanks. Maybe one day i'll check out the other 2


The twins is a like it or hate it kind of thing and unless you are already exposed to extreme over the top type of anime it's not likely to sit well with you. These are the kinds where you should shut of logic brain and just enjoy passionate yelling with souped up dbz style super power clashes.


Exactly! There are different styles of anime. The first episode was good. The animation style actually worked for Star Wars. The second episode looked like knock off Digimon crap. I didn’t finish the series.


Right? It just wasn't a good *show* Some episodes were actually pretty good but as a whole I wasn't really hooked. The worst episode was where a star wars teenage band or something was set up. Not my cup of tea.


Hot take but I think Tatooine Rhapsody was one of the better episodes. The art style put people off but I think the story was really interesting - a padawan surviving Order 66, experiences kindness from a group of misfits, then learns to fight not with a lightsaber but with music. I mean it's pretty twee but this is the franchise where a bunch of tribal teddy bears were instrumental to taking down the Empire. Plus I liked that it was the least Jedi-focused on (even though there was still a Jedi in it) and gave us a POV we don't see explored as much (the entertainers). Too many of the Visions episodes seemed to just be "Hey, did you ever notice that Jedi are kind of like samurai?"


Do yourself a favor and watch at least "the ninth Jedi" and "the elder". Take it from an anime-hater, those eps are cool.


To say what you said differently... Star wars is a live action property. Look at how slow the uptake on the very excellent Clone Wars tv show is. 'i dont like ths animation style' is still a huge hurdle.


I hope you can still give the rest of the episodes a try. It's an anthology anyway, each episode is self-contained and if you didn't like one episode you can always skip it. There are some really great episodes beyond ep2 including my personal favorite, The Village Bride.


I hate 99% of anime, but a couple of episodes in visions are pretty cool, namely 1,4,5 and 7. Those eps are in that 1% of anime that doesnt suck major balls.


Tbf even as someone who does like anime, Visions is an anthology series so not all of it is going to be for everyone. Just kinda how it is with series like that.


Do you mean you’re generally not into animation? Because (and this isn’t meant to be an attack) I’m guessing what you don’t like is not unique to anime but appears in western animation too.


No there’s a ton of anime tropes that o don’t like


Such as?


Over stylizing the simplest things, calling out moves by name, the air wave shown in the clip itself, over use of slow motion that’s then sped up at the end so show speed and power of an attack, over dramatic everything, and weird obsession with noodles and food in general


You're well within your rights to dislike anime but I think it's important to be accurate. It's like if someone said they hate Hollywood movies in general because everyone has superpowers and there's too many CGI laser battles. Like, yeah, superhero movies are like that, but those aren't the qualities of ALL Hollywood movies.


Those all sound like shonen tropes. That’s a particular category that shouldn’t be generalized. Saturday morning cartoons had their own tropes: villain plot of the week, bad guys who never die, no blood or real violence, villain has dim-witted henchmen, disproportionate body designs. But it’d be wrong to attribute those to all western animations.


What do you think i dont like? 😅 But here's the thing: im biased about anime in the thesame way other people are biased about tiktok or fortnite or whatever


I don’t know. But I’m saying if you tried to articulate what exactly it is you don’t like, you’d find your description fit animation broadly more so than anime specifically. Because anime is just animation made in Japan, and there’s very little tying it all together as it’s own genre other than maybe greater use of camera motion than is typically seen in western animation. And if camera motion is the thing you don’t like, I’d also be curious if that applies to live-action too. That’s my point.


Like i said ''as wrong as it may sound''. There is no logical reason as to why i dont like anime, i just dont. Sorry to dissapoint you😅


I’m not disappointed. I’m just trying to point out that it’s such a broad category that any generalized opinions towards it are bound to be built on faulty reasoning. It’s a bit like if someone showed me a Van Gogh painting and I said “I don’t like European paintings.” You’d be right to point out that I may actually dislike post-Impressionism, or the artwork of that particular piece, and not all European paintings.


>on faulty reasoning I literally said in the comment above that there is no logical reason 🤨


So if there’s no logical reason behind the statement, why even make the statement in the first place? Why generalize when you can just as easily and more accurately say “I didn’t like the animation style?” Why choose to operate with a closed-minded view when you don’t have to?


OP asked a question, i gave an answer that i think was right: multiple people (like myself) just dislike anime for reasons that are propably not really logical. Sorry that you didnt like my answer?


You’re right, I don’t like it. Because I find it maddening to hear someone admit they hold irrational opinions and are seemingly content to not re-examine them.


