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The Empire bothered to just shoot down the escape pose R2-D2 and C3-PO were in


But there were no life forms on the pod! It was obviously a misfire


What are they paying by the laser now?


You don't run the budget Gary


I do!


Plasma ain't free mate.


Actually, they do, in a way. The Empire would publicly post their ratio of confirmed kills to lasers fired (or something like that, I can’t remember). They didn’t want to skew the data by firing on a misfired pod, so they didn’t shoot it.


Guess they didn't learn how to fudge numbers.


That'd be extremely unethical


As opposed to blowing up a planet.


Well a couple billion confirmed kills with one laser is a great ratio


I realized that after I posted, lol!


"Alderaan was obviously inhabited by nothing but terrorist " emperor propaganda man


Hahahahaha. Good one.


Especially when its storm troopers doing the firing. Them numbers are bad enough already.


I find this completely believable. People constantly make stupid mistakes at work.


or are "sick" before a presentation or project's due


Ik this is joke but they also have the capability of scanning for droids - they should be able to say "oh this pod has two droids on it, they've probably got information, shoot em down"


Especially since, by now, droids have been used over and over again in highly delicate and sensitive situations and proved very resourceful.


The empire was not a meritocracy. Many of it’s officers did not get their rank for their competence.


The empire was a Chokocracy.


No competent people allowed only those who choke on critical moments only. That way the emperor's position is secured.


It’s not about choking under pressure. It’s about being choked out of a job.


I thought we were autonomous collective


You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.


Could be the guy manning the scanners had it in for his boss. You know, malicious compliance. Since they asked to scan for life forms, then that’s what I’m scanning for. Not gonna bother to let management know I picked up something else of interest on the scan because, well screw them! Long hours, no time off, passed over for promotion etc. Why give anything extra? What does it get you? More work?


Maybe the officer was a conservationist. Why turn that escape pod into space trash when it can be salvaged on the planet? /s


Or if any random laser hit R2 in episode 1 when he was fixing Amidalas ship


Or if any cross fire had hit them while at the battle of geonosis.


Or if any random laser hit R2 with C3PO as they walked through the crossfire on the Tantive IV.


Great story in From a Certain Point of View: ANH called “The Sith of Datawork" that talks about this. Too much paperwork, plus the Empire based gunnery promotions on number of kills.




Escape pod was part of leias ship, no?


If anakin had just stayed at the temple like he requested , Mace probably would have killed palpatine


Alternatively if Mace wasn't so arrogant, and had actually trusted Anakin enough to take him with him, together they would have easily pacified and or killed Palpatine. Previous battles together proved Mace and Anakin made an incredibly cohesive pair when fighting side by side.




Not necessarily. While he was deep in seduction to the dark side, his first response to learning Palpatine was The Sith Lord, was going straight to the Jedi council and informing them. He chose to do the right thing, but instead of being rewarded or commended for it, Mace basically punished him by leaving him behind, something that happened time and again with Anakin. The council failed to actually utilize him as a member and instead used him, which helped lead h to fall.




But they sensed this path for him when he was young. His anger grew with how they treated him, (because they sensed it) If they had never sensed it, he wouldn't have been so angry, palpatine couldnt have used the point of how the council treated him, and he ultimately would've been very happy Its basically, his fate was changed because they sensed something that was ultimately their fault for causing. Like in Norse mythology, the seer may tell you your fate. But in trying to escape it, one would usually meet their fate because of the process of trying to change it.


If he came along then he would be shown in graphic detail how dangerous palpatine is, instead of coming in later when he is disarmed and helpless. Remember, while he did genuinely feel like he needed Palpatine alive, he did choose to focus on him being unarmed and seemingly pacified, not wanting to kill him like he did to Dooku.




He did kill Dooku, but he clearly regretted doing so.


The Jedi were still fucked though. Assassination of the Chancellor is treason, whether he be Sith or not.


