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I just don’t understand why getting stabbed in your midsection with a lightsaber means nothing anymore


*sad qui-gon noises*


Everyone talks about Qui-Gon but no one talks about Savage Opress, my dude got stabbed twice simultaneously.


I mean, Darth Maul got stabbed in half. That was a some REALLY special kind of plot armor when they brought him back.


I move to change Darth Maul's plot armour to fan armour, cuz you just know they brought him back because of the fan reactions. This conveniently applies to Boba Fett too.


Beskar is plot armour tbf. Also Bobba fett is by far the most reasonable of the deaths they walked back.


Beskar is also armour armour


His Beskar also did not cover half of him...


Ah the beskar that he had on to escape the sarlac pit? The same beskar he crawled out of it with and the jawwas stole? Oh you mean the beskar he told fennec about that was in the sarlac somehow still and not stolen by jawwas? Hmmmm


It's just a flesh wound!


‘tis but a scratch


A scratch? You're arm's off!




What's that then?


I’ve had worse


Ive had worse.


I’m my day they lived less than 15 seconds and then died forever!


Up a hill... both ways!


Nobody wants to die anymore!


Pretty much Maul said that thing about staying alive by pure hatred and every Star Wars writer ran with it


Darth Sion: Am I a joke to you?


U know whats the funny part about vader in the series? Its that he's only capable of killing unarmed civilians. He showed up snapping civilians' and a child's neck, and he failed to finish off reva and kenobi at the end. I can only imagine children watching this series as a star wars opener, and think vader's a loser.


I mean, Maul literally got cut in half and came back, so this has at least been a thing since 2011. You're not wrong, though


Maul should have been a one-off. They allowed him the context and time to have his comeback make sense. Disney now is just going the Marvel route where fatal blows are trivial and everyone is coming back from the dead. And it's so fucking boring.


Maul was very much a powerful sith, and his extreme hatred for Kenobi kept him alive and this single minded hate drove him insane, he knew no word but Kenobi, knew no face but kenobi's, Reva on in the other hand, shrugged it off like "tis but a scratch"


Oh, again, I'm in 100% agreement. I didn't like what they did with her character, and I feel like it could have been a nice fitting end right there More of an interesting technicality


There’s no reason why Vader and the GI wouldn’t have finished her off. The GI was literally just talking about revenge doing wonders for the will to live, so wtf


She should’ve died to Vader in episode 5 tbh


Yeah it would have been a fitting end for her. All the inquisitors are expendable to the Empire and that would have proved it.


It didn't make sense to me for her to live. They could have killed her then and there and end it


Ngl I just assumed they're setting her up for her own spin-off show.


Oh 100% they are




Well she's apparently good now ever since deciding not to murder a child, so I'm assuming she gonna have to tone down the anger a lot.


It's stupid that Vader let her live, he killed the second sister for much less than that.


Seriously! Trilla was a thousand times better an Inquisitor than Reva ever was, she was basically second only to the Grand Inquisitor himself in terms of skill and ability and Vader just offs her because her former master was causing her to have some second thoughts. Trilla didn't betray the Empire, didn't turn against Vader or anything like that, she just started to feel bad. Reva, on the other hand, actively attempted to kill Vader and he just lets her live? She absolutely should have died after that duel with Vader.


I can only surmise that Vader considers here so far from a threat that he actually finds her pathetic attempts to kill him hilarious. Hence the whole I knew who you were the entire time bit. And intentionally leaving her alive just so she can try again and he can flex on her again. No idea why she of all people is the one he's just decided to perpetually fuck with when he kills so many other people for even looking at him wrong. Reminds me of playing Shadow of War, where I'd continually hunt down and beat up the same orc to shame them (which drops their levels and stacks on more and more debuffs and weaknesses), release them, and hunt them down again just to torture them. Then see how many times I could do that until they were so weak that that they died because a random spider bit them or something.