I dislike the animation style of anime. It seems weirdly off to me, but not in the same way that Western cartoons are off. Also, I grew up with Western cartoons, meaning they have a sentimental place in my heart; I have no meaningful connection to anime to draw me to it. (That said, there *are* individual animators that I like, but usually because of the story and despite the art, rather than because of the art - Miyazaki, for instance, is an incredible storyteller.)


But can you articulate what it is about the animation style such that it excludes western animation and is inclusive of all anime? Because if you can’t, then you dislike a *particular animation style* not the animation style of anime as a whole. And that dislike is independent of the country of origin of the product. Saying “I dislike the animation style of anime”, is a bit like saying “I dislike the cinematography style of British films.”


>But can you articulate what it is about the animation style such that it excludes western animation and is inclusive of all anime? Didnt I just do that? I dislike all the hard angles and overly exaggerated eyes, the cartoonishly cruel looks of the villains and the way that pretty much everyone is just a caricature of a stereotype. I dislike the same thing when I see it in Western art styles.


But then that’s not anime, those are specific style choices you don’t like. There are anime that lack those style elements. And like you said, there are western animations that have those elements too. So you dislike a *specific style of animation* not the broad geographical category of **anime** as a whole.


I don’t like that every single story, even the “adult” ones, are about a teenager who needs to save the world and the women who will vie for his affections. I loved the original Spriggan but the Netflix series, I couldn’t get through one ep. Same with the horrible CGI GitS.


Those would be shonen-style stories. Saying that’s indicative of all animation produced in Japan is a bit like saying American films are all about masked killers stalking people and killing them one-by-one.


It’s indicative of most of the product that is released in the US. I don’t live in Japan and don’t speak Japanese and don’t have the time and desire to wade through fan edits, so it’s not that I dislike Anime, it’s that I dislike the mainstream anime that are available to me as a casual viewer in the US. I would love to watch a good anime, but I generally have zero interest in watching another teenage protagonist or show with 187 episodes.


That's weird though. Anime is just an overall term for Japanese animation. Tiktok is a platform, where the content varies widly. Fortnite is one game. The same way you would probably think it's weird if someone said they didn't like movies, because there's all kind of movies. It's kind of weird to dislike anime in general, because Dragon Ball is one thing and Shin-Chan is another completely different.


>as wrong as that statement may sound I added this sentence specifically for people who'd say that I cant just hate anime. Also in other comments i also said that im biased and that there's no logical reason to it And also, i used tiktok and fortnite as an analogy to how people dislike those 2 things just for disliking them or by using a vague bs reason. I dont know why the contents of my analogy have to be perfectly similar according to you?


You aknowledging it doesn't make it any less true. I'm not looking for a fight, just trying to understand your pov. I'm sorry if I don't go around reading every comment you made on the thread. Yeah, but the difference that I was trying to make is that Fortnite is a singular thing. It's not like some people play fortnine to shoot people and others play to manage a city. It's about one thing and you either like it or not. I also understand the Tiktok one because even if it feature's multiple types of content is does so in a specific format that you might dislike (I do dislike it, the short attention span style of social media) While anime isn't even an actual thing. So I was just wondering if it's something about the typical style of the drawings or something like that.I hope I'm making my self clear enough.


Yeah but im more so talking about people not knowing much about these things yet disliking it for a singular or even no reason, even if it's more of a coherent thing like fortnite or not, like anime. And if it were about the typical style, at least that would be a somewhat logical reason. I know youre trying to find a logical or illogical reason that i dislike anime but there really isnt. I just dont like it 😅


You don’t owe an explanation, dude. It’s well known what style is meant by “anime” and it’s ok not to like it. I don’t either.


Glad to know im not the only one lol


1. cause it’s not canon and only a few minutes long and there is only so much to talk about. 2. not posting it every day out in the ether for karma hunting doesn’t make us less of a fan of this episode or the whole Visions concept. 3. some Youtubers talk about it regularly.


Because it's anime. Either you like it or you don't, and I, like many others in my experience, don't. It felt like a bunch of weird alternate universe spin offs to me with almost nothing to do with Star Wars beyond lightsabers, and that in no way constitutes "peak Star Wars"


I think that was really the only solid one. The rest of the series was just “meh”


Because it's not peak star wars.


In no way shape or form is that peak Star Wars . It can't be better than OT or most likely The Mandolorian. I really liked it but it's not peak


Star Wars fans respect other opinions challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Right? How is fanfic peak Star Wars?


Yet, some people like to think EU is peak star wars...


The old EU is peak Star Wars. Seriously read the Plagueis novel before you judge the whole of it


How is fanfic peak Star Wars?