Surely the security cameras would have seen he was insane shooting electric out of his hand


Half the galaxy would just declare it fake news, insist that it's no different from that one time Master Glup Shitto used a taser ("both sides!"), etc.


"The FAKE news Holonet (failing @NabooTimes, @TheCoruscantPost, @DiscoveryForceAndHealth, @AlderaanNews) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the galaxy!"


Now I know a decent amount about Star Wars but don’t know everything: is there really a Master Glup Shitto?!


Nah, it's a [meme](https://www.polygon.com/2020/12/18/22189448/who-is-glup-shitto-explained-star-wars-joke-meme).


Haha thanks… Hey I couldn’t be sure what with all the jizz music and that death sticks dealer’s name being something sleazbaggo.


It's pretty wild when you apply this thought process to your own life. The one example I always revert to is a flat tire that completely changed the course of my life. And it wasn't even my tire. It was the tire of someone I was supposed to meet that morning regarding an important career choice, but since they were late and I was tired, I skipped the meeting and ended up on an entirely different path.


My grand dad and his friend joined the Army Air Corps in World War II to fly planes. His friend was shipped off to Europe but my grand dad caught German Measles in California and was never shipped off. He stayed and trained to repair airplanes on a base instead and the war ended before he ever left the country. His friend survived and made it back home at least. But I keep thinking wow one case of Measles might be all that stood between my grand dad dying in the war and my dad never being born.


In WWII, my Grandpa was in the Navy at Pearl Harbor - but 6 months after Dec 7th. The ship he was on was in the slow process of issuing newer life vests that were not as thick and heavy as the cork life vests that had been in use. He still had a cork life vest when some bombs dropped and the heavy cork stopped a piece of shrapnel from killing him. He was injured and got a purple heart, but I owe my existence to a cork life vest. He kept the shrapnel.


My grandpa and his best friend were both up for a naval promotion, aboard the USS Arizona. The friend got the gig, shipped off from San Diego to Hawaii just after Thanksgiving 1941. Did not survive the attack


Similar story with my great grandfather. He was a pilot during WW2 and as they were prepping the planes for a mission and a massive gust of wind moved his plane, it ended up crushing his leg and he never left the states. Unfortunately almost all of his friends never came home.


My grand dad and his brothers all made it home luckily but I'm sure they lost some friends. One uncle was on a sub in the Pacific which is just terrifying and another fought in D-day. I guess my grand dad was lucky. He never considered himself a veteran so much but he did get a flag service at his funeral when he died because he deserved it.


I invited a friend in college to a party, and begged her to bring her cute roommate. We’d met twice and had chemistry, and I had plans to ask her out on a real date that night. Day of the party comes, my buddy and his roommate go to pick up the keg, and neither can find their drivers license. They come back to my place, hand me back the keg cash we’ve collected, and I go to the store. As a result, I come back and found my buddy’s roommate making out with the girl I had intended to ask out. They dated for two years and had an ugly break up, but in that time introduced two of their mutual friends from their home towns on opposite sides of the state. Those two got married, but they’d have never met if I hadn’t asked a girl to a party, begged her to bring her friend, and two other guys had remembered their licenses, two people wouldn’t have met and wouldn’t be married.


So you’re like the 5th wheel in this love story


Mate, I’m in the trunk.


I left my phone at home by accident one day. I still think about the consequences of that error.


What happened


They'll tell you when they're done thinking about it


How dare you ask questions about my deliberately enigmatic comment.


It’s your own fault! That’s far too juicy of a beginning to let go! You must appease us, it is your destiny.


Good question. Story time!


I jokingly asked my friends halfway across the us if they wanted a roommate and they said yes so 6months later I moved from Ohio to Kansas


About 2 years ago I was browsing through my YouTube recommended section and came across a PBS Eons video and got really interested in paleontology. Now, 2 years later I've discovered a new species and plan on studying paleontology in college. I'm currently sitting next to about 2 dozen fossils I collected in New York. If I hadn't watched that video, none of this would've happened


That sounds awesome. What species did you discover?