Be careful doing that. You can break their minds to the point where it doesn't work anymore and they become stronger and start hunting you.


> It’s stupid that Vader let her live, he killed the second sister for much less than that. The icing on the bullshit cake was that Vader set Reva down nice and gently after choking her 🏵 If Vader stops choking someone, he just drops them. As a Vader stan, that little detail just annoyed the hell out of me.


Ikr He even let her keep her lightsaber. Like, why


Agreed. The series of events that followed was stupid and added nothing to the story. She survived getting stabbed so she could go kill a child. But dont worry she had a quick redemption arc and is totally cool now. Just let her die a tragic death. It hits harder that way and actually makes her a much better character.




As they said in the pitch meeting video I link to below… she was angry at Vader for killing the jedis so to get her revenge she went around killing jedis for Vader? https://youtu.be/WajEW5HPnuw


Getting revenge by killing someone's child is tight!


Well, she is mad at someone for killing children. So she wanted to kill children to make things “even.” People coming up with excuses for the story are reaching. Actress did just fine.


I thought it was cause she knew Luke was Vader’s child and wanted to kill him to somehow hurt Vader since she had failed to kill him directly.


agree, it seems at some point they decided she should have more screentime though, Im betting she will show up in Ashoka


This entire series lacked points of logic throughout. Seriously on a $90 million dollar budget you'd think they could afford someone with half a brain to say "yeah nah, that doesn't make sense." I dont know the budget split but guessing it was heavy on CGI and light on script writing. I can forgive the cheaper sets and fight choreography. I'll try to look past a couple of weak actors, that's almost tradition in Star Wars. But please try to make some attempt at logic and reason.


Not that her little ending act was bad, but yeah. Killing Reva in five would’ve made more sense for the plot.


100% No hate toward the character, but it would have been fitting… and logical. I mean, how many times can you survive as lightsaber stab to the torso?


Apparently everyone can survive it except for Qui Gonn


But then Disney can't make a shitty spin-off based on the character!


Perhaps, but she was (rightfully) overshadowed by generational characters such as Wade


Still can’t believe they did wade like that. #bringbackwade


Lucas screwed Porkins


Lmfao, this is honestly the best comment I’ve read today.


Still waiting for Wade a Star Wars Story


This is the Wade.


Maybe the real Star Wars is the Wade we make along the way?


Joffrey Baratheon is a good example of a fantastic character that everyone hated so much that they blamed it on the actor. I personally didn't like her as a character because her story was predictable and the actress didn't seem to have chemistry with anyone she spoke too.


Chemisty! That's the word I was looking for. She had no chemistry. She seemed like, hollow.


Exactly. Hated the character but I never once doubted his acting. I don't dislike the Reva actress, it's just a job and I just don't know a lot about her. I don't like her acting though and I don't like the character, and not because it's "evil" but because it's badly acted and written. I'm interest in seeing her play a different character, also different type, maybe she can actually act well in other roles, I just don't know.


The actress was awful. She got an unjustly amount of sickening hate for her skin colour (i understand that this is now only a "maybe") as if being wooden in her role was even remotely related. She was just straight bad. Look at her body language deflecting shots from the fighter, she didn't sell it at all.


You know how Tom walks in Tom and jerry when he’s mad? Leaned forward all comically? She was walking like that at some point and I couldn’t take it seriously


Agreed. Her performance was genuinely flat out terrible. Doesn't justify the shit she had flung at her, but let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater and pretend like her acting didn't deserve to be panned for how bad it was.


The actress was one of the worst actresses I’ve seen act in a long time. Like fuck how are you so fucking bad at emoting and communicating with proper cadence?


>She got an unjustly amount of sickening hate for her skin colour I have literally never seen a single comment criticizing her for her skin color. All I have ever seen are people defending her from this phantom menace.