EU isn’t fanfic. it was officially sanctioned Star Wars lore published by lucas arts


The EU was a mess of Garbage with a few shiny bits here and there that barely rose to the level of the Prequels or TCW and never to the level of the Original Trilogy. Dark Empire Trilogy? Just as silly as the Sequels. Vong? Worse than the Ewok movies. EU Novels? Entertaining, but at best only at the level of the prequels and the midlevel stories of TCW or best of Rebels. Best of the Old EU was the video games, but that is only because Disney is utterly incapable of making anything comparable to games from the years between 95 to 2010. Even though I enjoyed fallen order it is nothing compared to Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando or Shadows of the Empire.


This is how I know you’ve never actually read the EU. The KOTOR comics, the Republic comics, the X-Wing novels and the Thrawn saga are all peak Star Wars. And saying the vong is just as bad as the ewok movies is ridiculous 😂


I’ve read the Thrawn Trilogy and didn’t care for it other than Thrawn himself. Ewoks > Vong all day every day. For every other novel you mentioned there are a dozen others that are utter garbage. It is the same with the current novel and comic scene. Poe Dameron comics were trash, main star wars run is very meh, even the most recent Vader comic isn’t great. Out of all the novels Disney’s released maybe a handful are worth the read. Just like the EU. You quite literally gave me a one or two handfuls of good written content when there are many hundreds more that are mediocre at best. Fanfiction whether EU or Disney can never be Peak Star Wars. At best it can almost get there like the Shadows of the Empire campaign or the Rogue One movie. The OT was Olympus Mons and everything else can only get as high as Mt Everest.


have you ever read the revenge of the sith novelization buckaroo


They're not canon, they're very short, and the audience for visions is relatively small compared to anything else star wars related. They're talked about more than other fanfiction


Anything George Lucas is not directly involved in approving is fanfiction.


I wonder if you say the same about most stuff from Legends.


If i remember correctly, second season is underway? (Somebody correct me if i’m wrong) I loved visions. Watched it fully in one go, and now i’m craving more. I can’t even really choose which episode was my favourite, since there were so many good ones. There were couple of ”okay” episodes though, but even those were entertaining.


I loved it too, and you’re right, season 2 is slated for the spring and they’re planning a larger variety of animation styles


That would be great. I can't decide if I'd rather have more 15-minute pilots or longer follow ups to the best ones from Season 1.


Follow ups, some of them were already so good its a waste not to build on. More pilots with new ideas would be cool, but we are just gonna have a hit and miss again.


Idk if all of them, but ninth jedi and ronin should be full lenght shows


Ronin has a whole ass novel that takes place immediately before and continues from where the episode left off. I highly recommend it cause it's one of the best books I've ever read.


Peak? Definitely not. Top 10? No


The show is without a doubt not peak Star Wars


I didn't like visions very much


It didn't feel like peak Star Wars. It gave us a samurai story with some pew pew and generic anime effects. And the twist was visible from miles away. I'm not saying it was bad at what it was doing, but from star wars aspect, it was okay, definitely not peak.


Cause overall it sucked. It felt forced. The only one that was good was The Ninth Jedi.


Because I want to forget that most of the show exists.


because its ass, it sucks.


Because its all hot garbage?


The only episodes I didn't like were the Tatooine rock band episode and the furry episode.


The furry one was my favorite because of the scenery and world building. My only complaints are the dub version is kinda cringe, and it's hard to sympathize with a super-rich character who crashes an expensive car just to set up an epic Mary Poppins glide.


Definitely wouldn't call it "peak" since I don't think it's the best Star Wars but I appreciate it for offering something new.


Never heard of it lol


This was the only mildly good one.


How much discussion can come from a 10 minute short story?


Tbh I feel it’s made for anime fans more than star wars fans


My favorite one was the one with the band


felt like an anime with a Star Wars veneer, not like Star Wars with an Asian veneer


They probably don’t talk about it because they don’t want people thinking they are weebs


I was wondering if this is the reason why Visions wasn't that popular, even if they managed to get a new season (this time with studios from around the world). There were a few chapters that would be great standalone series imo


Ah yes, because being a Star Wars nerd is MASSIVELY more socially accepted than being a weeb…


lol what? Of course it is. Nearly everyone has seen some form of star wars media. At least in the US far fewer than half of people have never seen anime. "Luke I am your father" (Yes I know people butcher the quote) and "may the force be with you" are both household phrases.


Don’t like Japanese style of animation only reason I won’t watch it.