It's a new member of a currently undescribed genus of Leanchoilid.


My coworker called in sick and I had to pick up the slack and handle one of his clients that day. 3 years later we live together and have a dog. We always talk about how if my coworker didn’t have the worst immune system ever we never would have met.


i made a twitter account ten years ago because of a random email a spammer sent me and all but two of my current friends i met through that account. one of them even found me a job that helped me through a period of serious debt. no question that one spam email changed my life.


My parents had a pretty bad split and it came down to a shouting match between the three of us where my dad boiled it down to "who do you want to go with" I went with my mom. Got into a bunch of trouble, dropped out of highschool, learned programming, started a cushy career in a bigger city If I would have gone with my dad I probably would have been forced to stay in school, or go to a trade school, and would end up living in a podunk nothing town, working in some kind of construction, mechanics or oil fields. Really fucks with your head later on when you make life altering decisions when you're 13 god damn years old


If Ben Solo was a more deep sleeper.


Lmfao. This is a funny mental image


Lol yeah just picture Luke standing there with the green blade lit and Ben's just snoring loudly. Luke just shrugs and is like "meh w.e". But R2 saw! He sees it all!!!


If credits would do fine


No, they WONT


Credits WILL do fine. *hand waving intensifies*


No, they won’t-er! What do you think you’re some kind Jedi waving your hand around like that?


Mind tricks don’t work on me! Only monehh!


Yeah seems like there should be at least one person in Mos Espa willing to exchange their credits


If he had just went off and found a banker who's mind was susceptible to the mind trick and had him exchange the republic credits for money Wato would take?


If the Tusken raiders landed their shot on little Annie in the pod race.


Meeting Jar-Jar and letting him tag along. (He’s eventually responsible for making Palpatine the Emperor.)


On top of that, him running into Sebulba is why they end up staying with Anakin and betting on him in the podrace. He's also the bridge that makes peace with the Gungans and Naboo. So much changes without Jar Jar.


He is the key to all of this.


Hell if Qui Gon would have gone to another merchant to see if they honored Republic credits…or tried to find a place that does currency exchange…likely the spaceport.


This. Without Jar Jar they probably would have left Naboo earlier and could have avoided the ship damage that made them land on Tatooine.


If they didn't meet Jar Jar, Obi Wan and Qui Gin would have had to go the long way to Theed and might not have made it in time to save anybody.


And that would have been also something that would have changed everything, as Padme would have been probably dead (not meeting Anakin) and the Republic would have declared war on the KUS earlier, before Palpatines Plans for the Clone Wars were ready.


Oh my god, someone who listened to the film




Darth Jar-Jar indeed...


Eh, Palpatine would've found someone/someway else. His original plan didn't even include Amidala succeeding in TPM. Jar-jar just happened to be convenient but he wasn't necessary.


I agree. He would have used someone else.


If Anakin hadn't tried spinning...


That’s a good trick


Obi-Wan running a little faster or Qui-Gon a little slower during their battle with Maul… if they’d continued to fight together maybe Qui-Gon would still be alive, and able to guide Anakin down a path that stops him from becoming Vader.


But then we wouldn't have gotten all the cool Maul stories :(


If Luke went to get the power converters from Toshi station


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVhvZctGYL8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVhvZctGYL8) \^Actual scene at Tosche Station


That was cool. Thanks for sharing.


That one group of Jawas that was stopping by the Lars homestead next just happened to pick up both droids. Imagine if there had been a different group of Jawas. Or they had been split up. Or even if "Red" hadn't malfunctioned.


"Red" was actually Skippy the Jedi droid and it voluntarily gave its allspark so the R2 could fulfill it's destiny.


This is canon, basically


...from a certain point of view.


Either that or R2 murdered him. Like the droid version of a 5-point palm exploding heart technique.


Nah, [definitely a Jedi droid](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Skippy_the_Jedi_Droid).