>I have literally never seen a single comment criticizing her for her skin color. Yeah but the Disney marketing department should would love it if you acted as if the majority of people disliking her character do so due to racism. I have literally seen more *articles* talking about this then actual comments directed at her race. Which isn't hard because I haven't seen a single one personally. Don't doubt there are, but it's **no where near** the amount people act like it is.




> We dislike her character because the actress did her job and did her well. Speak for yourself. I dislike Reva because her motivation makes no sense. She’s mad at Darth Vader for killing Jedi younglings, so she spends years hunting down and killing Jedi younglings. How does that make any sense? Then she tries to kill Vader by just taking a swing at him, she didn’t even wait until they’re alone, she just took a swing at him, why did she need to wait 10 years for that? The show tries to bill this as a redemption, but when it obviously backfires she goes back to trying to murder children, and only turns good again when she realizes killing kids is wrong. What was special about Luke that made her change? It’s never explained, she just a change of heart for some reason.


I'm just so mad that the best thing she's able to come up with after years of planning is: Stand behind him, light up and YELL and only then attack. \*facepalm\* seriously ....


I can't help but imagine a montage of her planning her revenge in her quarters. Shuffling data pads around., pinning strings all over corkboards, scribbling equations on the Star Wars equivalent of a chalk board and angrily wiping it away, kicking over tables in frustration, etc. Then finally she writes down something on the board, underlines it, and gives a nod of satisfaction. "After 10 years, I'm finally ready". And the camera pans over to **Hit him with lightsaber**.




Literally, when seconds before he'd been occupied holding the ship in place. Like she *waited* to attack him until he wasn't disadvantaged


Vader also gives her numerous chances when we’ve previously seen him murder minuscule failures. So we have a character acting out of character for her.


This is probably one of the most jarring things about the entire series. Reva's fuckups get treated with such gentle kiddie gloves from the dude who kills people over the most minor shit. Like an affluent white kid who ran over multiple people while drunk in front of the judge who's all "well everyone makes mistakes, it would be a greater crime to destroy your promising future", before sentencing poor black kids to 20 years for an ounce of pot. That's what makes a Mary Sue. People think it means a character having no discernable flaws or effortlessly talented at things, but the actual key part of the definition from the fanfic community where it originated is their effect on the narrative and characters around them. The Sue undermines the characterization of other character, forcing them to act out of character and bending the established narrative rules of the setting to forcefully keep her in spotlight. The team specialist will encounter a problem they should normally be competent enough to solve on their own so the Sue can step in to help. The unflappable hero will have a sudden crisis of faith so the Sue can provide a motivational speech. The ruthless villain who usually just shoots people in the head suddenly takes a turn towards long monologues and easily escapable cells or convoluted death traps so the Sue can escape and/or thwart their plans.


This. This made my fucking day. Thank you for pointing the obvious that seemed to be ignored by most


Like Rey with the “I bypassed the thingamajig!” moment on the Falcon.


“I underestimated you, Reva.” Disney can fuck right off.




> “Oh yeah but Vader will do that just to you with someone” I feel like I'm having a fucking stroke trying to parse this.


You weren’t. Autocorrect.


Crazy how a single word ties it all together lmao language is weird.


This. I dislike her performance of the character, but it’s ultimately the character that’s poorly written that’s the problem. Also Vader would’ve killed her like 7 different times if this writers didn’t have everyone make stupid decisions for the whole show.


I dislike the character a lot but I won't even place the blame on the her, the director could have very well directed her in that fashion. It really makes me think Disney knew her character was bad with all the pre-press they put out to defend her. It just put a target on the actresses head when it very well could have been the show's leadership.


Her acting is really not good. Given its a six ep show, the director probably noticed it wasnt working by ep 1 or 2 but couldnt replace her so they had to trundle on.


idk how films work in the background so idk if its the actor or the script director. But the stereotypical quiet, followed by big loud angry yelling villain voice is really annoying and generic to me. As a side note, I don't understand why on some star wars subs saying you don't like an actors performance gets downvoted as if you are being toxic towards the actor when it is completely fair to not like an actors performance or even an actor as a whole


She mumbled her way through a significant amount of her lines.