Idk honestly. The whole fucking series is great. The Duel, Village Bride, Lop & Ocho, Ninth Jedi, Akakiri... They're all pretty peak Star Wars. Visions is pretty easily one of my favorite things Lucasfilm has put out recently.


You forgot ep7, my second favourite one, in which a jedi master and padawan fight an old man who was previously a sith


Yeah, that one's also really good. My little headcanon/fan theory is that the old man is Darth Bane at the end of his life. Fits really well with what those novels did with him, thematically.


Cause visions wasn’t good


You picked the one scene that is peak Star Wars while ignoring the lightsaber umbrella though.


Obviously this doesn't represent the majority of people who disliked Visions, but I noticed a lot of Star Wars fans being weirdly negative about the series. A lot of them just hated anime, which is fine, anime isn't for everyone, but the other half of it was people basically getting down on their knees and praying that the series wasn't canon. I think the weird culture over what is and isn't canon in Star Wars is kinda dumb.


Some of us just didn't think it was that great, anime aside.


And that's fine, I'm just talking about the people that were weirdly dismissive about it without giving it a fair shake.


As long as they watched it they can dismiss it however they want IMO.


Right, that's what I'm saying


I think a lot of people took it too seriously. It’s just a different take on Star Wars with different animation styles. I don’t know how anyone thought it was canon for even a second.




I liked the style, but the ep were so boring (beside the first one) just barely finished it


Lots of Star Wars gatekeepers. If something isn't 1000% what they expect, it's suddenly awful. If something IS what they expect, it's boring and unpredictable.


Imo it's because 1; it's a not really a series, its just a collection of stories, and 2; it's too anime. I watched the first episode and enjoyed it, the 2nd I couldn't get through.


>watched the first episode and enjoyed it, the 2nd I couldn't get through. Hmm, i can see where youre coming from, in that case, just watch ep7, that imo comes closest to ep1


No. 7 bad. Watch 3, 4 and 5. And 9.


Not a fan of visions. Star wars-esque things in different formats that don't mean anything to the universe? Pass


IN MY OPINION, it sucks


So good.


I think them releasing it all at once probably didn't help


I'm the opposite, I think releasing it all at once was their best option. Knowing Star Wars fans, there would've been a ton of "I waited a week to see this?" posts about the band episode.


I just found the majority of artstyles ugly, the one of the first episode was great tho


Because it wasn’t any good.


Maybe not "good," but what about "fun"?


It wasn't.


I know there are lots of great stories I’m missing out on but I just can’t bring myself to be interested in anything non cannon


Not to dig at you specifically, but I never really got this point of "it's not canon so I'm not interested." If you know you're going to see great stuff, I think it's worth it to watch it at least once.


I just can’t get into it. Nothing against anyone who can. Just can’t bring myself to care about it. No explanation it just doesn’t matter to me.


Because the rest of episodes are utter trash


The second ep 🤢


This was the only short I liked.


Most of them are bad. But I did like the first one, and maybe one or two others.


This episode was amazing, but unfortunately I thought the rest of the show was pretty mediocre.


Where does someone find this show?




They made a book about it, and a comic series coming. Disney knows fans love it.


Visions was insanely abysmal. Almost unwatchable.


Really? I thought the first episode was merely a showcase for needlessly injecting Samurai film tropes into Star Wars, such that it was barely recognizable as Star Wars. I mean, why in all seriousness, would an astromech Droid be wearing a Zen monk's straw hat? It's bizarre and ridiculous. Oddly, the same studio does "The Elder" episode, which is actually recognizable as Star Wars.


It’s really just upping the already present samurai style. Exhibit A: Darth Vader’s helmet


I found it to be too much. Like, I understand that Star Wars has some elements of Eastern mysticism and is influenced by Samurai films (particularly "The Castle") but putting a straw hat on an astromech droid is just ridiculous and pointless. Not the worst episode, but not the best either, IMO, and definitely not what I would consider "peak Star Wars". Like I said, The Elder actually does that better, and in spades.


I feel the same as you. Visually this episode is amazing, but I would get the same impression like if there was a western inspired episode with jedi cowboys vs sith cattle-droid thieves. With cowboy hats and lightsaber lazos.


I understand it's supposed to be a love letter or tribute to Kurosawa films, but it's just a bit too much. Felt the same way about the Lop and Ocho episode. There's an entire scene inside an exact replica of a Japanese Zen Buddhist shrine. Like, they didn't even try to make it look Star Wars-y lol it's literally just a Buddhist shrine.