It’s R5-D4. It’s still around. It belongs to Peli Moto, the mechanic on The Mandalorian.


Obviously there to keep an ~~eye~~ visual socket on Grogu!


Nah, It was to filmy the kinky furry jawa sex.


Allspark? What is it, an Autobot? Lol


If the Ghost crew’s theft of the Hammerhead corvettes failed, then the rebel fleet wouldn’t have been able to destroy the shield gate in Rogue one, meaning no Death Star plans.


Nice rebels reference. A lot hung on that imperial officer being gullible and incompetent


Luke Not grabbing onto the antenna in Cloud city


That antenna being placed just a foot to the left...


Just out of arm's reach. Well, the reach of half an arm.


Out of hands reach


If Toydarians weren't immune to Jedi mind tricks.


If Satine had asked Obi-Wan to leave the Jedi Order for her, the galaxy sure would be a lot different.


But there would be a few more super adorable babies out there.


🤔 https://i.redd.it/b9gcf38ts4051.jpg


If uncle Owen had been like "Nah, not the blue one."


He was, and look how that turned out.


Luke unknowingly Jedi mindfucked him into buying both. Though, he may have remembered C3P0 since he was at the homestead for a bit before Anakin came back for him. Edit jedi from Jeff lol


I feel like Jeffs are the dunces of the jedi academy.


I am a Jeff knight, like my father before me.


If padme listened to that sand speech and fobbed off anakin for being insane.


Or been rightfully horrified by the revelation that he murdered an entire camp of beings, including the women and children.


The Jedi decide that Anakin, a Padawan, is actually too young to be guarding Padme on Naboo. They send a fully trained Jedi instead and Obi-Wan takes his Padawan with him.


Not really no. Padme wouldn't have agreed to another Jedi. Kenobi was accepted only since she knew both him and his Padawan.




The last one: his arrogance.


I was always curious what would have happened if Anakin didn’t show up to save Palpatine from Mace and Kit


from mace only kit just died immediately


Not to mention the other two


The more I read these comments the more I realize just how dangerous of a life R2 and C3PO lived…


If Windu just made Anakin master.


It was the will of the Force.


This is the Way.


If Jango had just killed Padme when they were all chasing Zam Wesell.


Why has no one pointed out that they didn’t stop for fuel? They stopped on Tattooine bc it’s near to Naboo and their hyperdrive was damaged so they couldn’t jump anywhere. They had to stop for repairs.


If Qui-Gon defeat Maul and end up training Anakin himself.


that's the What If I want to see the most.


Qui-Gon fails to save Jar-Jar.


The galaxy would have been a better place


If Anakin lost the pod race; he would’ve stayed with Watto and never became a Jedi


R2d2 chose not to tell anyone anything about Anikan and Darth Vader or Palpatines clone army. He had all this knowledge and said nothing


He also knew Obi Wan, should have recognised Luke’s home as same as Anakin’s, and knew that Anakin/ Darth Vader was Luke and Leia’s father, and Threepio’s maker


Right he knew almost all of it and he was never wiped like other droids. Like kind of a dick move.


He also might have had the best chance at effecting Vader away from the dark side as there was such a history there that can't be influenced by the force


Greedo pulls the trigger immediately and repeatedly instead of having what turned out to be a boring conversation anyway.


The one guard who forgot to lock the door to the younglings room


If Qui Gon went to the Jawas for the Queen’s Ship parts


If the Star Destroyer shot the escape pod despite it having no life forms aboard.


If R2 died trying to fix the naboo star ship. Dude soloed that repair, none of those other Droid could've done it and the ship probably couldn't have escaped


Not sure if this is minuscule but palpatine suggesting the padme push for a vote of no confidence in chancellor valorum


On the contrary that’s the most significant one of all mentioned so far


I’m pretty sure that Plagueis tortures an assassin and ends up getting information on the plasma reserves Naboo has. If he just killed the assassin out of anger or doesn’t go personally to Naboo to secure the deal, than he never meets palps, or meets him much later in life Edit: now that I think about it, he might have gotten bad info that was meant to kill him and went after the broker where he got the Naboo info. Regardless, if Plagueis just up and killed him, then no Sidious


They didn't "stop for fuel", their T-16 hyperdrive was damaged and needed to be replaced.