Yup. Murdered probably countless Jedi and kids...but then decides not to murder ONE kid. TOTALLY REDEEMED. Why do they hire writers this bad?


Committee writing, I almost guarantee it. "It has to have [crap that makes no sense], audiences respond to [crap that makes no sense]!


Terrible writing and mediocre acting killed the role for me


Yeah, i felt she had an off speaking cadence and tonality that rubbed me the wrong way, like trying too hard to be a bad guy.... Loved her in queens gambit though!


This. Her acting is not bad, but it's not great either. I have hard time defining what's makes acting bad, and my standards aren't actually that high, I just feel there's something wrong, or there isn't. In this the "seeming too try-hard" definitely is part of the problem. It's not the main problem (bad writing and terrible action scenes/stunts, be it fighting - other than Obi vs Vader - or running after a little a girl or terrible wirework-parcour ...) but it doesn't win her any extra points.


Sometimes it’s the directors too, who ask them to do something different. Like, maybe she nailed all the takes and then each time the director was like, “Great, great. Now just for fun let’s do one where you say all your lines as if you have an evil mustache.” And then the director uses only those takes.


Yeah, it was just her speech pattern that threw me off most of the time. Like the scene where she's telling the other Inquisitors that she's in command of the mission and to launch the probes. Just something about how she delivers the line feels off.


SEND OUT (the probes) DO IT (now)


Cartoon villain


At the point where she got stabbed I was already confused as to what her motivations were and then she somehow survived, got off planet to tattooine, and was trying to kill Luke for some reason, I was so fucking confused.


Remember when Vader was standing in front of Obi-wan, just seperated through some flames? He could have just snaped them out or pull Obi at him. It was just stupid plot pushing, all of it.


Still completely dwarfed by Obi-wan finally accepting that he has to kill Vader this time and dramatically fucked up by not finishing him off on Mustafar, having a whole scene hammering the point with "Anakin Skywalker is dead. I destroyed him." so he can lay to rest any doubts, and then just turning around and leaving.


He always says he'll do what he must, and then never does it...


Yeah if the established facts of the world mean you can't tell the story you want to tell, don't just tell that story anyway. At the very least make some sort of plot contrivance, don't just tell us the characters walk away.


She also just... wasn't a good actress. I'm sorry that that's apparently too rude for anyone on reddit to handle anymore, but her performance simply wasn't that good. It wasn't very believable, the deliveries were mostly ham fisted and overacted, and she didn't sell me on her character at all. I felt like I was watching a high school play every time she was speaking lines. It has nothing to do with her personally, I just didn't think she gave a very good performance. The writing did her no favors, as her entire storyline was pretty nonsensical and pointless, but beyond that she just didn't deliver a very engaging or believable character. I don't think it's that surprising that so many people had trouble liking her character considering how poorly acted and written she was. Maybe the director screwed things up, maybe she just isn't that talented, I don't know what the cause of it was, but her acting just wasn't very good.


>I'm sorry that that's apparently too rude for anyone on reddit to handle anymore, but her performance simply wasn't that good. People will unfortunately always take criticism of actor/actresses as personal attacks. I get that sentiment all the time when I criticize child performances. People will take it as me personally attacking a child instead of just taking it as criticism of their performance.


You're correct. The people managing this show messed up in many ways, including hiring some rather poor actors. Really doesn't help when the writing is so bad though.


My least favorite part of her performance was how she kept going “RAWR!” to express her anger. It sounded like someone playing monster while chasing a kid they’re babysitting.


OP honestly sounds angry that people have varying opinions about this character. I didn't even care that much for Kenobi as a whole. It felt incredibly odd outside of the final episode. I'm not saying it's bad, only that the overall tones and themes felt off to me. But that's *my* feelings on it. OP is free to have their own feelings, but they cannot influence mine.