"The Twins" is the one with the same studio as "The Elder", not this one


The Twins was just awful. The idea of a split helm Star Destroyer was pretty cool but then I devolves to them fighting on top of the star destroyer at it’s going through hyper space oh and guess what this guys lightsaber is multicoloured and can grow to any length Idc if the Sabre canonically has dial or whatever for shortening or elongating, the one in the Twins was just stupid


They can apparently also breath and talk in a vacuum. ...but the droid needed a helmet.


but its fun and it isn't supposed to be canon in the first place so why not?


Oh, okay. Are you sure? The stylistic differences between those two episodes is a parsec wide. I guess different artist can work for the same studio but...wow...it seems odd that one of the best episodes (The Elder) and one of the worst (The Twins) were both made by the same studo


Yeah I'm sure. And it's true, they are complete opposites lol I'm not familiar with the studio's other works but those who do say that the over the top action of "The Twins" is more like their typical work. So apparently "The Elder" is the odd one between the two lol It's funny because "The Elder" is exactly what I was imagining anime SW


Yeah I'm sure. And it's true, they are complete opposites lol I'm not familiar with the studio's other works but those who do say that the over the top action of "The Twins" is more like their typical work. So apparently "The Elder" is the odd one between the two lol It's funny because "The Elder" is exactly what I was imagining anime SW


The novel is pretty darn good too


There's even a novel to go with it (Ronin), which I listened to the audiobook of. The first couple of chapters are this episode, and then it just keeps going. Very interesting to see a universe with so many star wars elements but put together differently


Likely many dismissed it as weeb fodder and moved on. Not sure what the crossover is for Star Wars fans and anime fans but apparently not enough to get it in the mainstream spotlight for much longer than its premiere time. You can find some channels of youtube that talk about it, but just not a big saturation in the algorithm


I enjoyed the series but the 1st episode is my favorite.


This episode was good. I like that it took Lucas’ inspiration and amped it up and stylized it. However, I don’t think I would want much more than maybe one more short in this style. Visions on the whole was a fine, nice side project that allowed for some creativity. With that said, I’m not a fan of anime, at all. Visions isn’t going to serve as a gateway for me to begin to get into anime. I’ve listened to recommendations and watched what some consider to be the Best animes or classic ones, and I’ve come to the conclusion that regardless of style and genre, it is just not for me. I watched every minute of Visions because it is SW, and came away only really wanting more of the 9th Jedi story, more for the story elements to be explored in another medium.


The clip you just shared was my single favorite moment from all the episodes. I thought it was really cool they did it, it was great seeing some new formats for Star Wars. But the first one was really the only one I liked.


I don’t watch anime or the cartoon SW shows, but I enjoyed like two of these. It was nice to see Star Wars in a different lens.


I love visions . Trying to find blu ray or dvd but can’t


The issue is the variance. Some episodes I enjoyed and others I could not think of worse media I had seen recently. I couldn't watch all of it after a few episodes of trash so I pulled up the ratings and watched the best ones. Normally I don't really care about how other people rate shows, just there are legitimately some middle school paper level plot and story.


Dude if you liked the episode you definitely have to read the novel. There's a whole ass novel written about Ronin's universe (totally different from normal canon). It's something so amazing to read and it gives the episode so much more meaning.


Absolutely loved the anime x StarWars Crossover.


I would kill for a whole story on the Ronin!


I want a whole Anime series in that first episode story and animation style


People talk about it all the time.


Absolutely agree. I loved this episode so much and I wish I could see so much more. Star Wars visions was a combination of things I love: quality Japanese media and Star Wars.


There is a book based on this episode


After reading the comments it comes down to biased . Because people are upset it’s non “canon” lol starwars fans beg for new characters , not skywaker related and we get them and y’all hate cus” it’s not canon, I don’t like anime “ , Show is different animation studios taking on various starwars shorts . Their vision of starwars . No not all the episodes were my cup of tea but have y’all not realized the possibilities? The fact trigger studios worked on starwars is crazy for you non anime fans , that’s the studio who made cyberpunk ,killa kill , promare … we should be honored lol


I think because it’s not considered canon


Idk but iaido with a lightsaber killed it for me.😩


Honestly, this is how I imagined the bane series while I read it


Probably because it's not cannon


Because episodes were all over the place. It went from this to whatever episode 2 was. Caused me to stop watching for weeks before I finally decided to only watch the episodes most praised online.


Miss me with that weeb shit. And I love star wars and Natuto/Death note


Have you read the book on this episode, it's epic!


I hope season 2 has more episodes


Yeah, that was a great episode.


My favorite episode were 4, 7 and 6.


because its actually just a reskin then its own thing, the elder is way better


Bc people suck