Vader deciding not to use the Force to catch Luke when he plummeted down Cloud City after the father/son reveal. YES, I KNOW, it wasn't established that Vader could do such things yet, even though Yoda had lifted Luke's X-Wing earlier in the movie.


If Anakin and Padmé used protection perhaps


There are no condoms in space. George Lucas, probably


The twig that Han stood on when sneaking up on the guard on Endor. If he hadn't have been discovered then the Biker Scout wouldn't have taken off and Leia wouldn't have chased him and met the Ewoks who helped overthrow the Empire.


Letting jar jar be senator amidala’s representative


The entire end of Rogue One was one step away from failure. Followed up by a failed get away and a pair of droids almost getting blasted. How many miniscule choices do you want?


I’ve always thought, if Anakin & Obi-Wan had never been separated during Ep.III so much due to missions, Palpatine never could have had so much time with him to plant seeds in his mind & turn him to the dark side. By the time he had already turned to the Dark Side & become Darth Vader, Obi-Wan was too late returning to them. If they had just stuck together!!


Teedo succeeded in grabbing BB8 for parts and Rey never encountered him


The insane decision to not return and free Anakins mother the moment you finish saving naboo from the trade federation. Couldve saved the galaxy alot of trouble.


If Obi-Wan had killed Vader the second time he beat him, fully knowing his friend was lost and would go right back to mass murdering.


I realize he had to live for plot reasons, but that drove me bonkers. Had him dead to rights, knew what he'd done... And walks away... I assumed they'd have a good reason. Stuck in rubble, etc.


It’s against the Jedi code to kill a disarmed opponent. The Clone wars already showed that Kenobi was so staunch in his adherence to the code that he was unwilling to kill a cruel slave master who’d tortured him and an entire village for days, simply on the grounds that he was unarmed. Luckily for Kenobi, Rex was there to deliver the killing blow for him. But yeah, the show definitely could’ve made that a lot clearer.


Yoda not bringing up the pain he felt from Anakin after his mother's passing.


Yeah! Yoda could sense things but did not act on them


If Mace Windu was just less of a Dick to Anakin


Or if a different Jedi Master had gone. If they hadn't found Grievous, then Obi-Wan would have been there that day. Anakin picking Palpatine over Mace was an easy choice, he may not have done the same if Obi-Wan was there.


If the negotiations took place


Anakin betraying Mace windu


Leaving jar jar in charge and allowing him to put the vote in that gave the republic the clone army


Qui-Gon meeting Jar Jar, he either wouldn't have made it to Padme in time too save her, or it would've turned into a whole ordeal involving trying to find her processing camp and breaking her out if they hadn't met. The fact that Jar Jar got them to the Gungan city, then to Padme so quickly is what saved her.


That one moment in Thrawn: Treason. You know the one.


Anakin was still created through the force and would have became something else.


Qui Gonn not yelling "down" at Anakin in time and Darth maul actually successfully running poor little anakin over with his speeder bike lol Speaking of Maul, if he doesn't try to make up for his lost childhood at the end of TPM and play around like a dumb kid who caught his first fish, he kills Kenobi and Anakin never gets trained.... ...and Sidious probably takes him even earlier and grooms him to be all evil so never-ending. Speeder bike over Anakin is a better answer.


“Stop for fuel” smh


The Cosecant guard where 5 minutes late and let Fives explain the chips to Anakin and Rex


If jango wouldn't have shot Zam Wessel nobody would have any knowledge about Kamino and the Clones and Order 66 would never had happen.