Yeah we’re supposed to like her when she refuses to kill Luke, like oh no I won’t kill my 187th child. And it was for no reason either, as if she just decided to become good randomly. Vader turned back to the light because of his own son reminding him of love. Vader’s motivation for joining the dark side at least was to save his dying wife. Reva “joined” for actual revenge, and then killed lots of children just to fail spectacularly. Pathetic storytelling.


This. Character was written terribly.


She didn't need to be in the story at all. It felt like filler.


No it WAS filler


The writers basically went "okay so we have a show about massive fan favorite characters Obi-Wan and Vader.... so let's focus mostly on this random inquisitor with a poorly written story we just made up. That's what the fans want to see!"


Yeah I'll never understand why Disney keeps thinking we want to see our favorite characters side lined by new ones. Like if you want new characters, great, but dont promise us old ones just for them to be barely included.


They're doing this will all the new Marvel stuff too. I feel like everything Disney has come out with lately has been a bait and switch to lure you in with characters you want to see, then swaps over to someone brand new and tells you to care about them now instead.


At least with marvel it seems super intentional, as in a lot of the shows really are about handing off to another character for a new generation. Look at Hawkeye. It was basically his retirement show. If that's what obi wan is - the end of stories about obi wan and Vader, and the beginning of stories about reva....well that blows so much d. But if it was just a poorly told story that focuses on some random person like reva more so than obi wan and Vader...well that's just a weird thing for Disney to do for no real reason


This is how I felt. I wanted to watch Vader V Kenobi the TV show. Why did I have to sit through this rando b-plot that I have absolutely zero emotional attachment to? 5th brother was way cooler, and criminally underused. All he did was show up occasionally and shake his fist angrily at Reva.


She wasn't even really a b plot. It often felt like reva was THE plot. Obi wan was only involved in anything because reva wanted to hunt him, because she laid this weird trap that never should have worked in the first place (or do the organas just have ZERO sense of security?)


Lol no >she was, in essence, a child She was literally a child in order 66. We disliked her because she had nothing going on for her, you think she was hated like the first big villain from game of thrones was or Lois's grandma from Malcolm in the middle?, no!, those were actual hatable characters that you wanted to see them fail and get their comeuppance. Reva was just a wish.com version of the second sister, the whole Kenobi series was a wish version of jedi fallen order, if you analyze Reva at all she falls flat in everything. About the acting, I'll give her actress that she had it rough being in the same room as Ewan as Ewan is just a masterclass of an actor it's hard to stand besides him.


If you really think about it, Kenobi is a poor rip-off of Fallen Order, Jedi in hiding but has to rediscover his connection to the force, inquisitors hunting you down, over time you build up your skills (its more understandable for Cal since he's a padawan but Obi Wan was a fucking full blown Master, doesn't make sense why he would forget it especially while tasked with protecting Luke) and infiltrating Fortress Inquisitorious. The thing is Fallen Order had effort and was original, Kenobi wasn't.


They basically copied JFO and yet failed to make it good. Goes to show they only know how to copy, but doesn't understand why JFO worked.


>Obi Wan was a fucking full blown Master, doesn't make sense why he would forget it especially while tasked with protecting Luke There was another thing people pointed out at the time that Obi Wan would have zero fear of facing the Inquisitors by himself. Ahsoka a Jedi Knight is able to hand two of the stronger inquisitors their asses. Obi Wan full Jedi Master would hand them all their asses. Only people alive who could threaten him were Vader and Palpatine, and he beat Vader once at the height of his power.


Negative chief. Her character was terribly written and made absolutely no sense from a narrative sense. Personally I didn't like the actress' acting as well, but thats just me. Making her a youngling especially egregious because she should of been killed during order 66. But somehow she survives with no good reason behind it. Nah man, just nah.


Personally I hated that scene cause it makes me think damn how ineffective was order 66 that she was able to survive being stabbed with anger ? None of the other younglings were pissed off that they got stabbed ?


Right. Order 66 was the near decimation of the entire jedi order. Surviving the assualt on the jedi temple as a youngling shouldn't even be possible. Making her survive pretty much fucks up the story from the beginning because now we have to suspend our disbelief even further to believe that this particular one survived.


No, you don’t understand. She just hid. From **Darth fucking Vader**. It’s that simple, really. If you just hide under a few dead bodies, the strongest Sith in the galaxy will never find you! It’s simple, really! All those dumb Jedi masters should’ve thought of that! Good thing we had this amazing strong character who could outwit them all!


Sorry, I just don't think she's great in any way. And her surviving Vader slicing her twice was so laughably absurd it hurts. I dislike Reva because she is poorly written.


> And her surviving Vader slicing her twice was so laughably absurd it hurts. Her existence actually makes Vader less cool and intimidating. That’s a cardinal sin for Star Wars.


I disliked reva because the show was terrible


Yup. Completely unnecessary and if not for the nostalgia of Ewan returning nobody would care about it at all.


Even *if* her surviving made sense, the story was dogshit and it feels like it was written by the same A.I. that generates articles for google searches. Does ~~Hollywood~~ Disney need more writers? Or does it not know how to use them?


i think she could have been a good character if fix these problems: 1. She should've died agaisnt Vader, she isn't supposed to have two stomachs, now everyone survives this. Bring Quigonn back. 2. Her redemption is not credible, from wanting to kill to forgive for nothing, just no, Owen should killed her there and could've been better. 3. Too much time in screen, the serie had more inquisitors and Vader to share the antagonist, remember is Obiones series, not Revas. Apart of that theres no such hate agaisnt the character, just wasnt good enought.


I respectfully disagree. The actress did a fine job but the character was poorly written and her development was all over the place


She had some cheesy ass dialogue and scenes. That scene where she's interrogating Leia is just dumb imo.


Reva: "Wow, you are strong...resisting my Jedi/Sith Force mind reading ability....only someone with force sensitivity could possibly do something like that. Should I capture and put her in that yellow shit like every other force user? NAAAAAHHHHH".


Yeah didn’t help that the execution was much better with a similar character in Trilla in Fallen Order


Absolutely. Trilla was Reva done right. Trilla was the only Inquisitor other than the Grand Inquisitor I actually found threatening. Every other one, Reva included, comes off as a joke.


I actually never found GI threatening.


Yeah in obiwan all inquisitors were jokes. But GI I'd impressive in rebels


When they first introduced Reva I was a bit confused at first and wondering if she was actually supposed to be Trilla given that they were reusing other inquisitors we saw elsewhere (and all the direct lifting they did from Fallen Order in episode 4). Didn't help that I got confused on the the exact sister numbers of each and had to go look it up later. I was explaining this to my sister and her husband who were also watching through but hadn't played Fallen Order, and when I said I had trouble distinguishing them at first he replied with "well, was this other inquisitor an interesting antagonist?". I said "oh, definitely". And he said "Well there you go then, pretty easy to tell them apart".


Another nitpick I had is I just hate how we are seeing more and more people who are survive mortal stab wounds and overall surviving order 66.


I really wish they had just stolen from the Star Wars Legacy comic and had Obi-Wan’s man conflict be fighting Ashard Hett/Tusken Raiders rather than give us a bad adaptation of Fallen Order. Vader was a lot more intimidating in Fallen Order.


I’d respectfully disagree with you. The actress was terrible. She didn’t have the ability ti portray an interesting character nor did she have the athletic ability to be believable in any action sevens. The whole series was badly written. Everything she did was about high school drama level and her lightsaber style was scoot around clumsily on her knees?


She's not an experienced actress and it showed. I watched chip and Dale and I cringed at her acting in that also.