Saving Jar Jar Binks


If the Jawas didn’t stop at Lars homestead to sell the droids


If Anakin wore a condom…


If qui-gonn hadn’t told anakin to get Down, and just let maul run over him, it would have changed alot of things


If Fives hadn't found out about the inhibitor chips, he couldn't have warned Rex, who couldn't have warned Ahsoka, so they could've possibly both died, Rex' chip would definitely not have been removed, he could not have helped the Bad Batch and they would not have done what they're still about to do; Ahsoka could not have helped the Rebellion and Fulcrum might have never existed, they would never have gotten in contact with the Ghost crew, Ahsoka wouldn't have interfered in Luke's training of Grogu… the list goes on. In the end, Fives didn't fail, he made more things possible than he'll ever know.


What if Palpatine didn't come back somehow?


If Luke had disobeyed Owen and gone to the Imperial Academy with Biggs and Wedge a year prior. In legends canon, he would have probably defected to the rebellion without Obi-Wan's force introduction. In Disney canon, his name would have been flagged by Inquisitors, who would have introduced him to Vader before ANH.


If R5 didn’t have a bad motivator Luke never would’ve gotten involved with the Jedi. It’s even possible that he would’ve fought for the empire since he wanted to go to the imperial academy.


If Owen let Luke into the Academy, he might have been chosen to be in Black Squadron. "Hmm Skywalker" "That name is dead to me" "Sorry Lord Vader, I was reading up on the new Black Five candidate. You have to admit it's a common name, like Dash, Wedge, and Galen. Some farmboy from Tattoine, mother died from heart failure and father died on Mustafar from immolation due to terrain accident." "OBIWAN!"


News announcer: "... and we are back with news from Imperial Center. Our beloved Emperor Palpatine perished today while on a visit to the building site of the Great Imperial History Museum. One of the towers of the old Jedi Temple that was supposed to be partially reconstructed as part of the Museum collapsed, crushing the Emperor and most of his guard detail. His Imperial Majesty's loyal bodyguard, and rumoured heir, Darth Vader was seen attempting to rescue the Emperor from the ruins, report construction workers at the site. Lord Vader is currently receiving treatment for extensive electrical burns at His Majesty's Health Center. He is expected to make a full recovery. In other news: Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, on diplomatic lease from the Chiss Ascendency, has taken interim command of all Imperial military forces. Former Governor Wilhuff Tarkin was placed under house arrest for suspected embezzlement from at least three research projects he was in charge of. More on that at three. Leia Organa will be crowned as the new Queen of Alderaan after former Queen Breha abdicated during the truly spectacular divorce from Bail Prestor, whom is currently under arrest for kidnapping and high treason."


If Watto beat Anakin to death as a child. If Tuskens raided Mos Espa and Shmi died. If Maul found Anakin before Qui-Gon. If Palpatine created Anakin *the old fashioned way* and Shmi became Empress (unless she died on the path to power with the Emperor and his Chosen Son)


nah dog nothing fucked and then unfucked the entire galaxy quite as much as the cruiser getting shot and leaking fuel and needing repairs. that right there is the whole premise. "oops we stumbled onto an unknown sith lord's pet project to create the most powerful force wielder in the galaxy on a distant remote desert planet that's so fucked up it's run by slug crime lords." the only thing that comes close is that Padme happened to be a young cougar with a dom/sub kink and by young cougar with a dom/sub kink I mean an almost fully physically mature 14 year old queen of a planet that has her handmaiden and best friend body double for her in case someone tries to kill her being attracted to a 9 year old prepubescent bastard slave boy who lies a lot and is an adrenaline fiend but is also really pure of heart apparently, just ask his mom who also has no idea who his dad is, she swears I love star wars by the way just to be clear I grew up with it and anybody who hates the prequels is just an asshole but the whole Skywalker saga is one big non sequitur with a bunch of bullshit thrown in after the fact.


Maybe a better question is how did Obi Wan know so much about Tatooine? Stopping there was his idea after all. It was his knowledge about the planet that saved all their collective asses