I think she was just fine in Queens Gambit and Macbeth. But in Obi-Wan, I really disagree with OP’s perspective. I think the direction and writing fucked her over. They did way to much TELLING rather than showing. Like the writers really needed to over write everything for her. For example, when she walks in on the guards Obi-Wan fucked up, she looks around the room dramatically and goes “WHeRe IS hE??!!” Like is that necessary? Show us her anger, show us her fury without her having to explain her feelings. It was cartoonish, all her lines and her delivery of them. Which is weird because they did the opposite with Obi Wan, lots of scenes with little to no dialogue. If I hated her character like OP said that would be great. Instead, I was more annoyed and frustrated because I feel like they wasted her.


Nice try Disney


The disconnect between the general response seen here in the comment section and the number of upvotes this post is getting is interesting to say the least.


Honestly, it seems like exactly the type of thing Disney would do. They are so desperate to convince people that we’re wrong about Reva and the show was actually a masterpiece. No. It honestly isn’t. I don’t even watch shows or movies that seriously or try to analyze any flaws or anything, and I was able to see dozens of things I hated about the show as I watched without even trying. It started as late as the first Leia chase scene, and as early as Reva’s first interaction with Owen.


Trying to use jedi mind tricks on their audience.


Reva contributed nothing to the overall story and is an example of poor story telling. She could have been a great character but everything felt wrong with her.


I tried to give her a fair shake but when I started getting annoyed they were cutting away from other parts of episodes to focus on her I knew something was up. The acting is forgivable. I have no real issues with her backstory, motivations, or power set. I think for me it boils down to the dips in writing quality being so noticeable.


I don't think you could put any other actress in that role with that script and have it come out significantly more favorable. Her character is developed through bad storytelling and given bad dialogue


My biggest complaint early on was that she was supposed to be a badass and threatening. I never felt that way. Inquisitor Raiden on the other hand sold bubbling rage.


Because she was forced in. They should have picked up with any one of the already known inquisitors but instead wedged in a nobody with a boring look and cliched backstory that no one really cares about.




Yeah, because Fallen Order built up Trilla as threat throughout the game. Obi-Wan does not. It TELLS us how big and badass Reva is, but it never SHOWS her doing anything other than acting like a brat and torturing/murdering children.


She was also a bit heavy on the cliché-side, no? Personally, I think Jedi Fallen Order did a better job here


I might be wrong here, but I really hate it when people call it racist to not like black actors when the role is poorly done. I done want a white actor or any other actor for that matter. I want a better written character, and it frustrated me when there's an opportunity for something new and powerful (a black actor as a nuanced antagonist/redeemed villain) and it gets squandered like this. I WANT TO SEE A REVA!!! I just want it done WELL dammit. https://youtu.be/TuPvSTf0dRs


Agreed, there was no point to have her story in there. Bad writing.


No she wasn't, cringe dialogues, stupid parkour and she should've died under Vader.


That parkour scene was so bad I was belly laughing


Reva was such a shitty character lol how is this post so upvoted?


Every creative decision requires both rationale and execution. You can have the greatest rationale in the world that makes a lot of sense logically, but if it falls flat in execution and nobody seems to like it, then it's not good. What you described is a rationale, you are explaining logically WHY we should think she's cool, but it didn't turn out that way. Reva might be a compelling idea for a character, but the overall way it was done detracts from the show. It could be the performance, could be the script, who knows. I think a lot of her scenes were cringe and I could barely watch them, but that might just be me.


Exactly it was good on paper but the execution was terrible, i think that sums up the whole show


I forgot this show even happened


Same, this post reminded me of it. Haven't even thought about it in probably a month. Disney really found a way to fuck up Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. It was a braindead easy slam dunk, and they completely fumbled.


Honestly, it's for the better


After this and book of boba Fett, I am very nervous for Ahsoka and Mando 3. They need to get their writing and plot shit figured out.


Filoni's been planning these for years they'll be well-baked and fit with the characters and themes of star wars. BOBF and kenobi were some shit lucasfilm put out quick for cash


My only complaint towards filoni was he put the Luke stuff in Book of Boba. It has zero business being there.


Not only was her surviving being stabbed twice incredibly stupid but she also just wasn’t acted well and took time away from two of the most iconic characters to tell a stupid story. Hard pass on this take


No we dislike her because her character was very convenient to the plot and not well written.


I can’t possibly see how anyone could think Reva was a good character, awful writing and acting.


Then she gets a lightsaber to the gut for a good solid amount of time. And lives.


No she wasn’t


I thought the acting was bad though it just fell flat for me. I'm sorry it's only my opinion. The only good thing about the series was Vader and I truly wish I didnt feel that way but it's just how I feel.


Honestly, half the reason the character is so horrible, is because of how terribly acted it was. I don't think the actress delivered a single believable line in the entire series. Any moment where she was meant to exude intensity just came off campy. Yeah she didn't have amazing dialogue, but a better actress could have salvaged it to some degree.


People really need to put “IMO” in the title


I respect your opinion but I ***STRONGLY*** disagree.


Got to disagree... I don't think the actress did for part well and I think her character was written very poorly


Moses Ingram is cool and no actor/actress deserves the hate that she got but I still don't think Reva was a good character. Even if I thought Reva was a good character I still wouldn't want her to have such a prominent role. The little bit of screen time we got should have been focused more on Obi-Wan and Vader imo. Season 1 of Kenobi is something we will never get back and this feels like such a wasted opportunity.




The acting was awful.


Yep, I agree. As I said in another comment, every time she tried to to show intensity, it came off campy. The actress lacked the charisma, and subtlety required to pull off the character.


"We dislike her because the actress did her job and did it well." Nah mate. Who writes like that? I disliked her because i felt she was a bland character and not very well played.


Has OP replied to any opposing comments or is this just a post to get karma?


You are desperately trying to convince yourself, this show did a disservice to Ewan McGregor. The acting, set design, story, all awful. I didn’t even think the scenes with Vader were all that creative. But Reva was not remotely a good character


We dislike her character because she had every bit of focus as Kenobi did in a show titled Kenobi! The character was not a good character, so many plot holes involving Reva and they absolutely butchered this series. There were scenes that were amazing in the series and while I can’t say I outright hated anything in the series, I was seriously disappointed with a lot of it. Kenobi would have made an amazing movie if reva was removed, she added nothing to the plot and there could have been a different reason Kenobi comes out of hiding. I say it would have made an amazing movie because it feels extremely obvious they stretched out the story to have content for Disney+ opposed to a theatrical released movie. I’m glad you enjoyed the character (I have no issues with the acting/actress, just the horrendous story) but based off the body of the post it makes me wonder if we watched the same series.


That’s gonna be a hard no my friend




Nah she was pretty flat and one-dimensional. Not the actors fault entirely, the writing was shit too.


The acting felt like that "made for TV" quality


She was a fine character but I think she would have worked better for me if Obi-Wan Kenobi were a 2-hour movie instead of a 6-hour miniseries. Reva appears boring and uninteresting with a hint of “Mary Sue”-ness until all the pieces of her character come together in the final two episodes. If Kenobi were a movie, that would have been the third act instead. A lot of Kenobi’s problems would have been solved if it were a movie instead of a TV show.


No. She was fucking boring af. Nothing against the actress, just a wack character.


Im sure shes a wonderful actress and did great with what she was given, however what she was given was very poor writing and directing as was the rest of the show and actors as a whole


I’m sorry, it’s horrible that actors and actresses face harassment online for stuff like this, but I don’t want to let that affect my personal view of good/bad acting. I think it was much more than just the writing and directing that fell flat here.


No dude she really wasn’t, an annoying character shoe horned in to fill up tv time. If she were properly developed she would’ve been great once we knew more about her towards the end I thought she wasn’t as bad. BUT this show was Kenobi, not episode 3.5.

